Masks That We Wear Ch. 03


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Virginia hung her head in defeat as she dropped to all fours and crawled over to him in nothing but her pumps and choker. She might as well get used to being naked for him because if Mr. Hill's plan doesn't work, she'll be doing this for the rest of her life. Virginia rose up and opened up his pants more to have better access to his cock. After giving it a couple of good strokes, she leaned down and took him into her mouth. She sucked and slurped on his manhood, now coated in her juices, and endured him playing with her breasts, until he finally got off. Virginia swallowed every last drop of his cum as he shot it down her throat and then continued sucking and licking his cock to clean it off before starting all over again to get him back hard.



"Come here, my little kitten," Alexi greeted Caroline at the door to his penthouse Friday night. He gave her a big hug and a kiss on the lips after the door closed. "I have special for you today. We will be watching my brother, Ivan, host his party in New York for which your sister is the guest of honor. I will have friends over here as well but do not worry, they will be bringing their own girls, some of whom you will no doubt know from your academy. If you serve them, it will only be with your mouth. Pussies are reserved for the owners tonight. Anyway, they will be here later. We need to prepare. So, for now, we get you into proper outfit for the evening so you can be serving girl alongside your friends."

Her heart felt like it had stopped at the mention of Virginia. Then every step felt distant and detached as Alexi guided her in by the hand to show her his huge, wide, flatscreen TV that was on the wall looking like a billboard. On it was her sister clad in nothing more than an eye mask, tied down to a bed inside of some purple room somewhere. Caroline's eyes flickered to the nearby clock on the wall. It was eight in the evening here which meant that it was twelve noon back in New York. If this party that her sister was going to be a part of was later tonight, New York time, then Virginia was in for a long day. Even now she looked like she was miserable, moaning and writhing naked in her bonds.

Caroline's breath caught as she watched her sister on the screen who was a world away. For some odd reason she felt aroused and for a moment wished it was her tied up on the bed in sexual torment. Then she shook her head to clear it, wondering what the hell was wrong with her.

Alexi pulled her away, "Come, you'll see plenty of her because my brother has this feed going non-stop for us. We must get you ready as guests will be here soon." He led her to his bedroom where he made her strip down. He then made her put a thin black thong on that had a small egg in the crotch that Ivan made sure was nestled in between her labia, resting against her clit. "It's a remote that's connected to my phone," he explained with a smile on his face. Then he grabbed a fluffy white puffball that looked like it had a rounded spear at the end. He made her bend over so that he could put it through a hole in her thong and work it up into her ass. She grimaced and squirmed as he put the 'butt plug', as he called it, into her. It finally went in with a pop and she felt the fuzzy white ball resting between the cheeks of her bottom as if she had a bunny tail. Next came two round black pasties that he used to cover her nipples and cap the tips of her breasts. It felt like her nipples were being perpetually pinched with them on. Finally he put a barrette up in her hair, making her wear her hair down for once to cover her ears. The barrette had a pair of white bunny ears sticking straight up into the air. "There! Better than Playboy Bunny!" he declared before kissing her again.

Only, he didn't stop there. After making out with him for a minute he pushed her down to her knees. He took his cock out and she immediately started sucking on him. It seemed so natural for her now and that in itself felt weird; last week she was a sweet little virgin and this week she was a cock sucking whore. It made her feel cheap and dirty inside. As her head bobbed back and forth along his shaft, he got his cell phone out, opened up an app, and pressed a button on it. At once, her pasties started to vibrate on her breasts along with the egg that was pressed against her clit. She jerked and yelped in surprise, nearly pulling away from him. Her hands shot in between her legs as she made to grab the crotch of the thong. "Don't move it!" Alexi commanded her in a sharp voice. "The only thing you can do is press it harder against you to get off and that is it. If you try to pull it away I will punish you!"

Caroline whined, but made no effort to pull it away. So instead she just held her hands pressed up against it as she sucked Alexi to orgasm. When he was through, he pressed the button on his app and the vibrating went down to a low throb. "Ahhhhh..." she whined in discomfort as she was brought back from the edge.

"Hm?" Alexi quirked an eyebrow in amusement. "Does my little bunny want to get off?" he asked. When she whined and nodded, he smiled. "Then ask me properly."

"Please... May I... may I... may I get off?" She asked, finding it hard to voice the words of submission but finally getting them out.

"Say 'sir' at the end of your questions, my little bunny," he told her. "After all, you must be respectful to your masters."

"Please... sir... may I get off... sir?" she repeated the question.

"You may," he said as he rotated his thumb on the screen of the phone clockwise, throttling up the vibrating pasties and thong.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Caroline closed her eyes and cried out as the vibrating intensified. She fell back onto the floor and lifted her hips up, grabbing her own breast with one hand and pressing the vibrating egg in her thong with the other. The orgasm followed along almost instantly as she was reduced to a quivering, sputtering mess on the floor as she got lost in the euphoria.

When she was finally done, Alexi killed the vibrating and helped her up off of the floor. "Come, we must get ready for my guests."


Friday night came and Virginia was getting increasingly restless. She'd been confined in the purple room, tied down spread eagled to the only bed in there, with a black eye mask on all day now with only the sounds of servants rearranging the furniture and preparing the big party to entertain her. She faded in and out of sleep. Every so often, Ivan would come in to check on her, allow her to eat, drink, and use the bathroom, before tying her back up again. What was more was that she felt perpetually horny. Ivan had given her a 'cocktail' of some sorts that she figured was drugged. As a result, every waking moment she was hot and bothered and couldn't find release to save her life despite her writhing and moaning on the bed. It was pure torture for her.

"It's time for the party," Ivan finally told her as he got her off of the bed and into the bathroom for one last trip and clean up. "It is a joint party with a select few guests here and some back home in Moscow via video feed." She caught a glance at the clock. It was seven in the evening here which meant that it had to be three in the morning in Moscow right now. They were obviously pulling a late-nighter for this party. He led her into the living room of his penthouse that had been rearranged to one giant room with the open dining room. Couches lined the outside and the dining room table had been placed directly in the center. On one wall, opposite from her across the dining room table, was Ivan's huge flatscreen that showed the party going on in Moscow. He eyes found Alexi Petrov at once as the family similarities between him and Ivan were uncanny, and right next to Alexi was her sister who was dolled up like a slutty Playboy Bunny.

She had to admit that her sister looked good in that getup.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Ivan was saying as they walked in. Virginia's eyes darted around and she saw that there were five couples here in attendance. "Welcome again to my humble abode. Tonight, to kick off our forth quarter business, I've brought a very special form of entertainment. You all remember our dear, departed competitor, Joffrey Peregrine, right?" he asked with a smile that elicited a round of nods and chuckles. "Well tonight, you get to have a shot at payback. Even though he is gone, we can exact our revenge for my brother and I," he indicated Alexi on the screen, "have his daughters." He pulled Virginia up even with him. "I present to you, here in New York, his eldest; Virginia Peregrine! In Moscow, the younger; Caroline Peregrine!" he said with pride. There were claps and murmurs of approval all around.

"Now my brother is conducting his end of things over in Russia. I am conducting things here. So while Virginia puts a show on for all of us, we will begin the bidding as to who will go in what order in taking and punishing her here for our enjoyment." Ivan said. He then clapped his hands loudly. Four serving girls came in from the kitchen carrying a life sized ice sculpture of a naked man lounging on a bed. They slid the sculpture onto the sturdy dining room table and departed. What made Virginia's eyes go wide was the fact that the ice man had been sculpted with a very impressive cock. Ivan looked at her and gestured to the ice sculpture. "Fuck yourself on this until you get off."

She blinked in disbelief. Was he serious? "Its..." she stammered, taken aback by the order. "It's too big... sir."

"Then I suggest that you use this insolent little mouth of yours to mold that cock down to where you can take it, slut," Ivan said, grabbing her chin and waggling her head left and right for emphasis. Virginia whimpered as she walked up to the table, feeling the coldness of the ice as she got closer to the point that her nipples stiffened in response. Her eyes went across the five men and women who were watching her expectantly through their own eye masks, and then back down to the sculpture. Taking a deep breath, she climbed up onto the table, squealing and squirming as she felt the ice on her inner thighs and mound, wrapped her hands around the huge, abnormal ice cock, and started working her mouth up and down it to get it to melt. Her breasts touched the ice, making her shiver in the process. While she worked, she heard Ivan start the bidding. "Shall we say, ten thousand for first shot at her? Just look at that mouth work and that ass sticking up in the air? It just begs to be spanked!"

Virginia rolled her eyes and groaned at his words, trying to tune him out as she gave oral attention to the ice cock. She used her hands and mouth until the cold got too much, then she cupped her breasts to run up and down the thing. It started to melt, slowly, as rivulets of water ran over her skin, raising goosebumps in the process. Virginia had to shift and move her body all over the thing to keep herself from sticking to the ice and to keep frostnip from setting in. Already she felt like she had freezer burn on her inner thighs and her ass as she tried to mold the ice cock down to something that would fit inside of her.

Off to her left, under the huge TV, the bidding was going fast and furious. One couple remained conspicuously silent during the bidding, seemingly biding their time. Ivan called them out. "Come on, Mister and Missus Hill, don't you want to get in on this? We're at five hundred thousand to you. You know you want in on this."

Virginia's head came up like a prairie dog sticking its head out of a hole. Hill!? She thought with alarm as she started wide-eyed at Brent and Carla, now unmistakable even through their eye masks. What are they doing here? Are they in on this? Did they tell Ivan about our meeting? What's going on? A million conspiracy theories went through her mind at once as she reeled at the implications of them being here. Carla smiled her way and then leaned in to her husband to whisper something. Brent nodded, glanced Virginia's way, and then looked at Ivan.

"I'll bid five million to go last in an extended, private session," he announced. "I want to make sure that I get my just due in on her." Brent explained to the other shocked patrons.

"Five million?" Ivan looked at him with a mixture of shock and awe. Brent reached out to Carla, who got out a briefcase and handed to him. Brent flipped it open for Ivan to examine and he took out a few stacks of cash at random to flip through them. Then he nodded, replaced the stacks, and closed the case, taking it from Brent. "Five million to go last it is. Sold!" he announced. "Now, let's move back to whose going first."

Virginia was still gaping at the Hills. She caught a subtle smile and wink from Brent along with him slyly putting his hand to his chin as if deep in thought as he watched the bidding continue. He wagged one finger back and forth across his lips while looking at Virginia before shifting again to hold hands with Carla. She got the message loud and clear; Keep Quiet, stupid.

"Who said you could stop?" Ivan demanded, smacking Virginia on her ass hard to get her going again. Virginia went back to vigorously sucking, licking, and deep throating the ice cock to get it to the right size. She was almost there. By the time she got it melted down enough for it to fit inside of her tight pussy, the first patron she was to entertain had been determined and they were bidding on who was going to go second.

She stood up to straddle the ice statue, reaching down to spread herself wide open while she lowered herself down onto the reshaped ice phallus. It was still bigger than what she was used to but it was manageable. Besides, the sooner she got this done would be the sooner she could get down off of the table and get warmed up. As the ice cock penetrated her as she lowered herself down onto it, she grabbed her own breasts, pinched her nipples, threw her head back, and cried out "OH MY GOD!" at the top of her lungs.



Over in Moscow, Caroline was fixated on the sight of her sister making love to the ice man sculpture, finding herself oddly turned on by the spectacle. Her sister was being bid on while she fucked this thing and all she could do was stand there and watch. Her eyes went wide as she saw Virginia ride the thing; the ice cock disappearing up into her body and then reappearing each time she went up and down, while Virginia grabbed her left tit in one and to play with while reaching down to finger her clit in the other, all the while screaming her head off in passion.

"Enjoying the show, my pet?" Alexi purred into her ear. His hand came around to squeeze her mount. "Ready for a show of our own?" he asked, rubbing and massaging her pussy through the cloth of the thong.

"Mmm Hmm..." Caroline whined in resigned agreement with a slight nod. She felt Alexi pull her down into his lap as he sat back in a lounger. She'd been so fixated on watching her sister on the TV that she didn't notice that Alexi had taken off his clothes, now wearing nothing more than an eye mask like hers. As the guests had arrived earlier, they'd put the eye masks on 'as a precaution' as Alexi had put it. Now she felt her owner's desire as her butt nestled back against his hardness. He lifted her up just enough to position his cock, hooked the crotch of her thong to pull it aside, and then guided her back down. "Ahhhhhh..." Caroline gasped as she felt him slide easily up inside of her tight pussy. He made her put her legs back so that she was straddling him in a reverse cowgirl position.

"And now, we watch as you sit here on my cock," he purred again, one hand going back to massage her mound through the thong while his other idly played with her breasts.


"AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH!" Virginia screamed out every time she went down onto the ice cock. It was melting at a good rate now, splashing her mound, pussy, and inner thighs with ice water every time the thing went into her. It was an odd mixture of feelings and sensations for her. Her pussy was numb from the ice but she could still feel the ice cock sliding in and out of her to hit her cervix. Her clit was on fire and her pussy felt like it was hot and raw from freezer burn. Pleasure shot from her clit where she played with it and tingles of erotic shocks emanated from her breasts from where she played with her own nipples. Hot and Cold. Pleasure and Pain. The two extremes seemed to meld together to assault her senses. "AH GOOOOOOOD!" she then squealed shrilly as she slammed herself back down one last time and felt the orgasm slam through her like a brick wall. She shook impotently while straddling the thighs of the ice man sculptures as her pussy quivered and convulsed around the ice cock. Her back was arched as far back as she could get it, tits jutting up in the air while she held them, mouth open in a soundless scream until she finally started coming back down with a gasping "ah... ah... ahhhhh..."

Around her, and even on the TV screen, Ivan and Alexi's patrons were all clapping their approval at her performance. All she could do was stay there, shivering and shaking in a daze. "Good! Very Good!" Ivan exulted as he clapped. "Girls! Come! Get her cleaned up and warmed up!" he said. "Then bring her back so she can entertain the first of our guests." The four serving girls came out from the kitchen, grabbing her and pulling her down off of the sculpture. One of them hustled Virginia off to the showers while the other three removed the sculpture and cleaned up.


"I think that you and your sister might be naturals at this," Alexi noted with approval as he and Caroline watched Virginia get off on the screen. Caroline's eyes were too fixated on her sister as her naked body was pulled off of the sculpture and hustled off for a quick shower to answer him.

"I'll say," one of Alexi's patrons, a man that he'd only identified as Sergei, said as he walked up with one of Caroline's fellow ballerina's under his arm. He was naked while her classmate was dolled up in the same outfit as Caroline was in. "Does this one perform as well as her sister did?" he asked, pointing down at Caroline.

"That she does," Alexi nodded. "What makes this one better, in my opinion, is that she is so sweet and innocent." He pushed Caroline's head forward. "Go ahead and have a go with her while I sit here with my cock in her."

"Don't mind if I do, comrade," Sergei said, stepping up and brining his large cock up to Caroline's lips. Caroline looked up at him submissively as she took him deep into her mouth to start to suck on him. Sergei, in the meantime, motioned for his pet to sit on the lounger next to Alexi. Alexi scooted to one side and proceeded to make out with her and fondle her while her owner got a blowjob from Caroline. Sergei reached down and teased her tits as her mouth worked on his cock. The only saving grace, in Caroline's opinion, is that this one was at least fit and muscular, probably a military man. It could've been another fat and pudgy businessman.

Just as Alexi had been teaching her, she kept her eyes locked on Sergei while she bobbed her head back and forth while occasionally swirling her tongue around the man's cock. Sergei inhaled sharply in obvious pleasure, resting one hand on the back of her head. He wasn't forcing, more like telling her to keep the same pace. Caroline rested one arm against his pelvis for leverage, since Alexi was still up inside her pussy and the plug was inside her ass, and circled the base of Sergei's cock with her thumb and forefinger to stroke him when she pulled back. Her other hand came up to cup his balls to gently fondle him as she worked.

"Ahhhhh... yesssss...." Sergei breathed, jutting his hips forward as he suddenly came. Caroline immediately started gulping his seed down, careful to get every last drop lest she be punished by Alexi later for poor performance. Shortly after, she felt Alexi blow his load up into her while she was still drinking Sergei's cum down. It was yet another new experience for her, having all three of her holes filled, with men coming inside of two of them. She found it oddly pleasurable despite not being anywhere close to getting off herself.
