Meeting a Woman 03: At the Airport


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I'm doing much better. My lawyer, and friend, called me a stupid idiot and said I'll probably be penniless and in prison serving 30 years with my new best friend Bubba. He has a way of cutting through the BS sometimes.

My therapy sessions have been equally revealing to me.

After two weeks I started coming out of my funk and I think nearly back to normal. I have started a little exercise plan, doing some reading and cooking with Frederick. But something I haven't done for a while is writing. I'm an author. I brainstormed an idea a few weeks ago and I'm nearly done with a very rough draft of a new book. I don't know if it is something I'd ever try to have published but it could be fun.

I'll wait patiently for your next update. :)


He sent that back to his lawyer. It kind of felt like elementary school when you had your friend deliver the letter to your crush because you were too scared to do it yourself.

He finished the rough draft of his book with the working title of "Chains and Leather" and sent it to a new editor. His normal editor wasn't interested in the erotic nature of the story but was happy to recommend someone she knew that would. He received the story back with a lot of helpful suggestions on plot ideas, grammatical errors, and some cuts. Sometimes a path of the story takes off but doesn't go anywhere and it just gets left in. A great editor will force you to prune your work back so that the rest of the story can grow.

He took her suggestions to heart and over the next few days made almost all of her suggestions. He did leave one of the subplots in the story thinking it might be a starting point for another book idea that would tie these two books together. He wasn't thinking of a new series but just an idea for later. He hoped it wouldn't be too distracting for the readers.

In another couple of weeks, he received his next forwarded letter from Julia.


I'm ready to talk. Call me.



He had his phone out and tried to dial way too fast. He had to retype the number three times before he got it right.

She picked up on the first ring. "Took you long enough!"

"I literally just received the email from my lawyer less than 30 seconds ago"

"Well, if you didn't want to talk then you didn't have to call."

"Do you remember us talking about the no-talking rule?"

"Hey, I was just playing with you, no need to get all cruel on me, unless you are going to give me a lot of good aftercare."

"Anything for you."

"Ok, all joking aside. I'd like for us to get together on neutral ground. Maybe spend another long weekend together somewhere fun where we have plenty of time to talk and still get out and do some sightseeing and other fun things. I would want us to have sex, but more vanilla for this weekend. And we can certainly talk about how to get back to it like before. What do you think?"

"I really like the idea. Do you have any ideas for a location? Are you thinking of an island somewhere or some destination in the US? Or something in Europe maybe?"

"I don't think I want anything to fancy just yet. I want this to be about our conversation but still be able to get away from the seriousness of our discussions. So in the U.S."

"Do you mind saying where you are located?"

"Just outside of Charlotte, NC. You didn't hear my accent?"

"Not really. When you were talking, I sort of just heard the words because it was all about the mixup, so my twang filter wasn't working really well at the time. But I could fly into Charlotte on a Thursday night, pick you up on Friday morning and we could rent a cabin in the mountains near Gatlinburg, TN. That would give us a nice view of nature, with plenty to do in Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge. Then drive you back home Sunday afternoon and you'd be all set for work Monday. How's that for an idea?"

"I like it, but if you are flying in on Thursday night, why are you not getting here until Friday morning?"

"I didn't want to assume."

"Well mister, you will stay here Thursday and Sunday night. We will limit serious conversation until we get to the cabin. Does that work?"

"You mean getting to see you a day earlier and a day later. Ah, an absolute yes."

"Not this weekend but the one after? I can't take this Friday off but for sure next Friday."

"I'll make the arrangements and then confirm everything with you so we are on the same page. Should we limit our conversation to just scheduling this visit so that we don't start getting into things before we even see each other? I can't believe I just made that suggestion by the way."

"I think that makes sense and I have to unfortunately agree. It was a terrible suggestion but a good one at the same time. Before we go, I did want to ask you about your book though. How is it coming? Any chance to get an advance copy? I would love to read your work."

"I can send you a copy of it, but it still needs work, but it is pretty solid right now. It has been through the editing phase twice so far, but that is as far as I'm planning to take it for now. I would need to find a publisher before doing anything else. I'll send it to you so text me your email when we hang up and I'll send it right away, but I will expect a full review Thursday night, good or bad. And I'll also need your address."

"Deal. I'm so excited to see you again, Landen. I think we are going to be so good for each other once we figure out what this is and what our expectations are for each other. But more importantly, I just want to be with you."

"Julia, you make me want to fly to Charlotte today when you say things like that. But thank you for being patient with me and allowing us to hit the reset button. I think we will be stronger for it in the long run however painful it has been at times the past several weeks."

"I totally agree with you Landen. I should probably get going."

"See ya soon baby."

"I can't wait mister."

He got her email and sent the book first thing. Then he started searching for a cabin. He found what he thought would work for them. There were a lot of rentals up on the Ski Mountain side of Gatlinburg that really looked nice. Most had hot tubs on the deck. He finally found the one that he liked best. A one bedroom, 1.5 bath with a nice kitchen and living room with a hot tub with a really nice view off the back deck.

Next was getting his flights lined up. He would plan to fly on a domestic flight this time instead of doing his normal private jet rental. His flight would put him in Charlotte at 5:30 pm and by the time he would get a rental and make the drive to her place, he was thinking maybe around 7ish for an arrival time. He would send her the details in a text tomorrow.

He was excited but was able to sleep with some satisfaction that they had plans and it didn't look like she was having any issues. He texted her his schedule the next morning and then went about his day.

Around noon he got a text from her.

"Started the book this morning. I love it. I've been sneaking some pages in during my breaks. Hope it is ok to text that. :)"

"It was totally against the rules. I knew the rule breaker in you would come out eventually and I won't even be able to offer any correction that weekend. Poor me."

"Maybe you could start keeping track of all of my infractions?"

"Already ahead of you. Hope your next few days go well. Hope you like chapter 27."

"Don't ruin it for me, I'm only on chapter 7 right now."

"I wasn't. I don't have a clue what is in chapter 27. Just yanking your chain. Haha."

"Later gator."

"In a while, crocodile."

She seemed to be as perfect in talking and texting as she was in her silence.

His staff was very excited for him, especially Grace, or at least she showed it more than the others. She asked him what kind of gift was he thinking about getting her? After seeing his stare back at her, she realized she should have known.

"Hey, Grace. What do you think about helping me pick out a gift for Julia? Could you help me, please?"

She had worked for him too long not to try and help him. She translated that in her mind that she would do all of the work and he would get all of the credit. So she told him if he took her shopping, that she would help him find a nice gift for her.

She started brainstorming with him. "So you already gave her the tennis bracelet. I assume that you will get her a collar at some point as well. So that would be a lot of jewelry if we went with another piece. This occasion seems a little bit more than a new piece of clothing as well. So what does that leave us with?"

"I have no idea, that is why you are helping me my dear Grace."

"You're going to make me do everything aren't you?"

"Now Grace, you know you have never given me that kind of control over you. I couldn't make you do anything."

"And don't you forget it, pervert. Now, where were we? Oh, yes, I was trying to decide what we are getting our new girlfriend Julia. So did you two do anything besides have sex? Did you talk at all when you took her out?"

"Well, I told you that she requested that I not allow her to talk, well, Connie did but Julia played along and didn't talk the whole weekend. We did play Tic-Tac-Toe and Hangman one evening."

"You are so weird. First, you beat the hell out of her and then play elementary school games with her. How do you make this stuff up? Let's look online and see if we can find something that would be quirky like childhood games."

He was searching on his phone while Grace was on the computer. She came across several things that might work but finally found what she would suggest. It was a modern version of a ViewFinder.

She explained her idea to him and described how it might work. Once you bought it, you could send them your own photos and they would then make the circular reel with 7 photos on each reel. When you insert the reel into the viewfinder you can look through it and see the photo, then pull down on the lever on the side and it advances to the next picture. She thought he might be able to take enough photos off of the security camera footage from the house and also at the club to get enough photos to make a view of the reels.

They ordered one and then Grace was voluntold to take care of the photos. He joked with her and said, "Thanks for doing this Grace, I just knew you could do it."

"Oh, I'll take care of it all right then I'm going to go shopping for myself with your credit card. I hope you like everything you are going to buy me."

"I will, and remember, anything sexy and you have to model it for me."

"How many times have I had to tell you, I will wear anything you want, including nothing, the day you let me tie you up so that you can only watch. The ball is in your court, Boss. You're the one that is holding back or you would have seen this body of mine already."

"You're right Grace. What if I take you up on that offer one of these days?"

"Then you would only drive yourself crazy. Once you've seen it, then you would want it in more ways, and you don't even want to know what that would cost you. Trust me."

"Something tells me, Grace, that you have a Dominant streak in you that is completely untapped. In all seriousness, if you would ever want to go to the club, all you have to do is ask and I would introduce you to people that could help you if you have questions."

"Thanks, Boss. It is something that I am curious about, but I don't know if I would ever do anything about it."

"Well, the offer stands. I would only be involved as much or as little as you felt comfortable. I think for you, it would be wise to actually be trained as a submissive so that you would understand better what the mindset is before developing your Dominant side any further. It is like Star Wars, your Dominant Force is strong with you. But training as a submissive would help with the empathy that good Masters, and Mistresses, have. They don't always show it on the outside because that would almost be breaking character, but it does help control the scene so that the sub isn't forced too far over the line."

"I understand when you explain it like that. I know this turned very serious way too quickly but you would be the only one that I would trust to train me as both a submissive and a Dominant. I see enough around here and hear enough of what you do that I know you would never hurt me emotionally. I have some scars from my past that I don't ever want to experience again and we have a lot of fun with our banter, but never once have I felt afraid or treated unfairly. You are a true gentleman in your Dominance and I'm guessing that is a rare thing."

"Your only saving grace, Grace, is that you work for me and that we are friends. If we had met differently, then I have no doubt you would be my sub. You would still have the desire to be a Dominant, but being my sub would uncover a whole new world that would surprise you beyond your belief. I think Julia is almost the same way. She experiences her Dominance in the professional setting being the strong leader that she is, so being a sub is the other side of the coin for her. Your personality is naturally Dominant and you desire more of it, but once you would taste the side of being a sub and what it has to offer, you might decide to train there for a long while. And there is nothing that says that you can't do both, you could be a sub to your Master and then have others that are subservient to you as their Master. Some people find a partner where they can literally switch back and forth with each other over who is in control. Do you understand or have any questions?"

"I understand and I have many questions, but I don't want to get in the way of your new relationship with Julia. If there is ever a time when we can have a serious discussion about this, then I would love to continue, but right now I'm at a very difficult decision point. I'm going to be completely honest with you Landen. I'm either going to beg you to be your sub or we need to stop this or put it on hold until it is the right time."

"Grace, I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be cruel, I was just being open and honest. Please forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive Landen. My emotions just caught up with me very quickly with the serious conversation. Just remember, if there is ever a time, then, you know?"

"I understand Grace. Thank you for your honesty."


See Note 1 at the bottom.



He continued to think about Grace and their conversation throughout the week but he was also getting very excited about the time he would spend with Julia. He couldn't remember being this excited about something in a very long time. The day soon came and he packed and got on the flight to go see Julie. The flight was good and on time. He quickly had his rental and was making his way to her house.

She lived in a really nice community and found the house very quickly. GPS was such a good thing. He parked, got out and grabbed his bag, and started for the front door. As he started up the sidewalk the front door opened up and she was moving very quickly toward him. When she was about 5 steps from him he knew what was coming. He quickly dropped his bag and prepared himself. Sure enough, when she was a few steps closer she jumped into him. He had opened up his arms to catch her. She in turn had landed against him with her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

She didn't wait long to tell him how much she had missed him and that she had never longed to see someone like this in all of her life. He told her that he couldn't agree more. Then she kissed him so hard that he thought she might bust their lips. But he didn't really care because it felt good and it felt real.

When she came up for air he suggested that they move the party into the house before her neighbors called the police for a woman attacking a man. He also told her to get down for a second so he could get his bag. He grabbed his bag and she lassoed her arms around his neck again and pulled herself up with her legs around his waist again, and then told him she was ready to go into the house.

She gave him another passionate kiss and let herself down when they got inside. She told him to just set his bag down in the hall because she had their dinner ready. She had baked some lemon pepper chicken and thick sweet potato slices for their side. Simple, easy, and filling. She had other ideas for dessert.

After they cleaned up the dishes, she suggested it was probably late enough that they could go to bed since they would be leaving early in the morning. He smiled at her and laughed. She laughed back at him but said she was serious and that he might need the rest later this weekend.

He said he wanted to grab a shower because he felt a little grimy after the flight and then he could join her in bed or she could join him in the shower too. She voted for the tandem shower which pleased him.

They started by undressing each other without much fanfare. When they were undressed she dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth. He told her to be gentle or he would go quick which from the look in her eyes she almost appeared to take as a challenge. He reminded her about the list he was keeping and he thought she may have started sucking harder.

When he knew he was getting close, he grabbed her and pulled her up. Once up he picked her up completely and sat her back down on the counter. Then it was his turn to kneel and taste her. She was as delicious as he remembered. He used her tactic and attacked her quickly. She was leaning back on her hands to hold herself up. She tried several times to put her hand on his head but the position she was in was too hard to hold with just one hand. She encouraged him with her moans and words. This is the first time he had heard her speak during sex and he liked it.

She helped give him direction when he hit the right spot just to compliment him. He thought she was getting close and he wasn't going to let her stop him. He decided he was going to help her by inserting a finger, or two. She was so wet that one went in easily and followed that up with a second. She didn't last long after that. It wasn't earth-shattering, but he was sure it was only one of many for this weekend.

He helped her down off the counter and then got the shower running to let the water heat up. When they got in she said she wanted to finish him with her mouth. He asked if she was sure because there would probably be a lot. So she kneeled down again and took him in her mouth again and started sucking him very aggressively. This wouldn't take long. She would find his favorite spot when she needed to breathe but then she would continue her attack.

He told her he was close and she pulled back so she was just sucking his head and giving him a firm grip as she jacked him. When his orgasm started she aimed his cock toward her face. Her mouth was opened wide and the first volley went high and hit her forehead and across one eye. His next several volleys hit around her mouth and then she jacked the rest over her tits.

He thought it was so unexpected and so very hot. It got even hotter as she wiped the cum with her finger and started feeding herself his cum while looking into his eyes. She communicated so much with that look and those actions. He knew they would be talking a lot this weekend, but because of their prior experiences, she had just communicated so much to him in their own special way they had developed.

He helped her up and kissed and hugged her close. It didn't bother him that she still had his cum on her tits and it was getting all over his chest. This was about reassuring her and acknowledging that he understood what she had just demonstrated to him. They did manage to finish their shower before the hot water ran out, but they did have to turn it all the way to hot.
