Loosening Up Bk. 09 Ch. 11-15


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At her request, Dave accompanied Wendy and Sharon to the Connor home two doors away from his house on Circle Drive. When Wendy opened the door, there was a man standing in the living room with his gun drawn. He ordered, "Who are you?"

Wendy said, "Excuse me, I live here. I'm Wendy Connor. This is my neighbor, David Prentiss and friend Sharon Hall, and what the hell are you doing in my home."

The man holstered his weapon. He said firmly, "I am Morris Merman, a U.S. Marshall." He brought out official looking government identification with a badge attached.

He announced, "Mr. Prentiss and Ms. Hall must leave. I need to talk to you about the coming week, Mrs. Connor."

Wendy firmly said in reply, "They stay or you can go fuck yourself and whatever organization you came from. I'm sick of the way you are constantly stirring up our family life because you think the world needs to be saved by some unique event only my husband can do. In case you haven't noticed, the government has a piss-poor track record in resolving international situations. I can start at the Bay of Pigs and go forward or back in time if you'd like a recitation."

The man was taken back. He started again more slowly, "Mrs. Connor, I am a United States Marshall attached to what is normally a witness protection program. My job is to ensure your safety, the safety of your husband when he is up and about, and the safety of your children. IF you weaken our system by allowing casual friends to know where you are, you put yourselves and all our efforts to protect you at risk."

Wendy smiled, "Mr. Prentiss and Ms. Hall stay. They are NOT a casual friends. I trust them with our lives AND not one other person within the gates of this compound would be considered a casual friend. I trust every one of them the same way -- and that is with my life, the life of my child, and the life of my husband. It's you and the government that I don't trust. You guys leak like a sieve and THAT worries me."

Merman shrugged. "This is crazy. All right. Let's see how far we can get."

Wendy sat in a straight-back chair with her arms crossed. "Tell me the agenda, please, and then get the fuck out of my house." Her anger was palpable.

Merman said, "You have forty-eight hours to gather what you want to take and be ready to travel. We think the threat to you and your family will escalate dramatically after that period. We have a safe house arranged, and one of my associates will take you from there to your permanent location. We do this so that those involved in your relocation do not know either your destination or you origin. Your husband will join you as soon as he is able to travel. As you might expect, you will undergo a name change along the line."

"What am I allowed to take?" She gestured around the room.

"Suitcases only -- you pack them, we'll get them to where they need to be. No furniture or large items. You may take photo albums and keepsakes. Do not take computers, in fact, we recommend you wipe them of all data. We will do that for you if you wish. You may take a backup of your files. We will provide you with new technology at your destination. You were given a cellphone; I am number three on your speed dial. Call me if you feel in any danger or in a suspicious situation. After you are secure in your safehouse, you will be shown how to clear those storage locations on your phone."

"What about my child? Can I tell my parents what's happening?

"Marshall Carrie Manson is with Willow right now in your home-schooling classroom. She's helping out the other teachers. They were told that there was a possible threat against your family, and that she is part of a protection program. This is accurate. We kept details to minimum.

"We have the contact information for you parents, your husband's parents, and several other relatives through information your husband provided us earlier in the year. Their safety has already been assured. You are not to contact them without arranging that contact through us. They'll know generally what's happening, but not the specifics including your new name and contact information."

Dave asked, "Do you have some idea of her future destination?"

Merman said, "I don't other than it will likely be in the southeastern United States -- that covers about sixteen states. We don't like to take people used to the sunbelt and put them in the arctic. We've found that doesn't work well." He chuckled to himself over some past situation.

Dave continued, "Is there some way we could set up a situation for one or two of us to be in touch with them? We have people living in a similar compound to this one near Atlanta. I'm sure they'd like to be in something like that."

"All I can say is maybe. Give me some information about it -- ASAP. Names, social security numbers, too. The same for the people in your Circle. Two of my partners have been watching the TV show about your Circle, and one of them read the book about it. I know this is an unusual place. Tell me about any other situation you think they'd fit in, too."

Wendy volunteered, "We have reason to believe that Dave is Willow's father. Devlin may be the father of one of the other children in the Circle. You can see that you're started to rend families apart here. Please don't be cavalier about this. I'd rather preserve some of what we hold dear and accept some security risks than suddenly ghost every person I've ever known and every part of my life up to this point. I know my husband would say the same thing."

Merman looked thoughtful. He said, "Get that data to me as soon as possible." I need to take a walk around the premises before the sun sets. I need to have a feel for what the place will be like after dark. I might add that we've already met your security force. Mr. Harnett has been helping us."

Dave was on the phone to Bret Edwards before the Marshall had shut the front door. He explained what he needed and was able to duck responding to the reason why other than to say he was getting a security clearance. There was some truth to it. Two hours later Dave had all the info on the Atlanta Group in one place.

The information he needed for the Circle was on the computer that Julie maintained. A call to his wife produced that data file without any further explanation. He also asked that she detach that computer from the Internet until further notice.

Dave found Marshall Merman later that day, and in a few seconds had emailed the files to him in a secure way. The Marshall was surprised at the completeness and the suggestions. Dave also explained a little more about the Atlanta Group and why he thought Dev and Wendy might fit in well there.

Dave reminded the Marshall of Cricket's book and reality TV series in which Dev and Wendy had occasionally appeared. He took note, including the names of the producers who were also Circle members.

* * * * *

On Saturday, Hillary, the head of the Kappa Delta Alpha sorority, and Wyatt, the president of Phi Theta Rho fraternity, found Dave on the patio. Hillary ask, "We wanted to talk to you about two possible pledges to the Circle. I know it's unusual this time of year, but we think we have a man and woman that fit the criteria and that we think would fit in well here."

Dave devoted his attention to them. He appreciated the diversion from what was happening with Dev and Wendy Connor. Wendy was home packing up things at a frantic pace. Alice and Sharon were helping her. Some things were being stored in the attic of the home with the home of eventual reunion with the owners.

Wyatt laid two resumes in front of Dave. He then talked about them. Both students we are recommending are alumni of our organizations. The man is Don Carpenter, age twenty-four, working on his Ph.D. in computer science engineering. He just finished his course work for the degree and is starting his research work. He wants to work in the field of robotics. Steve, Tatiana, Chelsea, and Jazz have met him, but only as a struggling grad student. He does not know of their affiliation with the Circle, and perhaps has no idea that the Circle even exists or what it represents. He went to University of Illinois and had a GPA around 3.7 in EE." He gestured to Hillary.

Hillary said, "The woman is Blake Cosler, age twenty-two, working on her master's degree in education. Her master's thesis has something to do with home schooling, but I'm sorry I can't tell you more; I haven't talked to her that much about it. She's a serious student and I think her undergrad GPA was around 3.8. She needs to loosen up, and shows signs of wanting to do so. She contacted us several weeks ago because she wanted some kind of social life. She went to Ohio State undergrad, joined the sorority there but didn't participate much, and is now at our university. I also don't know whether she knows anything about the Circle."

Dave glanced at the two pages he'd been given. The two candidates both looked sterling, particularly if he was hiring them for some job. He looked up and said, "Bring them around but before you do tell them a few things about the Circle, please. Pique their curiosity, if nothing more. You might mention the weekend dress code and our predilection with sex with people we like a lot. I'm around the rest of today and tomorrow."

Hillary and Wyatt both nodded that they would.

Sunday, just after the lunch hour, Hillary appeared between two of the houses with a pretty blonde with a mature look to her. She saw Dave and the two made a beeline for his table. Bridget was sitting with him; they'd been planning a few parties for the Circle and also coordinating with Mark Worthington's clan for some of them.

Hillary introduced Blake to Dave and Bridget. Bridget, of course, was only wearing a highly revealing thong. Dave was only wearing athletic shorts. Both were lathered up with suntan lotion despite being under one of the large sun umbrellas.

Blake looked around the patio. She said, "Well, Hillary told me about the dress code here but I thought she was kidding. Do visitors need to conform?"

Dave and Bridget both laughed. Bridget said, "Not in the least. Do whatever you're comfortable with. We're comfortable this way, plus the weather is perfect."

Dave added, "Some of our members aren't always as bare. They play it by their mood and weather, I guess."

Blake said, "There's no one having sex. I thought people would be making love, at least according to Hillary."

Dave was laughing, but he turned to Hillary. "What did you tell this woman?"

Hillary was chuckling. "I think I over simplified." She turned to Blake, "Often, IN THE EVENINGS, people in the Circle with loving relationships follow their bliss and make love. Many in the group are exhibitionists, so they don't care that others watch them in the act. Some prefer it."

Dave added, "And we have no shortage of voyeurs around here. What Hillary said is true, but there's a lot of caveats and situational ethics that come into play, too."

Just then, Cricket came out of the core living room. She walked over to the group and Hillary introduced Blake.

Cricket said, "I was expecting you, so I brought you a present." She passed her an autographed copy of her book entitledThe Circle. "If you're seeing and learning about the Circle for the first time, this will help you put some of the things about us in perspective. This is what gets hawked on our reality TV series."

"What TV series?" Blake asked in surprise.

Dave pointed to a cameraman staffing a camera on a tripod about thirty feet away. He was focused on the group despite the bountiful female flesh being shown. He then pointed to a microphone set up in the center of the table. He'd been filming the party planning.

Cricket explained, "We decided to participate as a subject of interest in a reality TV series that is called The Circle -- just like the book. Cameras follow us around hoping to find us in interesting conversations or situations. This situation will be interesting to them, but we often give them a heads-up about things that might happen. Dave let me and a few others know that you might come by today, so I had a book ready for you."

"Wow! That's cool. Is it actually on TV?"

"Once a week on the Love Channel. They showed season one last fall, and season two is now showing. They're filming for season three and four. The stuff they show on TV isn't always in chronological order with other things that happen."

Hillary pointed at the book. "Dave, Cricket, and some others teach an in-house class on everything in the book. It's more of a rap session and discussion, but the discussions are deep and thought provoking. I hadn't thought about myself in relationship to others the way the Circle does. I'm changing to become a better person because of this place."

Blake asked, "How do you mean? Any of you."

Hillary said, "I was so uptight about sex, for one. Now, it's just one more topic that may come up in conversation. I'm no longer embarrassed by it. I'm more relaxed about a whole lot of things, too, such as any type of relationship between people. Before, I thought female-female relationships were really kinky; not any longer. I see the potential for love in any combination of people. I think I'm more loving and giving of myself to help others."

Bridget said, "I was raised that a man-woman relationship was the only 'right' way for a long-lasting combination of people. That's not true. I am one of Dave's ten wives, and I'm ecstatic just about all the time about our crazy family. By the way, that's one of the things the TV show likes to amplify."

Blake twirled to Dave, "You actually have TEN WIVES? Pardon me, but 'what the fuck?'"

Dave smiled and nodded. "Yes, I do; as well as many other intimate relationships with the women that are members or pledges of the Circle."

Hillary said in a hushed aside to Blake, "He's the most perfect lover you'll ever meet. He's wonderful."

Dave gave her a slight frown. "Don't succumb to the hyperbole. I'm just a guy that got into an interesting set of relationships as I loosened up. My wife Alice is with me in all of that, too. We appear in the book." He gestured at the tomb on the table.

Blake said, "So, you're really a unique case in the Circle?"

Cricket said, "We'll two of his wives are also married to Owen Bennett. I have another husband I don't see all that much because he lives in L.A. Pam spends a lot of time with Ty and Dori. Tan loves Nathan and Bjorn. Maddy and Bobbie have Merry Noel living with them. There are lots more situations."

Dave said, "One of the things that defines the Circle is that our relationships are fluid. We choose to specialize, if you will, in a few intimate friends, but then we share ourselves with everyone else. Sometimes the fluid things morph into something else."

"Sexually?" Blake asked.

"Usually. We have a saying that consenting adults can do whatever they want about sex ... or about forming relationships."

"But don't people get jealous or get their hackles up when someone they love makes love with someone else?"

Dave grinned and pointed a finger at Hillary, indicating that she should answer. She was a relatively new pledge and he wanted to hear how she'd respond.

Hillary said, "No jealousy here. I'd say it's not allowed but that sounds too authoritarian. Instead, what happens in those situations is called 'compersion'. Think of it this way, when I see a partner I love, doing something that makes them happy, I have two ways to respond. I can also feel happy because I see them being happy, or I can react in a jealous rage.

"If that person is experiencing unhappiness or misfortune in some way, I can respond in two ways: either empathize or what's called 'schadenfreude' -- taking please in their misfortune. I am not a person that does the latter.

"So, if I see someone I love, like Dave, making love with someone, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that makes me happy because he's happy. That's compersion.

"The other choice is to kick and scream and carry on. I piss him off, he comes to no longer like me; if we're married, we divorce and have to split assets. Our other friends head for the hills so we lose them, too. It's lose, lose, lose, lose, all around."

Blake said, "I'd have to teach myself how to respond that way."

Hillary nodded. "I did. We get conditioned by the world outside the gates of the Circle. That world is based on love being a zero-sum game and based on monogamy. If I fall in love with you, I must fall out of love with Dave, for instance. We believe that there's no limit to the number of people you can love and have intimate relationships with. Welcome to the Circle."

Bridget said, "You said all that perfectly, Hill." She leaned over and the two girls kissed.

Blake's eyes got large.

Hillary said, "Not only have I expanded the number of people I love in terms of the number of men, but also in terms of the number of women I love. This took some effort and an epiphany for me, but I crossed that bridge and feel better for it."

Blake said, "So, you're a lesbian?"

Hillary smiled. "No. I'm a lover, plus I always know I'll be loved every night by someone I hold dear."

* * * * *

A small and carefully selected group of friends stood in Wendy's living room. Many of the knickknacks and keepsakes she'd had displayed were gone from the room. The home felt cold, uninviting, and lacked any personality. The twenty-two

large suitcases that had been by the front door had also disappeared into a white van carried by two men dressed in black suits.

Wendy was sobbing as she went from person to person, hugging them and saying goodbye. The Marshall had let her have this small event before she left.

Last in her line of friends was Dave. She sobbed into his chest as she squeezed him with all her might, as if holding on might enable her to stay in the paradise she'd lived in for over almost fifteen years. Her flood of tears soaked his shirt.

Wendy tried to talk but her sobs overtook her every time. Dave told her not to say anything as he talked by her ear and kissed her. He said, "We all love you, and we want you safe. Go and stay healthy. When Dev shows up, and I'm sure he will, tell him the same thing. We will always love you. Every heart in the Circle will miss you. I'm sure our paths will cross in the future."

Dave couldn't help it. He broke into crying, too, and soon joined in the throng of people sobbing at the sudden loss of one of their dearest friends. Tears flooding his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. He joined the others in their grief.

The impromptu gathering of a few friends had only been going on for thirty minutes. Most of the Circle members at her home had just learned for the first time that the Connor family was leaving for points unknown -- completely disappearing, forever. The group was told only that her family was in danger, that threat called for protection, and that protection was going to take them away from the family's normal life in Sarasota.

Some speculated that Dev and his disappearances on secret missions might be the reason for the danger. Only three had speculated on him being involved in the under-reported explosions in Colombia that wiped out billions of dollars' worth of cocaine, but that had all occurred in Texas when they happened to see an item in the newspaper. They'd agreed to never voice their thoughts and speculations.

Only Dave knew for certain that the men escorting Wendy to safety was a U.S. Marshall. No one knew of Wendy and Dev's name change and certainly not what it would become. No one knew her destination or how that would impact their family, including Wendy.

Six-year-old Willow only knew that the family had to move 'for a while'. She was with a new temporary 'nanny' wrapping up a play date with many of the other children at Scarlett's home. She didn't know and might not have understood that in a few minutes she'd be whisked into an armored limousine with armed guards, driven to the main airport, hustled aboard a plane with no tail number, and then be flown in that private plane to an undisclosed location, probably never seeing her Circle friends again. Her pain at the change in lifestyle of loss of her friends would begin later that day.