Masks That We Wear Ch. 03


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"Very good, my pet," Alexi said, petting her hair as Sergei and his pet left them. "I will reward you for that later. But, for now, let us watch your sister entertain the first of my brother's guests in America."


After a very quick shower and a drying off in Ivan's sauna to get warm, Virginia was brought back out to the main room. The ice sculpture had been removed along with the dining room table and any fallen water had since been cleaned up. A naked middle aged man was waiting for her in the middle of the room wearing nothing but his black eye mask. He smiled cordially at her as he took her hand and then made her get down onto the rug onto all fours. She looked up and saw Ivan, also naked, sitting nearby with the man's wife. She was standing behind Ivan, stroking his cock while, whispering suggestively into his ear. She must have said something amusing to him as Ivan smiled and laughed. He looked down at Virginia, pointed two fingers at his eyes, and then pointed them at her and back again. Virginia was to keep her eyes on him during this, it seemed.

The man who'd bought her for the first round moved behind her and mounted her. He drove his cock hard and fast into her, making her cry out in pain. He then grabbed a fist full of her hair to arch her back. "So how does this feel, bitch?" he hissed in hatred to her, smacking her ass with his other hand to make her cry out again. Virginia wound up clamping her pussy around his cock when she tensed up from the pain. "How does it feel to be whored out against your will like your father did to my sister?"

"I..." she stammered out as he began to fuck her hard and fast. Her tits started to bounce and sway beneath her as he relentlessly slammed his cock into her pussy. "I had nothing to do with that... sir!" she cried out. She then let out a wail of pain as he spanked her again and again and again at her outright denial.

"A likely fucking story," he yelled at her. "I bet you fucking helped him!" he said, continuing to spank her as he outright hate fucked her. "Just be glad that Ivan got you first! I would've made you suffer day in and day out!" He let go of her hair, grabbing her hips, and pounded her as hard as he possibly could.

Virginia just cried and lowered herself to her forearms for support, her breasts now grazing the rug as the man had his way with her. It was no use to protest her innocence. She doubted that anyone, outside of maybe the Hills, would believe her. A few minutes later, the man blew his load into her, giving her ass a few more punishing slaps as he came, before pulling out of her and walking away. Him and his wife dressed and left shortly after.

The next man to come up looked like he was a much older Asian fellow with a young Japanese looking wife. She looked him up and down his gnarled, naked body and thought that he looked remarkably fit despite his obvious age. He smiled at her as he looped his belt around her neck and cinched it so that it was uncomfortably closed but open enough for her to still breathe. "Your father cost me a lot of business here in America," he said in his halting English in his now obvious Japanese accent. "You will pay his cost."

"I'm... I'm sorry..." she whispered as she cried. He smirked down at her and yanked her forward towards his crotch, bringing his cock up to her lips. She took him in and started sucking on him as he shoved it down her throat as far as it would go. At the same time, he worked his belt between his legs to then grab it behind him. That way he was able to keep his cock in her mouth all the way to the hilt so that she couldn't pull back from him. He snapped his fingers with his free hand as he held it out. His naked wife... well, naked save for the shibari bondage rope that was tied around her supple young body... came forward with a riding crop. The old Japanese businessman took it and proceeded to whip Virginia's ass repeatedly as his cock got hard in her mouth and down her throat.

Virginia cried, gasped, and gurgled around his cock as she struggled to breathe. She started to flail about as her survival instincts kicked in. Just as she thought that she was going to pass out, he let her go and she gasped for air. The old man pushed her back onto the carpet and mounted her, jabbing his cock deep into her pussy. He then leaned in, assaulting her breasts with her hands and forcibly kissing her. She tried to pull away but his wife had come back, knelt at her head, and forced Virginia to keep facing her husband. Virginia sobbed at the unfairness as she was taken right there in front of every one. Once the Japanese man came inside of her, he retrieved his belt from around her neck, slapped her hard across the face to rock her head to the side, and stood up. Him and his wife dressed and left as quickly as the first couple had.

Two down... three to go... Virginia thought as she wept on the floor while waiting for the next couple.



Caroline cried as if she could feel every jab of a cock, every slap of a hand, and every blow or choke that was administered to her sister on the TV. Alexi had gotten off when the old Japanese businessman had his turn with Virginia. He'd then left her alone to watch as he got a blowjob from two of the other girls from the academy. The third couple to come up tag teamed Virginia with the man laying down on the rug while his wife rammed Virginia's ass with a strap-on. As Virginia was double penetrated, the man slapped and mauled her tits before choking her until she nearly blacked out again. Caroline wanted to desperately jump through the TV to take her sister's place to spare her but knew it was impossible.

The fourth couple to have their way with Virginia on the screen made her lick the wife out while the husband fucked her from behind. He also had a hitachi plugged in for his turn as he forced Virginia to get off multiple times until she'd finally satisfied his wife. By the time that they were don, Virginia was left a moaning, drooling mess on the floor.

That just left the Hills and they'd paid an exuberant amount for a private session with her sister. Alexi bade goodbye to his brother before turning off the TV as the party broke up. Once everyone was gone, Caroline was feeling hollow, empty, and alone. "Now, we have our own party again," he said, taking Caroline by the hand and leading her to the bedroom. She followed him in a daze, wishing that this living nightmare would somehow end.


"Well, Mister and Missus Hill," Ivan said after the last of his guests and staff left. "Five million dollars certainly commands a certain amount of attention. Although," he looked over at Virginia who was practically comatose on the floor after being used so hard over the past couple of hours. "I'm not sure what you hope to gain out of this by going last."

"That, I consider an investment to have a private meeting with you, Mister Petrov," Brent said with a smile. Unlike the other patrons, he and Carla had yet to disrobe. "I have another proposition for you; how much for her?" he asked, jerking his head in Virginia's direction. "Name your price. You see, I'd paid Boris Mikhailov a lot of money to keep the two girls safe under his protection after their father died. More so than what Joffrey Peregrine had been paying them, in fact. You obviously paid Boris to transfer that protection to you, keeping with the letter of the deal if not the spirit."

Ivan laughed. "You truly have insight, don't you, Mister Hill. But why would I give up this lovely little slave to you? Huh? You're legitimate businessman now. You have your own girls."

"Yeah, but you see I really wanted Boris to keep them safe for me until they'd both graduated from their respective schools and the younger one had come of age," Brent pointed out. "You interfered with that."

"Your loss, my gain." Ivan laughed again. "I, nor my brother, will give up either of the girls for all of the gold in your Fort Knox," he said. "Now, do you wish to fuck her or is this night over."

"Fine," Brent sighed. "Plan B then," he looked past Ivan. "Dear?"

There was the distinct sound of a pistol being chambered behind Ivan. Ivan spun around to see Carla had drawn a Glock and had it pointed right at him while standing fifteen feet away. "WHAT?" Ivan gasped incredulously. "You're fucking armed in my house!" he whirled back to face Brent, who'd pulled out a taser pistol from under his suit jacket. "You too?"

"What part of 'we're from fucking Texas' did you miss?" Brent asked, pulling the trigger. Two electrodes shot out to zap Ivan in the chest. With no clothes on, the barbs stuck into his skin and continued to shock him until he was knocked out. Brent looked at Carla. "I told you and Mandy that bribing him wouldn't work," he said.

Carla smiled and blew him a kiss. "You can punish me for it later, dear," she said sweetly.


Virginia awoke with a start in a panic. Where the hell was she at? She'd fallen asleep from being used and abused for so long and she vaguely remembered that the Hills still had yet to take their turn with her. Fuck! Was Ivan going to punish her? Where was he at? Where was she at? Looking around in fright, she saw that she was wrapped up in a blanket on an private airplane, and it was still night out. Oh My God... Is Ivan taking me to Russia? Oh God... Oh God...

"Eaaaaaaasy..." a woman's soothing voice said, cutting though her panicked state. "Relax, you're safe now." Virginia blinked to clear her mind and saw Carla Hill kneeling in front of her, making shushing noises while putting her hands onto Virginia's. "It's okay... you're with us. You're safe now."

"But... where..."

"You're on our private plane. We're flying back to Dallas," Carla told her.

"Dallas..." Virginia breathed. "No! I have to stay with Ivan... he'll..."

"He'll wake up with one helluva of a headache," Brent said, coming into the cabin from the cockpit. "We tasered his ass and stuffed him in a crate. He made a big mistake of dismissing all of the staff including his bodyguards. Made it easier for us to bag him. We walked right out of the front door with the two of you and no one batted an eye. The guards bought our story that we were taking two of the serving girls home with us, not knowing that it was you and Ivan in the crates. Once we got to the hanger at La Guardia, we brought you up here, dressed you, and shoved his ass into the back cargo bay." He walked to the back of the cabin and thumped on the wall a couple of times. A series of rattles and thumps followed by muffled cursing in Russian answered him. "Huh... he's up..." Brent mused. "Oh well, hope he has a crick in his neck by the time we land."

"Oh my God..." Virginia blinked and gaped at them. "Do you have any idea what Alexi is going to do to you?"

"Give me your sister, I hope," Brent said calmly as he took a seat across from Virginia as Carla slid into the seat next to him. They reached out and folded their hands in one another's. "Otherwise we get to play Mutually Assured Destruction which is a silly little game in which no one wins. The only problem Alexi Petrov has is that I'm willing to kill Ivan. I don't think that he's willing to kill Caroline. It'd be a waste of pussy, in his book, which is why you were always safe for the same reason. They used the threat of killing the other if one didn't comply."

"You sound like you've been down this road before."

"Well, I can definitely say that I've learned from the best; your father. I like to think of myself more of his disciple than his victim," Brent said with a wan smile. "Just with a better sense of morals. Point is, your father wasn't willing to kill anyone because it was more fun to have them live just to make them suffer. The Petrovs are the same way. They're bullies. They can't have fun with you if you're dead."

"But you'd kill Ivan," Virginia tried to rack her head around that. "How does that make you better?"

"Because It'll get one less human trafficker and criminal off of our streets and out of our country that no one would miss," Brent said evenly. "Because it'll send a message to the criminal underworld as to what I'm willing to do in order to liberate women such as yourself and your sister. And it sends the best message of all: Don't Mess With Texas."

"Well, then, thank you for what you're doing for me and my sister," Virginia said in all honesty. She looked down at her body. They'd put her into a little black dress, probably the only one they could find in Ivan's penthouse. "Did you... did you two want me?" she asked hesitantly. "You did, after all, pay for me."

"No we didn't," Brent reached beside his seat and held up the briefcase. "I decided to withdraw from the auction at the last minute."

"Wow..." Virginia blinked, impressed. He'd rescued her, kidnapped a Russian Mob Boss, and stolen his own money back. "Where did you get that amount of money to bid on me anyway?"

"Oh that was easy," Carla laughed. "Donations from churches around Texas. You tell good, wholesome, Christian folk that you're on a mission from God to liberate slaves and you'd be surprised at how much they dig deep for donations. They practically throw the money at you."

"We make sure it's used well, of course. This case will go back to many of the churches after investments for them to make improvements on and to expand their Help the Needy programs all over the state." Brent added in. "But no, we were not going to go through with ravishing or punishing you. You'd been through enough as it is, tonight. Although..." he gave her a smile and a nod, "you did have one beautiful performance. I was fucking hard the whole time."

"Still are, my love," Carla teased him, reaching down between his legs and giving his crotch a squeeze and making him grunt uncomfortably in response. She looked at Virginia. "Do you mind, dear, if we?" She asked suggestively.

"Please, don't mind me," Virginia said with a wave of her hand in permission. "After all I've been through it'd be nice to watch for once rather than be the one performing."

Carla smiled, nodded her thanks, then slid to the floor to kneel between Brent's thighs. She eagerly undid his belt and opened up his slacks, taking his cock out and going down on him hard and fast. Brent groaned again, this time in relief, as Carla sucked on him. Virginia watched with amazement as she sucked on him while reaching down to flip up her skirt and pull off her panties with expert ease. Then, now with her panties tossed back into her seat, she clambered up onto his lap and sank down onto his cock, her body shuddering in ecstasy as he entered her. Brent put his hands around her, groping her ass, as she pressed her body to his, cupped his face in her hands, and made out with him lovingly.

"Ohhhhhh..." Virginia gushed, feeling the love and affection that the two felt for each other radiate off of them. For a brief moment, she remembered what it was like to actually make love to someone rather than just fuck them for the sake of fucking. Hell, for that matter, she hardly remembered what it was like to have a real boyfriend. The last one, before Ivan took her, had been so long ago. Her throbbing ass from the spanking and caning she'd received earlier in the evening was long gone and gave way to a throbbing in her loins as her pussy wanted in on the action.

Carla thrust herself down onto Brent's cock hard, her body shuddering as she hit her sudden climax. Brent held her close as she moaned and quivered in his arms, planting a flutter of kisses on her forehead as she rode out her orgasm. "Oh my God that was good..." she moaned deeply, lifting her head up to kiss him. "You're still the best... even better than that Irishman I fucked last night."

"Mmm... thank you, babe. Love you." Brent said, kissing her back.

"Love you too."

"Awwwwwwwww..." Virginia gushed again, watching them together. "You two are so sweet."

"You sure you don't want in on this?" Carla asked. "He's still hard inside of me."

"Wait.." she caught what Carla had said about fucking someone else last night. "You two are married, in a threesome relationship with Mandy, and yet you still have sex with other people?"

Brent shrugged. "It's only cheating if they don't know or don't approve," he said. "Besides, after what your father put us and Mandy through, being celibate and monogamous is kinda a moot point now, don't you think? So, Carla offered; are you interested?"

"Well, I am still horny from the party and watching you two did get me hot and bothered again," Virginia admitted. Then she nodded as she unbuckled, put her blanket aside, and stood up. "If you don't mind, that is, Carla?"

"Not at all, come over here, dear. Brent will treat you well," Carla said, getting up off of her husband's cock and making way for Virginia.

Virginia tentatively climbed up onto Brent's lap, lifting up the hem of her little black dress to bare her hips and ass for him. His hard, throbbing cock was positioned just beneath her. She felt unsure about this, haven't had do be a lover instead of just an unwilling partner for a while. Brent smiled in encouragement at her, reaching under her to cup her bottom and helping ease her down onto his cock. Still sensitive from earlier, Virginia opened her mouth and gasped as painful tingles of erotic energy bolted out from her pussy. "Ahhhhh!" she whimpered, mouth hanging open as she sank down and settled onto his large cock. He was comparable to Ivan in that department.

"Just relax," Brent said in a calm voice, looking into her eyes. "Just take your time. I'll do all the work, if you'd like?" he asked. She nodded, looking deep into his steel grey eyes. He smiled at her, cupped her head, and drew her in for a deep, passionate kiss.

Unlike the other men who'd had her recently, Brent was patient with her, planting a flurry of romantic, loving kisses on her lips while lightly making out with her. He allowed her to reciprocate the kissing instead of forcing her to participate. There was domination in his movements but it was done at her permission, not at his insistence. As their bodies moved together, he allowed her to silently dictate what the next move should be before he took them there. His arms wrapped around her body as she moved on his lap and he never moved in such a way that it'd be painful for her, constantly cognitive of the whaling her ass had taken back in New York. Also, to her surprise, he held off coming as he waited for her. He was an attentive lover, seeing to her wants and needs before his own. When she was ready to dive off the cliff, he was right there ready and waiting for her.

"Oh my God! Come in me, please! NOW!" She begged him right as her pussy quivered and shook in anticipation. The moment she felt him spurt up inside of her, she climaxed hard. "OH GOD!" she screamed, her body quaking so hard that she leaned into him and clutched him so hard as if he were a life preserver. Their bodies shook together as her pussy clenched and released his throbbing and pulsating cock, enhancing her experienced. It was the most powerful, intense, and intimate orgasm she'd ever had in her life and it left her crying like a baby in his arms where she stayed curled up for as long as she allowed him.

That ended up being the rest of the flight as Carla had crawled back into her seat and wrapped her arms around Virginia, holding her while Brent held them both. Virginia didn't care what tomorrow might bring. For now, at least, she felt totally safe and warm and she didn't want to let go of this feeling.



"IS THIS A FOCKING JOKE YOU AMERICAN BASTARD?" Alexi thundered in English at the American businessman on the TV screen as he shook papers in his hand furiously before wadding them up and throwing them in disgust.

"No," the businessman countered calmly. "A joke is that five Americans lift up a log over their head for Special Forces training, a passing Russian says, 'that's cute, we get just one of our milkmaids back home to do the same thing.' THAT would be a joke," he said. "This, is business and one that you're going to want to pay attention to, Comrade."
