Little Red Ch. 05

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Her hand dropped from my head...
3.3k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 07/29/2013
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*Id Like to thank my proofreader Jennifer K. for cleaning up my spelling We both had similar thoughts on putting two chapters together so that's what I did here, it might be awhile before posting again but... Enjoy? (:


Markus's words rang out in my head over and over again. "He hurts you again; I make his heart mine too, for dinner." Did he mean he'd kill Drew? Or just rough him up? I sat in the store parking lot, my mind lost. My mind wandered back to the night of the car crash, when my mother was passed out against the steering wheel. The way the blood trickled down her forehead. I cringed hoping the memory wouldn't continue but my head never listened.

"Mommy!" I cried out, "wake up, PLEASE!" my dainty little 8-year-old hands shaking her shoulders from the back seat. Growls and howls emerged from the rural woods outside; something had jumped in front of the car earlier. Mom had skidded out of the way trying to avoid it and hit a nearby tree head on. "Mommy!" I continued to cry out. The tears now streaming down my face, her eye's flickered.

"Shhhh, it's ok baby..." Her low voice came in from up front, trying to keep her grunts of pain little enough so I couldn't hear her struggle.

I continued to whimper hoping that the call I had made earlier to the police had worked and that they were on their way. All I had been able to give them was the name of the street sign I saw ahead of us, to my luck the operator that answered my call didn't live far from the street I had named and she knew exactly where I was. But the growls, were getting closer "Mommy..." She quickly hushed me and adjusted herself so she could see me one last time through the rear-view mirror.

"Mommy wants you to do something for her, ok?" I shook my head quickly wiping away my tears. "I'm going to need you to curl up in a ball on the floor of the car and take the special blanket I made you for your birthday and put it over you, ok?"

"But mo-" "Patricia Lee, do it now." Her voice firm and demanding, I scurried down onto the floor with my knees in my chest, I then reached out and felt for my plush blanket. I quickly tugged at it when I felt the thread of the embroidered wolf on the corner graze my fingers; I covered my whole body with it like momma had asked. The growls seemed to surround the car now, "Did you call for help like I taught you to do when mommy or yourself gets a boo boo?"

"Yes ma'am" I said starting to get scared from the ongoing howls, the noise of metal being ripped filled my ears and there was something else on the roof.

"You can't have her!" my mother's voice came out angry, but still I could tell she had been crying when she spoke, the way she pushed the pain out of her speech, that was the last thing I heard before the growl and her screeching out. The sounds of sirens filled my head, the police officer tugged at my leg tenderly through the blanket, "Sweetie, it's ok now you can come out" she pulled me into her arms softly holding my head into her shoulder as she backed out of the car. "Keep your eyes closed for me honey" she whispered.

I did so, that was until she got involved in a conversation with another officer, "I've never seen anything like it" he said.

Her hand dropped from my head, she hadn't noticed she'd let go from habit, that's when I took the opportunity to see what the male officer was talking about. The car door to my mother's side was ripped off completely, with paw prints all on the hood, trunk and roof. But the one thing that caught my eye was the blood stained driver's seat were my mother once sat, my throat tightened and my eyes over flowed with tears "Where's my mommy?" I cried out.

The officer then nudged my head back into her shoulder and ran to the police car in a hurry. I should have kept them closed, I thought as I sat in my car, now 23 but yet I can always remember that night like it was yesterday. How my grandmother cried every night after taking in the constant reminder of her deceased daughter. Not living long enough to watch her grandchild fall in love with the man, who she now knew to be a monster, during her vulnerable years of high school.

"I'm hungry, get home" said the text I had just received from Drew, I wiped my eyes and started the car to head home. "Sorry, the service lines there were ridiculous." He nodded and kept looking at the TV. I went into the kitchen and started things up, I didn't even notice how late I had gotten back until I looked up and saw that it was completely dark out. "Oh wow" I mumbled to myself, "Can someone say, the latest dinner ever?" Drew's voice rang out from the door way with light laugher as he pulled out his chair to the table.

I smiled quickly back over my shoulder at him and continued fixing his plate, that's when I felt his fingertips slide up my shirt. No, please no. "Come here" he whispered, while gently tugging me away from the stove. What? The other bitch you're fucking said you couldn't come over tonight? You haven't touched me in over 6 months, why now?

He pulled up my shirt just enough to kiss below my belly button, I tensed as he unbuttoned my jeans, "Your dinners going to get cold, I know how much you hate it when it's cold, you should start." He tugged my pants just below my butt and pulled me closer kneading my ass like it was dough while kissing me through my panties "I'm working on getting my dinner warm right now".

I could feel his lips stretch into a smile as I realized that the text he'd sent me was a sexual reference, he could care less about the food I'd just prepared for him. I looked into the living room away from him trying to settle my sick stomach, that's when I saw it, small globe's glowing yellow, the light from the lamp reflecting off its savage wolf eyes, its ivory teeth glistening as it snarled at me through the floor length windows.

"Oh my god" I let out, stunned by what I was seeing, "I'm getting their baby, be patient" he said pulling my panties aside; I quickly smacked his hand away and turned his head to let him see for himself. The wolf then growled at him as Drew made eye contact, the metallic silver hair rising on its back, its snarl and growl loud enough to vibrate the glass windows.

I pulled my pants back up and stood back behind Drew who was just as stunned as I was, because it wasn't looking at me, but at him and he knew it just as well as I did. Then just like that it ran off into the hills, following the creature's lead I ran up the stairs shaking in my skin from what I'd just saw. A scramble of words repeating themselves through my head "You might be with him, but you belong to me"... "You can't have her"..."He hurts you again; I make his heart mine too, for dinner."

"Damn girl!" Manny's voice exploded from the kitchen, I groaned and thought seriously about turning around and heading back home. "Hell happened to you last night?" his eye's big and curious with a devious grin splattered across his face. Waving the spatula in circles in front of me then resting it on his hip he laughed asking, "Pony tail, sweats, and a tank top? Hell goin' on with you?" he let his head fall to the side in questioning, I hesitated then spoke out "Last night I -"

"Last night you slept well I hope" Markus's voice booming from the top of the stair case as he slowly descended his way down, his eyes piercing mine the whole time. "Right?" he asked slowly cranking his head to the side mimicking Manny.

"Yes, did you?" I responded back timidly glancing over at Manny for help. Right on time, Manny poked at Markus's shoulder blade repeatedly until he broke his gaze with me and looked back.

"Nu uh... this girl talk, enough... go read a book or something" Markus backed away slowly, looking towards me once more then heading back up the steps.

Manny then nodded his head in the direction of the kitchen "I think it's time to sneak into his liquor, 'cause your ass is over here looking like a crack head from hell" I laughed at the friendly insult and followed behind. Once we were in the well-hidden room filled with wines and other unfamiliar looking bottles, due to the headache that was creeping its way into my head.

I immediately started looking around for something strong that I had heard of, not recognizing half of the names displayed on the fronts of the bottles.

Manny was already knocking something back winking at me from the side. I glanced at the shelf on the back wall, a golden flask catching my eye. Tightly tucked behind, blending in with the bigger bottles the shining exterior smiling at me, I shuffled some things around while standing on the tips of my toes and jerked it out of its hiding place. I heard Manny's voice quickly respond to my finding "Oh no girl we can't drink that one" his voice in kind of a panic.

"Now it wouldn't be sneaking if we didn't go for it all" I said twisting the lid and holding it out of reach the sweet scent making my nose flare. I raised the tip to my mouth "Now girl quit playin' put that do-" but it was too late the warm liquid met with my mouth and I instantly became indulged.

Markus skidded into the room and ripped the half empty flask out of my hands, "Oh hell!" Manny said, "Look what you done went and did!" Markus slipped the golden flask into his pocket and kept his eyes on me; alert, big and bright with panic.

"I'm sorry..." I slowly choked out over the liquid running down my throat wiping my stained lips noticing the dark red covering the side of my thumb. "Its fine" He said blankly studying me.

"It's fine?" Manny yelled from behind him, "She just threw that shit back like a nigga drinking Grape Soda at a cookout!" He paused then added "In the middle of August!" Then threw his hands in the air then placed them on his hips again. Shaking his head and pacing back and fourth.

Markus turned around and took Manny by the shoulders "She'll just have to go home and sleep it off" "She can't sleep that shit off! She took half the bottle you crazy if you think you can send her home with your blo-" he stopped and looked over at me as I pulled off my thin hoddie the sweat starting to break through my skin.

"Why is it so hot in here?" I asked pushing roughly past them heading for the cooled kitchen.

"Look it's in her system already, you can't send her home like that, no telling what she's capable of" Manny now panicking.

"We're sending her home Manny, that's final" Markus bluntly stated as he walked off. Manny stood and shook his head then looked back my way again sucking his teeth when he saw me leaning my sweaty forehead into the freezer.

"You got the rest of the day off, now get your sweaty ass home" And with that I stormed out. I drove with the AC on the highest setting hoping it could do some good for my boiling skin, I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, my hearing was extraordinary, sounds and quick moving objects in traffic kept me on edge, what the hell did I drink, liquid crack? I pulled over at a corner store rushing in and headed for the water, filling my arms up with as many cool bottles as they would allow. Drinking them while picking them up and buying them at the counter, the cashier eyeing me all the while I did so, my body's heat felt like it was set on 'Burning in Hell'.

Once at home I stripped and sat naked on top of the air vent exhausted yet my heart steadily raced, I passed out not knowing that when I awoke everything would go downhill.

When I opened my eyes a familiar scent invaded my nose I could feel my gums aching and pulsing, the pain was breathtaking, I couldn't use Drew's Oragel, he grinds his teeth at night, he would get mad if I wasted it on myself. I stayed over the vent holding my knees into my bare chest rocking back and forth as the pain grew and continued to plague my mouth. The ache had became so strong I hadn't realized I had laid there for 4 hours until I heard the front door open and Drew walked in from work, he did a double take when he saw me sitting naked in pain on the floor rocking back and forth.

"Trish, baby? What's wrong?" he walked quickly to my side of the room, squatting down and pulling me into his arms. He must have had a good day at work he's treating me nice. This is the only time he treats me like his girlfriend, or like I'm anything to him at all. Milk him for all its worth.

"Dreeww!" I cooed and dragged out his name softly.

"What baby girl, let me know?" I reached for my mouth rubbing my fingertips across my gums letting the tears flow that I'd been holding in from the pain.

He smoothed back my locks and planted kisses on my cheeks softly "My mouth it hurts! My gums, Drew make it stop..." I let it all come out in a weak cry. He carried me upstairs, into our bathroom and sat me on the sink counter taking out his Oragel and gently rubbing it all throughout my mouth while my head rested on his chest.

"Now why didn't you put this on it when it started hurting" he asked rubbing my back with his free hand.

"I didn't want to use it without asking"

"Well you could have called if you wanted to ask" he then moved his finger across the bottom row. It numbed the pain quickly.

I sighed in relief "Your dinners in the microwave..." I said weakly before letting sleep take me over.

I woke up later on that night it was close to 2:00 AM I couldn't stop dreaming of him, Markus wouldn't stop parading around in my head, more dreams of his glowing eyes looking back into my milky brown ones while he took me in ways that I would never let any other man. My outer lips now growing moist from my leaking entrance, telling me that they were aching for him to be inside of me, before I knew what I was doing my body had already threw its self on top of Drew, straddling his pelvis.

"This is wrong, taking your sexual wants for Markus out with him", His head stirred before he opened his heavy lids slowly.

Looking up at me confused he asked "Your mouth aching again babe?" rubbing enough sleep from his eyes to focus better.

"Get off of him he doesn't deserve you in any way, especially this one". My conscience rang out, but in the sound of my mother's voice. My hips didn't want to listen; I then bucked my hips down onto him, refocusing his now alert eyes again on my wet panties.

He smiled lazily "Oh, that mouth?" he said while placing his ready hands on my hips. I rolled my hips harder against him once again.

"Drew, make it stop..." I whispered coyly all the while knowing that what I was about to do was wrong. I pulled off my shirt freeing my breasts; it was too late to stop now I could already feel his hands cupping and squeezing them. Then the pain shot through my mouth again, I held a straight face then I heard my mother in my head again, "I know how to ease that pain in your mouth Patricia..."

I leaned in slowly going in for a kiss, "Go for his throat!" Her voice sounding more like an outside source now, my head was then redirected towards his neck. "Sink your teeth into his neck and you won't ever have to worry about them hurting anymore" I stuck the tip of my tongue out and ran it across the spot where his jugular would be, my mind racing and bewildered at what was going on. My mother's voice sounding like she was in the room with me, no longer a voice in my head but I knew it couldn't have been real she's dead.

"Patricia Lee Vanity, go for... his throat..." Her words coming out in long dragged hisses, striking like the cobra they were meant to be. My mouth then lunged and locked around a heap of meat in his neck the blood slowly trickling out, I needed to get deeper the taste thrilled me.

"Shit! What the fuck?" He threw me against the sidewall as if I were nothing more than a paperweight, but it didn't hurt like usual, it didn't hurt at all really.

That's when I spotted the glowing eyes in the dark corner of the room cutting straight through me. I scurried back on my hands in fear, Drew now angry coming for me; I didn't notice him making his way over I was being distracted by the human level eyes. Glowing like the wolf I saw in the window, like Markus's I realized, they focused on me then I watched them as they darted over to look at the window.

All of a sudden I heard the glass shatter and the wolf from the other night flew through my bedroom window snarling and growling at Drew. He froze in a panic, but for me it was completely different I felt connected with it in a way I knew I didn't have to be afraid. I didn't know whether it was because it was about to do the world a favor by killing Drew or if it was related to some other supernatural reason. I glanced back to the corner were the eyes once were, gone.

I sprang up and ran for the closet as reality set in and everything came crashing down at once. I could hear the sound of teeth as they broke through Drew's skin and he painfully cried out, his skin breaking sounding similar to the sounds of biting an apple, my stomach grew weak. I turned around before I shut the door making eye contact with Drew's pained expression, his eyes full of fear while his blood soaked hand reached out for the help of mine. I could feel my throat tighten up the well of tears starting to flow, not again, please not again watching as his face begged for mercy.

I shut the door letting the tears paint the closet floor; I rambled and fumbled around in the box on the closet shelf full of things my mother and grandma had given me. Pulling out the thick blanket my mother had gave me on my birthday I collapsed in a weak ball onto the floor and covered myself with it feeling the wolf in the blankets corner tickle at my toes. I laid there and waited for the sounds of ripping bones and skin to stop, they did, soon becoming replaced by the sirens.

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Allegedly_LiterateAllegedly_Literateover 2 years ago

..."She just threw that shit back like a nigga drinking grape soda at a cookout!" He paused then added "In the middle of August!"...

Whew chile, I love me some Manny. Your story has it all. A beauty, a brute, a hero, comedic relief and finally most importantly love. So many ways to continue and so many unanswered questions here. I hope you see you have more supportive comments than negative ones. Even the negative (fans) want more. I certainly hope you intend to post the next chapters. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
This line killed me..LMFAO

"She just threw that shit back like a nigga drinking Grape Soda at a cookout!"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Keep writing

I really like this story. I do.

Your proofreader is not doing you any favors. There appeared to be more grammatical errors in this chapter than in previous chapters.

The dialogue in this chapter was messed up. Every time the speaker changes, it is a new paragraph. Every. Time. Proper punctuation was also mussing from the dialogue. Please get a copy of Strunk & White's The Element of Style. It is a short read and would be very helpful in your writing endeavors.

I am fairly certain that there is a forum on Literotica where you can find an editor -- a good editor.

The actual story is quite good and is progressing at a nice pace.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Yassssss!!! More please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Please continue this story!! I love it!!!

daddygoesdeepdaddygoesdeepalmost 11 years ago
Loved it

Loved it!!! Loved it!!!

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 11 years ago
Every chapter so far has been riveting!

In spite of the errors, which are more than understandable given your dyslexia, I'm loving this tale. Not usually a fan of werewolves, but this one is outstanding!

5 Stars for every chapter.

One thing, though. Each chapter could stand to be a bit longer. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Still a lot of errors, you and your proof reader need to learn the proper use of their, there, they're.

Still it is a hot story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Drew did not deserve to die people eventually learn from their mistakes

DecadentdessertDecadentdessertalmost 11 years ago

I see why you titled this"Little Red", this story is smokin! I agree with all the other commenters this story is exceptional! The plot, the characters, antagonist, etc... all of it is just perfect. I am truly a fan,looking forward from more from you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Hella hot!

AcdromanceAcdromancealmost 11 years ago
good work

Loving this. You are getting better every chapter

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This was a great chapter. Seriously. I'm happy you have a proofreader. She has made a difference.

I look forward to reading more of the story.

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