Love, Betrayal, Love Ch. 03


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Again, we both nodded an acceptance.

"However, please understand this, this is very, very important. If going forward you believe that the option you chose is not working for you, you can and should try another one of the options for that issue until you find one that works. The most important part is that the issue itself be addressed. The options are just you choosing the method."

"Is it okay if I start with you Katie?"

"Yes, that's fine with me."

"We identified four items that need to be worked on and addressed for you to move forward with Greg. So, let's get started."

"The first item relates to how Katie needs to rebuild trust with Greg by communicating everything she is going through. That she voices her feelings and desires, concerns or insecurities. The purpose behind this is to ensure Greg knows and trusts what Katie is thinking and feeling."

"The options we landed on for this were for Katie to either talk with Greg directly each day, do a video blog each day, or to have a journal or a diary that Katie can write in that Greg can read whenever he chooses."

"The option Katie chose was to have the journal. Can you explain your choice to Greg please Katie?"

"Sure. I just felt that I could be more, precise, or clear about my feelings if I was writing them down. It would force me to say what I mean, whereas the other options I'm not sure I could be as clear. It also seems more personal somehow as well."

"Are you happy with that choice Greg?" Dr Forsyth asked me.

"Yes, although if the video blog was clothing optional..."

"Greg! Please." Katie gave my arm a good slap while laughing at me.

"One thing that is not an option for this item as Katie will be doing this from today forward, is that Katie each day will be providing her unlocked phone to you Greg, and you are free to look in her phone at any time you choose. Katie is to do this willingly."

"Alright let's move on to Katie second item. This is all about Katie being able to show Greg her respect for him and to your relationship. Katie needs to be able to demonstrate that she will place Greg's feelings and concerns above all others."

"Now there are no options for this item. It is simply that Katie must respect Greg's feelings and concerns at all times, never dismissing them, and always striving for a way to alleviate Greg's concerns and to acknowledge his feelings."

"Greg, if you ever feel that Katie is not listening to or taking your concerns or feelings seriously, or that she dismisses them, you must call her on that. You must remind her of her promise to respect your feelings and concerns and that of your relationship together."

"The next item is to deal with Katie's desire for sexual risk taking. While Katie might have leanings towards exhibitionism, these options are more about Katie getting the thrill of potentially getting caught. The purpose of this is to avoid Katie seeking more destructive outlets for these urges."

"The options were for Katie to force herself to go nude in public spaces for five minutes each week, for Katie to give Greg a blowjob in public spaces each week, or for Katie to masturbate to orgasm in public spaces each week."

"Katie chose the option to give you a blowjob in public each week Greg, but only if you agree. Her backup choice if you decline, is the public masturbation. Katie can you please explain your choice to Greg please."

"That's easy, because I find it terribly sexy and I get such a buzz from it. I want to share that with Greg of course."

"Greg, do you agree to be a participant in Katie's quite unlawful sexual escapades or would you prefer she fly solo?"

"I agree, knowing how much she enjoys this will be fun, and of course I'm the one getting the blowjob so how can I say no."

Katie smiled across at me with a sheepish look on her face.

"That brings us to the final item for Katie, and probably the most difficult for her. This item is for Katie to be able to admit to herself and to you Greg when she craves the sexual gratification that she was previously getting from Jake. The purpose is so that you both can choose to act on this together and that these cravings will not become harmful or toxic to your relationship if left unsatiated."

"The options were for Katie to select from the same options as with the first item, being verbal, video, or written to admit those cravings to you Greg, Katie chose the verbal but with a twist."

"Can you explain that choice Katie to Greg please."

"I chose to talk to you when I am feeling that way, but to talk when we are in bed together. Not during sex or anything, just it seemed to me to be a more appropriate place where I could talk about it."


"Yes, that sounds good to me."

"Good then, well done Katie. Now Greg, it's your turn."

"Katie, Greg only has the one item but this has two parts to it. The first part does not have options, like your unlocked phone, this should be non-negotiable. Also, this item is tied directly to your last item Katie, your craving for sexual gratification.

The first part is that Greg shall not deny you those cravings, that is when you talk to Greg in bed about your desire to experience what you had with Jake, Greg shall not say no, he should look to provide you that gratification."

Katie looked over at me a little confused and concerned, then looked back to Ana.

"The second part are the options. When you admit those feelings of wanting to be sexually gratified like in the past, we had options to achieve that. The first option is for Greg to use dildos with you. The second is that Greg will use a penis sleeve, and the third option is that you would bring someone into your bedroom instead, be that Jake or another."

"Wait!" Katie could not keep quiet any longer, the concern was too much.

"That third option is a non-starter for me, I can't do it."

"That's okay Katie because Greg chose the dildo option with the penis sleeve as the backup."

"What's a penis sleeve?"

"I'm sure Greg will explain it to you when you are together later, he has time before he could use that option anyway as it requires your help to measure him up."

The look on Katie's face right then was priceless, a 'what the fuck' facial expression.

"Would you please explain your choice to Katie thanks Greg?"

"Yeah, well it was the easiest as I have found out that Katie already has an assortment of large dildos ready to go, and for me the third option was also a non-starter."

"I can't believe you told him about my toys."

"Katie, which part of no secrets and telling Greg everything did you miss? Besides, how is he going to use them on you if he doesn't know they exist?"

"Okay, true. It actually kind of sounds like fun to do it with Greg."

"Katie, we can use them in public if you want to tie them into your risk taking!"

"Don't joke Greg, or I might just take you up on that!"

All three of us were smiling together. At the end of all these sessions with Dr Forsyth, Katie and I came out the other end happy and together.

"Well, we are done. If either of you have questions relating to your way forward, or need further information please call my office or email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Both of you have been terrific to help through this, and I truly believe that you both will live very happy lives together."

"Just a reminder though, do not take each other for granted, follow the options laid out for you and don't ever be afraid to tell each other what you are thinking, okay?"

"Thanks Ana, you have been terrific."

Katie also added in.

"Thanks' Ana, I know I was difficult at times, I'm so thankful you stuck with me."

"Thanks both of you, now please, on your way, you have a wonderful life to live, get to it."

We walked out of Dr Forsyth's office as we had walked in, holding hands.

To be continued.

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Buster2UBuster2Ualmost 2 years ago

WOW, I've never been to counseling but this sure sounded authentic! 5 stars for this great story and this Great Writing. Heart Rendering plot. Whoa, they are so much "in love"! Wow, almost wish it was me in this story. But too heartbreaking. Such Great writing bringing out so much details and plot. Katie being such a perverted woman but hating herself cuz she couldn't stop screwing Jake. Why couldn't she stop? Just the way some women are I guess, Crazy! Poor Greg, His cheating wife loves him but he can't totally satisfy her either. He is caught between a rock and a hard place. Great Writing and imagination to be able to create such a plot. Sort of like the Kobayashi Maru Captain Kirk faced in Star Trek. Thank You Great job! Really

Richie4110Richie4110over 2 years ago



CTimCTimover 2 years ago

Excellent, really enjoyed the writing. I do think there is still some "meat left on the bone" in regards to his feelings about inadequacy. I don't think any guy in his situation is just going to casually move on with dildos and sleeves. Every time she's not into it, which invariably occasionally happens in all long term relationships, he's going to worry about size.

Turning502019Turning502019over 2 years ago

Not a fan of RAAC stories but I am taken with the 2 main characters and the story flows well. Some things here I would never do. But he has and that's the beauty of story telling. Im rooting for them but have a feeling she is going to mess it up

payenbrantpayenbrantover 2 years ago

"I am not saying that will be the case for yourself and Katie, but you need to keep that in your mind Greg. Don't just get wrapped up into what needs to be done to have you and Katie back together, you need to be able to first ask yourself, should we?"

Finally....a therapist who is not a RAAC! Seems to actually want whats best for their clients.

Very good writing. Surprised Katie has not really apologized yet. Still have not seen any indication of why they should be together. She purposefully tricked him and demeaned him to her friends for two years. Still kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop.

However it has been written well. Just needs some polishing. Keep going.

TrustingagainTrustingagainover 2 years ago

Sorry, lost me with this chapter. Two years of cheating and he’s willing to submit himself to more degradation just to please his ex wife. And the councilor led him straight to it with altimatums posed as choices.

Better to walk away. He has his answer as to why she cheated on him and it won’t change going forward.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 2 years ago

Why would a man who knows his wife is not satisfied by him, lied, betrayed, and cheated on him for two years... after he found two women he COULD satisfy and loved him.... why would he go back to his ex-wife after all that?

I don't see how a guy gets over what his ex has done, nor what she said about him and go back to her.

One answer... and we all know where this is going. Slow train to cucksville. Now, no offense toy ou cuckolds. (And I mean the ones who are honest enough to admit they want to be that.) So...

So, I'll take a not so wild guess. The only reason why we have this story is for Greg, in the end, to accept her having sex with another guy. I've known people who have gone down similar roads, but they did it together. They didn't cheat or waste 3 years of their life to figure this out. But then, this is not my story and it is FREE.

MigbirdMigbirdover 2 years ago

I commented favorably on your first chapter of “Love, Betrayal, Love” and now want to add another following this chapter. Several thoughts and pardon the length: One, you are crafting a well written, thought provoking storyline with real, flawed 3-dimensional characters. The dialogue and reflective moments well done. Two, at the start of chapter 1 you give your readers Webster’s definition of a cuckold. I suspect that you recognize that the term today (at least within the Loving Wife category on this site) has taken on the notion that the cuckold accepts even welcomes the infidelity. It is that element that explains at least half the negative rants among comments to your story. The other half are BTB trolls. Although you thank readers for both positive and negative comments — and you certainly generated a lot of comments :) — non constructive rants should be ignored. Seriously. Third, did you consider sharing/describing some of Katie’s sexual escapades with Jake and how she felt afterward — doing so might have given more insight into her character but may also have jeopardized the storyline you’ve created. Finally, I like the way you crafted Greg and Katie’s counseling, can easily imagine the behavior of both protagonists, and await how the final outcome plays out. Hope you continue to share and next time embellish/develop a bit more the erotica — maybe not necessary in this storyline, but your scenes of love making/sex are bit short and not terribly erotic/sensual. Thumbs up.

ctdansctdansover 2 years ago

commenting again. I have a feeling that they will try and work stout but eventually either she decides they should split or he figures it out on his own. A sexless marriage sucks and that is what this will be. She will eventually ask him about reconsidering option 3.

ejsathomeejsathomeover 2 years ago

This whole thing is troubling me. Not sure why, but it may be because of the lengths Katie went to to ensure that she was fucked EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT for a couple of years! The deception was just too much. The guilt that she experienced only appeared after she was caught. Very difficult to accept. I have no per-conceived notion for RAAC or BTB, but Greg needs to wake up and move on. Let the Dr. deal with Katie's depression issues. The other thing that struck me is that this story seems to be dragging on much too long. While I definitely value the dialogue, it's a bit too much already.

MormonJackMormonJackover 2 years ago

I've been through couples therapy and this sounded just like my own sessions. Sad, the counselor didn't emphasize one option: move on without her. I know if I were in that session, after hearing that Katie will always resort to needing something bigger, I'd chose to move on.

Well done with the story - it's real and well done. Thank you!

miket0422miket0422over 2 years ago

I know when he first confronted her about fucking Jake she apologized for her actions.

Seems rather odd that the counselor took the initiative to explain everything Katie had said and figured out during her solo sessions. Wouldn't part of the therapy have been for her to give her own explanations and apologies face to face??? Seems rather a cop out that after the counselor had helped her get to the root causes of her destructive behavior that she didn't have to admit them face to face.

Wouldn't it be much more healing for both of them if she explained her reasons for disrespecting her husband? Wouldn't it have felt more genuine if she had told him of the guilt she felt rather than having a 3rd party relay that info in a sterile, clinical type of way?

uk_writer_53uk_writer_53over 2 years ago

I think this has been a commendable start and, despite a few grammatical errors it has been an enjoyable read. I'm looking forward to see how the story concludes and to future submissions from the writer.

ephesiosephesiosover 2 years ago

Interesting route with the sex toys. Probably the “safest” route in terms of still keeping their relationship exclusive.

Weird that suddenly she can have vaginal orgasm. Cue the deus ex machina.

Glad that they both completely struck out the possibility of a third party, but still curious to see what would happen if the sex toys don’t work. It doesn’t seem like this story is heading in that direction, most likely the sleeve will work and everything will be tied in a nice neat bun.

Anyway the story is well written and the conversations seem realistic and well thought out.

BrentJWBrentJWover 2 years ago

I rarely give 5’s, but this chapter is an easy 5*. By far the best story I’ve read anywhere regarding a counseling session, even the couple little missed words an grammatical errors were overlookable. The only plot hole that bothered me was how Katie went from being completely remorseless after two years of cheating with Jake and involving her friends in the deception, to being so guilt ridden as to attempt suicide three times. I’m not saying she did not love Greg, but that she had to be selfish enough to completely disrespect him and their marriage to do this. It’s not likely that a woman with Beautiful Woman Syndrome would be so guilt ridden upon being caught to attempt suicide, more likely to think ‘damn I’m caught, I’ll never be able to fix this’, then move on to the next guy.

Greg has to be one of two things to get past this betrayal. Either the biggest wimp ever or so mentally strong to view Katie as a completely new woman. In the back of his mind he will always know that Katie is a size queen and can not be trusted.

That aside, great writing! Maybe chapter 4 will deal with my concern.

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