Masks That We Wear


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"Dad!" Brent snapped while at the same time observing course etiquette, scowling at him. "That's my wife you're talking about here! YOUR daughter-in-law. If I wanted a sermon, I'd talk to grandma."

"You should just cut your losses with her and be done with it," Donald grunted in a huff as he eyed his next shot and swung. "I can get a prenup done after-the-fact so that she..." his voice trailed off and he went wide-eyed at his son now storming from the golf cart with a nine iron in his hand.

Brent put the head of the club under his father's neck as if it were a knife edge. "How very fucking Christian of you, you damn hypocrite!" he hissed with venom. "Things get tough and you want to cut her loose? Well fuck, why the hell stop there? Why not cut me off as well?"

"Yer my boy!"

"So what if it were Bri that were getting blackmailed like Mandy is? Huh?" Brent asked, referencing his younger sister who'd just turned twenty-one. "Would you cut her off too?"

"Of course not! She's blood!"

"Why the fuck does it matter if Mandy's blood or not, then? All she wanted was to be accepted and adopted by a family. ANY family? What was it that Christ said? Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest?"

"The bible also says; Thou shalt not commit adultery." Donald glared back at him. "Ya missed that commandment in bible school?"

"It also says that you shall keep the Sabbath holy, yet I know that you like to work on the weekends as you're often going into your office when we're done with golf," Brent countered. "Now can I get the police to kill you for that sin or am I morally obligated to do it myself?" Donald opened up his mouth to counter but Brent kept on him. "When Rahab the Prostitute showed faith to Joshua and gave his spies shelter, did Joshua strike her down along with the rest of the city? Or how about when Mary Magdalene, also a prostitute, washed Christ's feet... WITH HER HAIR. Did Jesus say, 'be gone wench'? No! They were both taken in! So, you want to sit here, dad, on your high and mighty Christian horse and pass judgement on those doing what they can with what they got? You're a fucking hypocrite! Mandy and the others who are in her situation are EXACTLY the kind of people we should be helping, not turning away. To do so would make us no better than those Westboro freaks."

Donald stood there blinking at his son for a good long minute, even after Brent stalked back to the golf cart in disgust. Then he followed, sitting in the passenger seat while Brent drove them to where his next lie was at. This time Brent stormed over to his ball and whacked it as hard as it could, glaring at it as it flew and silently daring it to land anywhere other than the green. When he came back, Donald let out a long sigh. "Here's the problem, son," he said softly. "If this Mister Falcon is as well connected as he seems to be, then this is not going to be an easy fight for you." Brent glared at him and Donald held up his hands. "No, wait. You are correct. I am wrong and we should help Mandy. I'm sorry. I guess part of me always wondered if you two truly loved each other or if she was just marrying you for your money."

Brent nodded his thanks to his father's acknowledgement and apology. "I can't beat him, can I?" he asked after a long, drawn out sigh.

Shaking his head, Donald looked down the fairway of the course. "Not in the way we're used to. If you're going to beat him its going to be at his own game." He gave Brent a pointed look. "You're going to have to find his weakness and exploit the hell out of it."

"I'm open to suggestions."

"Well, for starters, he's got money and property. No one drops that kind of cash on six or seven years at Harvard without some kind of paper trail. So, follow the money and see where it leads you. If you find something substantial to get him on, come talk to me again and I'll see how I can help. I still have connections in the business world as well as the political world."

"Thanks, dad." Brent said. "Sorry for yelling at you."

"Ah," Donald waved it off, "That just proves that you have the chops to defend what's yours and your willingness to stand up for it. I'm proud of ya, boy. Truth be told; I'm glad you did. It makes me happy to know that my faith in you to take over my seat when I retire was justified.


"Alright people," Brent said to his assembled accountants the next morning. It was early on Monday and he got to work early just so that he could send the urgent email out to anyone who had even the slightest bit of accounting knowledge. Brent folded his hands and leaned forward onto the boardroom table. "I need the geekiest, nerdiest, dean's list motherfucker, who plays World of Warcraft in their parent's basement, and is a member of Anonymous just to impress a girl, accounting guru out of the whole lot of you. I want whoever would be a poster boy for the next remake of Revenge of the Nerds. Now," he smiled at them all. "Who among you fits that bill?"

Their heads all turned as one to a guy who definitely looked like he was a deer caught in the headlights. "Toby, isn't it?" Brent asked. He knew every name and every face in his company even if he never formally met them in person. The man, barely older than a boy from the looks of it, nodded as he looked around for help and then settled his gaze on his supreme boss. Brent smiled, snapped his fingers, and pointed at him. "My office, now."

"So, uh, you play WoW, sir?" Toby was asking five minutes later as he followed Brent into his office.

"No," Brent said, closing the door behind them and then going to his desk to sit. He gestured to a chair for Toby, who promptly sat down. "I'm more of a Call of Duty and ARMA guy myself." He studied Toby for a moment and then went into his pitch. "I have a problem that I need help on. This would be an independent project to do off of company time and I will pay you out of my own pocket," he said at once.

"Then shouldn't we be doing this off of company time, sir?" Toby asked.

Brent gestured to the clock. "Looks like break time to me. Why do you think that I called for the meeting right before it?" He smiled, glad that the question was asked. Toby had an attention to detail. That was good. "I have this individual who is giving me a problem. All I have is a bogus name, a building address, and a couple of possible company names to go off of. This man is powerful and well connected and if he knows that you're after him then he might try to blackmail you as well."

"Is that it, sir?" Toby snorted. "And here I thought that this was going to be hard. As Hardison said on Leverage; with a ten-digit number, I can find you on Mars." He took the paper that Brent slid across the desk from him that had the information on Falcon. Toby laughed. "Oh my God! He's using THAT as a name? This is too good!"

Brent arched his eyebrow. "You know who he is?"

"Joffrey Peregrine," Toby said at once. "The, uh... group that I am affiliated with... has had him on our radar for some time now. Falcon..." Toby chuckled. "You'd think a man of his intelligence and stature would be a bit more creative with a nickname." He then regarded his boss. "So what do you want with him? How'd you get mixed up in his business?"

"What I tell you goes no further than these walls or else I will fire you if word gets out. Got it?" Brent asked in a stern manner. Toby's eyes went wide and he nodded emphatically. "He's blackmailing my wife."

Toby winced. "Shit... if half the rumors are true... that's bad..."

"So you see why I want anything you can get me on him. Someone told me to follow the money. Can you do that?"

"Already have," Toby admitted. "Offshore bank accounts, Swiss bank accounts, gold bullion, you name it. Scum like this pops up on our radar all the time. But I'll do more digging for you, boss. No problem."

"Just be careful," Brent warned. "I don't want him to ruin your life."

"Pfft, what more can he do to me, sir?" Toby asked. "Like you said; I'm a gamer geek who lives with his parents while I pay off my student loans."

"Get me some leverage on him and I'll pay you enough to pay off your loans as well as a down payment on a new house."



Mandy moaned in dismay when she saw who was calling her cell phone while at work on Wednesday. She closed the door to her office, drew the blinds closed, and then answered it. "Yes, Master?" she asked in a whisper.

"Be at my penthouse lounge at eleven o'clock," Mister Falcon said without preamble. "You are going to be my client's lunch date. Do not be late." Then the line went dead.

Hanging her head in shame, Mandy's hand went around her turtleneck to feel the collar underneath. When would this ever end so that she could take this damn thing off? Ever since Mister Falcon ordered her to wear the collar constantly, she'd taken to wearing a lot of high neck blouses and turtlenecks in order to hide it. Carla, who was now a constant guest at the ranch, helped her pick out outfits that would best hide it while still looking good. Mandy hit the speed dial for her husband on the cell phone. "What's up, babe?" he asked when he answered his.

"The aviary called, they have a problem with one of our birds," she said, using the cryptic message that they'd come up with as they both knew that Mister Falcon was becoming more brazen with his demands of Mandy's servitude. "The bird handler thinks that they're going to need two hours of my time."

"Take the rest of the day off," Brent said without hesitation. "I'll see you at home. Love you."

"Love you too, sweetie." She hung up, grabbed her purse and coat, and hustled out the door. Mandy didn't stop until she hit the parking lot and was in her car heading for downtown. Once there she was made to change into something more 'Stepford Wives'; a white button down dress that was low in the cleavage, sun hat, and her white mask. It'd be something that she'd wear any other time if she didn't have her collar on to wear. Now it stood out proud on her bare neck for all to see.

One of Mister Falcon's maids escorted her into the penthouse lounge. It wasn't the strip club stage that Brent had been in. This part of the lounge was a private corner restaurant-like area that had a good view of the Dallas skyline. Mister Falcon and the client were already seated in the corner table, engaged in conversation. "Ah, here she is," Falcon beamed, standing up and taking Mandy by the hand while dismissing the maid. "Mister Stone, this is Mandy, your date for the afternoon."

"Perfect," Mister Stone said, smiling up at Mandy with obvious approval. He stood up and took her delicate hand into his big beefy one, kissing the back of her knuckles. Stone was a portly man who looked like he could've been muscular back in his prime. His arms were those of who has seen time in a hard labor industry but time has caught up to his gut as he might be out of practice. Like her, he wore a mask. It was the common trend with clients and the servants, Mister Falcon had explained, so that they cannot identify one another out in public. More specifically, so that the girls couldn't identify their 'clients' and seek retribution.

Stone guided her over to a chair next to his, pulling it out for her and scooting her in like a perfect gentlemen. It just hit home for her how much Brent did the same thing for her and how it should be him here instead of this man. Stone and Falcon resumed their talks and Mandy tuned them out. It was another thing that Falcon ingrained into her; do not listen to business talk or else. It was again so that she couldn't use any information against his clients. So, she focused on watching the cityscape out the window. As the conversation continued, she became acutely aware of Mister Stone's hand on her knee right before it started sliding up and down her thigh. The intimate caressing made her squirm uncomfortably in her seat.

When the maids came out with their meal, and Mister Falcon was momentarily distracted, Stone reached a hand up and popped open two of the top buttons of her dress. The top opened up just slightly to reveal more of her chest. She looked down briefly and became painfully aware that both he and Mister Falcon would be able to see the slight curve and swells over her breasts. Smooth... Mandy had to concede as she looked back out the window to cover her embarrassed blush.

"Eat your food, dear," Stone casually commanded her as if she were married to him instead of Brent. Mandy reddened even more but still picked up a fork to poke at her meal that was set before her, her appetite long since gone. Stone used his left hand to eat with his own fork while his right hand was back on her thigh, hiking up the hem of her skirt as he stroked her thigh. It took every fiber of Mandy's being to remain in place and as still as a statue despite the electrodes tingling on her skin and coursing through her body.

Mister Falcon excused himself to make a quick phone call in regards to the business they were conducting and so Mister Stone took the opportunity to put his fork down and open up her dress by a couple more buttons. His left hand then slid underneath of the fabric to squeeze her right breast and pinch her nipple. While he was fondling her breast, his right hand lifted her skirt up enough so that he could drag a finger up her moistening sex. "Please..." Mandy whispered, "don't..." she pleaded with him.

"Shhhhh..." Stone chided her before leaning in and kissing her full on the lips. "Behave yourself, dear."

"I'm not your wife," Mandy whined, trying to squirm away. "Please don't talk to me like we're married..."

"You are my wife for this afternoon," he told her with a triumphant grin. He pulled his hand out of her dress and went back to eating. His right hand, however, stayed on her pussy, fingering her and squeezing her mound. Mandy hung her head in defeat. Brent had called it; They were going to force her to stay over. She was so glad inside that she wouldn't have to cover at her normal job.

Mister Falcon came back and they resumed talking. After a while, Stone wiped his hand clean on a napkin, stood up, and shook Falcon's hand. "Please stay and enjoy my lounge for the afternoon as a gesture of our new business arrangement," Falcon said to Stone. Then, with a parting, leering look at Mandy, Mister Falcon left with the host of serving maids in tow.

Stone waited for Falcon to leave before standing up and moving behind Mandy. She knew what was coming and didn't fight it. First, he took her sun hat off and tossed it aside. Then he reached down and unbuttoned her dress all the way down, parting it open to reveal her nude body underneath. Then he reached down and proceeded to maul her breasts. "These are a nice pair of globes you have," he said, rolling and pinching her nipples to make them stand out. "I'm going to have to bring you some sexy lingerie for them next time I'm in town. What are you, a small C?"

"Full B, Master," Mandy whimpered in defeat. He continued to play with her pert tits until he finally moved her chair around so that he could stand in front of her.

"Come on," he goaded her, "do your wifely duty," he gestured to his crotch. Mandy reached up and undid his belt, button, and zipper, pulling his slacks and briefs down a bit. His surprisingly large cock sprung out and she took it in both of her hands to stroke it before tentatively taking him into her mouth. She suckled on the head softly with her head slowly bobbing back and forth until she started to take more and more in.

Stone got impatient. "Come on, you can do better than that!" he growled as he finished taking off his blazer and dress shirt. Once he was bar from the waist up, he grabbed her head and shoved his cock all the way down her throat.

"UERK!" Mandy gagged, taken by surprise. Her eyes watered and bugged out by the suddenness of his massive cock going down her gullet. She flailed for a moment before recovering enough to suppress her gag reflex. His beer belly pressed into her face. She pushed back against him, desperate to get some air and some semblance of control back. This just seemed to excite him even more as he fucked her face while keeping his cock jammed into her mouth as far as he could get it.

After a couple of minutes, he pulled out. Mandy's chest heaved as she coughed and sputtered. Stone was then grabbing her by the hair and pulling her out of the chair. He stripped the dress off of her the rest of the way and plastered her up against the closest window. Mandy placed her hands against it and braced for the inevitable, closing her eyes and forcing her body to relax as much as possible.

Stone was inside of her a moment later, his hard cock spearing all the way up into her until he hit her cervix. The force of his thrust was so much that it hurt and she had to lift up onto the tips of her toes. The left side of her face and her breasts were pushed into the glass and she was sure that if anyone happened to be looking their way from any other building around them in downtown Dallas, they were getting a good view of her nude body. Stone placed his hand on the back of her neck to keep her pressed into the glass as his other hand grabbed her hip for leverage as he started to pound her. His pubis was pressing her plug into her in time with his cock sliding in and out of her pussy. "Oh God..." she croaked as she already felt the heat rising in her belly.

"That's right, wifey," Stone hissed into her ear, sounding triumphant at her already feeling her control slipping. "Cum for me. Cum on my cock."

What is wrong with me? Mandy wondered as all semblance of sanity and reality slipped away. Her body responded to his fucking as if it were a natural thing while her mind screamed that she shouldn't be feeling pleasure with another man like this. She wanted it to be Brent who was fucking her like this, not Mister Stone. But with his cock and her plug continually pushing into her body in perfect rhythm was quickly pushing her over the edge. "No..." she mewed as she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to will it away.

She then felt a stinging slap on her right butt cheek as Mister Stone spanked her. "I said cum, slut!" he growled, spanking her again. His grip on her neck then shifted from pinning her from behind to snaking around the front of her body to choke her from the front. Mandy gasped and then gurgled as his grip constricted around her neck just slightly to give her more of that dominated and defeated feeling. Her eyes rolled back into her head as her body shook and jerked in his grasp. The orgasm blew through her body, igniting every nerve ending she had, as she flopped like a dead fish in his arms. Her legs turned to water and if he hadn't been holding her up and fucking her, she would've been on the floor.

Mandy felt a wet, warm, pooling feeling in her loins and it took her a moment to realized that Mister Stone had cum inside of her. His seed gushed up into her, splashing her inner walls and seeping up into her womb and out her pussy. She felt the dripping on her inner thighs as his cock seemed to pump his semen into her endlessly. At that point, she really didn't care who it was as she rode out the orgasm to its fullest extent. When he was finished, he gave her a couple more hard, jerking thrusts before finally releasing her. She sank to the floor, her body leaving a smear of sweat on the glass as her body gave out.

"Crawl over here and give me a blowjob, wife," Stone commanded in a hard voice, returning to the table and sitting. "And then we'll start again when I'm nice and hard. This time you'll fuck me properly like a nice, submissive wife should. Displease me again, and I'll make sure you regret it."

"Yes... Master..." Mandy replied meekly as she managed to roll over to all fours and do as she was told.
