Megan's Summer Education Ch. 03


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"Yes, those offers are pathetic," Yelton laughed. "My competition isn't as strong as I expected. Well, anyway, I just want to take a few photos of you today -- for my viewing only -- and then you may feast on my cock."

"Yummy, I can't wait!"

"We don't have tons of time and I really like fun, candid shots, not stuffy staged portraits," he said, "so I just want you to play on the playground, walk along the trail, get a drink from the fountain -- just be as natural as you can be. I'll be right with you and I'll just tell anyone who gets too nosy that we're just shooting some shots for a modeling portfolio."

"That sounds good," Megan said. "Um, I guess you will just tell me if you want me to turn a certain way or, you know, stick anything out?" Yelton laughed. He loved how sweet and naïve she could be, while being so willing and so sexy.

"Yes, I'll let you know if you need to stick anything out," he said. "Just be natural and try to have some fun with it. Big smile, please."

Megan felt more at ease. Yelton had such an easygoing style. He clearly loved taking pictures of women, but he wasn't creepy about it. It was just fun for him, but it was also "no big deal." He was very carefree, sort of a hippie mentality, though he looked more metrosexual. He was probably in his late 30s, well groomed, average build, full dark bid, light brown skin indicative of a mixed race background, although Megan couldn't tell exactly what races. He was decent looking and kind of classy. She got good vibes from him.

That made it easier to smile as she carefully played on some of the playground equipment, her heels a bit of a hindrance climbing up the slide and the jungle gym, but she knew it was not an option to take them off. She hung on the monkey bars, all too aware that her tank top was riding up and her nipples were nearly exposed.

She smiled and laughed with the kids on the playground, who didn't judge her at all, though she knew their parents almost certainly did. She moved onto the walking trail, walking down the path with the other walkers while cyclists, joggers and rollerbladers whizzed by. Yelton walked behind her for a while, then raced ahead of her, the camera clicking the whole time.

People saw him with his professional equipment and seemed to realize this all had a purpose. They didn't have to like it, but it's not like she was a victim or there was some sort of illicit pornographic activity. A photographer taking pictures of a scantily clad model was hardly newsworthy. Megan sensed this and her apprehension faded and her smile broadened. This was actually pretty fun.

Yelton walked up to her and said, "Get a drink from the fountain. Let some of the water spill on your shirt. Yes, your nipples will be exposed, but play it off like an accident and try to cover yourself. I'll help you and then we'll run off to the parking lot."

"OK," Megan said, biting her lip nervously. Yelton took a picture of that too. Too sexy not to.

Megan went to water fountain and took a drink, then let the water dribble out of her mouth and down her shirt. The thin material became transparent almost immediately. She stood up, clutching her chest and Yelton came over, laughing, and put his arm around her. Together they walked quickly toward the parking lot. The guys had left his car in a corner of the lot with a dumpster on one side and tree on the other. For such a busy place, they were relatively isolated.

"Back seat," he said. "More head room there. First, though, take your top off and put it on top of the car. The sun will dry it while you do your job."

Megan took off her top and laid it on top of the car, pushing her breasts against the car so no one would see. Yelton got in the back seat with his back against the car door. Megan crawled in the other side, kneeling on the seat between his legs. He already had his cock out and his camera ready. Megan took a quick look out the car windows, but saw no one particularly close by. She knelt down, looking up at him, asked permission. He granted it and she accepted by placing a big kiss on the head of his cock. She slowly took him in her mouth and felt her tummy rumble. Was it possible her body was already anticipating sustenance, just from the smell and taste of cock? She knew smelling food being prepared could start your body's gastric juices. Was it possible that her body was learning to this smell and taste with an impending meal? That was pretty funny.

As she sucked him, Megan looked up at Yelton, who took several point-of-view shots of her oral talents. Then he turned the camera around so she could see the photos he had taken as he scrolled through them. It turned her on to see the sexy shots he had taken of her on the playground and in the park, then of her sucking him. Again she felt the urge to touch herself, but she resisted. His pleasure was all that mattered. She sucked harder, deeper and more urgently. He sensed her hunger, her craving. It was intense, overwhelming. He came directly in her mouth, watching her face as she collected his sperm and held it, waiting for his approval to swallow. What an amazing young woman.

Megan reached out the car window and grabbed her somewhat dryer crop top and put it on. "Thank you, sir. I had fun," she said, realizing as she said it how much it sounded like she was thanking a guy for a pleasant date.

Harry picked her up this time and they drove off to meet Mick, who was already on his way to the college to return Blackmon's car. Megan popped a blowpop in her mouth and told Harry about the photoshoot, but she left out the part about a website. She was intrigued and wanted to investigate that idea on her own.

So many doors were opening up for her right now, it was crazy. And the one she assumed she would take was still there waiting for her as well: College. And behind that door was Mr. Blackmon.

Harry dropped her off as close as he could get to the administrative office building, but it was a closed campus, so it was still a pretty long walk. By now, Megan was becoming more comfortable in public. It helped that the campus was largely deserted as most students had left for the summer. A few were around for summer courses, but the quad was almost desolate as she walked across. She knew it would be much different in the fall. The only question was, would she be here then?

She entered the admin building and was directed to Blackmon's office. She handed him his keys and told him where Mick had left the car. She didn't have any particular feelings about Blackmon yet. He had been nice enough showing her and her parents around campus. But he didn't seem to be genuinely interested in her or her plans or anything. She was just another student taking a campus tour. That was the case until a day ago, when she became a prospective student willing to suck her counselor's cock. Now he was very friendly and overly happy to see her. He seemed fake to her. Walters and Peterson had been fun. Rothman and Quigley were business, but they were polite and professional. And Yelton was just plain cool -- for an old guy. But Blackmon, well, she couldn't tell who he really was. She didn't trust him. At least not yet.

"You look even hotter today than you did last night," Blackmon said, leering at her. "Damn, I'm glad you're going to be on campus every day soon."

"Me too, sir," Megan said. No need to broach the idea that she was having second thoughts about college right now. She was keeping all options open at this point.

"So, about that, I wanted to make you aware of some opportunities available to help you get through any difficulties you have with your grades or your finances," Blackmon said. "We have a group here within the administration that helps a few students every year who find themselves in difficult situations. Now, I'm part of the group, but Mr. Thornton is the final decision maker. So, he's going to join us shortly and he will explain the program while you, um, do what you came to do."

"He's going to watch me?" Megan asked.

"I'm afraid it's a necessary part of the process," Blackmon grinned lasciviously. "I trust you can listen and suck at the same time?"

"Of course, sir," Megan said. "I will focus on your pleasure first and foremost, of course, but will pay close attention to Mr. Thornton as well."

"Excellent," Blackmon said. "I must say, you're much brighter than most of the students in this particular program we have. But still I think you might find it beneficial."

"I'm sure I will, sir. Thank you for the opportunity."

Megan found it difficult to be comfortable with Blackmon. He was kind of creepy and hard to read. Thornton joined them a few minutes later. If he was surprised at Megan's appearance or attire, he didn't show it.

"Nice to meet you, Megan," he said. "I've heard a lot about you. I know why you're here, but you might not fully understand why I'm here."

"Not exactly, sir," Megan admitted. "Mr. Blackmon explained that you were going to tell me about some program that I might qualify for."

"That's right," Thornton said. "You may go ahead and suck Mr. Blackmon's cock. I have to evaluate your appropriateness for this program before I can share the details."

Thornton was a very peculiar man, Megan thought. He was quite tall -- maybe 6-6, Megan guessed -- with white-blond hair, pale skin, thin lips and beady green eyes. He was fit and lean and probably in his 40s, she guessed, though it was hard to judge. He pursed his lips a lot and barely opened his mouth when he talked. There was no expression on his face or in his voice.

Blackmon was standing in front of his desk, leaning back on it, his arms folded across his chest. He unzipped his pants and dropped them around his ankles. He motioned for Megan to take her place in front of him. She squatted down, balancing on her heels like a baseball catcher -- and kissed the head of his short, thick cock. She sucked and licked and was distracted by the quiet in the room. There was no noise, no groans or comments. Nothing. Just the sound of her sucking mouth.

It was a shocking contrast to Mick and Harry, who were always talking to her. Or to Walters and Peterson, who were great fun. Or to Yelton, who was so calm and cool. This was tense. It felt sterile, like a lab experiment. Blackmon touched the back of her head, urging her to go deeper. She swallowed all of him.

"OK," Thornton said. "Please continue, Megan, while I explain the program. First, I had to make sure you not only were attractive enough, but that you also had the skills and attitude to match. I can see from your enthusiastic and impressive efforts on Mr. Blackmon that you have fit all the necessary requirements to be a program candidate."

Megan listened, thinking how weird this all was, but happy for some sort of noise in the room. She just wanted Blackmon to shoot his load so she could get out of here.

"There exists at this university a select group of administrators and professors -- eight in all -- who discovered that some students need some extra assistance. In some cases, they are struggling with one class and just need to earn extra credit. In others, they don't have time or the desire to study but need to pass classes and graduate. And in others, they can't afford their education and need financial assistance. Now, obviously with such a small group, we have neither the time nor resources to assist every student. So, we have a very strict selection process. Those admitted are part of an elite and exclusive group.

"In short, they are all attractive, sexy young women who are willing to do things such as you're doing right now in exchange for the grades or funds needed. Naturally, discretion is critical. You don't want to be embarrassed or kicked out of school and we don't want to lose our jobs. So, the trust factor is inherent. There is no hidden agenda, no dark secret. It's just a simple trade off of ordinary sexual favors for grades or money."

Megan couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had heard of girls trading sex for grades before, of course, but she hadn't pictured anything so organized as this.

"Essentially how it works is, if you have to take a math prerequisite, for example, but struggle with math. You can either try to pass the class on your own and provide the necessary services to your professor -- provided he's part of our group -- to maintain your grade. Or you can bypass the classes and tests and simply trade a semester's worth of sex for an A grade. The financial tradeoffs are much more complex, as you might expect, but Mr. Blackmon assures me that you have high test scores and have received significant scholarship aid. I congratulate you on that. Not all of our members are blessed with your mix of brains and beauty."

Blackmon was very hard now and picking up the pace. She hoped he would finish soon. Thornton's self-important, monotone droning was annoying and boring.

"Despite your intelligence, you might find a certain class too difficult or time consuming and wish to take an easier road," Thornton said. "In that instance, you would inform Mr. Blackmon, who would collect his fee to facilitate the process with your professor. Because there's no direct discussion of the transaction between you and the professor, there are no texts or recorded conversations to expose the activity. Mr. Blackmon makes all arrangements and, should anyone catch on to your activities, it could be explained as actions between consenting adults. There would be no evidence of grade-fixing or other offenses."

Megan had to admit it seemed relatively fool proof. She wondered what the frequency of the sex acts were -- how many times for an A, etc. And what Blackmon's fee was. Despite the subtle brilliance of the plan, however, she found it distasteful simply because of her distrust of Blackmon and distaste for Thornton. She couldn't see her becoming part of this group, though was sort of flattered that she was considered a worthy member.

Meanwhile, Blackmon's member was throbbing and pulsing and he held her head as he came in her mouth. She sucked his hot seed out of him and swallowed as she went, remembering to make eye contact all the way through until she had milked him dry. He seemed satisfied, but this had been the least enjoyable of her encounters today. She hoped the next one would be better.

"Thank you so much for offering me inclusion in the group," Megan said, standing up. "I'm very honored and flattered. I will consult with Mr. Blackmon should I decide to utilize any of your, um, resources."

"Very well," Thornton said. "Nice meeting you."

And with that very odd ending, Megan was escorted out of the building.


Megan didn't even know that to tell the guys about Blackmon and Thornton. She just told them it was very weird and that she wasn't sure college was the right fit for her. That, of course, was music to their ears as college represented the most likely way for Megan to fully leave them behind. Their hope was to find a way to extend their opportunities with her beyond this week. There were a lot of variables, but eliminating college meant she would most likely still live right next door a little while longer and give them more time to enjoy her company, so long as they could hide it from her parents.

In the meantime, three more stops awaited and it was getting well into the evening. Granderson was next. This was another one that made Megan nervous. Not because of him. He was a very nice man. But he was her best friend's dad and that made it awkward. She had known him forever. Kasey's mom had died six years ago and Megan remembered how hard that was for Kasey. She had never thought about how hard it was for her dad. The poor man would soon be alone with Kasey leaving for college. That made Megan sad for him and she wanted to help him, but she didn't want to hurt Kasey in the process.

She was relieved to find out they weren't going to Kasey's house. They were going to a movie theater. Smart. Megan understood that discretion was as important to Granderson as it was to her. At the same time, the man had needs that, as far as Megan knew, had not been met for a very long time, until yesterday. She was about to address those needs again.

Movie ticket and Granderson's keys in hand, she entered the movieplex and found the theater he was to be waiting for her in. He was seeing an action flick that had received modest reviews and had been in theaters for a few weeks. The crowd for this one was sure to be low. Another wise choice.

Granderson had texted Mick that he was in the back row, far left corner. The movie was already playing so it was difficult to see in the dark theatre. Megan approached him slowly, not wanting to come upon the wrong man. As her eyes adjusted, however, she recognized the outline of his face and smiled as she sat next to him.

Even though there were few people in the theater and no one in their row, Granderson leaned over toward her, put his hand on her thigh and said in a low voice, "You look incredible, even in the dark."

"Thank you," Megan smiled. "It's good to see you."

"I hope you don't mind this," Granderson said. "I didn't want to risk Kasey seeing us at home and I've always kind of had a fantasy about getting a blowjob in a theater."

"I think it's perfect," Megan said, opening her thighs as he stroked her pussy through her shorts. "I don't want Kasey to know either, but you have needs that must be taken care of. That's the most important thing. I've learned that. I love to give and it's something I'm happy to give you."

"You're amazing," he smiled. "It's, well, it's been a long time. Until yesterday."

"I know and I'm so sorry," Megan said. "I hope I can help you, um, address those needs in the future."

"That would be nice," Granderson said. "I wish I could share my popcorn, but I know that's against the rules today."

"It's OK,' Megan said. "You have all I need for nourishment in that big cock of yours. May I please have it?"

"Yes, you may," Granderson grinned. He unbuttoned his fly and pulled out his cock.

"I feel so bad," Megan giggled. "You're not supposed to sneak food into the theater. You carried mine in and they never noticed."

"Just make sure you get it all," he smiled. "The floor is already sticky enough."

"I won't miss a drop," Megan assured him. She leaned over and took him in her mouth. He leaned back, hand resting on her head, other hand casually scooping up popcorn, enjoying this most unique movie-going experience.

Megan really cared for him and felt for him, so she wanted to make this as special as she could. She took her time, licking and kissing on him, placing little kisses on the head and then up and down the shaft. Then circling her tongue around the head and flicking it back and forth up and down the shaft and teasing the balls. She slurped up his pre-cum and kept on going, bobbing her head slowly up and down, taking about half of him in her mouth each time. She kept that pace and depth for about 10 minutes, not rushing him. She let him dictate. Once he started lifting his hips, she knew he was getting closer. She responded by going further down on him and staying down, holding his entire cock in her mouth, feeling it pulse and flex in her mouth. She sucked harder, feeling her cheeks hollow as she imagined those delicious little sperm struggling to make it through his long shaft to her warm, welcoming mouth. She wanted to help them along, to make their journey easier. She sucked hard, coaxing them, luring them closer and closer until finally he grabbed his cock and jerked on the base, forcing his cum and all those sperm to fly into her mouth and down her gullet.

She cleaned him up, being careful not to get anything on his pants, then leaned in and hugged him. He kissed her on the cheek and thanked her. It was sweet, genuine affection. No, Kasey wouldn't understand, but Megan knew she was doing a good thing helping her dad like this. No matter what path she chose, she hoped she could still be there for him if he needed her.