Masks That We Wear


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"Ah... so that's what you've been calling me," Brent said with a smile. "Honey?" he then turned to Mandy.

"The church teaches us that laying with another woman is a sin..." she said, lip and voice quivering. "But how can something that feels so good be wrong? I don't know... I'm so confused. Last week went we had our impromptu threesome, I knew what I was doing when I got Carla to touch me. I wanted to know how it felt and I enjoyed it. This past week I feel like we've become really good friends and..." she blushed, "and we have fooled around a couple of times. I... I don't know if I have feelings for you, Carla. I think I do but I think that I might be sinning. I don't know what to think."

"You two had sex and you didn't invite me?" Brent teased with a smile. "I might have to spank you for that."

"Promise?" Mandy asked, matching his smile.

"Sure, we can try it," he said. "But I'm glad to hear that you two are having conflicted feelings like I am." Their heads snapped back his way at that admission. "Don't get me wrong; I love you Mandy, I really do. But I've come to care for Carla as well. I had to admit that to myself last night while I was having sex with her. I'm happy that she's here with us and I'd like her to stay here with us. As far as it being a sin? I'm starting to think that it isn't." He nodded to the lounger that he'd been sitting in over at the window. "I've been doing some studying in the bible after doing some research on my laptop over there. Ruth 1:14: and they lifted up their voice, and wept again; and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law; but Ruth clave unto her. It's the same language for sex as used in Genesis 2:24; and he shall cleave unto his wife." he explained. "So, if Ruth was a considered a Godly woman, she might've been a lesbian or bisexual Godly woman."

"So does that make us a polygamy or polyamory trio?" he shrugged. "Possibly... I guess. I had a conversation with dad on that subject already last week when he heard that Carla was here with us. And I did more study on that as well. The bible supports the notion from Genesis all the way to Matthew."

"And how does he feel about this?" Mandy asked.

"He's backed off for now," Brent said. "But I think that he's coming around to our way of thinking. So if it's eternal damnation you're worried about, I don't think that you have to." He let out a long, slow breath. "So, what do you say? Do we want to give this new relationship a try?"

"Keeping in mind," Carla added, "that I come with baggage. If we somehow manage to get Mister Falcon off of our backs, I'm going to want to get my son back."

"Absolutely!" Mandy said at once. "So long as you realize that Brent and I want kids of our own."

"I'll be more than happy to help raise them," Carla said with a smile. "If you don't mind me bearing some of Brent's children as well." she added with a wink.

"Aren't we getting a bit ahead of ourselves here?" Brent asked with a snicker. Mandy and Carla both laughed as they then tackled him and showered him with kisses.


CHAPTER 9: The Die is Cast

Brent was calling up his father Monday morning to get more insight when one of the maids walked into the master bedroom and started making the bed. Mandy had been called in to Falcon's for the day to entertain in the club while Carla had to leave to go start her maid shift at the building. He'd called in to work to tell them that he'd be taking the week off while he pursued options to take Falcon down. Brent paused in starting the conversation because he knew that someone on the staff was feeding Falcon information but he didn't know who yet and he couldn't afford to take chances. "Hello? Hello? Brent, is that you? Hey, son, what's going on?" Donald asked on the other end.

"Hm?" Brent asked, momentarily transfixed on the maid, a short, mousy haired girl named Tina. "Oh, sorry dad. I was wondering if you'd be up for a round of golf later today? I'm taking the day off to run errands," he said quickly, making a cover on the fly.

"Are you fucking serious?" Donald asked incredulously. "You never call me up this early in the morning to arrange a Tee Time."

"Can you make sure to book it for just the two of us, dad?" Brent went on as if the conversation had gone another way. "I'm finding foursomes to be a bit... intrusive." Come on, dad, you're a fucking politician. Read between the goddamn lines.

Thankfully, Donald picked up on it. "One of the staff's there that you suspect, huh?" he asked. Brent hummed out an affirmative. "You're right. Phones are not good. I'll cut out of work early today. See you on the course at four."

"Awesome, dad," Brent replied happily. "See ya then." He hung up the phone and stared out the window. But he wasn't looking at the scenery. He was looking at Tina, who was doing a really good job of doing her chore while not making it look like she was eavesdropping. Then, when she bent over to smooth out the comforter, Brent noticed that she wasn't wearing any panties and he caught the slight glint of a jewel between her legs off of the morning sun. It was only for a moment and he probably wouldn't have caught it had he not been paying attention. Got ya! He silently crowed.

He nodded at Tina as he headed for his study and wasn't at all too surprised when she wouldn't meet his gaze. In fact, she seemed to redden in the face. Once in his study, he closed the door and sat at his computer, bringing up all of the personnel files of everyone who worked at the Ranch in his employ. Selecting Tina's file, he started reviewing her work history. She was married to one of his horse trainers, Andy, and they lived closed to the ranch. They both came to work for him back when he bought the place. That was back when he'd proposed to Mandy and they were getting ready for the wedding that took place in the back acre by the pond.

Brent was glancing through her previous work history when he noticed that there was a huge gap in when she was listed as "Unemployed" and "Living in Seattle". Her and Andy both. Seattle was one of the worst places to live in terms of cost of living. Going on a hunch, he took out his phone and called Toby up. "Yassir?" the yawning response came.

"Toby, can you look into financial records for me for two of my employees?" Brent asked, keeping his voice low. Toby yawned out another yes and then Brent heard typing. He gave Toby Tina and Andy's names and where they were living at.

"Holy shit boss..." Toby gasped, suddenly alert. "They have a daughter, she's ten now, but she had childhood leukemia when she was five. They took her to Seattle Children's Hospital, which is one of the best in the country, to get her treatment. Was just recently declared cured of the disease since the five years are up." He paused. "Do you think..."

"Yes." Brent said, voice barely above a whisper, as he cut Toby off before voicing the question. "Thanks, Toby." He hung up before more questions that could be overheard were asked. He then leaned in his chair and mulled things over. Mister Falcon was obviously the benevolent type by paying for a child's treatment but then held said child over their heads. A single call to Texas Department of Family and Protective Services with just the mere hint that Tina is promiscuous outside of marriage would bring them down onto her and Andy both. With whatever evidence Falcon could fabricate would mean that their little girl, that they fought so hard to keep alive, would still be taken away.

And that bastard made him fuck the poor woman at the last party. It wasn't right. He wanted to pull Tina in and profusely apologize to her but until he had taken Mister Falcon down, they were both trapped in their lousy situation. There was one thing that he could do for her so he got to work doing it on his computer.

The cell phone rang again. Brent looked at it skeptically to see that Toby was calling him back. "Boss, you gotta see this..." Toby said, sounding breathless.


"I can't believe that you wanted to meet here," Toby gasped and wheezed as he climbed the last stair up into the nosebleed seats of AT&T Stadium in Arlington. "I know that you have a right to be paranoid but this is taking things too far, boss!" he complained.

"Relax, I know the owner and it's not like the fans come here during the season anyway..." Brent said with a wry smile. The Cowboys happened to be on an Away game today for Monday Night Football.

"Ah, are you hatin' on the Cowboys now? And here I thought that we could be friends, sir."

Brent shrugged. "Sorry, but I'm a Texans fan." He said playfully. "What do you got?"

Toby handed over a manila folder as he collapsed into the seat next to Brent before pulling out his inhaler and taking a puff. "Talking to you about Tina and Andy's girl got me thinking and so I followed some of our boy's finances in that direction. Oh my God did I ever hit paydirt! Sweet Jesus, if information were gold, then Old Jeb's a millionaire!"

"English, Toby," Brent snapped, trying to get him to the point.

"Sorry boss..." Toby wheezed. "Point is; he's got two girls of his own; one just turned eighteen and is doing ballet in mother-fucking Russia and the other is twenty-two." He pointed at the photos that Brent pulled out. "Their mother died in a plane crash some time ago and the majority of his money goes to pay for room, board, and protection of these two. And let me tell you, it's some goddamn protection."

"How good?"

"We're talking PMC level of protection."

"Mercs..." Brent frowned as he flipped through the ad hoc dossier. PMC, or Professional Military Corporations were tough nuts to deal with. "Shit... not even American. The company he has hired for both are Russian."

"How do you know that?"

"If you're going into politics you need to know a few things about Russia... especially in this day and age." Brent rubbed his mouth and jaw. The golden ticket was in his hands. The only question now is, how was he going to use it? "Toby, do I have a forensics accountant in my internal auditing division?"

"No, why?"

"I do now and you're it. I'm going to move you into your new office next week when I come back in to work. In the meantime, I gotta get this to someone I know who can use it." He stood up and started to leave when he then remembered one more thing. "By the way, this one should be easy, I have a list of people that I want you to get dirt on and I need it fast."

"How fast?"

"Like, tonight fast."


Douglas eyed his son as he studied all of the documents and photos in his office. "Damn..." he breathed. "You have it all here. So, do you have a plan?"

"I have an inkling of one but it's going to require some... sacrifices." Brent said, his mind still working furiously on how he was going to pull this off.

"Oh?" Douglas arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah..." Brent nodded with grim determination. "I remember reading one of your old Clive Cussler books and I remember this one scene in which Dirk Pitt saves the girl by nullifying the blackmail. After all, blackmails ceases having any power once it's brought to light. I think that I can beat him but it's going to mean that after the dust settles, and you can still get the governor to sign off on me taking over your seat in the House, I seriously doubt that I'll last more than a term. If I do manage to make it past the first term, I might end up sitting longer than you."

Douglas was intrigued. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well... I'm going to need some of your contacts in Washington. I plan on revealing things to the Church tonight. But now, for starters; is your esteemed colleague from Nevada still pestering you to co-sponsor the Bunny Ranch Bill?"


That night, Brent was walking into Mister Falcon's office. "I want to hire two of your girls as a client of yours," he said cutting right to the chase as soon as he was through the doors.

"You don't get to just barge in here like this," Falcon said. "That's not how our arrangement works." Brent pulled out two stacks of hundreds from his briefcase and flopped them onto the desk. "Okay," Falcon snorted in amusement. "I'm listening."

Brent matched his grin and then flipped two more stacks out. The amount was double the price for a single girl for two hours, from what Toby had shown him and his dad had told him. "I'm listening... intently." Falcon said, becoming serious.

"I want Mandy and Carla and I want them both downstairs in a VIP suite for them both to give me a private show." Brent said.

Falcon looked at him warily. "What's your angle here?"

Shrugging innocently, Brent replied with all sincerity, "If you can't beat them, join them, right? Besides, wouldn't you want to be in the know with a future U.S. Representative?"

"It's a sure thing?" Falcon asked, shocked. That was news that he hadn't heard yet from his sources.

"My father's going to announce his retirement at the end of Session. The governor has already given his unofficial blessing for me to take his seat to fill the vacancy. Now, all we have is time to wait. So, I wanted a celebratory party before I have to put on the public face. Is that too much to ask for?"

Falcon nodded in sage agreement. "Alright then. Someone who brings this much cash to the table is someone who demands this level of attention. Mandy and Carla it is, then. Go on down. I'll ring the floor boss to give you our best VIP Suite. They'll join you soon." After they smiled and shook hands, Brent left. Falcon waited for him to leave before dialing up the floor boss to give him the instructions. "And make sure that the photographer gets some really good pictures of them, too."


As Brent was out in the hallway, he was on the phone with a friend of his. "Yeah, make sure you get some really good pictures of me having fun. My wife and friend should be here soon. I'll make sure that we're all unmasked so that you can get good shots of our faces too."


Mandy's phone rang and her heart sank. "Yes, Master?" she asked with a quivering voice. She was about to go home and try and surprise Brent with a romantic dinner with just the two of them. She had a feeling that those plans were about to be derailed.

"Get your mask and a costume back on and get to the VIP room. Your client is already there and waiting."

"But..." Mandy started to protest, but then she relented. "Yes, Master," she added with a sob. Morosely, she hung up the phone and went back to the dressing room.

A fifteen minutes later, she was walking into the Premier VIP Room of the club. The backstage manager had her wear a white miniskirt with white pumps and a mask to match her partner, Carla from what she was told, who was already in there with a client. When she went through the mirrored doors, that were flanked by two bouncers, she was surprised to see that they'd already started. "You're late," the man said. Carla was already on her knees in front of him giving him a blowjob. "Hike that skirt up and come here," he said, gesturing to his hard cock.

"Yes sir," she said at once. Mandy swore that he sounded familiar. Maybe it was just the loud music playing tricks on her. As Carla held the man's cock up for her, Mandy hitched up her skirt, reached between her legs to spread her pussy lips, and sank down onto his cock. I know this man... I've fucked him before... she thought.

Without warning, the man reached up and ripped her eye mask clean off of her head. She gasped and tried to grab it and yank it back down but it was too late. Her face was now out for all to see. She tried hiding it and he grabbed her wrists to pull them down to her sides, giving her a hard even look. "You... y-y-you've just destroyed my life..." she cried.


Brent hated doing this to her but he waited until both Mandy calmed down a bit to start fucking him and for both his and Mister Falcon's photographers got some really good shots. He then handed the mask back to her and she hastily put it back on. Then he slid his hand around the back of her neck and drew her in close. "It's me," he whispered into her ear. Then he pulled back enough to take his own mask off. "No! Don't get angry at me right now and don't try to bolt out of here. I'll let you take it out on me later. This is all part of my plan." he told her urgently while keeping her held in his lap.

"By unmasking us, you bastard?" Mandy could punch him right now. "What is that going to gain?"

"Just trust me, please?" Brent pleaded with her. "We're being watched by a photographer I hired and by Falcon's people. I paid for you and Carla tonight but I'm not staying the full two hours. I got a meeting after this." He kissed her passionately. "Now fuck me, get me off, then you and Carla get back to the Ranch. Trust me, I got this."


Upstairs, Falcon was looking through the pictures after Brent, Mandy, and Carla left the club. "Ahhhh, my boy, you slipped up. I'm gonna own your ass after this..." he said, smiling as he took a drink of his whiskey.


Brent walked into the conference room of Mountain Creek Church that was nestled next to the lake of the same name, just across the street from the Dallas Baptist University. It was easily the one of the largest Megachurches in Texas at well over fifty thousand members. The church leadership were all in attendance at this impromptu meeting that Brent had called. The pastor, Pastor Bishop, sat at the head of his table with Brent's father. The eight deacons, the youth ministers, and the leaders of the women's groups were all there, waiting expectantly for him. "Good evening, everyone, I apologize for being late as I was wrapping some things up before I came," he said with a smile as he laid his briefcase down onto the table before flipping it over.

"It was a strange invitation, to say the least," Bishop said, casting a sideways look at Douglas. "Your father was surprisingly tight-lipped as to the reason. He'd only say that it was due to some personal problem that you and your wife are going through?"

"That's correct," Brent said, taking out some envelopes and laying them side by side.

"Well, however we can help, we would be glad to." Bishop said. There were nods of agreement all around the table.

Brent gave him a sly smile and pointed around the table. "Remember that, all of you, when I'm through," he said. Turning serious, he straightened up and went from one member of the church leadership to another, looking them all in the eyes as he talked. "I'll get right to the point; there is sex trafficking going on inside of our city. Women are being blackmailed into servitude under a man named Joffrey Peregrine who owns the Peregrine Tower in downtown Dallas. The businesses inside include the Ranger Star Restaurant and the Curves Cabaret Club. He blackmails the women into serving his clients in whatever way they choose and he forces their men, if they stick around, into doing the grunt work for him." He let that sink in for a moment. The Ranger was a popular five-star restaurant to the upper crust. He knew that a lot of people in this room have eaten there.

"I know that this might be hard to swallow. After all, Mister Peregrine is a fine, upstanding citizen of Dallas. How could he be involved in this. I know this because Mandy and I are being blackmailed by him. We are witnessing it first-hand." He paused again and one could've heard a pin drop in the room. He let the pregnant silence reign for a moment before continuing on. He then laid out Mandy's history for them. Then he laid out Carla's history for them. Then he laid out Tina's history. Finally he admitted his own involvement and how Mister Peregrine, aka Mister Falcon, was blackmailing him into allowing Mandy to continue to serve going so far as to show a couple of the more tasteful pictures of Mandy, unmasked, performing on Brent's lap while he was still masked earlier that evening. He didn't say that it was him in the picture but as he'd already admitted to adultery, threesomes, and promoting lesbianism and bisexuality with his wife, he didn't see the need to.
