Marion's Story Ch. 13


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Her jaw just about hit the floor when I turned and walked away.

Back at my apartment I took a lot of time getting ready, choosing my outfit carefully. I wanted to look sexy but not slutty, I would leave that for the girls. I wanted to separate myself from the old image. I chose a bright lemon dress that with the help of the corset fitted closely and the way it flared out accentuated my shape making my hips more prominent. The bodice was low enough to show plenty of cleavage without looking slutty the hem line finished mid-thigh. Wearing pantyhose with a nude color showed off my legs especially with the matching shoes a modest three inch heel with straps that tied around my ankles. I loved the look, when I did a twirl and the dress flared out I felt sexy but holy shit, now I even looked like Taylor swift.

My makeup I kept simple, pretty but simple. I added a silver eye shadow, dark mascara and a fleshy pink lipstick. I topped it with some glitter to add some pizazz.

Once I arrived at the bottle Neck rather than go into the green room where I figured I wasn't going to be that popular I sat out in the audience with a couple of girls from school. As I sat somebody shouted loudly, "Boo!" In my ear and when I turned it was April and Sandy. They both gave me big hugs and plenty of kisses.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked

April blurted, "C'mon do you think we were going to miss our two favorite acts. We sort of hoped you might get up with the girls and play a few songs."

I laughed, "Not likely, but thanks for coming along."

As I waited for my call we talked about work, school and I thanked her for the busking suggestion.

"You haven't considered getting back with the band?" Sandy asked.

"Na...that's finished I think." Just then I got a wave from the stage manager and I was up. "Good luck." They called as I walked up onto the stage.

After accepting this gig, I changed up some of my songs, I decided to start with Home Town it was the first song that the lips confiscated. As I stepped up on stage the crowd started chanting my name and swelled forward. Most of them didn't know what to expect. I opted to forgo my acoustic guitar and strapped on my Telecaster set the gain to high, stomped on my tube screamer and started with a powerful crunchy into, faster than when played by the Lips and with a lot more bite but the crowd recognized it and the chanting started to build rapidly. When I broke into the vocals that's when the screaming and foot stomping kicked off. The mosh pit filled with people swirling and dancing wildly. It wasn't packed but when I slipped into a wild guitar solo it filled immediately. I kept it fast with stinging notes and overdrive driven feedback.

As I finished, I let the feedback die slowly decaying gradually. I introduced myself to a tumultuous reception and then I started into another of the songs we did in the band, although this was a faster version which kept the dance floor filled especially when I went into a wild crunchy guitar solo with the big muff adding some real balls. As I glanced out at the audience I smiled, their new guitar player better be good or he was going to be dead meat.

I slowed it down for my next song relying on the really riffy blues tempo to carry it. Of course, the soaring vocals helped. I sensed the crowd getting behind me and they lifted me forcing me on. I knew I was doing OK and although I wanted to play some of my new stuff to make a point, I made sure I played every one of my songs that the band usually did.

At the end of the set I got three encores and I went way over time. Walking off stage I was ambushed by a huge swell of fans. I had a bunch of CD's for sale which went like hot cakes, I sold out within ten minutes. As the band was setting up Molly approached looking aggravated "You miserable malicious asshole, that was such a shitty thing to do. I told you those songs are on the girls list."

With a loud huff I spat out, "Then they better be good."

"Oh fuck off they can't play them now can they? They'll look stupid. You fucking ruined their first night."

"I ruined nothing, I told you I was going to play my songs."

"Yeah well I expected you to show them some respect. Jesus Mi, they are your friends for god's sake, shit I thought you would let them shine for their first gig."

"They can still do that, it's not like they don't have their own songs."

She breathed out deeply, "Yeah but your songs are the most popular and you know it."

I packed away my gear into my wagon and went back inside to sit with April and Sandy. As I sat down April hugged me, "My god little bro you rocked, holy hell."

"You were awesome babe." Sandy added with a hug, "Really good, you should have heard all the great comments."

"Oh hell yeah." April Spluttered.

The Lips were on stage and getting ready, it was then that I saw Gloria sitting in a booth off to the side by herself. She stared at me with a twisted disconcerted expression. As the band was set to blast into their first song Molly slipped into the booth beside her and they shared a quick kiss as their arms joined.

The band started with Cherry Red lips which was always a good start, Cindy started with her rolling drums, Jas came in on cue with her bass groove and they were away. Mel chimed in with her vocal and guitar, the new guy waited before adding his touch. He was a good player although I critiqued his playing assessing his sound to be very thin and way to distorted, more metal than rock. It was when he added his vocal it fell apart, his voice was a baritone and quite gravelly. Not what the crowd was used to.

Yeah, they got the crowd moving but the songs lacked finesse. I watched for a few minutes before making my excuses. April was a bit upset with me but I think she understood. As I was leaving, they jumped up onto the dance floor.

Just as I was about to climb into my car I got a tap on the back, it was Molly and when I looked past her Gloria as well. "Mi can we talk to you please?"

"No not tonight Moll's I want to get home."

Gloria stepped forward, "Mimi your set was very good, better than good actually, it was stunning...I have to say I'm very impressed. You know I could get your career moving, you could be playing much better venues than this."

"Sorry I only work with people I respect."

Gloria grimaced, her mouth drawing into a tight sneer. "Mi I know things didn't exactly get off on the right foot with us, but I would like to think you are big enough and professional enough to get passed that. Darling if you want a solo career I could help you get it."

"Sorry, but the answers still no." I meant to get in and drive away but my anger got the better of me and I spat out, "You know you people fucking amaze me, you have no morals, no scruples. Loyalty means nothing to you. You cheat and lie have sex with other people without considering the consequences and then expect people like me to just accept that is who you are...let me tell you that's not the way it works."

Molly tried to interrupt but I was in the zone and blustered past her. "No Molly you came here and wanted to talk so here it is. I loved you and would have given my life for you but you chose to sleep with this skanky old bitch instead. Gloria you are a slut, you can try to hide behind the concept of recreational casual sex but the bottom line is you are just a cheap slut."

Before either of them could interrupt I added, "Nobody cares about you, yes maybe your power gets some chicks but in ten years you will be old ugly and alone. You have no friend's only enemies. I don't know how many relationships you have destroyed but I'll bet there is a cue a mile long of scorned lovers waiting to stick a knife in your back."

I wound up my window crunched the car into gear and reversed out wildly with the wheels spinning and gravel flying. When I got home I climbed straight into bed and sobbed until I was exhausted and fell asleep on my sodden pillow.

The next day the papers were full of terrible reviews, the lips were heavily criticized although I was treated to a couple of great reviews. My Facebook page was full of glowing reviews. From that the gigs kept coming and with the end of the semester rapidly approaching I had to focus on my degree. I was pretty confident, I had put together a pretty strong final production and my essays and papers were all complete. My album constituted my final assessment.

The only thing missing was companionship. I was lonely. I did get asked out on a few dates but the girls seemed more interested in my celebrity status than my personality, or they were curious about a girl with a dick. I used that on occasion although it made me feel like a dipshit I balanced it out convincing myself they were getting what they wanted, I never led them on and there was never any misconceptions, it was just sex.

It was difficult because subconsciously I compared them all to Molly, and nobody could win in that comparison. I still felt the attraction and my dreams were still filled with visions and memories of her. She was my soul mate and I owed so much to her. It was her who pushed me into music, it was only her pushing that forced me out of my self-imposed prison, it was her who made me look in the mirror and accept who I really was. The magical relationship I now had with my mother, it was all down to her.

She was an enigma that's for sure, so caring and yet so cruel. She didn't lie or cheat she was right about that but she disregarded my concerns regarding fidelity, she trampled it into the ground. Just because she accepts casual sex as a thing she ignored the fact that I couldn't do likewise.

So with my graduation day closing in I sank all my attention into that.

Graduation day found me standing amongst my class members awaiting our call to the stage to receive our degrees. This was it, after today it was all over, my journey complete, I have to say I was flooded with emotion.

That was it, school and that phase of my life was finished, four years of hard work. Sitting at home I flopped back on the bed and pondered what to do with my life. Busking isn't really a career, but I was getting regular gigs at local bars now, mostly Sunday lunch or evening gigs but after opening for the lips I did get the occasional request from the Bottle neck for Saturday night, or weeknight gigs.

That meant I was getting by financially, actually I was doing alright. I had money in the bank, in fact I had saved enough that I didn't have to busk if I didn't want to.

Nights were lonely without my Molly, I missed her, I missed her a lot and I often cursed myself for letting things get out of hand. If I had just accepted her casual sex approach would it have been that bad? Should I have just accepted it? Maybe she was right...maybe I would have enjoyed a tryst with Gloria? All questions I couldn't answer. It was time to accept and move on.

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ColonelinguistColonelinguist11 months ago

Ray Charles could have seen that Molly was nothing more than a lesbian whore from very beginning when her and Marion first met. Anyone could. Anyone but Marion. So what kind of a loser chump was she?

once I thought about it though, I can’t recall ever reading a story in this category where a male trans person had sexual relationships exclusively with just lesbians, ( at least so far, ) and as a result, you have managed to shed some light on a number of issues that transgender and transsexual people have to reckon with each and every day. You’re brilliant!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very sad Mi broke up with the band too, but still loving this series so much.

liz33ndliz33ndover 3 years ago

i keep reading and enjoying this story. i think Marion should have sucked it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Right on Marion !

I'm all for Marion,Mimi,Mi for standing up for herself against Molly' for thinking she did nothing wrong. Molly was completely wrong for her actions and verbal abuse toward Marion, she has cheated twice in the past, once on Marion and again when she was with Marion's sister April. Molly even admitted to Marion that she went to bed twice with Gloria. I regretfully went through much the same in real life and the woman I was living with knew how to tie me around her finger and almost convinced me not to throw her to the streets but I was kind enough to rent her an apartment for 1 month to get herself on her own again. The thing was her own children called her stupid for what she had done tell her that I was the best man she had ever had.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Where to from here

Where to from here? I think Mimi's reaction was ok, but she definitely needs to handle things better. She could have (should have) just broken it off with Molly. She could have stayed with the band and finished the tour. She could have used her intellect to hold Gloria at bay until the tours end. Possibly even investigated her in order to sell the band that she is a rotten bitch. She still can. Just let the girls find out how deep the claws are in them

StacieCDStacieCDover 3 years ago
More wanted

I would love to read where Marion, Mimi, goes with his career versus that of the Lipps.

centralsquareguycentralsquareguyover 3 years ago
Truly Excellent.

thank you Cagivagurl...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I like the story. But this last chapter just didn't do it for me. Yeah, I get the insecurities, more so with a partner you know to be pretty open with sex. And they were not a good fit for each other given Mi's absolute non-acceptance of any of that. Which is kind of odd because I think she slept around a bit in the beginning as well. It all kind of started with April snatching Molly.

I had kind of hoped that she'd get over that. Or to just break up, do the album with the rest of the girls. Maybe get with one of them, who knows.

Regardless, I think it was good for her to do her own thing for a bit, without the band. The songs she wrote on the side could have done well as an aside and I think the band snubbing them all hurt her as well. Optimally, I think she should have pushed for less active touring and recorded the album with them, while starting up her own thing on the side. The way she handled things she dropped her friends in the cold water and isolated herself, which isn't good for anyone. It is realistic, but not a good note to end a story on, plus I would have expected more from her. Really. She went full on bonkers there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Character change.

I think Mi is losing it and getting out of character. Abandoning the band. Acting selfish. Deliberately harming the band with the play lists due to a tantrum. Destroying hopes and dreams of friends over personal issues that we are not sure were real or imaginary at the time with paranoia ruling the day.

Hope she sleeps well at night considering all the collateral damage she has caused to her friends and the band. Mi would have never existed in the first place if it was not for the Lips and her band mates. She grew and achieved star status with the band. Thru the band and their support Mi received acceptance. And now she discards the band? She was much more mature and in control of her emotions in the previous chapters but the character went off the rails in this one.

Over-all, an outstanding story. But the sudden change of character is disturbing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wow, this is so real

I have to say, I love it. I would love to read more. I am going to read the back stories of the band too. And even though it was an end. It could also be the start of new stories about MI and her new path or whatever. I love it when you get so pulled into the story that you forget you are reading erotica. I really like the way you write. There are a few authors on here that have that "pull you into the story" thing. Keep writing, we will keep reading

Hugs. Miss Kira Bangkok

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