Love, Lust and the Cuckold


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I went into the kitchen and found a pot of coffee already brewed. Oscar saw me enter the kitchen and immediately left without a word. I'm puzzled by his behavior as I poured my coffee and headed up for the shower. I took an especially long shower and began feeling a bit more human. I went back to the kitchen and found that Oscar and the girls had left the house without a word. Why would they do that? As I poured a second cup of coffee, I heard the front door. I rushed into the living room expecting to find my husband and daughters and instead I found my lover standing there.

"Derek, what are you doing here!" I said genuinely surprised to find him in our home.

"Oscar called and told me to come pick you up, remember you left your car at my place last night."

I honestly didn't remember that or much of what transpired last night. I asked Derek and he told me on the way to his place that I was a bit tipsy and I had him drive me home. Once there he helped me inside only to find Oscar waiting. Oscar got angry because I had violated his rule about Derek at our house and where the girls might see us together. He told me I said some mean and cruel things to Oscar in Spanish about the size of his penis and called him "little boy" and referred to Derek as "big man."

He also noted that he too felt the effects of the wine and tried to make Oscar subservient to our will and acquiesce to our decisions as a couple without his input or interference. He told me Oscar looked hurt and as much acknowledged that you no longer respected him but until then hadn't humiliated him.

We arrived as soon as Derek finished telling me about last night. I couldn't believe I had been so cruel. Derek invited me in and I declined. I needed to get home and make things right. I stopped at a small café on the way home and had another coffee and took some headache powders. I thought about what Derek told me. I looked inside and realized that Oscar was right. I had lost some respect for him. I didn't realize how much it had jaded my perception of my husband.

Derek is such a fine man and lover. We are not only lovers but we've developed a strong bond as friends and confidants. In a way I've fallen in love with him but not as much as I love Oscar and my family. Then I realized how can I say that given the way I've acted this week and the several that proceeded it. Oscar was right, I've neglected my obligations at home to spend more time with my lover when I promised to do just the opposite. In fact, he was correct in pointing out I had violated everything I promised when he and we agreed to about how I managed my relationship with Derek. Did I sub-consciously "want" my daughters to meet my lover?

I thought about what Derek and I planned for England. He wanted to visit family and he wanted me to meet them. I knew Derek was in love with me and I now see he may want more and I may have led him to believe that more was possible by the way I behaved. When I told him, I loved him and loved what he did to me perhaps he believed that he might win my heart and take me away from Oscar. I need to think things through and find out if I can continue being with Derek without fully becoming his and vise versa. If not, then I must, no matter how painful personally, end it with Derek. First and foremost, I need to find Oscar, apologize and atone for the way I've behaved and make things up to my girls.

When I arrived back home, I has happy to see that Oscar and the girls had returned home. They told me that they went out to eat as Dad told them I needed to rest after "working" late last night. I told them and said it loudly enough so Oscar could hear me across the room thank you and noted just how loving thoughtful and considerate a man their father was and they were lucky to have such a shining example of how to behave and treat others. I told them that their father deserves all the love and respect we can give him. I took the girls to the beach while Oscar said he had to work. I knew he didn't want to be with me.

I realized that in my momentary lapse of judgment, although alcohol induced which was no excuse, when I allowed anger and resentment to fuel my humiliation of my husband, I had hurt him deeply. I knew deep down he believed he was doing this for me as much or more than for him and his fantasy of being a cuckold. I'm almost positive that he expected that some feelings for Derek would emerge and that I had lost some respect for him but he never suspected I would humiliate him in such a vicious manner. I never expected that I would do so either.

While the girls splashed in the sea I thought long and hard about why I did what I did. Why should I lose respect for my husband? He allowed me the freedom to find a kind, gentle man to take as a lover. A man who has given me more sexual satisfaction than I could have ever imagined was possible. He was willing to share me with this man and take less while I was given more, so much more. I came to the realization that he deserved more respect for the sacrifice he made even if he did push me into such an arrangement.

I thought about Derek. He was the perfect physical specimen, a wonderful lover and a kind, loving and respectful man. His intelligence and personality both intrigued and stimulated me. I realized that I cared about this man deeply. Yet, it was my Oscar that captured and held my heart. Had I met Derek before Oscar a different outcome might have resulted. I knew in my heart that I could have fell in love with Derek but I was not in love with him nor would that change.

Oscar's ground rules, the rules I agreed to were not unreasonable and were designed to protect our daughters and keep our family and our marriage intact. I allowed my own hubris to jeopardize my family and my marriage. I came to this epiphany while I enjoyed the sun, surf, and the company of my daughters. I knew what I had to do moving forward and I only hoped it wasn't too late to save my marriage and keep my girls from being hurt. I needed to make Oscar understand and I needed to do it tonight.

I took my mobile out and I called my parents. I asked them if they would take the girls for the evening because I wanted some alone time with Oscar. They agreed. I told them to meet us at the house as we were on our way back from the shore. I told them to come for brunch after mass and spend the day with us on Sunday. They said they looked forward to it. I called the girls and told them that we needed to head home and meet grandpa and grandma and they would spend the night at their house and we would all spend Sunday together. The girls were excited and looked forward to the visit and a family day.

We arrived home about ten minutes before my parents arrived but Oscar was still out. The girls showered, dressed and packed. I hugged them goodbye and told them their dad and I would meet them for mass tomorrow. After they left, I showered and put on Oscar's favorite dress. I sat down and waited for him to come home. I wanted to reconnect with him as my main man and make love with him. I want him to feel loved, respected, and cherished as he should be because no one deserved it more.

It was nearly 7pm before Oscar arrived home. As he entered our home, I immediately ran up to him and threw my arms around him and gave him a passionate kiss. I said, "Oscar, my love and my soulmate please forgive me! I have loved you nearly all my adult life and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you! I was foolish and full of myself. While being intoxicated is not an excuse, my alcohol addled brain clouded my judgment and I said things that were hurtful and I humiliated you. You believed I lost total respect for you but nothing could be further from the truth.

What you have given me has been a wonderous gift and came at a great personal sacrifice to you. I have never respected or loved anyone more than I do you—my heart, my soul, my life. I do not love Derek in that respect and I never will, I needed to tell you, to show you and I desperately need you to understand. First, I have decided to cancel my trip to England with Derek. A family vacation is needed. Perhaps a trip to Disney World in the U.S.?"

Oscar and Marta.

"Marta, are you sure? What about you and Derek? Surely, he'll be disappointed, angry even. I understand that he is a better man than I am in all ways and you had better not risk losing him."

"Oscar, you were right in saying that I had neglected my duties to my girls, my family, and our marriage. I allowed my lust to overrule my common sense and systematically break rule after rule that we both agreed was best. Nothing I've had or will have with Derek is worth losing you or my girls. I lost sight of that for a short time.

I have thought long and hard about things and examined my feelings. I have enjoyed Derek as a lover and yes, strictly as a lover, he is superior in every way in the physical sense. He is also a kind, gentle, and loving man who is both intelligent and personable. I do care for him a great deal. I must be honest, when we're together we make love and it is very special and I'm sated and fulfilled as a woman in every way.

Yet, you are my heart, my soul, my life. I can live without his lovemaking but I could never live without your love, I need it as much as I need water and air, without it I'm doomed. You must understand, Oscar please tell me I'm forgiven and that you understand, please!"

I looked into her eyes, pleading for my understanding, I saw the fear and desperation behind them and I realized that I hadn't lost my Marta. "My love I was hurt by your words and you are forgiven as I knew your intention was not to cause me pain. I only wanted what is best for you, for you to be sated and satisfied as I knew I could never give that to you.

Now that you have enjoyed the full pleasure of your sexuality, I could never deny you again. To come to realize that you resented me as a result of such denial would be too much to bear. All I ask is that we protect our daughters and our family. They must never find out about Derek or the nature of your other life and that you come home to us, to me, as my wife and one true love."

Marta replied, "Oscar, I know I promised that before and failed, but I shall not fail us again, you have my solemn promise. I must call him and tell him of the cancelation."

Oscar looked into her eyes and said, "Go to him. Spend the night."

Marta looked into the loving eyes of her husband and simply said, "No! tonight is ours; I want you, need you to reclaim my body, Derek has taken too much of late. The time is needed for us to reconnect, reaffirm and reclaim our marriage and demonstrate how committed we are to each other and our girls."


With that she went off and called Derek. Later that week she made the reservations for our trip and we both sat down with Derek as she explained the way things had to be if their relationship were expected to survive. Derek reluctantly understood and realized the depth of her love for Oscar and her family. He loved her enough to share a part of her life, a very significant, intimate part. We enjoyed the family trip to the USA. I showed them the place where I worked all those months.


After I got back from the USA, Derek and I resumed our relationship as lovers. I managed to define my relationship with both Oscar and Derek. I became spoiled by Derek's lovemaking and soon after I stopped, except for holidays and our anniversary, having intercourse with Oscar. With Oscar's blessing Derek and I did make a two-week journey to the UK where I got to meet his family. It was a sensuous and lust filled vacation.

I returned to Barcelona after our trip and immediately Oscar wanted details of our adventures. I made him draw me a luxurious bubble bath. I had Oscar wash and caress every part of me. He washed my hair and dried me head to toe. Them I took him to our bed and made him lick me to several intense orgasms. Once he sated my lust, only then I related what Derek did to me during those two-weeks.

I grabbed a bottle of lube from my stand. I had Oscar wet and bring in a washcloth. I poured a generous amount of lube into my hand and smeared his manhood with more of the lube. I began to slowly stroke his small cock and I told him of our day at Grayson Manor. A friend of Derek, Alexander Grayson, owned the estate and offered us the opportunity to fly in his hot air balloon and spend a weekend at the manor house even though he would be out of town.

Derek had piloted balloons as a young man so it was just the two of us. It was a sunny late spring afternoon. The air warm and fresh and cloudless sky as we ascended into the wild blue yonder. As we lazily floated above the English countryside, we enjoyed a nice picnic lunch which included some fresh strawberries and a bottle of champagne. As we fed each other the last of the strawberries Derek had me stand.

I was wearing a light sundress and Derek stood up and he untied the dress and slipped off me. I was braless but he removed my panties and here I was totally naked for anyone to see. Derek had me grab the edge of the basket. He reached around me and began kneading my breasts. He kissed my neck and lightly pinched my nipples. I never felt so exhilarated, so horny or so free!

I saw the look of pure lust on Oscar's face. I slowly increased the pressure and speed of my wanking of his tiny cock and continued with my tale. I felt Derek's hardness pressed against my naked butt. As he kissed and caressed me, I felt a flood of my essence run down my thighs. Derek removed his right hand from my body. I felt him stroke my pussy with his hand and he had me spread my legs wider.

Poor Oscar was so turned on! He was nearing the brink when I told him how Derek suddenly and without warning slammed his entire 9" into me and buried up to the hilt. Then like a mad man pounded me until I came so much, I thought I would go over the edge and plunge to my death with a smile upon my face. Oscar closed his eyes and my hand a blur on his stumpy cock watched as he exploded! I swore his ejaculate nearly hit the ceiling as it cascaded down my hand and wrist onto his cock, balls, and belly.

Oscar looked so happy and reveled in my sexual satisfaction and the exploits of Derek and I as lovers. I stroked him and told him about tryst after tryst. I made one decision that scared me. During all our married lives I never allowed Oscar to engage in anal sex with me so I still had my anal virginity. Derek and I had a weekend scheduled for an "out of town conference for work" and I had decided to give my ass to Derek.

I believed that he had been so understanding of my rules, so gentle and loving and so darn good in bed that he deserved something special, something I had never shared nor until this moment, never planned on sharing with anyone. The first night away we enjoyed a scrumptious dinner, dancing and wine. We got back to our room and I went into the bathroom to get ready for the evening. I brought a disposable enema to clean myself out. Once cleaned I put on a sexy teddy I bought for Derek.

I went back into the bedroom and he had lit candles. The flickering and the soft light in an otherwise dark room was so unbelievably romantic and sensual. I slipped the bottle of lube under my pillow as we kissed. Derek soon shed my flimsy gown as he kissed and caressed my body and licked me to two incredibly strong orgasms before plunging into my sopped pussy and fucking me to another.

I stopped him before he came and slipped the bottle of lube from beneath the pillow. I looked him in his beautiful soft eyes and told him, "Tonight my lover I'm giving you a special gift that no one else has ever had or will ever have." I handed him the lube and told him to please be gentle as I was scared and a bit nervous. He told me we didn't have to and that the gesture was enough and meant the world to him.

I told him that he held a significant and special place in my heart and that I wanted to feel him in a place that only he could share. He kissed me with such a fervent passion before and after I knew I had made the right choice for me and for us as lovers. He told me to relax and as he slowly filled my bowels with his wonderous cock, pain gave way to pleasure. While it was not my favorite way, I did get an intense orgasm when Derek filled my bowels with his semen.

The following weekend I decided that I must share the experience with Oscar but I was afraid that he would be jealous, hurt, or both. We began what had become our "lovemaking" ritual with me lubing and wanking his cock. As Oscar's excitement built, I told him how it felt as Derek put his cock in my ass and how special it was to me to be able to share something of myself that no one including him had or would ever share.

I saw pain in his eyes but his lust overcame the pain and as he shot gob after gob of creamy white semen into the air sated and with a satisfied smile, I knew he accepted it and we were good.


It was the first anniversary of Derek and Marta's relationship when they took a trip out of town. When Marta came back, she told me she willingly and selfishly gave Derek the gift of her, until then, virgin ass. As she related the story while wanking my pathetic cock, I felt a brief pang of jealousy. However, I realized that I got what I had desired for so long. I was a cuckold and my wife gave her final virginity to a man who was in every physical aspect a superior man to me in every way.

Deep in my heart I knew Marta loved me and only me as her soulmate; and she loved and cherished Derek for his ability to make her feel sexually sated. He did so with love, gentleness, and utmost respect for her, our marriage and our family. So, I smiled and as my orgasm exploded from my body and while my puny cock cannot satisfy my wife or any woman, it does bring me extreme pleasure. Marta continued to enjoy Derek's ministrations and I reaped the benefits of their intense lust for one another. How long could this perfection last?

Well, Marta and Derek remained lovers and shared an intense and intimate relationship for nearly twenty years. Sexually, they were kindred spirits and Derek was so satisfied, content, and secure in their relationship he never married. They continued meeting twice a week and one weekend a year. Our girls grew up and married and never knew of Derek beyond a work colleague of their mother.

We decided to introduce him as a friend and he visited as a guest in our home for occasional dinners and special celebrations. He even shared Christmas with us when he didn't return home to the UK to be with his family. During the numerous times he visited our home he was a consummate gentleman. No subtitle touches, whispers, and not even a furtive glance her way, not ever. Marta at those times was always my wife and our daughter's mother and Derek was nothing more that a colleague and friend and I never saw Marta's lover during those times just a family friend. It always amazed me how well they comported themselves and that was the reason he was a regular visitor to our home.

He loved our daughters as he loved their mother and even set aside money to get them started when they married. He gave it to us and told us to say it came from us. I knew he was happy to have had some influence in their well-being and success. He afforded them the opportunity to buy homes and start their own families. I came to realize that he was as Marta stated, a good man, and he had become a good friend to me. The love and intimacy she shared with him, within our limits, and given the depth of his love and affection for her and his respect for me and our family, he had to be a good man.

After nineteen years as her lover Derek developed early onset dementia. His family had him returned to England where they could care for him. She never saw him again. Marta felt the loss for a long time. The last time she made love to him she decided that he would be the last man to share her in that way. She felt she owed that much to him. We shared and continued to share everything else. We retired, traveled, and doted on our grandbabies, all four of them. We shared a full, happy, and loving life filled with spiritual intimacy shared, as only true soulmates could, for the remainder of our days.

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Fiddlesticks49Fiddlesticks492 days ago

Difficult subject that most, including me, just don't understand the motive. Writing a bit stilted and un-emotional. OK for some stories but not suitable for this kind of subject.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Marta is a selfish and entitled POS. Nineteen years of sexual service to her highness clearly meant nothing to her once Derek became ill. Her response was to simply ship him off to a facility, where he would be his family's problem, and declare her cunt closed. What love and loyalty this pathetic excuse for a female exhibits. Only as big of a fool as Oscar could fail to see her narcissism and relentless abuse of any and all who allow her to manipulate them.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wife must respect her husband for his sacrufice for her to take a lover that she can be fullfilled ,deep down he knows he can compare to wife lover phycally she even admits it , he was hurt always he knows wife loves the other man not him she is continuing her relation to husband because of family name or kids or sequrity other husband is not needed actually anymore even husband knows she was even selfish to make her lover not marrying any one she is always that he wanted ,I think husband and wife should have taken counselling before into this screwed up crap cuckholding lifestyle always husbands her hurt not wifes , first it always husband fantasy to start seeing wife sex with other men with then when wife take over your control your finished she feeling for man relation is almost over never be the same what if children's find out their parents are in screwed up relation ,but in this story like fairytale wife gets all

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian9 months ago

Here's the disconnect with these stories: they are essentially the victimization of a man with a mental illness by a woman with a sociopathic, or at the very least, a narcissistic disorder. What needs to occur is that wife honors the "in sickness and in health" part of her vows and gets her husband treatment for his mental disorder.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What a shit story. Nothing worthwhile in any of them. I want to feel bad for the husband but at the same time, want to punch his face in.

It honestly makes my stomach turn thinking that there might be real people like this out there.

other2other1other2other1over 1 year ago

Sorry, but while I can appreciate the effort that went into this story and that it had the ‘Cuck’ tag on it, I chose to read it because I enjoyed a few of the other stories by PK.

Unfortunately, this was not my type of story, the poor MC thinks his wife sees him as her ‘soulmate’ yet fucks another guy and then chooses to never have sex again after he is humiliated. Sorry that is not a soulmate, that is a disgusting, selfish bitch. And he is just as stupid to put up with it.

So what he has a smaller cock, it still works. Ditch the bitch and find a woman who loves him for who he is.

Opinionated1Opinionated1over 1 year ago

and this is your idea of manning up as a cuckold? what a waste and shame on you for perpetuating

this bullshit as you claim to detest the cuckold scene...aren't there enough demented authors on LIT

already writing cuck shit?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What an absolutely disgusting wimp. What's the point of even being married to the whore?

She fucks the other guy, she vacations with the other guy, confides in the other guy, etc. And then that abominable ending. Just fucking disgusting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just disgusting!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good, except for the ending. If she loved Oscar more, he should have been the last one she had sex with.

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