Married to a Bully Ch. 01


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Anna took the opportunity to get out of the office while she still had the chance.

"I'm not done with you yet, girl!" Jeff called out.

Anna ignored him and shut the door behind her.

"You fucked her?" Jeff asked.

Marty had a great poker face and looked at his cousin as if he was insane.

"Man, what's with you?"

"You can't outsmart me, buddy. That tricky little motherfucker gets real close to fooling me," he pointed toward the closed door. "But I have fucked her enough to know how she behaves when she gets fucked, and someone fucked her," Jeff smirked.

He leaned back in his chair and looked Marty up and down before continuing his investigation.

"That horny little bitch will do anything to piss me off," he shook his head.

"Man, we delivered some chairs then-" Marty launched but was quickly interrupted.

"Cut the shit you got your shitty retribution. I haven't touched your wife in 10 years. I expect you will not touch mine again for at least 20. And zip up your goddamn pants, son."

Jeff cracked up as Marty looked down at his zipped zipper.

"You motherfucker," he shook his head and downed the rest of the bottle. "You will not touch her again, don't speak to her, don't listen to her. Marty, I don't even want you to breathe when you walk past her," he concluded.

Jeff had left him a bit stumped and all he could do was nod in agreement.

"I'm sorry, she um..."

"We are even," Jeff told him, grabbing some papers from his desk. "Now, what do we need to replace?"

At 3 in the afternoon, any other individual would be counting down the hours to be free from their job and annoying coworkers, yet Anna had no such comfort. In a few hours, she would be going home with her boss.

She completed her work and sulked, sipping on the cold beverage that was now melted with ice cycles.

"Hmph, how are you done already?" Marsha asked.

She had the thought to just ignore Marsha's shade toward her but she countered back with a little of her own.

"I've been actually working all day," she said simply, folding her arms over her head for a quick nap.

If Marsha could do no wrong as his fuck toy, she could do no wrong as his wife, she supposed.

"Sleeping on the job? Honey, you've changed and not for the better."

Anna heard the sass but kept her head down. Her head shot up when the office door flung open and she turned. She became worried at Marty's anguished expression, surely he didn't tell Jeff what they had done. He didn't even glance her way as he exited the office area to walk into the lobby. She laid her head back on the wooden desk and sighed. While she waited for Jeff to retire from his office in a drunken state, she pondered her future and the dreams she wanted to achieve from this nightmare.

Around 4:50 Anna pulled out the industrial vacuum cleaner and got busy closing up. When Jeff came out of the office he grabbed her shoulder pushing her toward the exit.

"Come on," he motioned toward the glass doors.

"I've got to finish," she frowned.

"She can do it. You're in trouble, and I'm going to punish you," he explained.

"What? I didn't even do anything, I was..." she searched for a credible response. "You should trust me, I am your wife now. I trust you," she countered in a hushed tone.

He smiled and slumped down to her level, His voice was calm and he gave her hair a gentle tug.

"I don't even trust myself, sweetheart. Get your shit and get in that car."

Anna left the vacuum cleaner and returned to her desk and grabbed her phone. 30 missed calls was an understatement, he had called her 67 times. A few texts were sent telling her to answer the fucking phone and asking her location.

"This motherfucker is crazy," she mumbled to herself, walking slowly.


Harwin estate was a beautiful place to live and raise children, an amazing community with large vintage-style homes. Anna wondered as they passed each house did the rich people in the neighborhood realize, a alcoholic sex-addicted psychopath lived in the neighborhood. Anna smiled to herself as she thought of making a sign to warn those within an hour away of her husband's bizarre sexual appetite.

"Go inside and wash up," he ordered, parking the car in front of the big house.

He glared at his phone and she hesitated to ask for more communication

Obeying his law, she went inside the house and washed up. Waiting on him was a chore so she got dinner prepared. She was flipping a piece of chicken when he entered the house. He went straight to the counter that sat his holy water and poured a drink before speaking, "Why are you cooking?"

Anna stopped and glared at him, she couldn't understand why everything she did was questioned as if she was his child.

"I'm hungry," she shrugged it off, keeping calm inside as she was fuming.

"You didn't get full from my cousin's cock?" He snickered.

"How many times do I have to say it? We didn't do anything. We delivered the fucking furniture to the man. We made one pit stop to the store to get a drink," she explained, sticking to her story for dear life.

"Anna, you are a great liar and if I was somewhat like my cousin, I would believe you," Jeff gave an arrogant laugh.

She frowned at him with revulsion, before focusing back on her cooking, blocking out his stagnant stare.

"Are you making me food?" He asked, taking another shot.

Anna nodded and proceeded with her cooking. He walked up behind her and she scooted over before turning around to face him.

Jeff smiled and reached over and cut off the burners, "A home-cooked meal isn't going to stop your punishment."

"No. I'm hungry and you need to eat something, you've been drinking all day," she argued.

Jeff stared at her with vulnerability at being exposed, his excessive drinking wasn't something anyone had ever brought to his attention. He swallowed the truth of his addiction and rubbed his hairy jaw before walking away. He was functioning, he operated a business and before his father's death, he had conducted an empire.

Anna smiled and cut the stove back on, having won the argument and stood her ground. She ate by herself in the kitchen, she had cleaned most of the dishes while cooking. Jeff returned to the kitchen with an empty plate.

"It was good," he mumbled and washed his dish before going back into the bedroom.

After her peaceful dinner, Anna tried to forget the whole punishment ordeal. Grabbing her phone from the counter and making herself comfortable on the couch. She scrolled through her apps in satisfaction while Sportscenter blasted out of the speakers in the other room. When she glanced up, he was at the bedroom door and she gave him a shaky smile. The smile fell as he dashed toward her, before she could leap up and run he was over her and one large arm held her tight.

"Stop, I'm sorry. Please," she begged.

"What are you sorry for if you didn't fuck him, baby," he snickered in her ear.

He threw Anna onto the bed and his hand encircled her ankle before she could leap back up.

"Please, don't, you promise me," she whined.

"I'm not fucking you," he explained.

A slap to his head didn't stop him from chaining her ankle onto the bedpost.

"No! What the fuck! You are crazy. As. Fuck!" The other leg flew around his face and hit his chest before he could get it tied to the other end. He remained silent and smiled at her frantic temperament.

"Let me go, Jeff, seriously this isn't funny!"

"Your lies aren't funny either."

He pulled his dick out, it was rock hard and pulsing with want, "You want to learn to suck it the right way? Or should I call Marsha and she can teach you a lesson?"

"Fuck you and fuck her!"

"No teeth, I want all throat," Jeff taunted, placing his dick near her face.

"Don't you fucking do it, I swear to God, I'll bite it off!"

Jeff laughed hysterically before putting his dick away and getting off the bed to stand over her.

"Did you suck Marty's dick?"

"No! Let me go now!"

"Did you fuck him?"

"Yeah I fucked him and his dick is bigger than yours, now unchain me asshole!"

Jeff laughed and shook his head.

"Ahh, Fuck you. It's so much bigger than yours...I fucking hate you!" she screamed, her torso raised and her arms swung out to smack him again.

"Calm down," he laughed and pushed her back onto the bed.

"You stupid bitch! You can't keep me chained, you fucking racist," she shouted. "I'm going to beat your ass when you let me go!"

"If I let you go." He smiled.

He caressed her warm crotch before slipping his fingers inside the fabric, finding her weakness.

"Is that better, baby," he mocked.

"Stop!" She breathed out, her face flustered and her hair had come undone. "Ahhhhh!" She screamed out for help from this confusing turmoil.

"Shhh, be quiet little girl, and cum on Daddy's fingers,"

"No, you've never made me cum!"

"Oh my sweet wife, there are too many stains on that bed, for you to say such a thing," Jeff mocked.

"Shut up!"

She popped up and tried to grab his head, and he instantly wrapped his large hands around her wrists.

"Marty's dick is so much better than yours will ever be and he's cuter than you,"

"Is that so?" he asked, clasping her hands together, he had forgotten just how aggressive she was and needed a way to control her violence.

Jeff chuckled and looked around the room. He spotted some shoes and took his time undoing the laces as Anna shouted in fury. He avoided a punch to the face and clasped her shifting hands again, placing the lace around her small wrists.

"You've got to do better, little girl, you can't lie and cheat," he ruled.

"You told me we could fuck other people, dumbass!" she yelled. "You're a fucking whore!"

He laughed and shook his head, "You tell the truth when you're mad."

Once tied down, he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Anna sat up, her complexion burning with rage and guilt. She tried to fiddle with the chains; they weren't tight and she was sure she might get out. But pulling her hands free made the lace tighter around her wrists. She fell down as the door opened and she cringed when she noticed Cindy standing behind Jeff.

"God!" Anna yelled and raddled the chains on her feet. "You both deserve each other!"

She wasn't hopeful enough to think her aunt would save her from this.

Jeff laughed and brought Cindy to the bed to lay down on the opposite side of the large bed.

"See, I told you I wouldn't break your family bond. I am only bringing you two closer," he chuckled. "Can I be Anna's Daddy too," he started to ask Cindy but was interrupted by Anna's loud voice.

"Fuck you asshole, your not my anything. I'll never like you, I hate your fucking soul. And your dick is small as fuck, you old bitch! I'd fuck anyone but you!" She looked at her aunt's amazed and lustful expression and grew angry. "Cindy, I'm going to fuck your husband you fucking slut! You dis-"

She was interrupted by a covered mouth and hummed through the tape, lifting her body to use her tied hands to swing. Jeff pushed her back, "Relax and enjoy your punishment," he smiled, adjusting the tape on Anna's mouth.

"Your niece's mouth is a bit filthy, she's adorable though," he smiled at Cindy.

Cindy watched in excitement as Jeff rubbed Anna's pussy through her leggings. She had never been a part of anything so erotic even if it was with her only niece.

Cindy looked at Anna and mouthed a sorry before she was brought to the edge of the bed by her wanted lover.

"You missed me, baby?" He asked.

"Yes, Daddy," she said in a tiny voice.

Anna was in torment; she banged her head up and down on the soft sheets. Just when she thought he couldn't get any more horrendous, he always stunned her with his actions. She closed her eyes and blocked out the scene behind her. She felt the rocking of their bodies collide in ecstasy, her husband's grunts made her more angry. But she couldn't help but be turned on by the raunchy acts.

"Yes daddy, yes daddy, ahh, fuck my little asshole!" Cindy cried out, her arm landed on Anna's head and she quickly moved away.

"Take that dick, baby, open up for daddy," he laughed and stared over at his cuckquean.

He figured this to be the perfect punishment for the bratty bitch. He would have rather been making her squeal but she didn't deserve dick. She was a difficult type and she had earned a difficult punishment.

When he finished, he slapped Cindy's ass and ushered her to go home to her waiting husband. Anna noted it didn't last too long and added that to insults she would yell out once free of her bonds.

"Are you happy now?" You want to keep pissing me off tonight?" He asked, standing over her still body.

Her head shook although she had some more to say.

Jeff felt her leggings and sure enough, they were soaked with her juice.

"You've got that look in your eye," he smiled. "You enjoyed that didn't you, you want some too?"

Anna shook her head and he laughed and bent down over her crotch. "I bet you want some tongue."

He licked around her covered mound as he would her exposed pussy, stopping right on her precious button. Anna stopped squirming and moved her hips around to help with her pleasure. He held his tongue out and she rolled her hips, moaning through the tape. She wanted him to remove the leggings and devour the real thing. She wanted to cum all over his taste buds.

He rose and peered at her, "You want to cum?

When she nodded her head he stopped and glared at her and swatted her pussy. The action made her clit throb more, to be so covered, she had been so close.

"Lying little girls, don't cum on my cock or my tongue, do you understand me?"

She mumbled through the tape some heated words.

"I want you to be honest with me, Anna. You fucked him, Okay? But you only did it because you knew it would make me mad. Right?"

She shook her head even though he was saying nothing but facts.

"If you want to fuck him, do it, I don't care but don't lie to me." He explained. "You're a good liar too," he added.

She didn't know how he had found out and wondered if Marty had told him.

"I want my money, you want your money. But if we are going to make this scam marriage work, I'll need you to be honest with me because that's why I married you in the first place."

His expression was sincere and Anna nodded in agreement. Even though she had only fucked Marty for that reason, it added to the excitement of it all.

Jeff's face stayed serious as he unfastened her ankles and proceeded to take them off of the bedpost.

"Don't speak for the rest of the night," he ordered and pulled her toward him to inspect her ankles, kissing them. "If you wouldn't have lied to me, this would have never happened. You went and fucked the stupidest man in my family, had you fucked anyone else I probably would have never found out," he cracked up, unfastening the lace.

"I punished you because I know you it was your idea, Marty doesn't have the balls to try and fuck you."

Now free, Anna kept quiet and went into the bathroom to catch her breath, her throat was sore from the screaming. Jeff's touches had made her hot and she wanted an end to the fire. She returned and curled up on the bed anticipating rough sex. She waited for him to touch her yet again but he did not.

Jeff kept to his side of the bed, staring between his phone and the television until he began to snore lightly. She joined her husband in sleep, a bit disappointed, she wouldn't be on his cock. She tossed and turned, her clit throbbing for attention. With her husband asleep and orders to be silent, her hands slipped down toward her sensitive clit and rubbed around gently. She closed her eyes as her hand moved up to tug on her nipples.

"Ah," she signed softly and rubbed harder. "I know you want this pussy," she whispered, just as a burst of bliss radiated throughout her body.

*This story is fake, this is only my fantasy tale and I enjoyed writing this first part. I was dripping wet every time I was editing lol. (which I know isn't the best, sorry) But I've been a little nervous to post it because I didn't know what category to post it in. I felt like it was kind of on the light side of taboo but way too much for any other category. Part 2 of this story is more BDSM/Romance and less Incest/Taboo so I'll probably post it in a different category. Not really sure where to go with it to be honest. Thank you so much, if you have read this far. If you liked it or hated it, I love feedback.

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NutbutterbishNutbutterbish8 months agoAuthor

Awesome, Anon. Anna is a sly slut and she definitely needs two cocks! You got me excited thinking about writing it.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I totally adore your character’s and can’t get enough of them. Perhaps Anna after being particularly disobedient needs a rough dp 🤔😂 Keep going you have a great talent wish I could find a woman with your mind!!

NutbutterbishNutbutterbish10 months agoAuthor

@SkyeG, Thank you. Same, I'm so invested and love the dynamic. 😍❤️

SkyeGSkyeG10 months ago

Sex aside — and I can’t believe I’m saying that — you are a terrific writer. I clicked into this world and I’m hooked.

NutbutterbishNutbutterbishover 1 year agoAuthor

@smilingjim Thank baby!

smilingjimsmilingjimover 1 year ago

Loved this story!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

An amusing tale of a mismatched couple , a domineering pussy hound and his hellcat defiant wife as the leading characters with a strange mix of supporting characters and the odd situations they find themselves in . Despite the odds against a story like this you somehow pulled it off and pulled it off well ! It was hot yet very entertaining not too mention funny as fuck ! I loved it , it’s easily worth the 5 stars I gave it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Keep her fighting back. I was a little surprised that she obeyed and shut up for the night. It's nice to see a nasty old rich fuck meet his match in a poor girl with nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I liked the story but lots of diction an spelling errors.

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