Love in the Lockdown


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The subject of STDs arose somehow. Fleur told me not to worry too much as they have a regular regime and are usually pretty clean. Since Mike and I had gone on about getting nothing for a year they had decided we were safe, in fact that's why they had concocted the plan to take us home and fuck the living daylights out of us. They figured we were nice boys and they felt sorry for us. Anyway I did roll into a clinic and got tested and I was lucky.

A little later I wondered why neither Mike nor I had fucked Fleur. I had assumed that she was some kind of lesbian but she later told me she had a thing for me and didn't want to spoil it. She never explained her relationship with Lynnie and I did not have the courage to ask.

It turned out that the girls were only cocktail waitresses' part time. They actually were escorts. Well that's what they called themselves. So we had got freebies or what Mike suggested in commercial terms, a loss leader.

I was looking for a job. Now I was a big guy. My sports electives at school had been Rugby and martial arts. I was and open side flanker so had some respect; also a back country farm boy, big tough and fit and proud of it. Fleur took me to her boss and I got a job as a kind of body guard when the girls were out on tricks. I also served as an off and on bouncer at the cocktail bar. No punks ever really tested me. I suppose I could be a little intimidating.

The best part was that I would escort the girls and Fleur quite regularly. I wasn't supposed to date the girls. Although I never got to fuck her we had the odd secret make out. Occasionally I would see her with Lynnie; apparently they had an apartment together but they never did anything intimate in public; not even a kiss but she did look at him with some kind of feeling. It always made me feel intensely jealous but I was out of my depth with this stuff. Fleur would not talk about her work and as I said, neither would she talk about her past.

The other girls seemed to be slightly in awe of Fleur. They said she liked to be a bit out there, ahead of the other girls. It was typical of her to date someone like Lynnie. It was, like she was trying to prove something.

Some of the girls had their specialities as escorts. Fleur apparently was into BDSM. I never knew how hard core she really was. From time to time I would drop her off and when I did, I had to stay on until she finished. This was usually a bit of a bore for me and I never liked the waiting around. I used the time to read usually. She had an emergency call system in case she got into trouble but it was never activated. She did carry a dark brown camel skin bag. It was not particularly large and I never saw what was in it. She never showed any signs of having taken part in any particularly vigorous activities.

Apparently she never did gang bangs and that sort of stuff; she regarded that as beneath her. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to see whatever the hell she got up to.

She spoke a sort of Oxford English with hardly a trace of a kiwi accent. She wanted to be high class but I thought some of the men she was screwing could be a bit dodgy. She seemed to be servicing older guys. The ones I saw answer the door seemed to look like civil service types to me. I presume they weren't married or if they were their wives were included in proceedings. Either that or they had agreed to the husband having a bit on the side. I knew Fleur did women as well. I only got this information from the other girls. Fleur was absolutely discrete with me about her clients.

The other girls knew I was sweet on Fleur and teased me about it. They said I was not bent enough for her.

She did say she was a year off finishing a business degree back in kiwi land but had given it away. She was unhappy and homesick in London so I tried to talk her into going back home and finishing her degree. I got the feeling she had a lot saved. We did talk a lot; Fleur was easy for me to talk to, but talking always only went so far. Fleur drew a line at anything personal. That was out of bounds.

I never intended to stay in London long and I eventually left. I did not get the opportunity to say goodbye to Fleur and leaving was quite sad. On one hand I was attracted to her. She turned me on sexually but there was also this urge to want to protect her and take her away from all this. On the other hand there was this kind of revulsion as a result of that one wild night.

Mike came with me on a brief tour through France, Spain and North Africa; then I was home. Mike and I talked about that night. He felt much the same as me about it. He never had the on-going exposure to the girls that I had and he elected to keep clear of that cocktail bar.

Inspired by my time with the night life of London and seeing a bit of life there I decided to become a cop. I regularly met with the local Bobbies as part of my job. Prostitution is kind of legal in the UK. Brothels are illegal so the girls did this escort stuff. The cocktail waitress thing just helps to keep things kosher as an agency could be deemed a brothel.

As part of protecting the girls I purposely developed a relationship with the Bobbies. I kept clear of the drugs after that night and made it clear to the girls that they could not hold drugs while I was delivering them to their clients and certainly did not condone their use in my presence.

So a cop I became. My dad was not very happy about me becoming a cop. It's not that he wanted me to take over the farm or anything which he certainly did not encourage me to do. He said my Mum would not have liked me being a cop. Apparently she did not like me studying to be a lawyer but she believed in letting me find my own way and would always encourage me to do what I believed. She thought that I would be a great doctor like her brother, Duncan, who had spent a lot of time with Doctors without borders. She never ever told me that herself. Dad was an admirer of Uncle Duncan himself and often talked about him.

Anyway, I trained to be a cop. When I graduated I was temporarily posted to the big city as a probationary constable but I had my heart set on being a country cop.

It was a good 18 months after I had left the UK and who should I run into but Fleur. She was back home and was finishing her business degree. While at the police I was inching my way toward finishing my law degree part time and I met Fleur on campus. I spied her one day. It seemed a total coincident and as soon as I caught up to her she threw her arms around me and began gushing over me. I was a bit overwhelmed but apparently she had been really lonely since she got back.

I wondered later, whether it was such a coincidence or whether she had tracked me. I put that aside as a conceit. I still regarded her slightly out of my class in worldliness.

We started hanging out together. The stuff in London seemed like a dream to me and it just did not enter my head. I just saw her now as the farm girl at Uni. I was lonely myself, and suddenly for the first time in my life I was in love. I found it hard to handle and afraid to express myself to Fleur about it. Fleur did not talk about such things either. I used to wonder what she really felt.

It seemed like she really loved me. We would unfashionably hold hands in public. She would often publically snog or kiss me. We got the odd snide remark about that. Pretty quickly she moved into my bedsitter. She had been sharing a flat with some girls much younger than her so she was glad to get out of that scene. Fleur was not quite the confident self-assured girl I knew in London; She now appeared a little anxious and often on edge. I did not know what to make of it and passed it off; after all life in London was rarefied and divorced from reality, or so I thought. Back in New Zealand, she was perhaps finding reality stressful.

I asked her, "Why me." She said that she felt safe and protected with me in London. She also liked that I seemed to really listen to her and I was sensitive to her when she was down. I would ask her how she was feeling and listened to whatever was troubling her.

She was still secretive about what she got up to. She did let on that one of the reasons she came back was she got into deep trouble about something traumatic. She let that slip one time. I can't remember what was said exactly but I had the strong impression she was somehow kidnapped.

It was maddening that she would not tell me this stuff. She promised that one day she would tell me the full story but it was still too raw. She added that if I had been there to protect her still then things would have been different. That comment sort of put it on me and I unreasonably felt guilty about leaving her.

I really don't know whether she really loved me in a romantic way. Yes we held hands and all that but it seemed a little cliché, like it was an act, but I appreciated that she felt safe with me; and she did say that she had never felt that way with a guy before. She seemed to otherwise have a pretty jaundiced view of guys and their intentions in general.

On my side I found her a knowledgeable and worldly woman. She held an intelligent opinion on a wide variety of topics. We liked to party and have fun but it was not excessive. More often than that, you might have found us at home listening to music and reading books or our i-pads. Although she was well up with popular culture and music she also enjoyed the classical arts. She particularly liked classical music, especially opera. I was comfortable with this. It was not unlike life as a child with my mother. In my mind it cancelled out my thoughts of her London life, and as I was lonely it is easy to see why I fell so in love with her.

The upshot was that we weren't living together long before we got married. I am not sure it was wise in retrospect. We were.. well .. so together, I suppose. Why wouldn't we? Well, as I knew almost nothing about her at that time, it was a risk. However we both rationalized that the past was the past and we should concentrate on the future. We had a very small wedding; just a civil service followed by a dinner with my Dad and Fleur's Mum. We took advantage of Mike visiting from London and Fleur had a class mate she had been friendly with to be a bridesmaid and they were included at dinner as well, naturally.

Fleur's Mum did not seem to like me. She did not seem to have a good impression of cops, even ones doing law degrees. Dad was not taken with her although she was with Dad. Her husband had died sometime back. He had been more of a gentleman farmer. I got the feeling that all had not been well with their marriage.

During dinner she extoled the virtues of a farmer working on his own land; she still retained an interest in one of the farms they had previously owned but it was more of a corporate enterprise now. It had been converted from sheep to dairy and was run by immigrant Filipinos. My dad would not have approved of that. He wasn't racist; he just did not like absentee shareholders owning farms staffed by cheap labour from overseas. He felt they pillaged the land and exploited the workers.

So I know you are bored and wondering. What about the sex with Fleur? What was she like and how could I measure up mentally with all those men and women she had fucked; especially the likes of Lynnie?

Well first of all she was the consummate professional. She had made it her life's work to give pleasure. Her skills were not only physical but I would say 90% mental. She did so much with the tease. Physically she had a pelvic floor like no other woman I have ever had the pleasure of rogering.

What about me. Well, we started on that first day we met and I just didn't get a chance to dwell on Lynnie before she began to teach me the art of the perfect shag or should I say the thousand perfect shags.

I did ask her one evening about Lynnie and his pole of ages. She said it was probably part her physical attributes but mostly training. It was like sword swallowing actually. It wasn't really that good as a fuck, she got her jollies more from showing off to other people. She and Lynnie liked to fuck in front of others a lot but they never did it as a paying thing. She said she had taken all sorts of cocks and said the really fat ones were probably more of a worry for her.

I wondered whether she had become too slack for decent sex. She said she did consider a vaginaplasty but she got by with good muscle development in the nether regions and technique.

What about me? She said two things. One was that I had a cute curve in my dick that really tickled her in certain positions and the other one was I was the first man she had fallen for. What she felt for me she had never felt with any other man she had sex with. There was never a day go past that she did not wonder about it and when she made love to me, it felt like no other. She emphasized the 'made love', a phrase she never used as a rule.

You know I worried about what she said sometimes. One, she was a professional in sweet talking men, so was it all an act? The other, was what happens after two years and the romantic side wains?

In the end I believed her implicitly. She had no other motivation. I wasn't rich, not then anyway. I was a simple cop. She was as intelligent about sex and love as you could get. She talked about the future and she talked about having kids. No, I really believed she was in it for the long haul.

At the end of the day when we first met, we arranged to meet again and go back to her flat. It was in an old weatherboard ornate villa that had been converted into a couple of apartments. Not flash but clean and tidy. As she unlocked and pushed her way into the hall. She called out to her flatmate Ellie. There was no answer. "Ah, she has gone home to her parents. She'll be there over the weekend," muttered Fleur. And did I see that little smile on her face as she said that?

Fleur ushered me in and closed the door. She took off a loose coat she was wearing and hung it on a stand behind the door. Then she turned and backed against the opposite door and looked directly into my eyes. "This is the time," She said, "I have dreamt of this time and now here you are."

In an involuntary action I moved closer to her and with one hand she took me by the neck and drew my face to hers. She began to give me little kisses and licks.

Now, I have told you about her killer tongue.

No, she was not like some sex hungry teenager out of control and slobbering all over me. In the tongue department, this time, she was keeping her powder dry.

She pushed me away a little. Under that coat she had been wearing a blouse and a very tight skirt. As she pushed me away she thrust out her pelvis so that the shape of her mons could be seen in the skirt. This caught my attention and she caught me staring at it. I looked away.

"No," she said softly, "Keep looking at it, Go on. It's Ok." With that she gave a little thrust and began to move it subtly, by bending her legs a little.

I was transfixed. She glanced down at my crotch which was now beginning to bulge as my prick hardened. She took me by the hips and drew me in so that my crotch was barely touching her mons. She then, by using her mons started to stroke it ever so tenderly. It was really hard now and I was beginning to feel the shape of her cleft through the fabric as she captured my prick with it and started to move it in a small circular motion.

She knew I would be feeling a little discomfort with my tight bulge in my trousers so she deftly undid my belt and began massage my naked prick in the same way. Then as my pre-cum formed she started to softly stroke it with her mons up and down lofting herself rhythmically onto her toes. I could see my pre-cum starting to stain her skirt. I began breathing hard as she did this, I was welling up to a premature ejaculation but she wouldn't stop.

Suddenly she lifted onto her toes and lowering, she caught the head of my prick into her cleft between her legs and she pressed down causing me to spontaneously ejaculate into her skirt.

Once I had spent myself she pushed me back slightly and we both looked down at that splash of cream that was now beginning to ooze its way down. Fleur took my head in two hands and pushed me down saying "You naughty, naughty little boy. Now look what you have done. I'm sorry you are going to have to clean that up. Make sure you lick up every last drop."

See what I mean. It wasn't even our first real fuck and she did that. The woman was a living, walking, talking wet dream!! And the evening did not end there.

I was suddenly worrying that I hadn't done anything for her. "Yes you did, my gorgeous man," She said, "And there is plenty more where that came from. First I am making us some dinner and guess what I have for dessert?"

Fleur sat me down in her living room and brought out some wine. "I thought it better be white, what I have planned for you," Fleur said opening a bottle of sauvignon blanc. She poured out the wine and then began busying herself making the dinner. When she wasn't talking she was singing and humming away, but all the time as she was moving around, she was teasing me with that butt of hers. The tight skirt did little for the imagination and for some reason Fleur had lots reasons to bend down for.

At one time it got all too much. She had just turned around after replenishing my wine glass. I had that wiggling butt in my face and I tried to pull her down on my lap, but no, she wouldn't have it.

When there was a lull in the cooking she was bent over looking at a recipe and I quietly got up and surprised her by pressing my reconstituted erection into her butt crack, plainly visible through her tight skirt. She responded, not with surprise, but wiggled her glutes then bending her knees rubbed me back. I lifted her skirt, exposed my cock and started to remove her panties. She breathlessly told me to stop. "Fuck me through my panties, go on," With that I pressed into her panties. I found her very wet and with each thrust I was pushing them into her vag until I finally exploded into her.

She turned around pulled up her skirt as she parted her legs.

My cum was running down her creamy thighs; "Damn there goes my dessert," She smirked, "I guess you had better regard that as your hors d'oeuvre."

And that's how the evening continued and would you believe it I never actually fucked her. "That," She said "Was for tomorrow night which was Friday." The evening ended with her shooing me away; all part of the tease. I wasn't going to get it easily.

The following evening I arrived as instructed; the door was open. I called out to her. She yelled from the bedroom to come in and take a shower,

"I've just had one."

"Well take another one,"

I did as instructed passing the closed bedroom door from where Fleur obviously was.

I finished the shower.

"Are you naked?"

"Obviously yes"

"You can come into the bedroom now,"

I opened the door and was presented with a picture as though from some 18th century French master. There were candles burning with heavily scented air. The furnishing was quite plush for a student bedroom and there sprawled on the bed was Fleur. She was relaxed on her stomach with her legs akimbo, and excited vagina exposed, holding her herself up on her elbows. She slowly turned her head toward me with her large hooded eyes. The scene was intensely erotic. I moved in to join her from behind. There were beads arranged in her butt penetrating her vag and anus. From her anus was a string of pearls arranged in a loop as though she had stuffed a necklace up her. From her vagina there was just the end of some coloured twine.

Do you know she played me and teased me with her butt for a good hour, first instructing me to slowly and sensually manipulate the beads extracting them from her oiled arse. I pulled the twine from her cunt revealing beads of various sizes and shapes. I slowly and carefully pulled them out one by one until they were removed. It was not easy and she wanted me to massage her butt to make it easier. She then took me into her arse moving and tensing her butt in a symphony for glute and PC muscle. She would bring me up but not quite letting me cum. Finally she let me cum inside her and exhausted I collapsed onto her back.
