Lust at First Sight Bk. 02 Pt. 03


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"Ooooo, that's juicy!" Claire exclaimed. "Did old daddy have an affair?"

"It was when he and my mother were split up, before I was even born," Amanda jumped in to defend her father.

"My mother moved overseas when she got pregnant. He didn't know," I added, not wanting to give anyone the impression my father was a bad man. I didn't know him, but I trusted the girl's opinions of him.

"It's like a soap opera from the nineties," Claire grinned.

"It can seem a little unbelievable," I chuckled. "Even to me, and I lived it."

"I bet," Claire replied, ignoring Amanda as she eyed me. "So...Nick, are you single?"

Amanda frowned at the woman, but I jumped in before she could say anything. Going off at Claire for hitting on me would be about as bad as me punching Craig for the same thing. It seemed both Amanda and I were destined to be plagued by blonde assholes.

"No, I just moved to Australia a few weeks ago, and I'm still settling in. Right now, my sisters are my priority. Family is important," I replied.

"Such a shame," Claire pouted. "You're very handsome, although you could do with some styling, maybe a haircut and a nice outfit. But other than that, I could eat you up."

I wasn't accustomed to Claire's forward approach to flirting, nor was I ready for her odd compliment-insults. The dark look on Amanda's face told me exactly what she was thinking. I had to defuse the situation before our lunch date ended with Amanda putting Claire's head through a window.

"How about some tips sometime, maybe over a coffee?" I replied, praying to all the gods that Amanda wouldn't flip her shit.

"We could have a coffee right now," Claire said.

"Right now isn't good," I said. "Amanda and I are in the middle of a family matter."

"I'm sure that can wait," Claire countered, clearly not wanting to take no for an answer.

"Work, then play," I winked.

Before Claire could say anything else, I stretched my arms over my head. I threw a yawn in there for good measure as I tensed the muscles in both arms and stretched my back out, acting oblivious to the girls watching. The action had the desired effect on Claire as she seemed to forget what she was about to say.

Claire grabbed a napkin and scribbled something on it before sliding it to me. "Call me soon, handsome," then she turned to Amanda and smiled at her. "Good to see you, Mandy."

Both Amanda and I watched Claire leave, and the blonde shot me a devious smile as she left the café, probably thinking my look was watching her ass as she left. Instead, I was watching out of pure shock that someone could be so confident and forward in a situation she was clearly not welcome in. Did she not notice? Or maybe she just didn't care?

I turned back to Amanda and noticed that my display affected my eldest sibling differently. Amanda's look of anger and annoyance had faded, only to be replaced with one of hurt a disappointment. I took a gamble, and I won. I just needed to ensure that Amanda knew that.

I picked up the napkin with Claire's phone number and held it out for Amanda to see. Then I scrunched it up and lobbed it across the room into a nearby trash can. "That's what I think of her."

A grin spread across Amanda's face instantly. "I fucking hate her."

"Odd friend's you girls have," I chuckled.

"She was never my friend!" Amanda laughed. "She used to torment me in school."

"Ah, one of those," I nodded. "I had a few of them myself. People that decide you're finally good enough once puberty is done with you."

"Claire was always the hottest girl in my school and dated the cutest guys," Amanda said. "I was such her polar opposite that I stood out just as much."

"I find that hard to believe," I assured her.

"Well, I was," Amanda shrugged. "Erica even had boobs before I did."

"Erica has enough boobs for all four of you," I chuckled.

Amanda giggled, then looked down at her hands. "Claire was always so mean to everyone, but especially me. It makes me so mad that she acts friendly to me now, and it's all because you were sitting here. Like she can use me to get to you."

Our waitress came by then to drop off our orders, and an air of silence hung over the table for a few minutes. There was no way I'd call Claire, even if I were available, and she wasn't a bitch to Amanda. She isn't my type. I had a similar vibe from Jen, but I was horny as fuck that night, and she climbed into my bed naked, and Sarah had a similar look to Claire, but she was super friendly and adorable.

"I'd never go for Claire in a million years," I said.

"She's beautiful, though," Amanda shrugged.

I placed my hand on Amanda's, as she had done only minutes before. "Not next to you; she isn't."

Amanda's face split into a huge smile, and her cheeks reddened. "Thank you, Nick."

"Like...have you seen your ass?" I added, pulling at the collar of my shirt jokingly. "That thing alone must be why it's so hot over here."

"I'm glad you like it," Amanda grinned. "I grew it myself."

"You're so lame," I laughed, shaking my head.

"It's genetic," Amanda sighed dramatically.

Amanda and I finished our meals without further interruption and headed to the nearby shopping district. I desperately needed new clothes, and Amanda casually mentioned trying on a new bathing suit.

The shopping district wasn't very far from the university—I often went there for lunch—so we walked back the way we came and picked up Amanda's car. A short two-minute drive later had us pulling up to an open-aired shopping centre that was little more than a giant horseshoe lined with shops and stalls of all sizes, from small one-person kiosks to a massive department store. The centre was decorated heavily with greenery and shade sails crisscrossing overhead, giving the entire place a tropical and exotic vibe.

"I love coming here," Amanda said as we walked past the threshold.

"It's definitely different to what we have back home," I replied.

"Wrong," Amanda stopped me and tugged on my hand.

I stopped and turned to face her. She was smiling, and her blue eyes sparkled with mischievous intent. Her pursed lips begged me to kiss her, but I was very aware of how publicly exposed we were.

"Wrong about what?" I asked.

Amanda took a step closer, resting her hands on my hips as I did the same to hers.

"About your home," she said softly. Her breasts pressed against my chest as we leaned into each other.

"What about it?" I asked, totally enraptured by her.

"This is your home now."

Then our lips touched, and the world ceased to exist.

Chapter 12

This kiss was even more explosive and incredible than our first one. I slid my tongue into her mouth, and Amanda's met mine in return. I pulled at her body, wanting to feel more of her against me, just as she pulled at mine. Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over.

"Wow," Amanda said, a little breathless.

"Wow indeed," I replied, my chest heaving with breathless excitement.

"I liked that," Amanda smiled, then bit her bottom lip. "But we probably should be a little more careful."

"Agreed," I chuckled.

We were practically standing in the middle of the broad walkway, where anyone could see. I had no doubt we'd been noticed as that couple who offered far too much affection in public. I just hoped it wasn't by anyone who knew Amanda and the girls.

We walked on for a few dozen metres while holding hands before I reluctantly let hers go. Amanda was a rare beauty and easily distinguished among a crowd. The last thing we needed was for one of Craig's friends to see her holding hands with the new guitarist of his band. It sucked, but I lived with these women and could spend as much time with them as I wanted.

"Sorry bout earlier," Amanda said once we reached a women's clothing store. "I don't know what came over me."

"You didn't hear me complaining, did you?" I winked.

"I guess not," she smiled cheekily. "But it's kind of hard to speak with my tongue in your mouth."

"I'm willing to try again," I quipped.

Amanda smiled and playfully slapped my shoulder. I could tell she was enjoying herself for probably the first time in a month, if what the others were to be believed.

I let the raven-haired bombshell pull me into the women's clothing store, and I walked behind her as she picked out a small selection of clothes. As her dutiful brother and soon-to-be lover, I helped carry her choices to the changing rooms. Half a dozen of the fifteen or so rooms were in use, marked by a bored-looking husband or boyfriends seated on the provided armchairs. Most were glued to their phones as their significant others tried on new outfits they'd inevitably have to pay for.

"Need a hand?" I asked Amanda as I handed her the outfits.

Amanda grinned, then shoved me into the chair. "Tempting, but I think I can manage. I will need your opinion, though."

"So, you're going to model for me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's your lucky day," Amanda stuck her tongue out at me, then vanished behind the changing room door.

I glanced around at the other men nearby, but none of them bothered to look up. A few of them had a pile of shopping bags at their feet, and I guessed they'd been at it for a few hours already. I could understand their plight as I'd been in this situation several times back in England. But those girls weren't Amanda.

The door to Amanda's changing room flung open a few minutes later, and I had to pick my jaw off the floor. Amanda had chosen to bring out the big guns first and was modelling a bathing suit for me. The top was a simple black wrap around her chest that barely held her generous curves in place. Her long raven hair swept over her bare shoulders enticingly, and the top left the entirety of her smooth, tight stomach bare. The bottoms seemed modest enough, riding high on her hips and splitting her glorious cheeks.

"Do you like it?" Amanda asked, giving me a twirl.

My earlier compliment obviously prompted this outfit choice because it showcased her spectacular ass. I glanced towards the other men seated around the change rooms, and each one of them, bar one, was trying their hardest not to stare. The other was openly gawking.

"It's perfect," I smiled.

Amanda grinned and pranced back into the change room. I looked over towards the closest men sitting by me. In unison, they both gave me an approving nod and thumbs up.

Typically I would have grown jealous of another man looking at my girlfriend, but I wasn't. It wasn't like she was going home with anyone else tonight. Then it hit me that I was already thinking of Amanda as my girlfriend, even though she hadn't technically broken up with Craig yet.

Amanda tried on a few other outfits, modelling them for me. A white tank-top that showed enough side-boob to make Erica blush, matched with a pair of black skin-tight ripped jeans. A black sundress with a high neck that left her back, shoulders, and arms completely bare and an almost fluffy cotton grey pair of shorts so tiny that she may as well be wearing underwear, and a matching top that pressed her breasts together enticingly while leaving her entire mid-rift exposed. Amanda called those her new bed-time outfit, but I knew if she wore that to my bed, it would be coming off in record time.

The amateur modelling session was easily the most fun I'd had in a women's clothing store in my entire life. The only way to top it would be if I shared the change room with her, which might be pushing things a little too far, especially in public.

"I'll get these for you," I said, pulling my wallet out.

"You don't have to," Amanda said, pulling out her bank card.

"I know, but I want to," I insisted. "You've been so good to me since I arrived and have given me a place to live and plenty of great meals. Let me do this for you."

"Okay," Amanda smiled. "How about a nice dinner as repayment."

"Only if it's just the two of us," I winked.


I pulled my card out, swiped it over the machine, and then input my pin. I had plenty of money left over from my inheritance, but I was looking forward to my first pay from the new job, so I didn't have to dip into my savings. But I figured now and again wouldn't be such a bad idea, especially for my girls.

I collected the bagged items for Amanda and followed her out of the store. A few of the men nearby gave me nods of approval secretively while their partners weren't looking.

I was one lucky son-of-a-bitch.

The next stop on our trip was another clothing store; only this one also catered for men. Amanda insisted that I needed some fresh clothes and that it was my turn to model for her. I always felt uncomfortable with any form of modelling, even though I knew that women found me attractive. It always seemed trivial, and I never knew what to do with my hands.

"You do know I have plenty of clothes," I reminded Amanda.

"Yes, I know, and I am very impressed with your collection of band t-shirts, but you need some more summer-appropriate clothing," Amanda replied, handing me a bundle of clothes.

I took the clothes and turned to enter the changing room. It was larger than I thought, with a pull-across curtain further dividing the chamber. The back section had a small bench seat across the back wall where one could sit while changing.

I stripped my shorts off and pulled on a pair of board shorts. They were black with angular white patterns across the left leg. They were much lighter than my cargo shorts and fit snuggly around my hips. I rifled through the clothing, spotted a few shirts, and picked one out. Then I had an idea.

I pulled my long hair out of its customary ponytail and messed it up a touch. I'd done a little modelling as a favour for a friend back home when she released an alternative clothing line. I hated the experience, but she was a great friend. I pulled on the things I learned that day.

These girls weren't the only ones that could show off.

"What's taking so lo—"

I suddenly pulled the door open and stepped out, keeping my hands casually by my waist. Amanda's words were cut off, and her eyes widened as she looked me in. I'd been shirtless around the pool plenty of times since I'd arrived, but I'd bet what was in my bank account that she hadn't been expecting me to do this.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"What?" Amanda replied, looking a little stunned.

"The shorts, do you think they suit me?" I grinned.

Amanda nodded, then glanced around the shop quickly. My eyes followed hers, and I spotted a couple of girls, a brunette and a blonde, by the counter. They were looking straight at me and talking in hushed tones. I waved at the girls, and the blonde blushed and looked away quickly. The brunette, however, did not.

"Looks like you have a fan club," Amanda smirked.

"It's smaller than yours from the last shop," I winked.

"Guess we can't go anywhere, can we?" Amanda giggled.

"Maybe if we kept our shirts on, we wouldn't get so many looks," I chuckled.

Just then, I saw a familiar Fabio look-alike through the shop windows. Craig was walking with his brother, Paul. I watched them for a few seconds and prayed to whichever gods were real that the two would walk past. Unfortunately, no one listened.

Craig strolled into the store with his brother, drawing the attention of the girls at the counter. I grabbed Amanda's hand and yanked her into the change room with me before slamming and locking the door shut.

"Nick!" Amanda whispered urgently. "We can't do this here."

"Craig's out there," I said, silencing her. "I saw him walk in with his brother."

"So, you put us in a more precarious situation?" Amanda arched her eyebrow in question.

"You haven't broken up with him yet, have you?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"No," Amanda shook her head and adverted her eyes.

I cupped her chin and raised her eyes to mine. "I don't care. You take as much time as you need. I'm sorry for putting us in this situation, but I don't want to share you with anyone else right now, and I knew...He would derail our day together."

"Fuck I love you," Amanda said after a brief pause.

Our lips met, and once again, an intense rush of pleasure hit me as Amanda's body melted into mine. My hands found her hips, pulling her body against mine before sliding down to her glorious ass. Amanda squealed into my mouth as I gave her perfect ass a firm squeeze.

Our tongues danced as Amanda's hands ran up my arms, along my chest, and down my stomach. Her breasts mashed into my chest roughly as her fingers danced along the waistband of my shorts. My cock quickly stiffened to a full erection, constricted tightly by my new board shorts.

"We can't, not here," Amanda gasped as our lips parted.

"We can," I said, kissing down her neck. "I need you."

"I won't be able to stay quiet," Amanda moaned. "It will be impossible."

Suddenly, Craig's voice cut through the air, causing Amanda and me to stop breathing. "Amanda will come around; she always does.

I wanted to burst out of the change-room and lay Craig out for even speaking Amanda's name, but that was my irrational side. The sensible side of me was pointing out the fact that Amanda was standing here in my arms.

"Why do you put up with her," Craig's brother, Paul, asked.

"She's hot as fuck, bro," Craig replied. "Plus, she puts out a lot and never goes anywhere."

"Aren't you worried about Nick? He is her brother, after all, and you let him into the band."

"Nah, I'm not worried at all," Craig replied. "He barely knows them."

Craig and Paul were just outside our change-room, and it sounded like they might be getting items together to try on themselves.

"You barely know him either," Paul countered.

"Once he sees how crazy the girls in that house are, he'll wanna get the fuck out," Craig laughed. "There's a reason I don't stay over there very often."

"I thought it was because Erica wouldn't stop hitting on you," Paul asked mockingly.

"Shut the fuck up," Craig replied with what sounded like a slap across the head. "You're just jealous that all you got to fuck is that stuffed bear you keep under your bed."

Craig and Paul continued insulting and bantering with one another, but I zoned out their words. I was feeling a hot rage flow over me. I clenched my fists, ready to go out swinging at how these two talked about the women I loved. To hell with the consequences.

"Nick," Amanda's soft voice reached my ears. "It's going to be alright."

Amanda kissed me gently, then shifted me around until I was at the rear of the change room. Then she pulled the curtain across, cutting us off from the front section. The stalls were larger than they looked but still very cramped with two people. Amanda gently pushed me onto the seat, then straddled my hips like she had that first night. Our lips met once more, and we kissed without a worry in the world. Our tongues danced, and our hands roamed as her boyfriend's and brother's voice drifted outside.

My rock-hard cock was nestled perfectly between Amanda's legs, and she had started grinding herself against me. I grabbed her hips and began rocking my own in unison. It only took a few seconds before the two of us breathed heavily and moaned into each other's mouths. Suddenly, Amanda ripped her top off, followed by her bra a second later. Her large, perky breasts bounced to life before me. I had fantasised about her breasts many times since I returned home, only ever seeing them in her bikini. But nothing could prepare me for how utterly unique they were.

I took her rock-hard nipple into my mouth, latching on for dear life. Amanda suppressed a moan and pulled my head against her chest as she gyrated her hips, grinding herself against the length of my stiff rod.

I alternated between her magnificent breasts, sucking on her nipples and licking the tender flesh of her ample mounds as my hands roamed from her hips to her sides to cup her tits. I was in heaven and so close to an orgasm that I knew I'd explode the second Amanda's bare skin touched my erection.