Marriage in Need of Redemption


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The following morning saw these text messages posted.


What in the hell got into Paul last night!


Oh no what did he do?


Fucked me like he hasn't in bloody years!


Really? That is wonderful.


I couldn't believe it. He was so loving and gentle and he confessed that he had wronged me. He wants to turn over a new leaf. He is going to delegate half his work load so we can work on our relationship.


Oh I am so happy for you!!


He wanted us to go away this weekend to the lake house but I already told X we were a go for the weekend. Paul asked me to honour our vows and cancel with X. I want to do it in person not phone or text though.


Really? I say cancel your fuckfest with X over the phone and work on your marriage with Paul. If Paul has truly changed then go with him. Don't go to the hotel to turn X down. Too much danger/temptation.


Paul had two fucking years to fix this and he dragged his feet. I need to tell X it is over but only in person. He was there for me when Paul wasn't.

Faye drove up to the hotel north of the city in her old Volvo. She parked, pulled out her phone and texted Xavier.


Hey X, I am here. Can you meet me in the coffee shop downstairs?


No, come straight up to the room. I can't wait to see you.


Not a good idea. Need to talk. Coffee shop?


C'mon Faye. I waited all week for this. Get your fine married ass up here!

Faye didn't like the way he phrased that.

Their only physical contact had been some heavy petting. Xavier had asked her for oral sex but she told him that not even her husband gets a blow job. He never made reference to her "married ass" and it set off alarm bells.


No, this can't happen X. I love my husband. This was a mistake. I didn't want to do this by text but it looks like I have to.


Ok I get it. I prepared a special surprise for you it is all set up. Please come up. I will show you the surprise. Then you can go back to your husband. I'll hang around here for the weekend, maybe do the casino.

Faye was torn. She was nervous but Xavier seemed to have accepted that she was going home and not spending the weekend.


On my way.

The moment she entered the room Xavier closed the door and was on her like a ravenous wolf. He kissed her hard, so hard it hurt. She really had no option but to return the kiss as his tongue assaulted her mouth. He grabbed a breast and twisted it causing instant excruciating pain. Xavier tore at her clothes until she wore nothing but panties.

She screamed at him to stop but he wouldn't.

"This is what you wanted wasn't it slut? You like it rough and hot and steamy don't you. I am gonna fuck your cunt till you are raw and then I'm going to fuck you up the ass. I have friends coming over later so they can have some of that fine married pussy too. You told me that not even your husband gets a blow job from you, well you are going to be sucking plenty of cock tonight. They're gonna use you up and cover you in their spunk and..."

That was all he got out before she kneed him hard between the legs. He bent double and tried to catch his breath. She picked up a desk lamp and clobbered him over the head with it. It still wasn't enough so she reached into the shopping bag containing the bottle of vodka and brought the bottle down hard on the back of his head. She opened the bottle and poured half of it over him and put the bottle down beside the bed. He was out like a light but she wasn't finished with him yet. She spread his legs and kicked as hard as she could three times. She gathered her tattered clothes and put them on as best she could and drove home.

She returned home went upstairs, got into the bed and began to cry, eventually falling asleep. When she awoke she checked the time. Paul would be at work. He wasn't expecting her home till Sunday night. It was only Saturday afternoon. She needed to talk but not to Paul yet.


Hey are you there Helen?


I am here. Where are you?


Crying my eyes out at home.

X tried to rape me. He assaulted me as soon as I got to the room. He told me he had friends coming over later to share me. I defended myself and left him unconscious on the floor. I may be in some trouble.


Holy shit. And Paul?


He doesn't know yet. I am afraid.


Don't worry Paul loves you.

Paul got home from work around 7 pm and was surprised to find Faye at home. She sat on the sofa in her robe with the lights turned low.

"Hi beautiful. I thought you were away for the weekend. Why is it so dark in here? He turned up the light and saw the bruising on her mouth where Xavier had kissed her so hard.

"What happened?"

"My so called help and support buddy tried to rape me. Look at the damage he has done to my lips. What's even worse, take a look at what he did to my left tit."

She pulled the robe down and the bruising on her breast looked angry and painful.

"Let me take some photos of the bruising. It is important to document for law suits."

" I am afraid I might be the one to get sued. I defended myself but a court of law might be convinced that I used excessive force. I kneed him in the nuts, broke a lamp over his head, spread his legs while he was unconscious and kicked him as hard as I could three times. I pored half a bottle of vodka on him and left."

"Was he alive when you left?"

"I hope so but I don't know."

"If he was trying to rape you I think you are entitled to defend yourself."

"But he can prove that I showed up at the hotel intending to have sex with him. That would make the rough sex consensual."said Faye.

" I went there to break off any relationship with him." She began to cry. "I originally had intended to sleep with him this weekend. Xavier was there for me when you weren't. I was so confused. I loved you but you weren't there. I liked Xavier and he was always there. I never suspected he had an agenda. I feel like an idiot."

She took a deep breath.

"Paul, I went with him to that hotel room with every intention of saying goodbye, not to cheat on you. I am a gullible idiot. I wouldn't blame you if you divorced me for this. I deserve it."

"Faye, I failed you. I should have been there for you years ago. I am the one who needs forgiveness. I can't imagine my life without you. Please let's go up to the lake house and unplug from the world. You want a weekend, a week or a month? You've got it!

They spent a month together. Faye took a leave of absence and Paul had his assistant cover him. The month was spent swimming, reading, walking, talking and making love. They reconnected, more than reconnected they renewed. They renewed their commitment to each other by renewing their vows.


Xavier was found in his hotel room by his buddies. These were the buddies that had expected to find Faye's married pussy open and waiting for business on their arrival. The only thing they shared was the work it took to move his broken carcass out of the hotel and into a clinic that was known for their discretion. He recovered eventually but he will never have children and it will be an act of God if he can ever maintain an erection. He will walk forever using a cane. A rough reminder not to dally with married women. He quit his job at the insurance company and left for the west on coast.

Tony and Helen were there when Paul and Faye renewed their vows. Paul thanked them both for helping to save his marriage and for the courage to set them straight when they need it most.

Faye and Paul's marriage took on a totally new dimension. Working from the home office gave him much more free time to spend with Faye. Faye's adventure had knocked her down a peg or two. She lost her chippy attitude and she began to show great love for her family. Yes family. It appears that Paul and Faye's lovemaking session prior to the Xavier experience had resulted in a viable pregnancy for Faye. As the great Bard said "Alls well that ends well."

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IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy594 months ago

Bravo! Great plot. I enjoyed story.

shopratshoprat4 months ago

Another story with the premise that having a wife not communicate that she is being ignored somehow justifies her planning to cheat. It's really simple. If she doesn't address the issue with him and the marriage dies, it's on her, not on him. If she talks with him about it and he still doesn't change his ways, then it's time for a divorce, not for her to start cheating. Only a person of very weak character that hasn't learned to be an adult would behave as the wife does in this story, and he would be better off without her if this is her nature.

Wavedave45Wavedave459 months ago

Xavier trying to rape the wife is the only reason they're still married. She very likely would have gone to him on her own some time at a later point. And would have gone to him eventually with complete certainty had Xavier continued pursuing her. All that time reconnecting would have been pointless and likely would have been given 50% effort on her end. All the husbands efforts would have been meaningless as long as Xavier was around.

The husband sexing her up and begging her not to go did absolutely nothing in the long term. The rape attempt which removed Xavier from the wifes mind as a potential partner saved the marriage.

The husband was in the beginning moves of the pick me dance. The husband was going to become the perfect husband for her and she had Xavier as a boytoy sitting on the side. She has the attention and can have sex with 2 men. One that worships her and the other gives her excitement. She's has it made because the more she goes to Xavier, the more her husband will double down on being the husband he thinks she deserves. This is rewarding her cheating. This dynamic will never end until one of the 3 decides to stop participating. The wife and Xavier sure as hell won't stop. It has to be the husband. And until then he's in his own personal Hell.

The husband messed up bad. He messed up horribly. He didn't set an ultimatum which he is committed to follow through on. He needed to clearly dictate boundaries he would not tolerate being crossed. He did none of this. He begged and cried. I know some that subscribe to certain philosophies that would make the case that the husband is toast no matter what because of how he acted. While wouldn't necessary agree with this I would say that his behavior didn't do him any favors. You can't beg or guilt someone to enter or remain in a relationship. It just doesn't work.

The only way to truly save a relationship once a spouse is in an affair is to initiate the self destruct sequence followed by then turning your back on them acting like they don't exist. It's the last thing the betrayed wants to do but it's absolutely necessary. If the relationship has any hope of survival it will come in the form of the cheater finally pulling their own head out of their ass and doing all the heavy lifting.

So cheers to Xavier. True he attempted to commit first degree rape, doing so saved their marriage. And in the end isn't that what truly matters?....that would have been perfect for his lawyers closing arguments had the clowns actually gone after him.

Rwg7Rwg710 months agoAuthor

Ctdans. The character Paul feels as much to blame for the communication breakdown as Faye. If the character had acted as you suggest then I would agree that it would fit better in LW. Since there is reconciliation I thought it a better fit in Romance.

Thanks for the comments I appreciate the feedback.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy10 months ago

We ignore our wives at our own peril!


ctdansctdans10 months ago

Read more like a LW story than a romance. I felt very little for Faye as I didn't feel she really communicated well with her husband. I felt like the time and effort she spent talking to her friend and X was time that should have been spent on her husband. SO what if he is working hard for the family? Did she really exhaust all options with her husband? And if she did, why not tell him she wants a divorce or separation BEFORE she goes looking for Mr. X? Paul must have a very low self esteem to take that abuse from her and then stand by her. Had my wife told me I was too late and she was going to see the guy anyway I would have said don't come back. Then when she shows up beaten I would have said sometimes whore do take a beating, doesn't make it right, but that is the risk they take. Then divorce.

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