Marion's Story Ch. 01


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"I aren't but lots of my friends are and I sympathize with them, it's hard you know. Has your sister come out yet?"

I shook my head. "No, she is worried about hurting Mom so she stays in the closet."

"Are you still in touch with her?"

"Yeah we talk at least once a week."

"So you don't care that she is gay?"

"No she is happy and that's all I care about."

After that night Molly and I became a lot closer, I think she saw me in a whole new light.

We ended up getting drunk at my flat one night. Alcohol and I were new friends and it did not take much to push me into drunkenness. I certainly had a new fan when I played her a few songs that I had learned from her favorite band. When she heard me sing mimicking Mel the singer she flipped. "God damn you sound just like Mel... Holy crap bat man... You're good!"

I laughed off her compliments and we finished off our drinks she was so trashed she couldn't stop talking. "So how come an angel like you doesn't have a girlfriend?"

"I could say the same about you, how come no girlfriend?"

She did a double take. "Hey just because I like lesbian rock doesn't mean I am a lesbian." She giggled.

"So what you never found a girl you like? Or have you never tried?"

"Fuck you're a nosy critter. Actually, I've had a few girlfriends, it's just that I prefer boys, well it's not boys so much as I like cock."

I laughed. "Jeez too much info girl."

"Hey if I could find a cute girl with a cock I would be in heaven."

"A cute girl with a cock... How is that even possible?"

She laughed. "I dunno it's just a dream."

She added absentmindedly. "With your voice when you sing and I close my eyes I see a cute girl... Yeah you would make a real hottie."

I laughed her off. "You're being silly. I ain't no chick."

Two more beers and I reckon I would have said don't move, just wait here... but no I was too terrified. I told her she could have the bed and I would crash on the pull out sofa, but in the end she just crashed on the bed with me.

I was in seventh heaven laying there with her head on my shoulder cute little snores echoing round the room, and even her hot bourbon smelling breath fouling up my nostrils made me feel warm inside.

I lay there for hours just listening and watching. When she finally woke and spotted me staring, she chuckled. "What are you doing you little perv?"

Taken aback I apologized. "Sorry Molly I was just admiring your beauty."

She shoved me hard enough to almost roll me out of bed. "Flattery won't get you what you want, but breakfast might."

As we ate breakfast Molly ordered. "Play me some music, astound me with your choices."

I selected a few that she might like. I started with Flogging Molly just because of the Name, then The Drop Kick Murphy's, Monsters of Men then a couple that she probably wouldn't know. She nodded along and tapped her foot. "Nice I like your style."

Molly and I slid into a close friendship after that and she kept taking me along to gigs and especially to her favorite girl band 'Our Dirty Kissable Lips'

They were quickly becoming my favorites as well. I loved their sound, dirty yet clear, driven but not overly busy. The drums were clear and loud. The only thing they really lacked was a guitar player who could provide some solos give the music a lift they lacked that bite and more vocals, I didn't know of the others couldn't or just didn't sing but some of their songs needed harmony.

Their look was another attraction. I know they were lesbians but fuck they were all gorgeous and the way they dressed, glamorous yet slutty. Maybe that's a thing Slutty Glam Rock... Anyway, I loved it. Locked in my room at nights when I had the place to myself, I experimented with replicating that look myself. With my hair now a lot longer I could tie it up and fluff it up with lots of dangly bangs to filter my face. I used lots of thick creamy lipstick and extra rouge to build the look. I had been experimenting with lots of lipsticks. I loved those thick pouty lips, not ridiculously so but juicy kissable lips. All the ones I tried never lasted, when first applied they were great but after a little while it wore off. Raspberry Dior Outrageous Effect Volume Lip Gloss was my preferred brand.

How to get a curvier figure was my other work on. I did have shapely legs and I was very slender, skinny for a boy but there was no shape. That is until I used the corset and immediately fell in love with its tight restrictive binding. Laced in really tight It felt like I was suffocating but I loved the feel and I felt transformed, suddenly I had a waist and a girly shape, I loved it so much my heart raced and I posed like a supermodel in front of the full length mirror admiring my new found shape and femininity.

High heels oh this is my secret love affair, nothing makes me feel more like a woman than when I slip into a pair of high heels, like the black sling backs that April hid in the treehouse. Once I had on a pair of high heels, I felt like I could conquer the world. I loved the feel and in the mirror my calves tightened up my ass stuck out damn it was special and I loved my little collection of heels. So with my corset laced in tight and my black seamed stockings and my patent leather heels I paraded around pretending to be a famous supermodel.

Unfortunately for me Molly and I seemed to be moving deeper into the friend's zone. We spent untold hours together working stacking shelves and listening to the latest sounds that either one of us was promoting as the next big thing.

I think she saw me in a slightly different light since she heard me sing and play guitar for the first time. From that night she had been on and on at me. "Oh my god Marion... You are really good. Why aren't you in a band?"

I kept fending her off without comment.

My place became her safe haven and when things were going bad for her she came around and flopped on my bed, especially if she was drunk. On nights like that she ended up laying back on my bed complaining about some guy who irritated her she'd get me to serenade her and it was always the Our Dirty Kissable lips songs she wanted to hear. She loved my take on them.

At school one day I was in the studio working on a composition for upcoming exams when Molly stumbled in. She flopped down in one of the seats and listened. It was a song I had written and arranged and for the exam I had to play all the instruments and record it.

She listened in silence a huge smile on her face. After I was finished, she came over and hugged me. "God that song is amazing, I was just imagining Our Dirty Kissable lips performing it. You know it's a girly song, don't you?"

I shrugged hiding the fact that I knew that. "It could go either way."

"Bullcrap, that song could be a lesbian anthem."

"Molly it is just something I wrote for the exams."

"Have you got a recorded version?"

"No but I should have by tomorrow."

"Would you mind if I played it for Our Dirty Kissable lips? I reckon they would love it."

I shrugged nervously. "Yeah I suppose, yeah OK."

She disappeared leaving me to finish off. I had to write three different pieces, an instrumental, a contemporary song and a gospel hymn. The work had been going well but Molly had destroyed my concentration. I had a couple of other fairly grungy punk songs that I had written about the times my sister used to force me to dress. I focused on them and recorded them so there were four songs on my CD that I would give to Molly.

It was the following day when she barged into my room, I was sitting with headphones on listening. She saw the smile on my face and clapped her hands. "Oh, you finished didn't you...? Give me a listen."

Without waiting for my response, she grabbed the headphones and put them on herself. "OK play it from the start so I can hear the whole thing." She ordered.

The moment the song started playing she started to hum along her foot tapping in time. She sat holding the phones tightly to her ears. The moment she was finished she bounced into my arms. "Jeez Marion these are awesome, man these are so good."

As she hugged me her lips crushed on mine and she kissed me, it was a hot searing spine tingling kiss. Her tongue attacked like a cobra snaking wildly into my mouth.

Caught completely by surprise I fell backwards onto the bed with her crashing on top of me. She attacked me like a ravenous wild cat stripping my shirt from my body. Her lips suctioned onto my nipples as I lay like a stunned mullet, my cock twitching wildly as it swelled frantically under the assault of her pussy which was grinding down hard as she writhed against me. Her mouth drove south down over my stomach until she was stopped by my belt. "God your skin is so smooth, you have less hair than me."

Shaving had been something I had recently started in earnest. I love stockings but they only work on silky smooth legs. Of course, once you start you sort of keep going and now, I was completely hairless, it cost a lot in moisturizer but I loved the feel.

Molly tore at my belt ripping it apart as she ran the zipper down freeing my cock like a clown springing out like a jack in the box the moment it was free, she grasped it firmly stroking it from the already slippery tip to the base.

She gave me a funny glare as she realized I was completely shaven my cock was as smooth as a baby's bum. She smirked. "Kinky, very kinky, so you shave everywhere."

I wanted to say something cool but my brain was non-functioning through lack of blood supply.

The moment her sexy wet juicy lips opened and slid down my throbbing shaft I jumped, my whole body levitated right up off the bed as I cried out in pleasure. "Oh fuck, Jesus Molly.'

Her eyes drifted up meeting mine. "Calm down babe it's only a blowjob."

I shivered as the waves of pleasure engulfed me. "Ooooohhhh god that feels so nice."

Her eyes never left mine as her lips slid slowly up and down, up and down. I couldn't hold back the shudder and as her lips reached the head of my cock, she kissed it her tongue circling the urethra. "Oh my god, you have never had a blowjob before have you?"

I shook my head slowly, embarrassed having to make that admission, but it got worse. "Marion are you a virgin?"

Ashamed I muttered. "Yes."

"Holy mother I have never had a virgin. Do you like it babe, does my mouth feel good on your cock?"

I nodded. "Yeah it's amazing, it feels so hot."

Her smiling eyes teased. "Have you ever felt a pussy?"

Anxiously I mumbled. "No."

She laughed. "Don't be shy baby, don't be embarrassed I don't care it makes me hot knowing I am going to be your teacher." She shuddered herself. "Hmmm hell yes it's making me fucking horny."

Her mouth slipped back over my dick and she sucked me deep inside her boiling hot mouth but this time she bobbed up and down with a renewed enthusiasm. God damn I was in heaven I had dreamed about this and now it was here I was rapidly losing control. I was about to come. Never being in this spot before I grabbed her head and yelled. "Stop, fuck you have to stop... Jesus I am going to cum."

She gave my slippery head a kiss and whispered. "Baby I know what's going to happen, just relax and enjoy."

"Relax! how the hell am I supposed to relax? Weren't you listening? don't you understand I am going to cum, if you keep sucking like that, I won't be able to stop myself."

"Baby I want you to cum... I want to feel it, taste it, I want you to cum in my mouth, so don't hold back let it happen."

With my cock buried deep within her mouth I felt it start at the tip of my toes, my body shivered my breathing stopped momentarily as I felt the pressure build. "Ooooh fuck!" I screamed it wasn't a whimper it was a scream her salivating mouth slid up and down my cock her hands caressed my balls as they convulsed. I wanted to stop her, but I didn't want to it was inexorable the harder I tried to hold it back the stronger it got. "Fuck... Fuck Jesus I'm going to cum." I grabbed her head in both hands to try and slow her down my cock became super sensitive as the explosion started. Jesus it was an eruption of Vesuvius proportions my cock swelled and I blasted her mouth with my hot sticky goo, squirt after squirt I didn't think it was going to end as she sucked and sucked.

I may have fainted or blacked out because when I opened my eyes, she was kissing me, a deep sloppy juicy kiss. I knew she had swallowed at least a quart of my bodily fluids but I didn't care I kissed her back passionately.

She grinned wickedly. "I think you liked that."

I breathed in taking a huge lung full of life saving oxygen and mumbled incoherently. "It was amazing, that was the most incredible experience of my life."

She grinned. "Baby that is only the start, now it is your turn to repay me." She stripped her clothes off quickly and pulled me on top of her. "OK Champ let's see if you like the taste of pussy."

She pushed my head down until my head was jammed between her legs. "Come on baby give it a kiss, show me some lovin."

Her legs were spread wide and I crawled up until my face was at the gates of heaven and I was staring at my first pussy. I reached out my tongue running it along the length of her pouting lips. I didn't know what to do so I just started licking and kissing, the sweet earthy tangy taste arousing and inviting me in. I dipped my tongue into her nectar filled hole. As I got used to the taste and feel her fingers laced together in my hair and crushed my head into her juicy hole. Breathing became impossible all I could do was lick and suck my tongue sliding in and out of her pussy. "Fuck don't tease Marion Jam a finger in their baby."

Doing as instructed I pushed first one then another into her hole, in and out I jammed them. "My clit baby lick my clit, Jeeeeeez don't make me wait."

'CLIT? What the hell was she talking about? I had heard about this magical organ but didn't have a clue about where to find it. Molly took over realizing that my clumsy efforts were blind she grabbed my hair and moved me up until I felt a little wormlike critter under my lips. Taking the lead, I sucked it into my mouth and I felt her wriggle, her body trembling.

I focused my attention on her little worm sucking it as hard as I could whilst I rammed my fingers deeply into her palpating pussy. "Oh, fuck yes, that's it baby, fuck me fuck me.

Up and down her hips bucked her legs flailing her heels kicking me on the back as I drove ever harder, god there was so much juice and fluid I licked and sucked like my life depended on it. Like a wild banshee she screamed the place down, fuck knows what my housemate thought, but I didn't care I was in heaven my face full of pussy and my cock as hard as fucking nails.

Her orgasm was monufuckingmental. She screamed and bucked her body as taught as a piano wire.

When she stopped jerking and twitching, I clambered quickly up her body kissing my way to her lips ready to drive home my steel rod, but as I was about to sink in, she went crazy. "What the fuck! slow down buddy... where the hell's your condom?"

I stared blankly as she broke into a tight smirk. "Sorry babe, no condom no pussy."

I collapsed besides her panting like I had just run the hundred yard sprint. As we lay together and my breathing quietened down, she asked. "Marion how come you shave off all your hair? I know you have I can see where you shave."

Guilty and embarrassed I croaked. "I don't know I just like it smooth."

"Hey I ain't complaining I like it, you feel like a girl."

My cock gave a surge at her words and she noticed. "Ooooh I see, you like that idea huh." She whispered sexily as her fingers closed around my cock. "Does that excite you? Do you think of yourself as a girl?"

Embarrassed and ashamed I flung her hand off and snapped caustically. "I just like my skin smooth."

She stared at me strangely. "Relax babe, I was just teasing, I didn't mean to offend you." But I could see by her deeply furrowed brow that she was thinking...

The happiest day of my life evaporated, but she kissed me. "Well technically you are still a virgin, but if you buy some condoms next time we will finish properly."

We kissed some more before I apologized. "Sorry I didn't mean to be curt."

"It's OK I get it, but with a little work you are going to be an A grade pussy licker and I like that a lot."

As she pulled up her panties she mumbled. "Hey is it still ok if I give the girls a copy of your songs?"

"Yeah, no probs, so how well do you know them?"

"Mel and I went out for a while. I got all pussy struck over her."

Shocked I stuttered. "You mean you were girlfriends?"

Laughing she nodded. "Uh huh sure were, we dated for a while."

Stunned I asked. "What happened?"

"Oh I don't know we sort of wanted different things."

"Like what?"

"Well if you must know cock... I love it and she doesn't. She is a pussy hound, she loves it."

She gave me another kiss and sniggered. "How did you get the name Marion?"

"My Pa loved John Wayne so they named me after him."

"John Wayne huh, didn't they used to call him Duke?"

I nodded. "Yep they sure did."

"Then that is settled I am calling you Duke, yeah I like that, big bad Duke."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved the story, great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Go to the police. Dumb

AlexBaileyAlexBaileyalmost 3 years ago

Great story, Cav!

I would have loved to be out when I was playing in a band. It still didn't feel safe enough where I was back then. Thanks for the fantasy!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Oh Please No! First April gets a free pass after maliciously ruining Mimi's relationships and trying to ruin her life. Now She sells out to corporate bitch and then fucks her, two things she swore she would never do in earlier chapters?! Sorry, I was really enjoying this story but that just broke the plot, I can't even bear to read the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You are a gifted story teller. Now you need to learn to write. I did and now I'm working on my second novel. Prose is art and needs to be refined until it is perfect.

Best wishes and good luck.

liz33ndliz33ndover 3 years ago

i love your stories, this one is also top ten.

coyote62coyote62almost 4 years ago

Second reading.....

DianeRedfernDianeRedfernalmost 4 years ago
So well written and emotional -Loved it

So much true emotion and love. You truly are a gifted writer - and the sex scene with Molly was so perfect and sweet. I can't wait to read Chapter II.



PS. I have a friend who went to Dodge City Junior College back in the 70's and he said the whole town only has two traffic lights. Is that true?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Another top notch story from you. Always love your work. Can't wait for more 😊

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
When do next chapter come

I’m waiting for the next chapter

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