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And that was the state she found me when she woke up in the morning, naked on top of her body. She asked me what happened last night and I told her that we visited Nancy and Dale, then she got drunk and I brought her back to our cabin and fucked her brains out. Holding her head in pain from the hangover, she asked in a groan if that was all. Nervously, I asked what she meant and she replied she had a really horny dream.

I teased her to share her dream with me but she giggled and refused. Then as she playfully wrestled with me, it was clear she was horny as fuck from the thought of last night and we fucked like animals. While I held her down and pounded her, she playfully resisted me before submitting and whimpering, "Take me! Put me in my place! Conquer this cum slut!"

This has to be one of the best vacation stories ever. It is just too bad we can't share it with our friends and family. So, lucky you, huh? And that itch... it only got worse after this experience. A lot worse.

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imadronG0imadronG04 months ago

sorry but i found it to long winded

RheanoRheanoabout 1 year ago

Thx, really great story!

JeffJaredJeffJaredover 3 years agoAuthor

Wow, I'm... so moved by your comment. Some of it a little too graphical for a comment, but thank you. :)

* So my stories are actually connected in the sense they should be a "series." But the restraint of a series is that you have to write them in sequence, so if you have new ideas later for a previous time in the timeline, you can't add it in. In the series "Bonnie's Diary," I ran into this issue. Also, I noticed a trend among the readers in that a lot of them refuse to read a story in the middle of a series if they have not read the previous installments. This means the further down you get in a series, the less new readers for your series. This is unfortunate because even in the BD series, all the stories are really standalone as well.

Standalone stories have a disadvantage in the sense some details must be carried on from one story to the next if they are related. In such case, you have to waste a lot of time retelling the same details again and again in the beginning of every new story. So eventually I just stopped doing that and put up a note for the reader to refer to the chronology of the stories in my profile. However, lately I stopped doing that as well, leaving the stories more as standalone again.

So there's a big misconception to my stories because of the lack of understanding the main character, Bonnie. Most of this was explained in "From Fantasy to Realty," as well as other stories. Even more so, heart of understanding this character is in the BD series. As mentioned, I study sexuality and one of the topic that interest me was women who are into rape fantasies. I wanted to know why, what is the psychological make up behind it. And thankfully? I met a lot of women like the character Bonnie, who were willing to tell me why. From them, I felt like I was a child, naive, and never really understood women until that point. (This is what inspired the story "College Life.")

I learned every woman is different, at least there are various different archetypes. I don't want to use the label "masochist," because that also has different variants. For example, in these stories, Wendy, Sarah, Bonnie, are all masochists yet each one is different. In the case of the titular character, and the main theme of pretty much all my stories, is the inner struggle to free one's sexuality (inner slut) vs the society's demand on how women's sexuality should be perceived. The struggle of the character is not with the physical act, but against herself. Likewise, the husband's cuckold desire is of the same nature in reverse, desire to see the wife's struggle with her inner slut vs the image of a dutiful wife the society demands. It's a little complex for some to understand, it isn't merely about being a slut, it is about the "struggle" which is what turned both of them on.

The psychology of dominance and submission is often misunderstood. People think that the male dominance over a female is about chauvinism, that is untrue. It is actually a dual symbiotic relationship. Of course, not everyone is the same, so there are variants. However, when we examine the man dominating the female, we overlook the fact the female is also dominating the man by "letting him" be in charge. In fact, the female is the one in control, by being a tease and controlling the male sexually. Again women without this fetish, it may be hard to understand, but there are women out there who wants to be dominated, controlled, treated as a sex slave. But they're not weak, I had one of them told me straight out she would never have sex with me because she thinks I'm weak, I don't have the guts to just "take her against her will," and needed her consent. I told her now that I know what she wanted, I will do it but she said "Now you know that is what I wanted, so you are doing it with my consent and that is not what I'm looking for." (Confusing huh?)

I could write on and on about this, it is a fascinating topic. There's also the element of humiliation, which again requires the element of dignity and why the real turn on is watching a woman struggle with her inner slut. (Refer to The Simpsons episode on Sideshow Bob)

* Concerning what you said about Asians not into cuckold etc... Well, it is actually the same answer as I just replied above. Asians among other ethnic groups are even more restricted and programmed into their culture, a way of "behavior" demanded by their society. However, on the inside, we're all humans. So on the outside, they're even more ... hate to say it... pretentious than other groups. Asian people are difficult to work with if you haven't experienced it, they're passive aggressive.

But that's the interesting part and why the titular character is Asian, she is not just fighting her inner slut vs society's demand, but against the restrictive Asian cultural demand of how women should behave. As for Asian men, as you've pointed out it is all about "face" or pride, so they would never admit they have a cuckold fetish or any type of fetish. However, that doesn't mean they don't have any. I'm sure in the forum here, you'll meet a lot more open Asian men because behind animosity, people are a little more open about themselves.

* Thanks again for your comment, I love deep thought comments. In fact, I love these kinds of discussions even more than writing the stories themselves. hahaha. However, I don't typically write these out as I wanted the stories to be read and reflected by people in their own lives and how they take it. Some read it as more closely to the purpose and intent as I've described, while others perhaps wanted to read them as more of an aggressive rape fantasy, but that's up to them. This is why I leave various details in question such as "Was my wife really that naive, thinking this was just a night of casual hangout?"

Was she really innocent and naive? Or ... she knew exactly what this was and she wanted it, not just for herself, but she knew what her husband wanted and she wanted to tease him and control him with it?

And the next question is, was she consciously aware of the question above? Perhaps her inner slut wanted it, but her upper consciousness wanted to be naive?


Hooked_on_SmutHooked_on_Smutover 3 years ago
@JeffJared & @Judgmental Readers

@JeffJared, Whilst I don’t have any fetish of being forced to pleasure geriatrics (eg. giving blowjobs to men whose balls sag/hang down to my neck. My sincerest apology to those who have long saggy jewels, but that is just my preference, no offence intended. I don’t know, maybe I will in the future, but currently not interested in trying), or being raped (I had escaped multiple assaults during my childhood and teenage years, so I don’t get any pleasure from them), or humiliated (that actually puts me off), I must admit your stories are quite well written.

There were some parts of your stories that had successfully managed to...erhm..... make my juices flow... and I certainly couldn’t resist playing with my ‘little man in the canoe’ because of it. I suppose I managed to filter and get parts of your stories that I liked/enjoyed, and didn’t let the parts I disliked bothered me (I skipped through them). I don’t think I’m going to tell you which stories/parts I like, that’ll be revealing my naughty side too much (I don’t read all of them unfortunately. Based on your story descriptions, I don’t read those I have no interests in. Sorry, no offence, but just being honest here.)

FYI - I’ve left a couple of your stories (amongst others from different authors) that guarantee to make me.. erhm... “wet” stayed open in my phone browser, to be on stand-by for those moments when I need to rub one out quickly or too tired to find / read new stories. I swear I’m not a perv despite almost having an RSI or Carpal Tunnel from my multiple DIY times a day. I’ve been told I just have high libido.

So, well done. Stories that manage to get me to flow or flood down there, and help me reached multiple releases/orgasms, well...with the speedy frictions on my clit of course, are successful stories for me. So thank you.

Although I must say, I’m a bit curious. I find it to be quite uncommon for your ethnic group to have this sort of fetish. No, I’m not stereotyping. I just happen to know the culture very well. Most men in this ethnicity rarely like to share their wives or have their wives fucked by other men, something to do with “losing face”. I also saw that another reader from the same ethnic background commented in one of your stories that he’s into it too. So it is quite an eye-opener for me and I do find it super interesting, in a good way, like “Wow, really.. I learn something new” moment....

Anyway, I hope you don’t take these mean comments left by moronic readers who clearly lack brain cells to heart. I hope you continue to write for those of us who have enjoyed your stories. I’m open-minded enough to accept there are a plethora of fetishes, and different people will have different kinks (everyone’s different, right?), as long as they don’t go around raping women or girls (or men/boys or whatever genders these days), or be a facilitator. I’m sure you don’t do or condone this. I agree, your stories are actually on the mild side in terms of Non-con or fetishes.

Bottom line, I like your stories enough to feel the need to write a lengthy comment to defend your stories from idgits. So please don’t be discouraged by a few bad or insulting comments, and please continue sharing your stories.

@Judgmental Readers, I’m getting really sick of judgmental people who have no business reading something perhaps they should not be reading, or being moronic prudes, or perhaps they simply do not understand English.

Category clearly states NonConsent/Reluctance, and if that’s not clear enough, the author listed a short description about “wife being a meat slave for older couple”. What the h3ll do you think that means? If you find the idea of being forced to have sex with geriatrics offensive or not your cup of tea, then shouldn’t something in your brain tells you not to read, or stop reading if the story gets too much for you to handle?

If you get no pleasure from reading these stories or don’t end up leaking or wanking/playing with yourself, or especially if you feel disturbed, or upset, or disgusted after reading it in anyway, that’s a good indication it’s not for you and perhaps it’s best to stop reading and choose another story/category.

You don’t have to read it if you don’t like it. I’m sure no one is pointing a gun to your head forcing you to read and leave feedbacks. Also, please don’t forget this is fiction.

If you choose to read it, and don’t like the story afterwards, you are welcome to provide constructive criticism to the author. However, don’t be mean or judgmental. You’re reading the story for free. It’s not like you have to pay to read it and unhappy you’ve wasted your money. Just because you’re allowed to voice your opinions, that does not give you the right to be nasty to someone who chooses to open up and share his/her talents/desires. At the same time, the author also has the right to write what he/she wishes to write/express. Freedom of speech goes both ways here. So don’t judge.

I know for a fact from reading multiple Non-Con stories, that even when authors have provided multiple warnings of what the stories are about prior to the start of the story (eg. “Be warned, this story contains rape scenes, dark violent sex, etc”) or how offensive they can be, there will always be idiotic self-righteous readers who will still ruin it and lash out unfairly at the author.

So for Pete’s Sake, please understand what fiction and what NonConsent category means. There are a lot of other categories within Literotica if NonCon stories are not for you.

JeffJaredJeffJaredover 3 years agoAuthor
Reply to feedbacks (mostly via email)


Your email is not real, so I could not reply. Thank you for your thorough feedback. I don't know if you will come back to read this, but I thought your questions were good and I like to answer them:

1) This story is posted in noncon, that is why there is no consent. All my stories are posted in noncon, but there's a twist to it concerning the "psychology of noncon," or I call "consent to noncon." I hate to bore people with details, but I study sexuality and this is one topic that interest me, women who are like Bonnie. I actually had a small discussion in the forums with some authors on the topic before.

In short, everyone is different and as such, every woman is different. There are women who like it rough, like to be dominated, treated exactly as in my stories, and they act out as teases to get what they want. What one subject said to me was, to be "liberated of their inner slut without the guilt of society's demand of how women should behave."

This is why it always amuses me when I get comments like the 2 posted here, being lectured by people who don't share this kind of fetish. These people have no idea how naive and judgmental they sound. They stereotype thinking this is some chauvinist alpha male thing. It is not, I've met plenty of women who like to be treated this way-- degraded, dominated, used, etc... it drives them insanely wild and high. In fact, they all think I'm too tame.

2) I really like your assessment on the protagonist, that's some deep psychology background info. There is a "subtle" anger, but it is not "real" anger? It is hard to explain but it is all part of the dominance/submissive play. Again, if this is an area you are not familiar with, I can see why the confusion. This story is actually a prequel to other stories, they're listed in chronology in my profile. In other stories, I've explained the character archetype of Bonnie, she is the type that "teases until the male becomes angry" and pounds her into submission. So it is a form of sexual anger, which was the point of the tease.

I'm not quite sure about the other consistencies you were referring to, but because this is a prequel of the married life of Bonnie, I was referencing other stories such as "Unexpected Evening," and not her college years. But mostly, I think there's a misunderstanding in that "anger" you were referring to. I hope this clears it up.

Thanks for your email, I enjoy these discussions. I love discussions about the psychology of sex and going deeper into these meanings, characters, etc... I don't get this kind of feedbacks enough, they're rare and that is why I wanted to reply.

Thanks again!

JeffJaredJeffJaredover 3 years agoAuthor


You must be one of those people who yells at the movie screens at the theatre.

hornee1hornee1over 3 years ago
Jan my wife

Had me so hot my cock was leaking at the thought of Dale taking my wife.

JeffJaredJeffJaredover 3 years agoAuthor


I respect your comment because you are honest and this is who you are. However, curious you didn't consider perhaps not everyone is like you? I've met a lot of women in my lifetime who love these kinds of stories and treatment. In fact, I was quite tame before meeting them.

Also curious why did you read this story? Since the 1 line short description was pretty accurate on the theme and content of this story. There are a lot of fetish/categories in the story list, I don't agree with some of them and so I don't go around reading them. Why subject myself to contents I will not enjoy?


JeffJaredJeffJaredover 3 years agoAuthor
lol what?

That's why it is a "fetish," guys. lol wtf?


ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 3 years ago

Has she got to see her lawyer yet? I bet she does soon. I know I would. I'd be calling you from a different location.

Any man who wants another man to touch me will not have the privilege of being in my life. I respect myself much more than that.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 3 years ago
So what you’re saying is:

You get aroused by your wife being disgraced, humiliated and enslaved.

The person you swore to go or, protect and cherish and you get off on hurting her.

Wow. You’re a real prize.

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