Megan's Summer Education Ch. 03


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"No, I think it will be helpful for you two to join us," Quigley said. "The three of us can chat and enjoy our lunch. We should be able to help shield Megan from view as she enjoys her lunch. Sorry, your seat won't be quite as comfortable, my dear."

"I don't mind at all," Megan said. "I'm just very hungry and happy to eat the delicious meal you have prepared for me wherever you like."

"You have your mother's politeness," Quigley said.

"Thank you, sir," Megan said, sensing that Quigley was reminding her of his business partnership with her mom, a subtle statement of his power.

A waitress came over and took their order. The men all ordered meals. Megan deferred, asking only for water. "She's on a special diet," Quigley explained. "Also, could we get one more chair to sit at the end of the table? My friend here has a bad knee and could use a place to prop it up."

"Of course, I'll get one right away for you sir," the waitress said, nodding to Mick, who played along, rubbing his knee.

"Just a little more coverage," Quigley explained. "I love exposing Megan in these clothes, but I don't want to go too far."

"Thank you so much, sir," Megan said. "I'll serve you anywhere you ask, but I do appreciate the respect and privacy."

"There's a line between being a classy slut and a trashy slut," Quigley laughed. "Just want to keep you on the right side."

"That's a good way to put it," Harry said. "We've talked to her about being sexy and cock hungry but maintaining her class and style. She's naturally beautiful as well as intelligent and obedient. She doesn't have to act trashy. She can get what she wants and deliver everything the men in her life want just by being herself. All we're really doing is teaching her out to channel that inner slut and just add that characteristic to what she already brings to the table."

"Yes, you have many, many options in front of you," Quigley said to her as the waitress brought the chair and their drinks. Quigley put his hand on her bare thigh and then touched her pussy through her shorts.

"I'm realizing that this week, sir," she said. "It's like a whole new world has opened up. It's kind of overwhelming."

"I'm sure it is," Quigley said. "You're intelligent, but naïve and innocent in a very endearing way. But that can also be dangerous for such a young beauty as yourself. There are those out there who would look to take advantage of a sexy naïve girl like you. You're fortunate to have two men here who have your best interests at heart."

"I agree," Megan said. "I'm seeing that more and more each day. They are doing so much for me, as are you and the others."

"It's good that you see that and that you're understanding the power that you have, even as you're playing a submissive role for your men," Quigley said. "So long as you maintain your self-respect and ego, you will retain the power to submit but to demand compensation in return. Sugar daddies will lavish you with gifts for your company. Professors will give you A's and an easy graduation for your services. Employers will overpay to have you as an assistant."

"I'm learning that too," Megan said. "It's hard to know that the right thing to do is."

"Of course it is," Quigley said. "Some might even try to blackmail you. Like I could threaten to fire your mom as our ad rep if you didn't do certain things. Or Rothman could fire your dad, I suppose."

"Oh dear," Megan said. "I hadn't thought of that."

"Now, don't worry, that's not what I'm proposing," Quigley said. "But I do want you to understand that you have to watch out for those types of traps. You are an incredible young women and even successful men like me will take huge risks sometimes when they want to possess something."

Megan was feeling uneasy. This seemed like a thinly veiled threat.

"I understand," Megan said. "I will be careful."

"Good," Quigley said. "Then you should carefully think about doing some modeling for us. We have some new lines of swimsuits and lingerie that we can't really advertise in the local community magazines and tv channels the way we do some of our other stores. Your mom is great with that stuff. But these specialty items -- some of them are geared toward exotic dancers, club girls, you know -- are best promoted through private events, fashion shows and the like. You would be wonderful at that. It would give you the opportunity to learn about modeling, earn some money and work a little bit with your mom."

"You mean, she would see me doing that?" Megan's eyes got wide.

"Of course," Quigley said. "She would be marketing the events. And that's where I think the best part of this is for you. Your parents are coming back soon and you're going to have to explain your new wardrobe and some of the choices that you're going to be making soon. At least with the modeling, it would be a legitimate job and you could pass it off as career exploration and you could tell them the new wardrobe was part of your orientation package from us. That would give you a little freedom. They might not love the modeling thing for you, but it would sell a lot better than some of the other excuses you could come up with."

Megan looked at Harry and Mick, wondering if that made as much sense to them as it did to her. As awkward as it would be, it would make much more sense to walk out of the house half dressed with her parents understanding it was for a job with a trusted client and colleague than to say she had to go over to Harry and Mick's to help them make dinner.

"I like it," Harry said. "I mean, the choice is Megan's, of course, but as an explanation, I think it's a strong way to ensure she can keep dressing the way we all want her to."

"I'm glad to hear that," Quigley said. "I won't be so pushy as to demand an answer today. Complete your training, my dear, and we can talk more. I love your pictures online and will send you more information and ideas through the private messaging."

Their food came out and Quigley said, "I know you've got a busy day, so I suggest we all eat. Megan, I think you know where to find your lunch. I encourage you to attack it as ravenously as you like, given your current state of hunger."

Megan liked the way he talked and loved that the legs and big bodies of the men concealed her pretty well as she slid under the table and in between Quigley's legs. He had a napkin over his crotch and dipped her head underneath it. He pulled out his cock. Just the sight and smell of it triggered Megan's drive to eat, as if she was smelling a steak hot off the grill. She couldn't believe it, but the idea of associating cock with food really seemed to be working.

As he had suggested, she dove right in, opening her mouth wide and sliding her tongue around the head of his cock, then under the shaft as she took him deep into her mouth. Quigley, who was a few years younger than her dad -- probably early 40s, she guessed -- was tall and lean with a receding hairline and a friendly face. He was built like the former athlete he was, having been a successful three-sport guy in high school. He was still in good shape and decent looking for his age. Never married, he lived a bachelor's life but remained single. His cock was a good seven inches and extremely firm and rigid, giving it ample girth to fill her mouth. And she was happy to have her mouth full of something, anything at this point. She heard Harry talking to Quigley about her training.

"It's unproven, of course," he was saying, "but we are hoping to train her brain to associate sucking with food, rather than biting or chewing. She can suck a lollipop, but can't bite it. Still, she gets the sugar and satisfaction. She can suck cock, but not bite or chew. But the sucking ultimately gives her the nutritious payoff her body needs."

"I like the concept," Quigley said. "She certainly seems to be trying to suck everything out of my body right now." He laughed. "Damn, what's the old saying, 'suck a golf ball through a garden hose'? I see where they get that imagery now. Fuck. It feels like my balls are going to fly into her mouth at any moment."

Megan smiled inwardly at the thought, wishing she could sink her teeth into a big ball of man meat and cum right now, thousands of sperm filling her mouth and throat and stomach. She wanted every last one of them.

She didn't get them all, but she got enough as Quigley dropped his fork and put his hand on the back of her head. The waitress brought the check as cum spewed into Megan's throat.

"Did your friend leave?" the waitress asked.

"No, I dropped my napkin and she's getting it for me," Quigley said. Megan was still sucking out his last drops but realized she needed to get off the floor. She slid back into the seat next to him. She looked at the waitress as she swallowed, then smiled and said, "Could I get a water to go, please?"


As busy as they had been, Megan and the guys still had a long way to go -- seven more cars to return and cocks to suck -- and it was now early afternoon. Luckily, the next two were in the same location, so they went back to the house. Megan drove their car, Mick drove Walters' car and Harry drove Peterson's. Even though school was out for the summer, both men were at the high school. Peterson's job as janitor was year round, with cleaning and maintenance, while Walters had been in during the morning to attend a teacher's meeting about the preparations for the fall. He had decided to stick around to meet Megan there. So, the giant school was empty except for Peterson, Walters and Megan. Harry and Mick decided to use the extra time -- Megan had plenty of work to do -- to go back and get the next car.

Peterson greeted Megan at the door to the school, letting her in before locking the door behind them.

"It's so weird being here when it's empty like this," Megan said as they walked down the main hallway, past the doors to the gymnasium and the administrative offices.

"I'm pretty used to it," Peterson said. "But I'm going to miss seeing you in these hallways. I'm not a pervert or anything, but the last couple of years when you filled out, well, it was hard not to notice or think impure thoughts."

"Thank you," Megan said. "I don't think you're a pervert, either."

"You might after today," Peterson laughed. "Just kidding. It's nothing too weird, but Mr. Walters and I had a couple of little role plays we wanted to act out with you today."

"Sounds fun," Megan said, honestly. "I haven't really done role play, but it seems like a good way to bring fantasizes to life."

"Exactly," Peterson said. "Harmless fun. So, once we go in here, just play along. It's silly, but I assure you we're just having fun and, of course, we will feed you as I know you must be as hungry as we are horny."

"Sounds perfect," Megan said. Peterson was certainly checking her out but she was happy to not be on display to anyone but him and, soon, Walters.

Peterson led her to one of the science labs and told her to go on in. "Walters is waiting for you," he said. "I'm going to give you guys five minutes to get ready, then I'll be in."

"OK, sir," Megan said. "See you soon!"

Megan went inside and found Walters waiting for her. He was wearing a lab coat that was buttoned all the way up. He was wearing flip flops but she couldn't tell if he was wearing shorts or anything else under his coat.

"Wow, you look incredible," he said. "God, I wish you would have dressed like this for class every day."

"Thank you," Megan said. "I think I would have been expelled though."

"Well, not today," Walters said. "So, Peterson told you about some role playing, right?"

"Yes!" Megan said. "It sounds like so much fun."

"It will be," Walters said. "So, the first one will be pretty basic. I'm the instructor. Peterson is a student. And you're, well, no offense, but you're a pet 'slut' and I'm going to explain to lecture him on the anatomy, care and, of course, feeding of a pet slut."

"Oh my, that's hilarious," Megan said. "Yes, please show him all he needs to know about me. This will be so fun. Of course I'm not offended."

"Good," Walters said. "So, I'm going to put this leash on you -- works out well that you have that little ring on the choker. I'll lead you in like you're some pet I just picked up at the pound."

"That's too funny," Megan said as he put the leash on. "Please take me home, mister!" she pouted, putting her hands up like little paws. She was so damn cute in that moment, Walters had to fight the urge to drag her to his car and run off with her.

"So, you just get in this cage over here and we'll get started," he said. He put her in a dog kennel that was in the front of the room, next to a large lab table. Megan climbed in, sitting on her knees, waiting to see what would happen next. She was truly enjoying this. They were so creative! Wasn't this how sex should always be? Of course, sexier partners would be nice, but as older men went, Walters and Peterson weren't bad looking and at least they were fun.

Walters looked very much like a professor. He had round spectacles, a thin mustache and dark hair combed over to hide his balding head. He was at least 50, Megan figured, average height and build with a slightly flabby belly that suggested a little too much beer. Peterson was a larger man, built sort of like Harry, heavy set. He had a large belly, thick legs and arms, a wide chest and chubby fingers. He was overweight, but also muscular, the product of hard work and bad diet. Megan guessed him to be in his early to mid 40s.

Megan heard the door open and saw Peterson walk in. He had changed into a t-shirt, gym shorts and some sneakers. He looked the part of a student.

"Hello Dr. Walters," he said. "Another boring class today?"

"Very funny, Sal," Walters said. Megan had never heard Peterson's first name before. "I think you will enjoy today's class very much. Today, I am going to introduce you to the beautiful and rare pet slut."

He motioned toward the cage and Peterson, acting as if he was noticing her for the first time, responded with exaggerated wide mouth and eyes. "Wow, what a beautiful pet!"

"Indeed," Walter said. "Very rare to find one like this, so beautiful, a perfect specimen. Now, every slut like this needs a good home and to be taken care of. They can be wild at first, though, hence the cage and leash."

"What makes them so wild?" Peterson asked, clearly following a loose script.

"Well, an untrained slut can develop an insatiable hunger for sex. They are cock-hungry little things with bodies perfectly designed to tease, entice, lure and capture cocks at will. They never get enough."

"So how do you make them a pet?" Peterson asked.

"You have to train them," Walters said. "They must learn that their owner's cock is a gift, a treat, a reward to be earned, an organ to be worshipped. But before we get into that, we need to understand the anatomy of the slut."

Walters opened the cage and pulled on the leash, leading Megan out of it. She didn't speak, not sure if she was supposed to talk, make animal noises or what. This was weird but fun. She stood up when Walters pulled up on the leash.

"Like all pets, there are a number different ways to praise and punish your pet slut to train their behavior," Walters said. "Their breasts and nipples are particularly sensitive. Squeezing and touching and rubbing them like this shows them your appreciation of them."

He was rubbing Megan's breasts and, indeed, it felt good. She exaggerated her reaction with wide eyes and a big smile. Her nipples were hard and he pulled up the crop top to expose them.

"But if a slut misbehaves," he continued, "a light slap on the breast or tweak of the nipple can get the point across." He did both, neither too hard, but enough to demonstrate his point. Megan again exaggerated her reaction, whimpering and pouting like a scolded puppy.

"There are two more areas of particular pain and pleasure for a slut," Walters said. He turned Megan around and bent her over the lab table, showing Peterson her ass, encased in the way-too-small shorts. "This ass is particularly tight and firm, definitely eye-catching and worthy of attention. Sluts like it to be manhandled, so rubbing or light slapping tends to turn them on, like this. But a naughty slut will still get the point if you smack that ass just a little harder. It's a fine line between pleasure and pain and every slut is different. You just have to learn how to get your slut to respond the way you want her to.

"The last zone is the pussy or cunt. It's mostly a pleasure area that you can stimulate with your fingers, tongue or yes, your cock. Sluts go crazy and their pussy gets very hot and wet with this type of touching."

Walters was caressing her pussy now while she was still bent over. Her wet pussy lips were clearly outlined by the shorts. Her legs were straight, back arched and she wanted desperately to have one of them fuck her or at least finger bang her. But she knew that was not allowed today.

"The best way to demonstrate discipline in this area is to deny the pleasure your slut seeks," Walters continued. "She's practically begging for me to fuck her. She wants that sexual release. But she's been a naughty slut, so we tease her to the point that the frustration trumps the pleasure. Deny her the orgasm and teach her the lesson."

By this point, Walters' cock was hard and, with the clock ticking, he knew he had to get to it.

"So, as you can see, your slut can dressed and housed as you like and tamed with a few tender or slightly firm touches," Walters said. "But of course, the main thing you have to do is feed your pet slut. And, as I mentioned, their favorite foods are cock and cum. Allow me to demonstrate."

He had Megan climb on the lab table and get on her hands and knees. He then adjusted the height until her mouth was level with his crotch. She bit her lip in anticipation. It wasn't part of the act and they both knew it.

"See what I mean?" Walters smiled. He opened his lab coat. He was nude underneath. His cock popped out, nearly hitting her in the face. She moved her head, trying to catch it as it wagged back and forth in front of her face.

He took his cock and slapped it against her cheek, then rubbed it over her face, jabbing the head against her eyelids and nostrils before finally serving it to her lips. The instant three points of contact -- top lip on top of the head, bottom lip on the bottom of the head and tongue flicking across the pee hole -- made his cock jerk and he pushed three inches into her mouth.

It felt wonderful to have that yummy cock in her mouth. Megan was so ready to be fed again. She lunged forward, eager for more. Walters was surprised but did not try to stop her. He stood firm and let her consume him, her lips eagerly sliding down, her head bobbing and tilting to get the right angle to take all of him.

Walters looked over at Peterson and shrugged his shoulders, a big smile on his face. Megan looked up at him, feeling lust and hunger and wishing he would just fuck her throat.

"You can feed your slut any way you want," Walters said, trying to hold his professorial character. "You can take it nice and slow and make her work for her dessert while you enjoy her efforts. Or, you can just grab her by her handle and fuck her throat raw."

As he said this, he grabbed her ponytail and held her firm as he hammered his cock violently in and out of her mouth. Her head jerked and she sputtered but she was as determined to stay all the way on his cock as he was to choke her with it.

"You can do this as hard as you want," he grunted. "About the only limit is don't break her teeth and make sure she can breathe. Although sometimes it's fun to make them really inhale you." Empowered by her lusty cock-gobbling, he pinched her nose shut and watched her munch down further on him, widening her mouth to try to pull in some air. Her face turned red and he let her nose go.