Locked Up Ch. 05: Wedding Balls

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The wedding is here! Will Davey finally get relief?
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/10/2020
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**Thanks again for coming with me on this twisted love story. All good things must come to an end, and this must as well. This is the last chapter of Locked Up, at least for now, and I hope it's a worthy ending for those of you who made it this far and are still enjoying. As a reminder, this tale, like those that preceded it, is a work of kinky fiction. As such, I have taken certain liberties with the male anatomy, and the function of ball stretchers and cock rings. These were taken strictly in the interest of a fun, kinky, denial-based story. Don't try this at home. :-D**


"I, Dave, take you, Gwendolyn, for my loving wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part. I promise to cast my seed only upon your fertile soil, and to obey you in all things." At least, that's what I was supposed to say. It was finally here, the long awaited day of my wedding. That one sentence, a ring, a kiss and I was married. Unfortunately, the thick buttplug stuffed up my ass started vibrating just as I opened my mouth to speak, and at first, all that came out was a low groan that the mike thankfully did not pick up. The church elder overseeing the ceremony did, however, as did Gwen. I'm pretty sure she giggled, but I was a bit distracted as I tried again to get out the words. I may be getting ahead of myself though.

Today, after six long months, was finally my wedding day. The last three months of my engagement had been eye - and ass- opening, to say the least. My fiancé had locked up my balls, taken my anal cherry, and as of last night, watched me get double fucked by two male strippers along with fifteen of her closest female friends. I was still not sure how I felt about all of it, but I desperately loved Gwen, and almost as desperately wanted the tight metal ring off my balls. Three months of blocked orgasms, and constant sex had left them hugely bloated. The cut of my Tux actually did little to hide them, and I felt like the whole church was looking at my crotch. I'm still getting ahead of myself; I should jump back to this morning.

After Gwen's bachelorette party, Gwen and her Maid of honor, Maria, had taken me home, and gotten me all cleaned up in the shower. For once there had been no crazy sex, just two beautiful women soaping me up, washing my hair, and otherwise taking care of me. It had felt really nice, and we had all crashed in to bed together. I was woken up a few hours later by not one, but two pairs of lips, and two wicked tongues caressing my cock. There are worse ways to wake up on your wedding day then to a double blow job, but both girls just had to make me orgasm, ensuring my already full balls ached and throbbed.

From there, both ladies dragged me back into the shower. Unlike last night, this was a much more erotic affair. Gwen sucked my cock while Maria fucked my boicunt with one of her huge dildos. Both girls seemed determined to force me over the edge as often as possible. By the time we were all clean I had tried to cum half a dozen more times, and my balls were on fire. We took so long, we had to rush to make it to the church on time. Maria told me I could get dressed there and drove me over separately. Apparently morning shower sex was fine, but I could not be seen driving to the church with Gwen.

When we reached the church, Maria hustled me into a spare room, and pinned me against a wall. "Are you ready, Davey? I bet you can't wait to get this off, huh?" She groped my crotch as she talked, reaching down my pants and tugging on the tight ring.

"Oh, fuck yes. I can't believe I have not already exploded." She just grinned, kneeling before me, and pulling my pants down.

"You're balls are really huge. I have never seen a guy get this swollen in a ring like you have. I better test it one more time before you get married." I groaned but was not about to stop her as she wrapped her talented lips around the head of my cock and started to suck me off. I probably should have protested getting a blow job from the Maid of Honor, in the church, on the morning of my wedding day, but honestly Gwen had not minded the fifty or sixty previous blowjobs Maria had given me. The fact that Maria was an expert cock sucker did not hurt either. All too soon I was struggling not to cry out, and she added still more pressure to my bound balls.

Just as I started to moan, I felt pressure on my backdoor. Maria had palmed a buttplug while she was sucking me, and she took advantage of my distraction to ram it home. It was big enough to stretch me, even after 2 months of anal training at Gwen's hands. She just giggled, twisting it one last time before standing up.

"Just something to remember me by on your honeymoon. Gwen can take it out once you reach the ship." I sputtered, but honestly, it felt good to have something stuffed up my boicunt again. I had been plugged so often over the last month being left empty since last night had felt odd. I'm not sure what that said about me, and honestly I did not care. Her teasing mostly done, Maria settled down and helped me change into my Tux, straightened my hair, and otherwise prepped me for the ceremony to come. If she spent a bit longer than necessary smoothing the front of my tux, and adjusting the lay of the fabric around my zipper well, that was just her being through.

It was only after I was dressed, that I started to get nervous. All the crazy sex these last few months had kept me from getting the usual pre-marriage jitters most guys have, but in that last hour, I went through all of them. Was I doing the right thing? What kind of woman locks up a guy's balls for three months, let alone all the anal play and other things Gwen had done to me since we got engaged? Was I really ready to pledge myself to her for the rest of our lives? Once the initial panic died down, I realized I truly was ready. I loved Gwen, and if the last three months together had been strange, they had also been fun, and shown me a side of myself, and of Gwen, that I had not realized was there, but I found I loved just as much. Also, I was not sure I would ever get the key to unlock this damn ring if I did not put one on her finger first.

Before I knew it, the time had come. Maria lead me to the altar and hurried away to join the bridal party. I had not actually seen Gwen's dress, and the sight of her coming down the aisle towards me took my breath away, and weakened my knees. It stiffened something else as well, but as the tight pants of the tuxedo were already showing off my swollen balls, I figured one more bulge was not something to worry about. Gwen was stunning. Her white dress was cut high in front and swept into a while collar around her neck. Below that was a cutout, and the tight white corset that made up the waist of the dress pushed her full breasts up and out, drawing the eyes to her deep cleavage, and giving her a classic hourglass figure. It clung tightly to the curves of her hips and ass, before flaring out into a traditional long train in back. It was the most proactive wedding dress I had ever seen and I could not help but notice how every male eye in the room was locked on my wife to be.

The beginning of the ceremony was a blur. My eyes kept dropping to Gwen's breasts, and I did not really hear anything the church elder said, until it was time to say my vows. That was when the damn plug started vibrating. It stalled my vows for so long I could hear the church starting to whisper. Taking a deep breath, and trying to ignore the pressure that was building due to that powerful vibration, I forced myself to say the words. I swear the damn plug vibrated more and more powerfully with every sentence, but I was determined to marry this woman, and I forced myself to keep my voice steady. It mostly worked, though I think I got a little high pitched and breathy towards the end. I swear Gwen winked at me, and I heard a giggle from where the Bridesmaids sat. The plug revved one more time, and I almost came right there on the altar. I damn near dropped the ring, but I managed to get it on Gwen's finger. Finally the ceremony was done, and I kissed Gwen madly, deeply, passionately, my knees buckling from the taste of her lips, and the orgasm that roared through me as that fucking plug went into overdrive.

The vibrations pulled back a bit as Gwen and I walked down the aisle, but never stopped. I did my best to pay attention to the greeting line as guest after guest shook my hand, but I only caught about one word in three. Maria giggled at me from across the room, flashing a little remote with a dial. I groaned as she twisted the dial, and the plug roared to full power again, just as I was shaking Gwen's father's hand. I almost crushed his hand in mine as I convulsed, but he just laughed, and welcomed me to the family. I could feel Maria's eyes on me the whole time, and she twisted that fucking dial mercilessly, teasing me from across the room. I tried to catch up to her after the line was finally done, but Gwen grabbed me and hustled me into our stretch limo for the ride to the reception.

"Mmm, I have always wanted to have sex in a limo" Was the first thing Gwen said to me when we were safely in the wide back seat together. She lost no time pulling my pants down, exposing my rock hard cock, and bound balls. Her lips were soon wrapped around my cock, and I enjoyed my first blowjob as a married man. So much for the jokes that those stop once you put on a ring. If anything, Gwen was more eager than ever, and I was soon shuddering through another blocked orgasm.

"Ohh fuck Gwen, we're married now, can't you unlock me?" I moaned as soon as I could speak again.

"Sorry baby, the elders are supposed to give me the key at the end of the reception. You'll just have to endure a little longer." As she spoke she pulled her dress up over her legs and hips, and I discovered my naughty wife had not been wearing panties during the wedding ceremony. I also glimpsed the tell tail base of a plug and confirmed it as Gwen straddled my lap, and sank down, her tight pussy made even tighter by the toy stuffed up her ass.

"Maria plugged you too huh?" I asked moaning slightly as Gwen rode me, rising up and down in a slow rhythm.

She nodded. "It's tied to the same damn remote too. Her first wedding gift to us both."

We fucked all the way to the reception, and only realized we had arrived when our plugs kicked back into high gear, likely because we can come back into range of Maria's remote. The powerful vibration working on my ass, and through the thin barrier between my cock and Gwen's plug forced me into one more massive orgasm, my balls aching and pulsing. Gwen came moments later, and she almost fell off my lap as she swooned. As soon as we both recovered, we struggled back into our clothing, and I opened the door for her, as we entered the reception. Maria gave us a knowing smile, and a wink as we took our places at the head table.

"Have fun?" she whispered, handing us both glasses of wine.

From there, the reception passed mostly uneventfully. Or at least as uneventfully as it can when the Bride and Groom are both tied together by powerful anal vibrations, controlled by the wicked Maid of honor. People played the clinking glass game to get us to kiss, only for us, it was always tied to the increasing vibrations of the plugs. This was fine when Gwen and I were sitting at the table, but it was torture when she was across the room, and we had to try and walk normally to reach each other and kiss before the vibrations drove us to obvious, embarrassing orgasms.

The first dance was lovely, though Maria did her best to time the vibrations to the music, throwing off my steps more than once. By the end of the night, my balls were throbbing, and I think even Gwen was getting more than a little over-stimulated. We had little time to do anything about it though. Our honeymoon was a two week cruise, but we had to hop a red eye right from the reception to make the boat. We had just enough time for a quick change, and finally a chance to remove our plugs, and then we were off to the airport.

Maria had packed our luggage for us, including one huge checked bag for our wedding gifts. I begged Gwen to unlock me before the flight, but she said the key was packed with the other gifts. I was not sure I would make it through the scanner, so I opted for the security pat down. The very cute TSA agent spent more time then was necessary patting my crotch, but in the end she let me through with just a wink and knowing smile for Gwen. We made it to the gate just in time and collapsed into our first-class seats.

"How does it feel to be married, baby?" Gwen had asked me as we drank our first round of drinks.

"So good Gwen, but it will feel even better once I can finally, um, cast my seed again." I shifted in my seat as I said it, trying to adjust myself, and find a more comfortable position.

"Soon Davey. Our wedding night is going to be so much fun!" Gwen giggled as she said it looking sround the darkened cabin. "In fact, how about a preview?"

Our flight was a super red eye, so the cabin was dark, and most of the passengers were asleep. Gwen grabbed a blanket from the overhead bin, and spread it over both of us. Stealthily, whispering naughty ideas in my ear. She unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. It made quite a bulge in the blanked, but Gwen just gave me that wicked grin I was growing to love, and fear. She started slowly, stroking my cock under the blanket. I was so pent up from the months of being locked up, and so sensative from the wedding reception that it took no time at all before I was struggling to control my breathing. I bit my lip to hold back a moan as Gwen kept me on edge like that for most of the flight.

Finally, with the whole of first class asleep, and the stewardess gone into coach, Gwen slipped out of her seat, and lowered herself onto my cock. "Let's join the mile high club, ok?" She whispered to me as her tight wet cunt slid down me. The position was cramped, but Gwen just sat there, clenching and relaxing her tight inner muscles, milking me without a hint of external movement.

"Oh fuck Gwen, when did you learn to do this?" I whispered to her between shuddering breaths, feeling yet another blocked orgasm rock through me.

Gwen felt it as well, and picked up the pace, her muscles rippling up and down my shaft, prolonging the delicious agony of one more denied ejaculation. When I colapsed back into the chair, Gwen lifted herself off me, and I assumed we were done. Instead she reached back, gripping my shaft, now dripping with her wetness, and

pressed it against her tightest hole.

"Oh fuck Gwen, no, please" I had gasped out, but she just ignored me, settling back down, my oversensative cock forced into a hole so tight it almost hurt.

I lost control of myself slightly there, and my groan of pleasure pain was clearly audible. Gwen froze, already seated on my lap, and clenched down nervously. The sensaton of her tight ass clenching down on me even harder made me moan again, and I bit my lip, trying to muffle the noise and cut off an even more powerful orgasm. I failed on both counts, moaning louder as my cock jerked in the tight confines of Gwen's ass, my balls churning with an ever larger orgasm.

It was at that exact moment that the stewardess retuned, looking down on us, Gwen seated in my lap, red in the face, me writhing under her still orgasming.

"Naughty naughty" The stewardess waggled her finger at us, grinning widely. "Newlyweds right? Finish quicky, we are about to land." I collapsed back in my seat as she pulled the privacy curtan across our seats. Gwen giggled, teasing me with a few slow movements of her ass before pulling off of me, adjusting her skirt and cleaning us both, tucking my aching hardon back into my pants and zipping me back up just as the fasten seat belt sign came on.

Once we landed, we jumped into the harbor shuttle, having been assured our luggage would be delivered to the suite on the ship. All I wanted to do was get to the cabin and find that damn key, but we were met at the dock by the ship's first mate. Gwen informed me he was a member of her church, and he insisted on taking us for a three hour tour of the whole ship. It was a lovely ship, but I was practically waddling, my balls so swollen and aching they felt like bowling balls hanging between my legs.

It took so long, in fact, by the time we made it to the cabin, we only had time to grab a quick shower, with another evil ball-boiling blowjob from Gwen, before we had to get dressed for the launch ball. I begged Gwen to let us skip, but we were seated at the captain's table. For the second time in 24 hours I stuffed my bloated balls into tuxedo pants. Gwen was stunning in a tight red dress, and I was already hard when we sat at the table. Gwen spent the evening with one hand under the table, teasing me through my pants. The captain, and every other male at the table spent the night flirting with my wife, and trying to look down her dress.

I have no idea what was said, or what we ate, I was lost in a frusterated fugue state, every beat of my heart pulsing in my balls. It was an eternity until dinner was done. Gwen insisted we stay for the dancing, and held me conspicuously tight on the dance floor, grinding on my aching cock far more then was seemly for a traditional ball room. Eventually, with whispers about the lewed newlyweds buzzing around the floor, Gwen relented, and we headed to our room.

I tried to get my hands on Gwen before we were through tbe door, but she fended me off, pointing to the bed.

"Strip and sit baby. I know how long you have been waiting for this. I am going to go freshen up and find the key." I wasted no time, stripping out of my too tight tux, and sat on the bed. As I waited for Gwen, I looked down, examining myself. My balls really were huge, probably three or four times the size they where when Gwen first locked me up. My sack was stretched tight around them, and a deep red color, almost purple. I looked ready to burst. Thank god it was finally over. Gwen was going to unlock me, and I would finally, finally get to cum. I was going to fuck Gwen senseless for the next two weeks. If if was up to me we would never leave the cabin.

An eternity later Gwen came out of the other room. I drooled, she was wearing a tight white teddy that cupped her breasts, stockings with real garters, and no panties. At first, I did not notice the look on her face, or the note in her hand.

"So, um Davey, baby, there was a little mixup, and the suitcase with our gifts did not make the boat. It's ok though, they found where it went, and they will rush it back to us. Once the cargo ship it's on makes port... in Guam... in two months."

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JacobRiley49JacobRiley495 months ago

Entertaining, but the ending was just too obvious. I think our hero would also be at increased risk of testicular cancer cumming so much without release. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Why wasn't there a chapter 6? To finish off the story about if he ever got to cum??

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

She was never going to unlock him anyway, as soon as she told him about the key she jumped up on his face, telling him that after a couple of more months he'd be an expert pussy licker. Also told him that she was just going to prostate milk him, to Release his pressure..

KodJak22KodJak22about 2 years ago

Love how he gets stood up again and again. Hope she will prolong his suffering and intensity out some more.

As there is no next part anymore I still hope that there may be a sequel some fateful day. Thanks for the enjoyment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really nice storyline. Please continue it as I would love to read his reaction and maybe further demise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

He can remove the cage with a simple tool found almost everywhere. Then dump the bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Protip: just because a reader likes denial stories, doesn't mean they like getting blueballed in the literary sense. If you absolutely had to put the luggage joke in, should have had her take out the key from behind her back and say "Just joking!".

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ending was a predictable one and I still read the whole story. I'm into denial but there has to be a release eventually or what's the point of it?

LindsayMurrayLindsayMurrayalmost 3 years ago

I knew it! I knew she was never gonna take that thing off!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Throw the bitch out.

Get an annulment and be done with her nonsense. Some guys would just put a bullet in her. PS - he can cut it off, no problem, with the right tool, which the ship's engineering department will have.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I think the last paragraph, reveals him as a total sissy gimp, that poor sap is never going to get that ring off his balls, the return ship that has his suit case, is more likely going to sink. Well that's what Maria's going to tell them, although I'm sure Gwen already knows the truth, hell she helped plan his demise. I do however wish, at some point this had had dressed him as a full made up slut, because as far as Davey, I'm sure that's what he'll be. Great story though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A real man would cut the damm thing off, I've got a few options downstairs that wouldn't bother the balls...and such a predicable and terrible ending...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
One more chapter!

My man Davey deserves his release dammit!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The problem

with chastity stories, is the authors never know when to call it a day. Oh we have to keep him locked up, we'll just break any promises, it's all just never ending teasing. But most of us want to see the chaste guy actually get to cum eventually. So for me you completely wrecked the story in the last 2 paragraphs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Continue the story

Please continue! I loved reading and want to know what his release is finally like!

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