Love, Texas Style 11

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Relationships mature; an engagement.
14.8k words

Part 11 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/06/2022
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Love, Texas Style

A.J. Roye

Copyright 2020, All rights reserved.

Chapter 136

Terry closed the door to the luggage compartment on the M2... and locked it... checking to make sure it was secure.

He turned to face his passengers. He smiled.

Traci... beaming at him and looking great as ever. Her blonde hair caught in the slight breeze, caressing her cheeks and nose... she pulled it behind her ear. The freckles on her nose and cheeks more pronounced on this winter day. Beautiful, he thought.

Nicole, Nora, and Millie... Excited to be on his plane again. Nora begged to sit with him during the flight. He looked forward to it and nodded at the thought.

Denise... He finally got a word with her about Bill. They were just friends, she said. They enjoyed each other's company and liked to talk. Bill would play for her on her couch when he came over to visit. OK, he thought. She is obviously important to Bill.

Minutes later...

"Houston ATC Citation November one niner niner zero Mike Tango holding short runway one six Brenham Municipal... requesting permission for takeoff to Lubbock, Texas."


Michael saw her first... the beautiful woman he was in love with. She was wearing a yellow ruffled blouse with a gray ribbon tied at the collar. A matching gray blazer over the blouse. Her hair was now in soft waves instead of the natural straight hair. He liked it... Pulled back with a headband... gray. Her gray, wide leg slacks were snug against her wide hips and narrow waist... Loose and wide on her legs... flowing as she took a step. Gray three inch pumps...

Then... she saw him...

She squealed... and he smiled.


Amy had never traveled to Lubbock... This was her first time. She was happy because she had not seen her man... her lover... for nearly two weeks.

Both she and Michael had successfully completed their finals... both achieving perfect A's in all their courses... Michael taking a whopping 21 hours in graduate studies. She momentarily closed her eyes as the plane made its' final taxi to the gate ramp. Michael was on her mind... she smiled at the anticipation of seeing him again... she also thought she and Michael would discuss marriage... something she had never done before and certainly didn't anticipated just seven short months ago when the spring semester ended... but, that was before Michael... She hummed to herself at the thought of him...

Handsome, brilliant, funny, loving, caring... he loved her... and only her...

Moments later... she weaved through the terminal and took her time with the crowd walking toward the baggage claim area. Two aircraft had arrived at Lubbock International within minutes of one another. As she passed the security checkpoint, she saw a familiar face standing high above many of the others.

"Michael!" she squealed, as she picked up her pace. As she neared his "I am so happy to see you" face, she slowed and then stopped in front of him. Her eyebrow arched on her forehead and a smirk crossed her lips... he was holding a large card marked with "Masters." He was wearing a wide grin on his lips.

"I'm Masters," she offered to her lover with a lover's smile.

He looked down in a faux gesture to read the back of the card... "Amy Masters?" he asked, with a sly grin across his lips.

"What a wonderful welcome, Michael. Yes, I'm Amy Masters and I'm so happy to see you again," she whimpered. She stood on her toes and took the back of his neck into her hand... pulling him toward her for a kiss. A passionate kiss... he dropped the card and took her into his arms... Returning her passion with his own. Passersby smiled as the lovers continued their welcoming kiss and embrace.

"I love you, Amy," Michael whispered, as he broke their kiss and gazed into her dark brown eyes. "I have missed you dearly."

Amy bear hugged her man... placing the side of her face on his chest. Her emotions nearly uncontained. "I love you, too, Michael. I've dreamt of this moment and its better than my dream. Thank you."

"Let's go, Pretty Girl. We need to stop by the hotel to say hello to Dad."

He picked up the card.


Terry saw his two youngest sons exit the FBO building when he shut the engines down. He smiled. He turned to Nora and asked her to unbuckle and move to the rear as he went through his checklist. He could hear all the girls in the rear giggling and chatting over the excitement of Bill's concert.

He finished his checklist, crawled from the cockpit and opened the door and stairs. He then assisted each young woman from the aircraft... He smiling and they returning his smile.

"Hey, Dad," Jacob offered, as he took his father in an embrace.

"It's good to see you again, Jacob," Terry replied.

As he hugged his youngest child, he furled an eyebrow... Observing the embrace Denise and Bill were offering to each other. It looked more than friendly to him. He saw Traci watching them, too... He saw a little curiosity on her face and lips. A moment later...

"Hey, Dad," Bill said as he, too, took his father into an embrace.

"I've missed you, Bill. And, I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening."


"Oh... and I forgot to tell you."

Amy followed her man up the flight of stairs to his apartment... Just 50 yards across the street from the campus. He was carrying her luggage.

"We'll have to keep it calm between us two. Bill has a guest staying with us... Denise."

With that, Michael opened the door to his apartment.

"Denise?" Amy whispered as she entered the three bedroom apartment. She heard feminine giggling from around the corner of the front door.

There, at the kitchen table were Bill and Denise... laughing over something... they were eating Chinese takeout with chop sticks.

"Hey, Michael... Hey, Amy," Bill offered with a laugh still in his chest. "Denise just shot a piece chicken across the room with her chop sticks."

Denise smiled and shrugged her shoulders... wiggling chopsticks in her hand... a little awkwardly.

"Do ya'll want to join us?" Bill offered.

"No thanks," Michael quickly replied. "We're going over to the Taste of Italy across from campus for lunch. We're going to dinner this evening... Do ya'll want to join us?"

Denise shook her head and Bill quickly followed. "No thanks," Denise replied with a smile. "Bill's taking me to some of the places where he sings."

"Alright, then," Michael said as he took Amy's luggage to his room. Amy sat down at the table and looked them both in the eye... with squinted eyes of her own.

"You two are hiding something, aren't you? How can you just be friends?"

Bill and Denise looked at each other with a little surprise in their face. They returned to Amy and shook their heads. "We're friends, Amy. Since third grade," Bill offered.

"Second grade for me," Denise continued. "Our classrooms were right next to each other. Bill introduced himself and we've been friends ever since. We share a lot in common. Love of horses, cattle, ranching, music. We enjoy talking about it."

"Yeah," Bill got in. "I went to Denise's horse and cattle shows and she came to my gigs." He looked over Amy's shoulder and saw Michael returning. A wicked grin crossed his lips...

"Say, Amy," he offered, loud enough for Michael to hear. "That's a helluva truck your dad bought Michael. I was wondering if you have any sisters who need a boyfriend... I'm available."

He gut laughed and Michael shook his head in disgust... with a smile.

Denise's eyebrows arched...

"I'd like to see that truck."

Chapter 137

Amy was wearing a black knee length party dress with a black mink waist coat.

She was hot and Michael made sure she knew it. She always looked elegant when she dressed for special occasions. And everyone took notice, too.

Her man dressed well this evening, also... His dark blue business suit. She thought she couldn't wait to buy him new suits other than the blue one he had. She smiled at the thought, as they drove to the hotel where his father was staying.

She reflected about her time with her man...

Over the past day and a half, they discussed their life together. Michael made it clear he wanted to be like his father... a successful investor... and, he was more than interested in her father's offer to help him start his own firm.

He cautioned that he was not raised like she had been raised. Country clubs, expensive cars, huge home in Preston Hollow, luxury suites at sporting events. He knew cattle, horses, feed and ranch stores, and small town and rural life. His father drove a Suburban and Michael thought that was uptown for Brenham... The swimming pool he had installed, too. Although he did appreciate expensive and fine things, he let her know firmly, those things would have to wait until he became successful in his career. Then, they would discuss it again.

She told him she planned to sell real estate until a time came to raise a family. Their family. She loved children and asked if they could have many children... at least five... maybe more. He quickly agreed, without reservation. She promised her devotion to help him succeed in his career. Anything he wanted, she would do for him. She just wanted his love and devotion in return. To love her like no other. She wanted to be seen on his arm, knowing other women would be envious.

They also agreed to discuss finances and other family matters at a later date, and they agreed, a wedding in May was not unreasonable... but, didn't commit at this time.

She smiled at the joy in her heart as her man held her hand as they drove to the hotel. Michael's father had ordered limousines so his family could arrive and leave together.

Denise was riding with them in the back seat. Amy was surprised when Denise emerged from Jacob's room. (Jacob stayed with his father at the hotel while Denise took his room.) She was wearing a black, below the knee cocktail dress, snug fit, revealing a nice figure that Amy hadn't noticed when she wore jeans, boots, and western shirts. She wore black sandaled heels and no jewelry or earrings. And she looked hot with her blonde hair styled into a messy ponytail. Amy had to fight off a naughty thought or two over Denise on the way out the door.

In the lobby of the hotel, it was Woods family chaos. Terry's parents were present. Along with Mary's parents, Grandma and Grandpa Davis. It was the first time Traci met them and the couple fell in love with her and her daughters.

Cathy and Richard drove up from Fort Worth and Maggie decided to attend at the last minute. Amy and Maggie squealed when they greeted each other. Traci met Cathy for the first time, too. It was a joy for both of them.

Terry, Jr. and Mary drove in, also. Emilia got two of her best babysitters to sit with the children while the adults enjoyed the evening. Everyone made Denise feel she was a part of them.

Five limousines pulled up in front of the Mustang Theater in the old depot district of downtown Lubbock. The theater was a converted movie theater and had a seating capacity of 800. The place had a long history of presenting shows of well-known local, regional, and state wide talent who went on to become successful musicians and artists.

When Michael stepped from the limousine and offered a hand to Amy, he briefly looked toward the theater to see a familiar face waiting to enter the theater...

Kylie Stevenson.

He nodded and she tilted her head in acknowledgement.

As Amy stepped onto the sidewalk from the limo, Kylie's eyebrows arched... An "O" formed on her lips...Her eyes widened... Surprised at the beauty standing beside her classmate.

Michael rushed to get this over with... He took Amy's hand and led her toward Kylie.

"Good evening, Kylie," he offered, as he finished his last step.

"Hello, Michael," she replied, as she eyed his girlfriend with a curious look on her face.

"Amy, this is my classmate, Kylie Stevenson. She grew up right down the road from Brenham... in Sealy."

Amy immediately knew who Kylie was when Michael mentioned "Sealy." The woman who tried to steal Michael away from her.

"Yes, Kylie," she began. "Michael has mentioned you. You two had International Finance and Bank Fraud classes together. It's a pleasure to finally meet you... And... you're very pretty tonight."

Kylie nodded... A weak smile to go with it. "It's nice to finally meet Michael's girlfriend, Amy. And, you're... well... very pretty, too. Excuse me, I'm with some friends." She nodded again and walked away, a little hurriedly, into the theater.

Amy turned to Michael with a little surprise on her face.

"She's intimidated by your beauty, Little One," he whispered, with a chuckle. Amy smiled.

"She is pretty, Michael. I can see why you were... tempted." She giggled, wiggled an eyebrow, and emphasized her last word. Michael shook his head and smiled.

And, when 7:00 pm began to close in... the entire Woods crew were seated in the front row, center section... then... applause as a tall, handsome gentleman came onto the stage from the left.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Mustang Theater. My name is John Powers and I'm the owner of the Mustang." Applause. "Bill Woods... Yep, I finally got this young man from Brenham, Texas to perform here at the Mustang. It only took me nearly two years." Laughter. "Bill is an engineering student at Texas Tech and has been performing in bands, and, as a solo since he was sixteen. He has been performing in local restaurants and lounges throughout Lubbock, and, as he tells me, to make spending money with the tips he receives. I found Bill performing at the One-Eyed Jack's lounge two years ago and I knew after four songs he was talented and I had to have him here on this stage. This is his first solo concert in a performance hall setting." Applause. "Before we get started with this evenings concert, I have a few announcements. First, this is the third and final performance of the day for Bill. Bill has sold out all three performances and on behalf of myself and Bill... thank you." Roaring applause. Emilia gasped as she was a proud sister. Cathy and Mary did, too. "This is an indication; in a very short time, Bill has made a name for himself in the local music scene." Applause. "Second... This is the first time on my stage, an artist has refused a percentage of the ticket sales." A gasp from the audience. "Yes, folks. Bill isn't receiving a dime from your ticket purchase. Instead, Bill requested, and I agreed, to produce a CD recording of his favorite songs and those CDs are for sale this evening during the intermission and at the conclusion of his performance tonight." Applause. "Bill will be receiving 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this CD." Applause. "I urge you to buy a copy, folks, because you see... I only had 3,000 copies made, and 2,274 have been sold during the two matinee performances today." Gasps and applause. "The CD is $20 each and Bill Woods will make himself available after the concert to autograph your purchase." Applause. "And, Mr. Woods... Bill's father... Don't worry, Sir. Bill bought 20 copies today after he found out you might not receive some for you and your family." Roaring applause as Terry struggled to control his emotions as he clapped.

"Now, ladies and gentleman... Bill Woods!" John peeled off the stage as he pointed to the other end of the stage.

Applause... then...

Bill emerged from the right hammering his Telecaster and singing the Johnny Cash classic... Ring of Fire

"Love... is a burning thing..."

"And... it makes a fiery ring..."

The crowd went wild... Over and over again as he performed and sang each of the songs he chose... using both his Taylor acoustic electric and his Telecaster... Mr. Powers, on occasion, playing backup rhythm guitar. Bill performed...

Songs made famous by the Beatles, James Taylor, Buddy Holly, George Strait, George Jones, Hank Williams, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, John Denver, Johnny Cash, Brad Paisley, Garth Brooks, Kenny Loggins, Billy Joel, Alabama, and more too numerous to mention.

Amy sat by her man. Amazed at the talent Bill possessed. His stage presence enchanting. Each song receiving a strong applause. Emilia... emotional at her brother's performance. The intermission came and went and he continued with love songs... Harvest Moon, The Sign, I Walk the Line, Tell Her About It, Feels So Right, A Fire I Can't Put Out, Take on Me, Owner of a Lonely Heart, and on and on and on...

Then, when Bill finished the song, God Love Her...

He paused and set his Taylor guitar in a guitar stand... and walked to front and center stage as the applause had not finished.

"Thank you," he offered the crowd. "I am blessed today. My very first sell out in my career." Roaring applause.

"Before my last song this evening I want to acknowledge some very important people in my life. Beginning with my father, Terry Woods." Roaring applause. Emilia bawling by her father's side... Traci, too, on his other side. Mary, Amy, Cathy, Maggie, and Denise weeping. "Dad... you and Mom always encouraged me. Thank you." Roaring applause. Terry nodded as he tried to control his emotions over the mention of his wife.

"Folks... my family is here this evening... right there in the front row." Applause. "My sister, Emilia and her husband, Daniel. My brother, Terry, Jr. and his wife, Mary. My brothers Michael and Jacob." Applause. "My grandparents, Grandma and Grandpa Woods and Grandma and Grandpa Davis. My Aunt Cathy and Uncle Richard. My cousin, Maggie." Applause. Bill nodded his head in appreciation of his family.

"My family has brought guests. My father's girlfriend, Traci and her daughters, Nicole, Nora, and Millie." Applause. "My brother Michael's girlfriend, Amy." Applause.

Bill nodded and shuffled his feet while looking at the floor.

"I have a guest also..." He paused. Then looked at the front row next to Jacob. "Denise Hajek." Roaring applause. "You see, I sang to my mother after dinner nearly every night. She always asked me to sing. As a family, we gathered in the living room and they all listened to me. And Mom... She always told me I was perfect." Audibles sniffles began. "Then, she proceeded to tell me what I did wrong."

Roaring laughter.

"After Mom died, I had no one to sing to. I felt empty. I still sang for Dad and my brothers and sister, but, Mom wasn't there." Audible and subtle crying. Amy, Maggie, Traci, Cathy, Emilia weeping... Denise, too.

"I was telling my good friend, Denise, that I missed singing to my Mom. Well, during lunch that day, she said, 'Come to my house and sing.' Well, it made perfect sense at that very moment. To sing to my friend. That afternoon, I brought my guitar to her home and sang for her. It was perfect. Her mom sat and listened to me, too. On her couch... in her living room... I sang for her just as I did for my Mom." He paused and looked at the floor. "Denise was always at my gigs with my friends. She was always there in the front row... just like tonight." He paused again...

"My last song is for you, Denise. My friend." Sniffles and "ah's" where heard.

"Denise... will you join me on stage, please? For your favorite song?"

Gasps and murmurs of surprise overwhelmed the theater.. and applause.

"Oh, my God," Amy gasped, with her hands over her mouth. "Michael! Escort Denise to the stage! Hurry and go now!" She slapped at his arm to hurry up and get Denise.

Michael left his seat and offered an arm of escort to Denise. She took it with a smile and they walked slowly to the steps leading to the stage. Stage hands entered the stage with a couch and placed it front and center on the stage. Bill met Denise and Michael at the top of the steps, and escorted her the remaining way to the couch. He smiled as he retrieved his guitar and came back to the couch. He gestured for her to sit and he sat with her.