May the Best Twin Win


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'Are you... wearing any underwear today?'

Tessa didn't reply, instead she just gave him a wry look and slowly pulled up her long t-shirt up until it was around her hips.

'Oh, wow... ok, so no.'

Tessa stifled a laugh, his face was priceless as he stared down at her bared pussy.

'Correct. Now, could you...' She looked at him pointedly as she nervously played with the hem of her top.

'Oh, yeah. Right...' Chester realised what she wanted and shifted his body round so that he was sitting pointing towards her, with his back to the aisle. This meant that his back provided a bit of cover from the other passengers across from them, kind of, and that was enough to satisfy Tessa.

'Thank you.' She didn't need any more encouragement as she yanked her t-shirt up and over her head, giggling as her boobs were released and bounced down unrestricted, jiggling titillatingly as she stuffed her top into the bag. Chester's mouth had actually fallen open in amazement as he took in the greatest tit-drop he had ever seen in his life.

'Help me, I need to get my other clothes out.' Tessa hissed insistently as she sat there now completely naked on a busy train, the rough material of the seats scratching her bare cheeks and just tickling the edges of her lips, in a very interesting way. As Chester reached for the bag she looked out the window and saw her own nude reflection looking back at her, and she gasped as it was so surreal to see her body exposed in such an unusual location.

'Hey, Chester, look.' They were just passing through a station, where the train wouldn't stop but it would slow down as it rolled by the busy platforms. Instead of hiding away from the waiting passengers Tessa instead sat forwards and pressed her boobs up against the glass, and laughed as she watched people staring and pointing in her direction.

Chester laughed too.

'Tessa! OK you've officially gone mad.'

'Not Tessa, it's Jasmine...' The train had passed the end of the platform and the view outside returned to a blur of trees and bushes. Tessa sat back from the window and laughed when she saw she'd left a faint imprint of her tits on the pane of glass. 'Oh shit.' She hunched down and leant into Chester's body as someone walked past down the aisle, and decided that actually it was probably time to get dressed.

'Sorry, here you go.' Chester helped hold the bag open as Tessa hunched over peer inside it, causing her boobs to hang down and rest on her thighs as she reached in to feel around for her outfit.

'Got them.' She pulled out the clothes she'd bought online to recreate Jasmine's look, and carefully pulled on an embroidered denim skirt, hiking it up to her hips. Next on was a frilly bra, followed by a skin tight orange top which was covered in sequins and glitter. Sunglasses and a neckerchief completed the look, along with the mandatory wig and nose ring.

'You're actually crazy...'


The rest of the journey passed without incident and they swarmed off the train with all the other festival goers. Waiting for them outside the station were Jasmine and Chester's friends, including Patrick. He greeted them warmly, obviously unaware that Chester knew about his betrayal, and doubly unaware that the girl he thought he had cheated with was actually miles away on a long walk home.

'Hey guys, aww everyone's outfits look so cool!'

Tessa knew Jasmine's girlfriends relatively well, in fact this was the pair who had seen her falling off her chair in the nude, so she managed to survive their greetings without giving herself away. No one batted an eyelid as she adopted her sister's huskier voice, but she didn't push her luck and decided to stick religiously to Chester's side as they all walked off towards the festival. They all had their tickets checked at the main gates and their bags were searched, but soon they were allowed through into the main field where the main stage was, and where there were countless pop up bars and food outlets lining the huge field.

'So everyone... drinks?'

Everyone soon got pretty drunk fairly quickly as they partied and danced around in the afternoon sun. The audience for the main stage was already rammed so they had no chance of making it to the front, but they entertained themselves by checking out the smaller performances that were dotted around the festival. Tessa and Chester quickly let themselves become separated from the rest of the group as they knew that they'd have much more fun on their own. As they wandered through the early evening haze they passed two young women both of whom were completely topless apart from two thin strips of black tape taped over each nipple. Tessa looked up at Chester as the pair strutted by, and she caught him staring at their barely covered boobs.

'Oh you like that huh?' She didn't care, the girls were undeniably hot and she stole a couple of glances too, but she still playfully nudged into him anyway.

'What?' Chester smiled bashfully as she looked scoldingly up at him, he clearly hadn't been very subtle as he checked the pair out. 'Nah, I just...'

'Haha I'm just playing silly. Tell you what though, if that's the kind of thing that's acceptable at this place...' Tessa reached behind her back and fiddled briefly, then sneakily pulled the straps of her now unfastened bra over her shoulders, and then pulled it up out of the neck of her shirt.

'There we go, much better.' She reached inside her top to readjust her tits and boost her cleavage up a little, and looked down at her work with satisfaction.

'Well now there's only going to be one pair that everyone is checking out...'

Chester was entertained to see that Tessa's nipples were already hard enough to clearly poke through the thin material of her cheap top, and now her tits were free to jiggle around pleasingly under her top as she moved.

'So you don't mind then, if all the other boys stare at me?'

'Hell nah, free the nipple I say.'

Chester dramatically tore open his shirt, as the buttons popped off and flew down onto the grass. Tessa giggled and reached up to give chest a quick appreciative squeeze, and then she carefreely launched her bra up and behind her, high into the sky.

'So, where do you want to go first?'


The main stage was still absolutely rammed with the crowd who were waiting for the headline act, but there were several other smaller performances dotted around the festival which were still playing good music. So Tessa and Chester kept on drinking and partying as they moved between all the different artists, until after a few hours they found themselves in one of the larger tents. Here there was a relatively famous heavy metal band, and although Tessa normally couldn't stand that sort of music tonight she was happy to stay and listen. In her drunken state the noise and aggression were exciting and fun, and soon she and Chester were head banging with the rest of the hardcore fans.

'Hey Tessa, want me to pick you up?'

Obviously one of the problems of being a short woman is that in big crowds you can't see a thing. But one of the advantages of being super hot with massive tits is that you can ask your hunk of a boyfriend to effortlessly lift you onto his shoulders, giving you a brilliant view of the action. However, a further consequence of being up that high, with the aforementioned huge boobs, is that you are almost guaranteed to get picked out by the festival's camera operators who often scanned the audience to get some good action shots of their support. Tessa wasn't the first target as up on the big tv screens by the stage appeared another girl, also perched on some guy's shoulders, who was thrashing her arms in the air as the music blared. The shot zoomed in on her and she looked up and saw herself on the display, and started to wave excitedly.

'Hey, lady!' The metal band's front man had noticed her out of the corner of his eye, and he broke off from his lyrics mid song to call out to her. 'Give the crowd what they want, let's see some tits!'

A large cheer went up around the tent but the girl started blushing and waved her hands frantically as she shook her head, which caused a loud chorus of boos and jeers. Women flashing the camera was a pretty standard and very popular feature of these performances, and everyone was expecting to see some boobs. The camera cut back to the performance on stage, but immediately the singer was once more distracted by something in the crowd and he stopped singing again to voice his appreciation.

'Hell yeah baby, that's more like it!' The displays cut back to reveal the crowd and sure enough, there was another young women on her boyfriend's back with her bra pulled up over her small breasts. When she saw herself on the screen she raised her arms above her head and whooped, then reached down to tweak her nipples as she cackled. The rest of the crowd cheered loudly too, as even her modest proportions were very much appreciated.

'Stop looking!' Tessa playfully reached down and covered Chester's eyes, but he wrestled her fingers away and squeezed her thigh reassuringly.

'Hey, I can -- oh shit, Tessa look!'

Tessa gasped as once again the camera feed cut away and this time beamed her dumbfounded face up onto the screens. She gawked stupidly up at her own image as the group around them started to wave up at the displays, and murmurs of excitement started to rumble around her when everyone saw how busty she was.

'Take it off, take it off...' Some drunk bozo in the distance shouted out to her, slurring his words, but instantly his chant was picked up by the rest of the crowd.

'Come on sweetheart, let's see those babies.' Even the singer got involved again and this time it was Tessa's turn to start blushing, half from the pressure of having hundreds of strangers staring at her, and half from the excitement of what she knew she was about to do.

'Well, "Jasmine"?'

Chester's cheeky comment from bellow was the final straw, and so with a devilish smile Tessa looked up at the screen and very slowly pulled one strap of her top off from her shoulder. Everyone started to yell and holler, so Tessa bit her lip and moved the second strap over as well, so that both of them hung uselessly to the side. With all the elegance and playfulness of a strip tease she coyly slipped her finger under the hem of her top and teasingly shifted it lower down her cleavage, as the hungry men around her grew louder and louder. Now with both hands gripping the edge of the material she gradually drew it down until the edges of her nipples were just about to peak into view, and at that moment she paused, just as she had done so all those weeks ago in her locker room fantasy.

'Do it!'

Tessa didn't make everyone wait long as she finally pulled her top all the way down and her tits sprung out into full view. The crowd erupted as she squealed and stuck her tongue out rebelliously, keeping her eyes locked on the screens as she wiggled her chest back and forth to make her boobs dance for their audience.

'Fucking hell darling, those are perfect. God bless you!' The singer winked in her direction and then resumed the song, and in an instant Tessa's image disappeared from the displays and was replaced with a shot of the drummer thrashing at his cymbals.

'Holy shit!' For whatever reason Tessa didn't pull her top up, instead she just cupped her hands around her tits to form a makeshift bra as her top lay uselessly around her waist, then leant down to shout into Chester's ear. 'That was insane!'


For the next half an hour or so the happy couple partied on as the music continued to blare. Tessa never bothered to cover herself up as she remained perched up on Chester's shoulders, there didn't seem to be any need to, and to be honest having your tits out in public is quite fun. Even when she eventually swung down from her vantage point she stayed topless as she danced on ground level with Chester, as their dirty boots steadily trampled down all the grass into the mud. Even though the crowd was mostly bearded men with nose piercings and leather wrist bands, all of whom were either drunk or high or normally both, she actually felt remarkably safe. Everyone around her just seemed to welcome her partially nudity, and she got plenty of appreciative nods and thumbs ups as she spun and twirled. The set was heading towards the final stages when a tall guy with a backstage pass around his neck pushed through the crowd and tapped Tessa on her bare shoulder, making her jump.

'Hey, the guys want you to come up on stage. Are you down?'

It turned out that the man was one of the band's roadies, and the musicians had specifically requested that Tessa be invited to join them for the last few songs. Again it wasn't unusual at these events for a few hot chicks to join the guys to dance and pose as they played, and a few of the braver ones would even occasionally show some skin. However specifically getting hand picked out of the crowd was unheard of, but clearly Tessa's earlier show had made an impact. In the chaos and noise she couldn't hear the man clearly, and she self consciously tucked her tits back into her top which she hurriedly tugged back up, before leaning in closer and cupping her ear.

'Sorry, what?'

The guy shouted back at her.

'Do you want to come up on stage, with the band? The guys asked for you specifically, for the girl in orange.'

Tessa raised her eyes in shock but nodded eagerly too, that sounded like a great idea.

'Oh my God... I mean yeah, obviously!' Again she normally wouldn't give a shit about this sort of thing, but right now she was loving every second of it.

The man nodded and held out a tattoo covered hand.

'Right come on then, follow me.'

He pulled Tessa away by her arm who in turn tugged Chester along behind her, then the trio weaved their way through to the front of the crowd and diverted along the side until they reached a roped off blockade. Here the man turned and shook his head sternly at Chester.

'Not you mate, they just want her.'

'I'll be fine Chester, don't worry.' Tessa tiptoed and gave him a comforting peck on the cheek, then followed the guy as a tall bouncer let them through and she was led up a small flight of steps. Tessa stumbled slightly as she trod out onto the flat surface of the stage, then she turned to the left and just like that she was suddenly standing right next to the band's bass player, who glanced over and looked at her with interest as he played.

'Umm what do I...' She turned and gestured questioningly at the roadie, who just shrugged unhelpfully.

'Just go do your thing, get crazy, the crowd will love you regardless. Dance a bit, flash a bit if you want, I don't really care to be honest.'

'Ok...' Tessa gulped as she suddenly felt very shy, but luckily for her at that moment another hot girl had joined from the other side of the stage and was strutting confidently towards her as she smiled out at the rowdy crowd. This chick looked more like the band's stereotypical kind of fan, with her thick mascara, ripped fishnet tights and chunky studded boots, and an overall badass attitude. When she reached the lead singer's side she stuck out her tongue at the audience and reached for her top, aggressively pulling it down to her waist and then lifting up her bra to reveal her pierced tits, which she then shook violently as everyone applauded and hollered. Tessa noticed the front man grin at the girl admiringly and she suddenly felt a pang of jealousy, she was not going to be outdone by this women, she could do better than that. So instead she followed her lead by walking to the middle of the stage too, and did her best to look just as cool and composed. There was a lot of whooping as people recognised her from earlier, and so she blew some kisses to the crowd.

'Hey it's you again, nice one.'

The singer grinned when he saw her approaching and Tessa gave him a cheeky wink, then turned one hundred and eighty degrees so that she was standing with her back to the crowd. She folded her arms across her waist to grab the bottom of her top's hem, and then slowly began to pull it up her sides as behind her everyone began to start yelling again.

'Haha, nice.'

She was facing the drummer who laughed as he watched her teasing all the men in the packed tent, and he nodded approvingly as he was given his own private show when Tessa's boobs spilled out of her top. She smiled back at him as she placed an arm over her tits and then turned back around, whirling the orange garment around her head as everyone chanted for more. In a moment of madness she launched her top into the crowd and it was immediately plucked out of the sky by an eager pair of hands, and then she gave everyone what they wanted as she raised her hands above her heads and revealed her tits to the room once again.

'Nice work darling.'

The bass player called out to praise her display, and Tessa beamed with a happy drunken pride. However she wasn't the star of the show for long as she noticed the piercings girl, who by now had also stripped completely topless and also chucked her bra away, whispering something into the singer's ear. He was busy singing but he still nodded at whatever she had said, and when he did the rock chick walked back to the edge of the stage and unbuckled her jeans, then slowly pulled them down her legs as the crowd went even wilder than before. She stumbled out of her trousers and was soon clad only in a very tight pair of panties, and Tessa unashamedly checked out her rival's tight lean body as she watched on in awe, before their eyes finally met.

'Hey girl, come here.'

For the first time the other, slightly older women spoke as she beckoned Tessa over to her side. Tessa obeyed and walked over, still forcing herself to keep her arms down by her sides, and she was about to open her mouth to reply when to her surprise the other girl reached out and pulled her body into hers, and dragged her in for a kiss. Tessa had never done anything with another girl at that point, she'd definitely never made out with one before, and sharing her first bi-curious moment whilst standing topless on stage in front of hundreds of strangers was a bit extreme, even by her crazy new standards. But she'd be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying the bizarre experience, especially as it turned out that girl's lips were quite a bit softer than boys ones were, and this chick certainly knew how to use hers to good effect. She also knew how to put her hands in all the right places as she boldly played with Tessa's boobs as they snogged one another. Tessa tentatively reached out and fondled her back in turn, playing with the girl's nipple piercings as she felt her first ever pair of tits. As her breathing started to get heavier and more labored she slowly grew more confident and let her hands slip down the girl's back, then allowed her palms to roam over her panty covered butt which she gave a few tentative squeezes.

'How about let's get this off too huh?'

The rock chick seemed to think that Tessa was still overdressed by comparison to her, and Tessa stiffened slightly as she felt the girl's hands drop to her waist and start to feed their way under the band of her skirt.

'Hey, hold on, I don't...' Tessa panicked as she realised what was about to happen, but the girl just shushed her and smiled devilishly as she gazed into her eyes.

'Shh, it's ok, they want to see you...'

'No, I mean that...'

Tessa ran out of words as she tried to work out whether or not she really wanted to go all the way, but then her mind was made up for her as the girl dropped into a squat by her side. She turned Tessa so that she was facing the audience face on and then slowly pulled her skirt down her legs, and Tessa flinched as her bare pussy was suddenly exposed to the air. Her new friend was clearly surprised when she saw that the university student didn't have anything on underneath her last item of clothing, but after a brief pause she carried on regardless and soon she had stripped Tessa completely naked. Before Tessa's brain could realise what her body was doing she had stepped out of her crumpled skirt, and then used the tip of her boot to scoop it up and fling it into the crowd where again it was immediately swallowed up by a sea of arms.
