Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 18


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"Now you wait right, here Casey."

"Huh, excuse me ma'am?"

"I just gotta step out cause I left some oils in my friend's room; you know about oils and stuff, Casey? Makes it all slippery like and helps on account of you having such a big ole dick and all, boy."

"Uhm, sure."

"Right, now you just wait right here while I get those uhm, oils. You gonna mess my pussy up real nice, right boy; gonna suck on my big ole titties and put your thing up in-between these too, right Casey boy?!!" It was all she could do to keep from laughing in his face outright as her manufactured accent which was a parody in and of itself from old Foghorn Leghorn cartoons.

"Yeah ma'am I am; I sure am gonna do all that stuff with you and maybe we could, like go to the waffle house later and stuff?"

"You asking me out on a date, Casey?"

"Uhm, yes I think I am Cordelia." April stopped for a second doing a doubletake for an instant before kissing him full on the mouth leaving her dark lipstick smeared across his chin.

"Sure, whatevers." April put a finger up to her mouth silencing the blissful custodian stepping out in the corridor just as Deputy Jimmy handcuffed to Red rounded the corner. Neither were the wiser as April walked out of the ward placing Casey's clothing into the nearest wastebasket. She happened upon a mother hurrying towards her with a screaming infant in tow.

"Excuse me miss; you know where the bathroom is, my little Tommy has to drain the wizard?" The tired looking woman asked.

"Sure, there's one right at the end of this corridor, ma'am." April continued on her way leaving the floor as the woman's shrill scream filled the hall, moments later.


"I'm home." Humbert walked into his darkened home carrying the bags of food walking into his kitchen setting them on the table. Laura rushed into the kitchen hugging her son in a tight, death grip until he pushed away, perplexed.

"What's wrong mom?" She grabbed him by his shoulders looking him over with tears streaming down her face as his estranged father appeared over her shoulder. He kept his distance unnerved by anything that messed up his mundane daily routine.

"That Leslie girl came by here today."

"WHAAAT?!!" He looked from his father's face to Laura Jenkins, noting a lingering odor of alcohol on her person.

"She's crazy, sitting right out in front of our home in her car; watching the house like some kind of burglar!!" Humbert tried to console his mother returning her hug as his father glared daggers at his son.

"I'm okay mom."


"Uhm, my phone was out of service; had to charge my battery." He lied unsure if he should reveal his relationship with April.

"YOU STAY IN THIS HOUSE; I'LL TAKE YOU ANYWHERE YOU NEED TO GO, OKAY?!" Her panic was unnerving him as she clutched at his t-shirt, desperately.

"Mom, I'm fine; nothing happened to me and I'm not scared of Leslie, okay?"

"YOU DO AS I SAY!!" Laura Jenkins started drinking the moment she got into the house and it was showing in her partially slurred speech.

"Mom, please."

"Oh god, I'm calling off; what if she's gonna try to break in here later?!! Humbert, I know how you feel about what was done to you, but we need to get this reported to the police. You've gotta do this or it's gonna get bad... She was watching the house, I know it!!"

"STOP BABYING HIM LAURA!!" Harry Jenkins had seen more than he could stomach, initially wanting to keep his distance but worried what would happen should his son report the crime.

"Why don't you act like a father for once and take care of this!!"

"Now you want me to go find and punch out a teenage girl; is that what you want, Laura?!!"


"Mom, please." Humbert mumbled as his parents began arguing which had become a every other day tradition.


"WHEN WERE YOU EVER HERE, HUH HARRY?!!" The door slammed in response to her smarmy comment, echoing throughout their modest home. Humbert's slamming bedroom door followed.



Her house was immaculately clean and empty when she got home, Rosa had long since gone home to her family. She remembered how much it annoyed her whenever the housekeeper would talk about her husband and children. Remembered how she rolled her eyes whenever the hired help would show her pictures of her children. Those were different days when she was being groomed by Red to become number two behind her in the halls of Maplewood High. She'd imbedded herself in her studies initially feeling alien amongst her peers when she transferred in during her sophomore year. Her mother had grown tired of tutoring her when Leslie clashed with her mother's latest boy toy while traveling abroad. She chaffed at what she considered exile, deposited in her mother's hometown of Maplewood given a shitty Chevy Nova to pilot around the small town as a punishment of sorts. Red had proved a charismatic introduction to all things Maplewood in snarky fashion seeming to share a similar opinion of the town and the world at large. Fast friends, too fast perhaps to see the big wall of karma coming directly up to slap her in the face in the form of Humbert Jenkins.

Leslie had finally returned to her large home, largely because she had nowhere else to go after being confronted by Humbert's mother. Everything was out in the open now and there was no way his parents would let her anywhere near him. She'd been forced to drive off but had considered trying to explain things to Laura Jenkins, deciding against it at the last moment. Humbert's mother reaction to seeing her had colored her actions making her feel like the monster she had been. Even as she drove away, memories of taking Humbert against his will in his own bedroom wouldn't abate. It was that second rape that stuck to her, increasing in frequency as she was reminded mentally of the animalistic nature of it all. She'd become addicted to the feeling she got from screwing him as the plastic nub on the other end rubbed against her clit over and over until she was nearly a slobbering mess. Unknown to most, the uncommonly beautiful woman was extremely lonely most of the time, even amongst her peers. She'd shed her clothing like a second skin as she walked across her living room into her bedroom to stand nude before a full length mirror in her bedroom. Her body hadn't changed any but it would soon making her wonder what was left for her to do with her life. Red always seemed a little irritated and put off about her status as a trust fund baby citing envy on numerous occasions. Leslie wondered how she hadn't realized the inherent danger Red's influence brought until it was too late.

Outside she was still the same stunning brunette she'd always been, blessed with the thick body of a model, olive tinted skin, full large breasts sloping out dramatically from her chest over a narrow waist and the widest of hips leading into long, attractive legs. When she'd first made the cheerleading squad, Red had made fun of her rear end asking if she was "passing" alluding that she might be black or Spanish when Chelsea broke the ice by propping her larger, similar rear end next to Leslie's. Chelsea had claimed her own half-Latin heritage that afternoon shaking things up so much that Red lined up with them making a joke about the trio having the best asses in Maplewood. She always seemed threatened whenever someone asserted themselves beyond her influence making it a point to go out of her way to keep Leslie at her side until the incident faded from memory. Leslie shifted to the side looking at her own striking profile, cradling a hand on her flat stomach wondering what it would look like with a baby inside. Of course there were other options as demonstrated in the pamphlets she'd brought into her home that were sitting on her kitchen counter.

She was barely keeping it together wondering when Red would appear to exact her revenge as she got into the shower washing Sheriff Reed off her body. Her skin crawled as she recalled the sheriff's dramatic fall from the pedestal of his own making. He was known around town as this tough, no-nonsense badass with a chip on his shoulder and a hellcat for a daughter. It was an accurate assessment with both angry redheads, father and daughter only able to coexist with one another nearly to the exclusion of all else. Leslie had sought vaguely to sever that connection, succeeding beyond her wildest dreams as she ran her fingers through her brown mane. The steaming hot spray was therapeutic as she lathered up covering her large breasts in suds letting them run along her perfect, flat stomach down over her lightly furred muff. Before she even realized it, Leslie was rubbing her mound slipping a few fingers inside while manipulating her clit. The steam filled up the enclosed shower caressing every curve as she pinched one of her nipples, pumping her fingers creating increased friction that took her to the precipice.

"AAAAWWWNNNNNNN. AAAAHHHHH SHIT, YEAH IT'S ALMOST THERE...fuck me Humbert." Her hazel eyes shot open as she quickly tuned the water off. She sat nude on the edge of the tub with her face buried in her hands.

Shortly, Leslie gathered herself, wrapping a towel about her person as she drifted into the kitchen finding a plate waiting. Leslie's eyes rested on the numerous flyers and pamphlets, pondering the unthinkable before she removed some incense from a kitchen counter lighting it. She couldn't get Humbert's mother out of her mind as she peered out the window at the dusk sunlight. She took one of the brochures looking through it before lighting it on fire. The other followed going up quickly into nothingness in the kitchen sink as she noticed her phone, its face blinking with an incoming message. Leslie figured it was Sheriff Reed looking for that one last hookup, he'd begged for, brought to his knees when she tried to do the right thing by ending their affair. Instead she found a simple message reading don't hang up with a picture attached. She didn't know hat to make of the message opening it to find aa picture of Humbert sans his shift taken in some motel room.

"What is this shit?" Her phone began ringing from the same unknown number.

"Who is this; who-the-fuck-is this?"

"If you hang up, then I can't say what'll happen to Humbert, bitch." Leslie's brow furrowed at the childish sound of her enemy's voice.

"What are you doing with Humbert?!!"

"Anything I want, slut; think I was gonna let you get away with putting your hands on me?"

"Where's Humbert?!!"

"Do you care, Leslie?" Something in her gut told Leslie not to answer the question; April was obviously fishing for something that she innately dreaded.

"I'm hanging up."

"Good, come on down and see me, so we can hash things out face to face, girlfriend." April added.

"What do you want?"

"A face to face bitch; I wanna see if you think you can pull my hair out when no one is around to save you. I mean, you can just hang up and leave Humbert to me; if you're scared."

Leslie could feel the hair standing up on the back of her neck, apprehensive at the confident sound of her voice. Her palm instinctively covering her stomach as the burning brochures lit her features in flickering flame light.


"Down the street from your gated community, there this cute little park with an awesome baseball diamond. Maybe you should come on down and sit awhile with me. Have us a girlie moment, you know; just hug it out bitch."

"What will you do if I don't come?"

"More like, what won't I do-to Humbert, if you actually care." The line suddenly went dead leaving Leslie alone in her kitchen to make a fateful decision. She stared at the picture on the face of her phone still pressing her palm against her stomach.


The park was a recent addition to the area just outside of Shady Oaks from a politician looking for cheap political capital from the wealthy families that called the gated community home. There was a newly built magnet preschool situated right behind it and the whole area was well lit even in the dusk hours. Leslie pulled up to the curb noticing there were still isolated groups of people using the area. Leslie slowly got out of her car walking over to the baseball diamond to meet her fate. There was a park employee mowing the lawn sections of the baseball diamond while landscapers trimmed some hedges lining the edge of the park.

"Over here bitch." April was standing behind a large fence in front of the little league dugout. Even in the growing darkness, Leslie could see her creepy eyes enhanced by the darkness of her eye shadow.

"Where's Humbert?"

"What did I say?" April threatened as Leslie looked around one particular face. She'd put on her school cheerleader warmups anticipating some sort of fight. Halfway there she became worried that Red was lying in wait to ambush her.

"Red here?"

"Handcuffed to her hospital bed, unfortunately, come a little closer, slut." There was something different in the expression on her face, something a little more dangerous and demented.

"So, you want to fight me?"

"I want to fucking destroy you, poser; but first I want to ask you if you remember what I did to Brad Tucker, do you Leslie?"

"Do you, Leslie?"

"Uhm, yeah." April noticed how her prey kept looking around knowing she thought Red was lying in wait, noting that she still appeared regardless.

"Yeah that was a banner night for me, girlfriend; recalled that you uhm, liked my work, huh? So, I wanted to know something about you; well, actually I wanted to know if Humbert can cum with his asshole." Leslie rushed the gate finding it locked with a huge padlock separating the girls. She shook it violently wanting to get at April who stared back stoically.

"I just wanted to know how far I have to go when I fuck his reconstructed shitter; I promise that he's gonna find his feminine side when I'm done. Just reminds me of that first night with Brad, just a fucking away until I made a hell of a mess, baby!!" Leslie continued shaking the fence trying t rip it off the hinges to get at the demented blonde.


"I know, but that's not going to stop me from giving Humbert the Greatest Boy Pussy of all time!! You see, I've totally refined my technique and if you think Brad is fucked up; wait'll you see what I do with that fucking ass gimp of yours, baby!! You know, Humbert LOVES me, Leslie; who loves you?"

"DON'T!!" The fight left her as Leslie sank to her knees still holding the fence, its metal mesh leaving indentations on her palms.

"Tell me then, speak truth to me bitch; look in your entitled heart and tell me."

"WHU-WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!!" April knelt down, face level with Leslie's own, separated by the fence.

"Do you love him; do you love Humbert?" Leslie's face rolled around looking April directly in the eyes, noticing the insane glee on her face. Knowing she already knew the answer to the question asked.


April's eyes widened, her nostril flared as she bit into her lower lip feeling the darkness wash over her as Leslie quietly sobbed, scared to death for a boy that hated her with good reason. She cried knowing she was no better than April, her fellow monster at her core. She was tired of lying as the chunky blonde drew out her lost humanity. No matter what happened afterwards, Leslie knew she would never deny it again.

"Do you love him enough to take his place?"


The Reign of Terror will continue in Maplewood.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Chapter 19????

This was really good. Will there be a 19?

Jimmyrag72Jimmyrag72almost 5 years ago
Great news

That’s great about unredacted Ch. 19 thanks Mondotoken.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Unredacted 19

That is great news!!!! I sent you a message with the same question.

mondotokenmondotokenalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Unredacted Ch. 19 Will there ever be a time or place we will be able read the unredacted ch. 19?


Jimmyrag72Jimmyrag72almost 5 years ago
Unredacted Ch. 19

Will there ever be a time or place we will be able read the unredacted ch. 19?

inflmarainflmaraalmost 5 years ago

I hope we can see leslie and humbert work things out.

mondotokenmondotokenalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Question If chapter 19 is missing I'm not quite sure how you would move forward.

I'll combine the least offensive parts of Chapter 19 with the rest of Chapter 20 making a new, modified chapter 19 to continue the story. Most of the offensive parts of the banned chapter had to do with the graphic depiction of Leslie Kennedy's sacrifice at the hands of April.

I'd like to thank the moderators for keeping me honest. I was going for pure shock value. Maybe that wasn't the right way to go. The story will continue to ts logical conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

If chapter 19 is missing I'm not quite sure how you would move forward.

mondotokenmondotokenalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch.19

Apparently, the latest chapter was so horrific that it was rejected by the moderators. So, I will be moving on to the next chapter in this series; sorry about that to the moderators and fans of my work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Looking forward to the next chapter. You wrote a wonderful story. I hope Leslie finallly gets her Humbert to realize he is her man.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
New chapter

Please write a new chapter soon. I like the story very much. Thank you!

mondotokenmondotokenalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Thank you I’m sure you get tired of hearing my thanks for this series Mondotoken but thanks again. Every new chapter brings us another step crazier and I love it. I will admit I’m one for sometimes letting the bad guy get away, but I’m really hoping

April's appearance in the BAD M.I.L.F series is a flash forward, Thanks for reading this installment.

Jimmyrag72Jimmyrag72almost 5 years ago
Thank you

I’m sure you get tired of hearing my thanks for this series Mondotoken but thanks again. Every new chapter brings us another step crazier and I love it. I will admit I’m one for sometimes letting the bad guy get away, but I’m really hoping April somehow ends up losing this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Holy hell she lost it.

mondotokenmondotokenalmost 5 years agoAuthor

I edited this story before submitting it; but it was late and the changes didn't stick. My apologies for this oversight. Thank you for reading this story and the rest in the series.

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