Master! Master! Pt. 04


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Under the bed, Momo continued toying with Chloe, but even rubbing her clit drew little response. It seemed the orgasm had sapped her strength. Now bored, Momo shrugged and climbed back onto the bed, pulling the blankets over herself so that she could nap.


Hours later, the girls all woke up, craving an early lunch. The fire in the stove was still burning strong and the house was warm, so they didn't bother to get dressed. They moved downstairs and raided the fridge, glad to find some leftover ham steaks and eggs from the night before. Luckily, they had been taught how to use the microwave. After eating, they settled down at the dinner table and brought my laptop out of sleep mode.

"Why does Master want us to know how to read?" Chloe asked.

"He said that it would help us entertain ourselves if we could read books," said Sonja. "Wasn't it fun reading those picture books yesterday?"

Chloe nodded and the first video was started, a woman speaking to the viewer from in front of a dry erase board. "Is that the same woman from the TV shows? How did she get into the computer? Did she climb inside when we weren't looking?"

"Master says that they are all different people, but Momo can't tell the difference."

The lessons began and Chloe worked diligently to perform all of the instructed exercises, holding a crayon in her tiny fist with her face inches from the paper. Momo and Sonja did them as well, for even though they had already seen these videos before, they could certainly use a refresher. Two hours passed before they all decided it was time for a break. But as Sonja reached out to hit the space bar and pause the video playing, a squirrel caught her attention outside and her hand slipped, pushing the wrong button. The window closed, showing the desktop. All three girls squealed in terror. To them, they might as well have dropped a brick on the screen.

"Did we break it? Did we break Master's thing?" Chloe cried.

"He'll be mad at us if he sees it like this! He wanted us to do the lessons and now we can't do the lessons and he wanted us to do the lessons!" said Sonja, gripping her head as if afraid of it falling off her shoulders.

"Momo doesn't want to make Master upset!"

"Momo! You have to fix this!" Sonja exclaimed.

The feline turned to her, looking as if she had just been slapped in the face. "Momo doesn't know how to fix this!"

"You've been with Master the longest! You've seen him use it more than any of us!"

"Please fix it, Momo!" Chloe begged.

"Ok! Ok! Momo will try!"

She took Chloe's place in the middle and pulled the laptop over to her. It's true, she had seen this thing used for countless hours, but she had never paid any actual attention. She looked at the desktop, seeing folders and icons, some of them with words she recognized, but none of them looking like they had anything to do with the reading lessons.

"What does Master normally do on this thing?" Chloe asked.

"Well, when he wants to do something, he brings this pointy thing down... by touching this spot here." She dragged her finger across the trackpad, moving the cursor. There was a time when upon seeing that cursor moving across the screen, Momo would be tempted to swat at it like it was a fluttering moth. Technically, it was still that time, but she managed to resist her instincts and bring the cursor down to the bottom. The dock automatically sprung up, making all the girls tense and move back. This was uncharted territory for them.

"Then what does he do?" Chloe asked.

"Master picks one of these things and taps it." Momo's eyes fell to the Chrome icon, round and colorful, just begging to be played with. She inched the cursor over to the icon, and after several confusing taps, managed to click it.

"Look, it's bouncing!" said Sonja with her tail going wild.

A new window was brought up and Momo nodded. "Ok, this is starting to look familiar."

Sonja leaned forward, resting her giant breasts on top of Momo's head. Normally Momo would shy away at the feeling of having her ears crushed, but she was too focused on what was going on.

"Oh yeah, I remember seeing this. What's that big word? Is that how it's pronounced? Goo-gle?" Sonja asked.

"Maybe it's called Google," said Chloe.

"Yeah, Momo heard Master use that word before."

"But what's a Google? Is it something you eat?"

"Momo has seen Master use this. He puts in words and it does something." Momo looked at the keyboard. There were so many buttons, but the fact that she recognized the letters helped her stay calm. "What should Momo put in?"

"Try 'read'," said Chloe.

Momo clicked on the search bar and typed the four letters, all with just her index finger. They stared, waiting for something to happen.

"What now? Momo doesn't know what to do next."

"What's that word there? Se-arch? Does that mean anything?" asked Sonja.

"Maybe it's actually saying 'search'. Trying clicking it."

Momo clicked on it and the search results were brought up, but they didn't see what they were looking for.

"Nothing," Momo grumbled.

"Try 'how to read', maybe that'll do it," said Chloe.

Momo typed it in, but did not know how to put in spaces. Luckily Google had her back and did it for her. Another list was brought up, but the outcome was the same.

"Is there any way to move down? I think I've seen Master move down before."

"Momo thinks Master does... this?" It took some more fiddling, but she managed to figure out how to scroll down. There, at the bottom of the page, was the YouTube video.

"There it is!" exclaimed Chloe.

Momo clicked on it and they were brought back to the start of the playlist that had been set up for them. The girls jumped up and cheered, having avoided disaster.

Momo suddenly stopped. "Do you realize what this means? We know how to use Master's computer! Imagine what else we can do with it!"

"But Master will be mad if we mess around with it!" said Chloe.

"Or he'll be proud of what we can do! Maybe if we impress Master, we'll get another cake!" Both Sonja and Chloe licked their lips. There was no way they could ignore such a possibility. They all sat back down, trembling with excitement.

"What should we do first?" asked Chloe.

"Let's go back to Google," said Sonja.

"This might send us back," Momo said, moving the cursor up to the arrow in the corner. She clicked on it and they were brought back to the results page. All three girls gasped in awe at their incredible technological prowess. "What should we do now? Should we put in another word?"

"Let me try! Let me try!" Sonja reached over Momo's head and scrolled up to the search bar. There, she typed in 'dog'. On the side of the results page was a cluster of images. "Oh! There are pictures!" Jumping up and down in excitement, she clicked on the pictures and squealed in happiness. The first picture was of a golden retriever puppy. "That's me! That's what I used to look like!"

Momo helped her move through the pictures, staring in awe.

Chloe was the same way, unable to believe there were so many animals in the world. After all, the world to her was nothing more than the property. "My turn!" she said.

Chloe went back to the main page and she typed in "mouse", then went and checked the images to the side. She stared in shock, unable to believe that was her original form. While she looked through the pictures, a hungry expression crossed Momo's face. Momo of course then took her turn, looking up pictures of cats, which of course brought up many more results. Her reaction was much more low-key, but considering that cats were solitary creatures, that wasn't very surprising.

For the next half-hour, they continued looking up random words and subjects. Even while literate (at least mostly), they didn't bother clicking on any links or results and simply entertained themselves with pictures. But what they couldn't understand was why looking up 'play' and 'playing' brought up none of the pictures they had been expecting. Eventually, though, they got bored with simply looking at pictures.

"What should we do now?" Momo asked.

"Well what does Master normally do?" asked Chloe in return.

"There are those words at the top of the screen, I think he usually does something with them. Let's see what they do," said Sonja.

Momo moved the cursor up to the bookmarks bar and started clicking them one at a time. She recognized several pages, at least having seen them before, but none of them caught her interest. Then, in one of the folders, she saw something that she remembered seeing frequent visitations to, back before she had transformed.

"Does this mean anything to you? XNXX?"

Sonja and Chloe shook their heads. "No, what is it?" Sonja asked.

Momo clicked it and was brought to the front page. All the girls' ears perked up, none of them having ever seen so many naked people at one time. Momo moved the cursor across the videos, causing the thumbnails to change into tiny slideshows.

"I think those people are playing!" Sonja exclaimed.

"Momo wants to see!"

Chloe gained a nervous and fearful blush as Momo clicked one of the videos. Unlike YouTube, the porn videos didn't automatically start playing even when opened, so it took the girls a moment to figure out how to actually start it. The video showed a guy with three teenage girls. It started with the girls taking turns sucking him off, and whichever two girls were unoccupied would keep busy by making out.

"Hey, they're kind of like us!" said Sonja with a grin.

The scene then changed, one of the girls riding the man, her ass bobbing on his lap. At the same time, another girl was working her tongue on the man's balls and exposed shaft.

"We do that kind of stuff too!" said Momo.

Next, one of the other girls got in front of the girl riding the guy, shaking her ass at her. Girl #1 had her face buried in the ass of Girl 2#, causing Momo, Sonja, and Chloe to exchange glances. What exactly were they doing? In nature, it was common for animals to sniff each other's butts in greeting. Was this something like that? The angle didn't seem right for it to be cunnilingus. They watched the rest of the video and then moved on to the next.

This one was a lesbian video, which came to a shock to the three girls. The movie progressed with the actresses doing all manner of things to each other, things that Momo, Sonja, and Chloe normally did with, well, not each other. Certainly, they didn't really have a lot of boundaries. In bedroom, Momo and Sonja had licked semen off each other's chests on multiple occasions, and there was that time when they fingered each other, but it was not like they had actually acknowledged each other in doing it. Hell, anything they had done together was simply due to the other being present or in the way, not out of any sort of attraction, even Momo's "bullying" of Chloe. They had never done things like kiss each other or go down on each other. Their minds had never even registered it as being possible, like they were suddenly discovering that people could walk through walls. Either way, it certainly left them interested.

They spent over an hour watching videos, the three of them with slick inner thighs. Momo and Sonja found a strange joy in seeing other people play the way they did. It almost became a game, the two of them on the lookout for things they had already done before. The girl on girl stuff was still new to them, but almost every position a man and woman could do had already been checked off the list. They also noticed several new toys that they really wanted to play with.

For Chloe, it was a much more mind-blowing experience. After seeing sex for the first time, she had had no idea what to make of it. All she thought was that it looked painful. But seeing all these people doing the same things, getting ridden, sucked, licked, mounted, spanked, and contorted helped take away that fear. In fact, she was starting to get curious.

Once again on the main page, Momo scrolled down to the next video, but something in the title didn't make sense. Well, sure, a lot of the titles didn't make sense, but still.

"What's this word? Anal? What does that mean?"

"I've never heard it before," said Sonja. "Maybe it's something new."

Momo clicked the video and they all began to watch it. At first it seemed normal; the woman sucked the man's cock, the man licked her pussy, they fucked in a few different positions... and then it got weird. The man started by giving the woman a rimjob, once again making the girls exchange glances of confusion. Why would a man lick a woman's anus? Then, with looks of shock on their faces, then watched as the man mounted the woman from behind, ball's deep in her backdoor. Their three sphincters slammed shut as they watched him take the woman to pound town.

This was completely beyond their understanding. While it was true that several animal instincts had been lost in their transformation, one instinct remained ironclad: that spot was not for playing with! It was an exit only! It brought back memories of when they had been "housebroken", and for Momo and Sonja, the added trauma of rectal thermometers at the vet. They continued to watch with horrified expressions as the man sodomized the woman without mercy, assuming every position imaginable and beating her asshole like it owed him money.

It was when the movie stopped that they finally closed the laptop. They all looked at each other, their hands having instinctively moved to cover their butts.

"Master... isn't going to do that to me, is he?" Chloe whimpered.

"H-he hasn't done it to us yet, r-right, Momo?" Sonja stammered.

"Pants! Momo wants pants!" she exclaimed.


I got out of my car, so glad to be home. With the days getting shorter, it was getting darker and darker by the time I left the office, making it feel like I was working later and later into the night. This had been one brutal Monday and all I wanted was to collapse on the couch and snuggle with my girls. Maybe, just maybe, they could cook dinner for me and I wouldn't have to get up.

"Girls! I'm ho-"

Stepping through the door, I was nearly knocked over, the three girls clinging to my legs like parking boots on a car. And strangely, they were all crying, absolutely hysterical, and... wearing pants with nothing else?

"Girls, what's wrong?"

They looked up at me, all of their faces wet with tears. "Please don't put it in our butts!" they all cried.

Wait, what?


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skippersdadskippersdad6 months ago

Pants to protect the Butt. funny stuff.

sunny2020sunny2020over 1 year ago

Love the story much!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Momo wants pants! Damn, dude... That alone gets 5 stars LOL...

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 1 year ago


Since of the three animals that the girls 'evolved' from mice are the most intelligent, followed by cats, then dogs it makes sense that Chloe picked up stuff so fast.

RuckinLguardRuckinLguardover 2 years ago

Another great chapter, except for the Momo raping Chloe part. I kind of wanted to see MC find out about that and blow up about it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You know…remove the porn, and I could actually see this as a comedy slice-of-life manga. Or, hell, maybe have our MC try to escape their affections that look suspiciously like sex or whatever; I’d honestly read that. That’s probably what you were going for, right?

jkthekatjkthekatover 4 years ago
So entertaining

very original Sage! I am enjoying each chapter. Very curious [ part cat] where it all leads. I will find out! Send Momo over if she ever needs more education. Luv it!!



AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Re: condoms

The MCs attitude towards condoms doesn't make him look cool, it makes him look like a selfish, inconsiderate asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I love it and been laughing my ass off continuously! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great characters

Loving the comically exaggerated but still believable animal characteristics of the girls. A sublime piece of writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Beating her asshole like it owed him money. Fucking hilarious

SomeLewdDudeSomeLewdDudeabout 6 years ago
Funny(?) Comments

I find it hilarious that a dude commented in chapter with a request to not add a bird, or a rodent. Then the next one to get introduced is a mouse, and he just seems to ignore and request that another species or two doesn't get added. It almost seems like he's secretly requesting those species be added in. Not that it matters because I'm assuming you had most of the cast planned out when you started the story, by it's still funny enough in my eyes to point out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Now that was good.

I was laughing so hard at the end my sides hurt.

nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 6 years ago
Pandora's Box

I was wondering when the girls might start exploring the Internet & what kind of mischief they might get into. I didn't suspect porn would pop up quite so soon. Just too funny! PANTS!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
good imagination

I like the level of ingenuity

well done


kuhpa01kuhpa01over 6 years ago

Oh my god!

Sonja napping, startled awake, "HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY!" and goes back to sleep. Typical Golden Retriever!

Anal sex???? Three sphincters slammed shut... Memories of rectal thermometers...

"I need pants!" OMG!

Please, no snakes or spiders, but keep it up with these three, this is just great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I like the series so far. It actually has a story! I hope that you'll keep it going, till you get bored of it at least.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I love your writing!

The sex in the storie is great the characters are great the plot is amazing but my favorite thing so far is how much this has made me laugh. I can't wait for more!

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