Making Troy A Man Ch. 02


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"Come on y'all!!" bellowed Aunt Lulu's voice from downstairs. "Up and at 'em!! Let's get a move on! Brand new day!"

"Good mornin' Troy," said Glenda with a broad grin.

"Good morning," Troy managed to slur back. Everything hurt. Breathing was about the only motion he could handle.

"Let's go get 'em, Tiger!" Glenda whispered and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He was too surprised and sore to recoil. Then she was up and changing for the day.

Troy dragged his ass out of bed and followed suit as best he could.

The early parts of the day went fairly well since he was numb from the neck down. Glenda was pandering and accommodating to him the whole time. Every once in a while his mind sort of panicked and questioned why he wasn't working harder on escape. But his new plan was simply survival.

By supper time, he had nearly collapsed twice. His limbs just couldn't carry on.

The evening went similarly to the last night. He bathed, nearly fell asleep in the tub, changed, went to bed early, and was asleep the moment he laid down.

The next morning was the same. Breakfast. Toil. Drudgery. The afternoon was even worse. He literally had nothing left. As he was loading some milk jugs onto a pallet, he actually did collapse. He laid there panting.

"You ok, Troy?" Glenda asked him with concern.

"I..." he gasped. "I can't move. I can't. I'm too tired. I just can't."

"Well we gotta get them jugs loaded... C'mon, Troy... C'mon, get up. Momma'll be real angry if we don't get it done. She's gonna drive to market tomorrow, they gotta be loaded."

"Can't..." he breathed. "Just can't. Let me die here. You can sell my body at market."

Glenda half giggled, not sure if she should take that statement seriously. "Well, Momma would maybe understand why it wasn't done before supper if we had a good excuse..."

Troy rolled his head over to fix his gaze at her. He had no idea what she was talking about. She read that in his confused, exhausted expression.

"Well, like, if we fuck... Momma's gonna wanna see to fixin' you pretty quick... You wanna fuck, Troy?" she had an eager half-grin on.

God! No! That would be worse than death!

"Oh, Glenda, no..." he weakly protested. "You see, ya see, I'm... I'm still a virgin..." Yeah, work that angle, shy, virgin, want it to be romantic... "I'd love for you to be my first. I really would! But I'm a wreck, here, I'd want to, you know, kinda make it special? Can I... Can I be the man for that? You know, kinda sweep you off your feet?" Jesus, where the hell was he getting this from?! Ok, no more screwing around. He had to get his shit together and start looking for an exit.

Glenda blushed and shifted her feet. "Oh, gosh, Troy!" she giggled. "You're such a cutie!!"

"Really I'll make it up to you tonight." Shit! Why the hell had he said that?!! "Uh, let's... Let's load these... Uhhhhrr," he groaned, struggling to his feet, "...these jugs...."

Using the fear and aversion to copulation with his abominable cousin as a fire under his butt, he summoned strength past his own to help with loading the jugs.

Once they had them on the pallet, Glenda used the forklift to hoist them into the back of the pickup and strapped them in. Troy collapsed onto the hay again, heaving and panting. This was beyond intolerable. Yes, tomorrow, he was going to have to focus back on getting the fucking hell right out of here.

On the way back for dinner, his legs literally failed him. Glenda tried to coax him up, but he couldn't. He was completely wiped out. Glenda eventually just picked him up in her arms, and carried him back to the farm house. Troy was too exhausted to feel undignified or disgusted. He nearly fell asleep with his head on her breast as she strode the distance, cradling him lovingly the whole way.

She gently put him back on his feet and made a show of dusting him off before they entered the house. She grinned warmly at him. He found himself returning her smile. You know? For a pig-beast, she could actually be kind of nice.

He stumbled his way into the house and sat down. They said grace over supper, and Troy positively devoured the meal. He resolved to keep his mind active. He might have bought himself some time or space; he couldn't afford to squander it.

They took turns a bathing after dinner. Troy scrubbed himself clean. His every muscle ached. As an effort to maintain a sense of self-mastery and routine, he decided to shave. He grew very little facial hair, so it was a quick job, but it made him feel better. More civilized. On that note, he decided to shave his cock and balls, too. They were growing some stubble, and even though he was now apparently, and for who knew how long, living on a farm, he swore he would not morph into some kind of dirty, hairy hillbilly.

He dried off as best he could and limped down the stairs. He wished he had some other clothes to wear than the coveralls and T-shirt, but he wasn't about to come downstairs to those four inbred weirdos just dressed in his bedclothes.

In the parlour, he did his best to participate in the conversation, although he still didn't have much to add. He managed to ask a couple of questions about the market. They seemed to be buying his feigned engagement in the process. Fine, he thought, fine. The sooner they think I'm whatever fucked-up definition of 'normal' they want me to be, the better.

He tried to probe for information where he could, but he was simply too tired. He ended up falling asleep on the couch.

He awakened some time later as his aunt and cousins were still engaged in conversation.

"I ain't got no reason to be jealous," his cousin Wendy was saying. "I just want to know when he's gonna be eatin' the rest of our pussies. It's just a chore, don't get me wrong. He's gotta get right. But I like a boy's tongue in my pussy, same as you. An' if he's eatin' you out every day and night, I don't see why he shouldn't be eatin' the rest of us too."

"He's just a bit delicate, is all! City boy. He's been pampered," Glenda protested. "He's... he's queer for sure. You all know what Aunt Tessa said! But with me, it's different. He likes me! He really does! I just ask him to eat my pussy an' he does it!"

Wendy scoffed. "You just mind your loins. You're just gettin' possessive 'cause you ain't had a boy servicin' ya since we tuned that Randy right. Ain't my fault boys don't fancy ya."

"Now, hold that tongue," Aunt Lulu broke in. "No need to bring talk like that into the discussion. Wendy, you'll get your turn. We all will."

Troy almost jumped when he heard that. They'd all get their turn?? Death, come first!! He faked that he was still asleep. He might learn something if they thought he wasn't aware.

"Troy's queer," Lulu continued, "Or maybe he goes both ways, but just never knew it. Either way, if he likes eatin' Glenda's pussy, an' sleepin' in her bed, that's a powerful step in the right direction, so I ain't gonna interfere. He's still gettin' used to the idea of bein' on the farm, an' from what I know, Glenda's the first girl he's ever been with. So I ain't gonna force any other girls on him until he's had a chance to learn to love pussy. It's your own doing anyway, Wendy. You an' Carol both had the chance to take him for chores the first day, an' Glenda was the only one who volunteered. You both went the other direction quick as you could."

There was a pause. Troy was praying for them to say something about a phone.

"Beside which, he told me he likes Glenda. I woulda never thought he'd just lay down an' eat her pussy when she asked him, but he did. I'm not convinced he woulda done that for either o' you two. Farm work'll toughen him up right. We'll see to his sexuality soon enough, and as I said before, on my say-so. An' so far it looks like him and Glenda are fire an' gasoline. So fer now, she got free reign. An' you other two, butt out. You got it?"

"Got it, Momma," they both said in unison. It sounded like Wendy was a little more upset at the directive.

"So, on that free reign note," Aunt Lulu said, turning to Glenda, "He eats your pussy at the drop of a hat. That's good news. Anything else? You gonna fuck anytime soon?"

Troy lurched again slightly. He faked a snore, hoping it sounded natural.

"Well, Momma, I offered today..."

"Uh huh..." grunted Aunt Lulu.

"But, he's shy. He's still a virgin..."

Carol guffawed. "Yeah! A virgin! Bet ya a king's ransom his butt ain't no virgin!"

"You two quit it now!" Glenda complained. "You're just bein' mean! You're just jealous because he's a sweet, sweet boy who took a fancy t'me! That's right! He told me so! He never met a country girl before! Well, now he has, and it's me, and he likes me!"

"All right, all right, calm down," urged Lulu. "You'll wake our little sleeping beauty. Now look, he's gonna be right before we're done, one way or another. An' I already told you two, you'll have your turn. An' if he ends up really fallin' for Glenda, well, I'll get behind that. I ain't never been one t'stand in the way o' love, should it come to that."

Troy thought his dinner was going to come up. Weren't these twisted perverts going to talk about anything other than their, warped, sick ideas about 'right' and 'normal' and... had he really heard what Aunt Lulu had said??... relationships?

He had to get out of here.

He had had enough of this loathsome conversation though, he didn't want to hear any details of how these depraved rapist predators planned to violate him. He feigned stirring, then waking.

"Well, hello, there, sleepy-head," his aunt said. "How you feelin'?"

"Tired," he managed. "Sore. This is, uh, a little more work than I'm used to."

Lulu chuckled. "Yep, well, it's the order of the day around here. Glenda says you're adjustin' real well."

"He really is, Momma," gushed Glenda. "Why, he'll be an expert farm hand in no time!"

"I'm sure I will be!" he said, injecting fake cheer into his voice. "But right now I'm pretty wiped still. I think it's off to bed here pretty quick."

"All right, then, Sugar!" Aunt Lulu smiled. "Early day again tomorrow!"

"Yeah, I, uh, I'm getting the idea of that. So, uh, listen, is there any way I could maybe talk to my mom? I sorta miss her a bit..."

"Not 'til Sunday, after church," Aunt Lulu said. "You'll have to last until then. Is there a message you want me to give her, though?"

"Uh, sure..." Sunday. Sunday at least he'd find where the damn phone was. If he hadn't managed to find it himself by then. Maybe he could... coax Glenda into showing him or telling him where it was? "Yeah, just tell her I miss her. And I love her."

"Ok, sure thing, Sugar!"

He retired to bed, and Glenda joined him. He was filled with revulsion, but his mind knew her... attraction, or what ever the hell it was, to him, was his best chance at the moment to get any information.

He allowed himself a moment to think of Kevin, and his heart was filled with longing and sorrow. Then, he returned to the present.

"I know you're sore, Troy," Glenda said as she put on her night clothes. "I know you ain't got the arms of a farm boy, but you're doin' real good. You'll toughen up real quick, I know you will. Listen, I give real good rubdowns, can I... can I give you one?"

His mind screamed in the negative. He couldn't stand the thought of her touching him... He had to push this though, he had to keep her convinced he liked her. God forbid what might happen if she didn't...

"Uh, sure, Glenda, sure. That'd actually be really nice. You... you gotta be really gentle though, ok? I'm super tender."

"Ok, you got it, Tiger!" she grinned. Troy suppressed a gag. How was he going to survive?

He laid on his stomach, his skin crawling. Glenda hummed a tune, got some baby oil, gently removed his night shirt with a giggle and began caressing his skin.

Her very touch sent his entire brain aflame with revulsion and horror. Her fingers lightly tracing his skin felt like knives.

Slowly and methodically, she stroked and felt her way along the knotted cords of his muscles. Following the contours of his shoulders, she carefully and tenderly probed his flesh. As it warmed beneath her touch, she began to manipulate and work the muscle.

Troy groaned. She was gentle, but deliberate and very skilled. As much loathing as he had for his cousin, he had to admit that this felt absolutely wonderful.

Her fingers were magic! So tenderly, she was teasing all the soreness out of his exhausted limbs, bringing him such blissful relief. He groaned even deeper, surrendering to her touch. This was just what he needed! And she was incredible.

He closed his eyes and shuddered, glorious pleasure and satisfaction flowing slowly, inch by inch through his muscles wherever her expert fingers danced.

He felt himself start to relax for the first time in three days. He was floating on clouds, letting the sensations wash over him. He was drifting off to sleep, slipping away into a fuzzy, warm, pleasant place, when his blood suddenly ran cold through his veins. Glenda had his pyjama pants down and was reaching between his legs to caress his genitalia.

He felt the adrenaline and terror roar through his body and senses. Oh, god, what was he going to do? What the hell was she about to do??!

She chuckled, then laughed out loud. "Oh Troy! Troy, you got no... do you shave down there?"

"Uh, uh, yeah... Yeah I, uh, shave there. It's, uh, cleaner..." He was desperately trying to think of some way to stop this, to find a way out. She was basically on top of him. She was far physically stronger than he was. Plus, he was sore and exhausted. Any physical solution was certainly out of the question.

She giggled again. "I like it, Troy. It looks..." She was overcome with snorts and giggles. "It looks very, very clean. Neat. Sexy."

He held still and held back a clog of vomit in his throat as she molested him.

Gently, she rolled him on to his back and pulled his pyjamas the rest of the way off. No! Stop! his brain shrieked. He couldn't allow his mouth to let the words out. Please! No!

She cupped his cock and balls, gently exploring the smooth, hairless skin. Her thumb and forefinger grasped his circumcised penis and softly began tugging up and down. She looked up into his eyes with a huge, gleaming smile and a sparkle in her own. He looked back, seized with horror. He faked a smile and prayed for deliverance, guidance. Anything to get him out of this situation.

She leaned forward and licked the tip of his penis. She giggled and smiled up at him. She licked a few times, up and down the shaft while she cradled it in her left hand. She blew softly on his scrotum. Kissed his penis. Tenderly, lovingly, she introduced her mouth to his cock. He lay there utterly mortified, his every fibre screaming with revulsion.

She licked and lapped on his shaft, slowly, ever so slowly, drawing it into her mouth. Softly she sucked him, flicking her tongue on the underside of his penis. He suppressed sobs of despair and fear with all his might.

After lightly sucking and caressing his flaccid member for several minutes, she released it and kissed it a few times. "Something wrong, Tiger?" she asked him as she looked up at him, gentle concern flavouring her voice. "Are you ok?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm just... real tired, Glenda. Uh, why don't you let me, uh, do you?" Oh god!! Had he said that? No!! No!!

"Oh, wouldja, Tiger?" she giggled. I wanted to ask ya... I, I sorta told Momma you've been eatin' me a couple times a day. I hope ya don't mind... I really wanted you ta, but... the first time was kinda... rude, ya know? I meant it when I said I wanted it to be nice-like, I really did."

"I don't mind, Glenda," he assured her. She raised her nightshirt and removed her panties. Forcing himself forward, fighting his panic back, he advanced in between her thick, meaty thighs...

There it was, as she spread her legs. That horrid, hairy, squishy mass of wet folds and valleys. Disgusted past conscious thought, he reached his tongue out... and made contact with her wetness.

"Ooooh, yeah, Tiger," she moaned. "I've been thinkin' about this for the last two days... Ooooh... Gosh, I like you so much, Troy, you know, you're real, real cute... Oooooh... Mmmmm... That's so, so good... Ooooh... This is how I wanted it to be the first time, just like this... Ooooh, Troy.... Oooooh, Tiger, eat me... Eat my pussy..."

Again he tried to turn his brain off and just service her. Fighting past the horror of the taste and smell, he lapped and lapped, forcing himself to pleasure her, focusing on her clit, trying to remember how he brought her off last time.

She sighed and cooed, muttering endearments and encouragements as he suffered through a hell of noisesome and unpleasant smells, tastes, and sensations. At least she was relatively fresh from the bath this time, and not as gooey.

He licked and lapped, trying to follow her reactions and get her to orgasm. He began gently sucking on her clitoral mound as this seemed to bring positive reactions from her.

"Ooooh! Yes! That's wonderful, lover! Oooh, Tiger, you're so good already, I just know... Oooh... that you're gonna be... Ooooh... awesome at... Oooh... eating pussy... Oooh. Ooooh! Oooooh!! Ooooh, jeepers! Oooh, Tiger!! Ooooh yes!!! I'm gonna...!!"

Sucking rhythmically, he teased her to the brink of orgasm... and over! Trembling and quivering, she sighed and moaned, grinding her pelvis in her lusty release.

"Ooh, Tiger! Ooh, Tiger!" she kept repeating. He thanked the heavens that it was over. He wanted to cry. He forced his breath in and out, smooth and even.

"Like that, did ya, my little... gumdrop?" he cringed. That sounded lame and contrived, even under the best light.

"Oooh, Tiger, that was wonderful! Oh, my, I'm so glad you decided to sleep in my bed, and that you came here, and that... and that you... offered... oh, Tiger, I feel so happy!" She giggled gleefully. "Gumdrop?" Troy maintained his forced grin, sure that he had ruined everything with that cheesy nickname. "You say the sweetest things, Tiger! You're such a sweet, sweet boy..."

She laughed and snatched him up in an exuberant bear hug. She clutched him close engulfing him in her womanhood, her body mass, until he was almost swallowed up.

"Ha ha!" he forced a laugh back. "So... Gumdrop... I, uh, really want to call my mom. Would you please... please, tell me where the phone is?" be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Did you die?!

Hope that's not too mean-spirited, but here's hoping we get a conclusion! Doesn't have to happen tomorrow, but it would be nice to know if you intend to finish this. If you've stopped writing, that's fine as well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

more please!!! this story is so hot!

Sucker4BoobiesSucker4Boobiesover 8 years ago

It's killing me that there's no more chapters to this story. I'm anxious to see if Troy will end up having to pleasure the other women in the house.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Support for a Talented Writer

I love how imaginative and creative you are! Your provocative mind works wonders in such a delightful way! Even with such a controversial topic, you're able to develop a riveting storyline that draws the reader in! Looking forward to the continuation, Love! :p

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Please continue this series. I would love to see what's next.

ranfallboyranfallboyover 9 years ago
Please make part 3..

Been waiting for 3 for a while and I just want you to know how much I enjoyed and loved these two and looking forward to the stories continuation whenever you can man..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
very nice story please continue

i wud love to see troy getting his way thru the farm.

great job bro

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Love it, please continue

Can't wait for Lulu to have a shot. Enjoying this way too much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good Story

So I know because this is erotica I shouldn't care about the characters or story past my level of arousal, but I have to say this is honestly good enough to warrant that. I think so far the fact that the protagonist is actually smart enough to fake his way through a terrible situation and work for that phone gives SOME logic to this whole story. I'm sure his mom is aware of all the happenings and he won't be saved anytime by her at least, but please give us a satisfying end to this one! Perhaps with him escaping and coming out of it relatively unscarred. This feels like how tape actually is : revolting, so I can't help but desperately hope he'll find a way out. Keep it up!

RabbitPrinceRabbitPrinceover 10 years agoAuthor
I'll get right on that

Yep, sure thing, Yep. Penectomy. Anal intimacy with a well-hung stud male lover. You've sure got my number!

1) Lol

2) Are you on crack?

3) Are you trying to motivate me to "moderate" these posts? Jeezuz.

4) Nice job demonstrating your absence of testicles by posting anonymously.

5) Where the hell do you people come from? I suggest getting a hobby.

6) While you're at it, why don't you read some of my other stories and come up with other clearly accurate assessments of my "phychological" state and surgical needs?

Have a nice day!

rdoolittlerdoolittleover 10 years ago
Missing the point part 2

I hope this femdom FICTION series continues. People taking this seriously as a social issue or a mental problem of the author are absurd.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Fictional or not; This [gay] writer requires urgent phychological help from his true erotic readers!

An ideal candidate for humiliating 'CFNM'/Full Castration' surgery before long; this sexually confused contributor would benefit from an experienced 'CFNM Mistress' to control his more outrageous thoughts regarding bi-sexuality between cousins and the like EG. --ONLY IF Interested in correspondence with a fully castrated male reader; I would be delighted to transfer a lifetime of sexually explicit experiences that led me to undergo a medically safe 'Penectomy' operation in order to enjoy 'Anal intimacy' with a particularly well-hung stud male lover. Write or E/mail

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Best story I read since Puzzles...

Great story, I love femdom reluctance stories. And this one i exciting, it has good plot, progression and excitement gradual buildup. You can really get into it.

RabbitPrinceRabbitPrinceover 10 years agoAuthor
Haters gonna hate

I knew this one was going to stir up some controversy. I could write an essay explaining and deconstructing a bunch of shit, but here's the bottom line: It's fiction. If you're the sort of person that goes and reads erotica in a "NonConsent/Reluctance" category, and you can't handle some controversial themes, well...

1) I don't think anyone can be "cured" of their sexuality. I feel that anyone that thinks so is an idiot. But so what? That's my opinion, and everyone is entitled to theirs. This is a story. The law is the law, right or wrong. Morality is a separate issue. Incest, specifically cousins marrying, isn't considered taboo by all societies. I don't think that rape is right either, but there's plenty of fiction about it.

2) Biblical law and State law are definitely separate issues. I don't think stoning someone to death is an appropriate punishment for adultery. So really, anyone who is a fundamentalist or tries to justify their moralistic beliefs with any holy text as backup is picking and choosing which laws to abide by. Unless they really are making sure they don't mix fibres in their clothes and leave their beards unshorn. Etc. (In the case of the Bible). But again, so what? This is a story. I don't expect everyone to like it. If you don't, fine, find something else that you do like. There's lots of stories here and elsewhere.

3) I'm going to try not to "moderate" any of the comments here. I haven't deleted one yet, even if they go into detail about what a shitty author I am. In any case, try to keep things insightful and constructive. I can take criticism. Intolerance is not something I'm really into. And I'm going to continue with this story, love it or hate it.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
So she's a hardcore Bible thumper

But she has absolutely no problem with mass adultery, premarital sex and criminal incest? The whole "gay conversion therapy by fat chick" is fucking stupid enough, but when you have a character that seems to be following a literalist interpretation of the Bible without literally following it, it starts getting stupid. The plot is different enough that I want to like it for innovation alone, but it's like the whole thing is balanced on the notion that this boy is a complete fucking moron and yet despite being a complete fucking moron can successfully fake out these women into believing that he's straight just by "eating pussy and fingerbanging". Simply put when he's so revolted that he keeps vomiting, and somehow manages to lie about it...the lack of a hard-on for disgusting people that in no way turn him on just doesn't lie.

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