Megan's Summer Education Ch. 03


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The movie was still going as Megan left. She stopped in the restroom and cleaned up, then went out into the fading evening light. As always, the guys were there. They were so reliable. She really appreciated that.

They had some time to kill before they were scheduled to meet Meeks, so the guys, who had just finished dinner, fed Megan hers. They took turns with her in the backseat of the car while the other drove casually around town, gradually making their way to their meeting place with Meeks.

It turned out that he had invested some of his lucrative medical practice profits to become a silent owner of a local strip club. He didn't want his name attached to the place, for logical reasons, but he liked the investment as well as the access to unwind with beautiful women at his own private table. He could get in and out of the club discreetly. And he liked the fact that many of his dancers were also his customers. He had made more than half the firm jiggling tits in this place, and he was proud of it.

One of the bouncers met Megan, Harry and Mick at the door and ushered them inside. Megan knew she was too young to be in a strip club because of the alcohol, but apparently Meeks didn't care about the rules. And the bouncers did what Meeks told them to do.

Meeks had a large rounded booth in a dark corner of the club. There was a partition he could close, allowing him to have private interaction with the girls. After all, it was his duty to check on his patients, right?

Meeks offered Harry and Mick drinks and gave Megan some water. Together, they sat back and watched the girls dance. Megan sat next to Meeks. He had his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close, touching her breasts and thighs.

"I didn't bring you here to convince you to be a stripper," Meeks said. "I brought you here to show you the type of breast implants I was talking about. I'm not telling you to get them or no, but I want you to be able to make an informed decision. I put the tits on most of these girls. Some of them go too big, in my opinion. I don't recommend big jumbo bimbo tits for you. You have a tight, hard, petite body. You're fit and firm. You can carry the extra breasts just fine, but I would recommend something more like Lexy over there."

He pointed to a dancer on the stage.

"When she's done with her set, she's going to come over and I'll introduce."

"That would be nice," Megan said, feeling intimidated. These women were beautiful and sexy. "Thank you, sir."

A few minutes later Lexy joined them. She was young -- early 20s, Megan assumed. And her body was similar to Megan's -- petite, skinny waist, long legs. She had platinum blonde hair with red streaks in it and pretty eyes underneath a lot of mascara. She wore only a thong and heels. Now, Megan and, guys, you too, give those tits a good squeeze and see what you think.

Mick and Harry both were more than happy to grope the young stripper and play with her huge jugs. Megan was hesitant. She had never felt another woman's breasts before -- not like this. She reached out, smiling nervously, and touched them. They felt firm and natural. She squeezed them a little bit. They were big and heavy, a nice handful.

"Now, Lexy has a 24-inch waist and she's the same height as you," Meeks said. "Your waist is maybe a 22?"

"Yes," Megan nodded.

"OK, now Lexy had tits about your size. We put these in. These make her a 34DD. They are big, but not ridiculous. They look natural on her."

Megan had to agree, they did look big, but also natural. And they felt nice too.

"That's the sort of look you could pull off too," Meeks said. "Those are the sort of tits where you can't tell if they are real or not. It's plausible either way. And they look and feel fucking great."

"They are really nice," Megan said. "And Lexy, you're gorgeous. And such a great dancer."

"Thank you, dear," Lexy smiled. "If you have any questions about these implants or Dr. Meeks, just let me know. I highly recommend him and these." She cupped her breasts for emphasis.

"Lexy also had an injection in her lips," Meeks continued. "See, full, luscious, but not big balloons, right"

"They are beautiful," Megan nodded. They didn't look inflated like some pictures she had seen. They just looked naturally thick and full. Very sensual and attractive. "Would mine look like that?"

"Yes," Meeks nodded. "Just a subtle change that gives you those fuller lips that are very attractive -- for kissing, sucking cock and all those things we love you to do with your mouth."

They chatted a little while longer, then Mick and Harry mentioned that time was starting to get a little tight. Meeks nodded politely.

"Lexy, would you mind taking Harry and Mick to one of the VIP rooms, please? Grab Candy and maybe you two can keep them company for a while?"

He handed her some cash -- Megan couldn't see how much, but assumed it was as ample as Lexy's chest -- and she escorted the men to the VIP room. Now it was just Meeks and Megan in the booth. The bouncer pulled the partition, giving them some privacy.

"Are you tired of sucking cock yet?" Meeks asked.

"No sir," Megan said honestly. "I mean, yes, my jaws are a little tired, but I will train them with suckers and gum so that doesn't happen in the future. But I love sucking cock."

"What about eating cum?" Meeks asked.

"I like it much more today than yesterday," Megan said. "I don't know if it's because I'm so hungry that anything tastes good, or if the taste is growing on me."

"We'll know soon enough," Meeks said. "If you start craving it, then that will prove the theory correct. If not, at least you enjoy sucking cock and are willing to do the job the way it is intended to be done."

"Absolutely," Megan said. "I know it's silly, but I think of it as a gift, all those little tiny sperm. They shouldn't die in your balls or on the floor or get spit out. They should be received and welcomed on and in a woman's body. I am thankful for the nutrition I receive. This is like a cleanse. I'm hungry, but I feel so good otherwise."

"Very interesting," Meeks said. "Well, I hope you will welcome my sperm into your sweet little mouth. They're all yours. All you have to do is send the invitation."

"I don't have time to send a formal invitation," Megan mused. "I hope a little word-of mouth will work."

He chuckled as he knelt between his legs and pulled his cock out of his pants.

"If you're hungry, dig in," he said. "You don't have to tease or make love to it. If you're starving, gobble it down."

His words made her even hungrier and she attacked his cock, plunging her mouth down the shaft, her lips and tongue working in unison. She found herself turned on and ravenous. She wanted to inhale him and make a meal out of his thick, juicy cock and balls.

Despite his affiliation with the strip club and mild obsession with modifying her body, Megan found Meeks to be a charming and reasonably attractive man. She guessed he was about 50. He had gray hair, but looked very distinguished and classy. He was obviously intelligent, but he didn't talk down to anyone. He was pleasant to be around and his cock was indeed a yummy piece of meat that she wouldn't mind jumping on one of these days.

For now, she would have to settle for devouring it, and she indeed was enjoying the snack. Clearly, he was too. He was so hard and he encouraged her slutty attack, using language that turned them both on.

"Eat my fucking cock, you hungry little cock whore," he growled. "Fucking slut. Naughty little bitch. Your parents would be so proud of you right now. There sweet little daughter choking on cock and loving every minute of it."

Megan moaned and made noises of pleasure and agreement, working hard to make him give her what she wanted and needed so desperately. This was a frantic, sloppy, messy blowjob. There was slurping and choking and gagging. But in the loud club, the noises were drowned out and Megan's head was filled with only two things -- Meeks' sexy and degrading words and his even sexier and demanding cock. At the moment, she loved both because she was so wet and getting wetter. She wondered if she could cum doing this without even touching herself. She felt like it might be possible.

Unfortunately, he didn't last quite long enough for her to find out. He stood up and held her head firmly against his crotch as he thrust angrily, each push driving his cock and the cum spurting out of it deep into the back of her throat. She gulped and sputtered and swallowed hungrily, resisting the urge to just take a little bite out of his lovely man meat. She was so fucking cock hungry right now.

He finally finished and collapsed back down in the booth. She fell forward on her hands and knees, looking up at him, exhausted but smiling. "That was fun," she said. "Thank you so much, daddy. I needed that."

"Yes, I could tell you did," he said. "You need to cum too, don't you?"

"Desperately!" Megan said. "I almost came while I was sucking you. Do you think the guys will let me cum later?"

"I don't know," he shrugged as she sat down next to him. "Not my decision. They are your trainers and they are clearly doing a great job. If they are denying your pleasure, it's for a good reason. I would trust them."

"Oh, I do," Megan said. "Everything they have told me and taught me has been so helpful. They said they didn't want me to cum because my focus needed to be on pleasuring cock and collecting enough cum to feed myself."

"That sounds pretty smart to me," Meeks said. "But when you do finally cum, my oh my, it's going to be electric, isn't it?"

"God, I hope so," Megan said. "I am so horny."

"Good lord you're a hot little thing," Meeks said. "Every man's dream."

"Thank you for saying that, sir," she said. She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. He signaled the bouncer, who brought the guys back. Moments later, Lexy was back on stage and Megan was walking out with Mick and Harry. Nine cocks down --13 counting Mick and Harry twice each -- and one to go. It was almost 11 p.m. One hour of cum diet day left.

The last load would come from Darrell. He had just finished his shift delivering pizzas and planned to meet them at a little hole-in-the-wall bar that he and other service industry professionals often met at after their shifts. His plan to meet there was simple. He wanted to show her off. And it was the sort of bar where laws and age restrictions were more suggestions than rules.

Darrell liked the crowd there because it was very much come as you are. It was a diverse bar crowd, all ages and ethnicities. Everyone shared the common bond of grinding, working multiple jobs, most low paying, hustling between two or three jobs and blowing off steam here. There was no judgements. It was a cool place to unwind. There were delivery drivers, servers, dancers, retail store workers -- a hard-working, fun-loving group in general. Darrell felt welcome here and he wanted everyone to see him with Megan, if only for a few minutes. Then he would find a place for him to blow him and take the edge off before resting up for another busy day tomorrow.

He had already had a beer and a shot by the time she got there. He met her at the door and took her by then hand, making it clear to all that she was with him as they walked to the bar. He ordered two beers and two shots of whiskey, reveling in the attention that Megan was receiving.

Megan noticed it, but she also noticed that no one seemed to be judging her or saying nasty things. She saw one girl from the strip club she had just been at. And others dressed in waitress uniforms. She realized no one cared how she was dressed. She liked that. She didn't feel quite so slutty here. She didn't stand out from the crowd for any reasons other than she was young and hot and with an older man who, apparently, didn't often bring hot young girls to the bar.

Darrell introduced her to his bar buddies -- which consisted of both men and women, young and old, many races and occupations. It was pretty cool. They all accepted her. It was flattering to be shown off, but it could be intimidating and degrading in some situations. Not this one. This was pretty much just fun.

"Dude, we love it when you bring us free pizza," one guy said. "But from now on just bring her. She's awesome."

It was such a nice thing for him to say. Megan felt so welcome here. She felt free and loose, slamming her shot and sipping her beer. With only cum on her stomach and low body weight, the alcohol spread through her system quickly. It didn't take a lot for her to feel the effects. She felt warm and good.

Darrell was feeling good too. Good and horny. "Finish your beer, slut," he said to her, smiling.

Megan smiled right back, "Yes, sir, daddy." She slugged it down and he took her by the hand, leading her out the back door, hearing hoots and whistles as they went. They passed a few people outside smoking, then turned the corner and went down a little alley that was used by the beer delivery trucks. It was empty now. It was dirty and slimy and smelly, but it was also dark and mostly private. Megan sensed she would be neither the first nor last girl to stumble out of that bar and give a blowjob.

"I've sucked 15 cocks today and I'm still hungry," she said. "Please, daddy, fill me up. Don't let me go to bed hungry."

"Never," he smiled. "Better balance on your heels. I don't think you want to kneel down in this alley."

"I have great balance," Megan said, wobbling a bit. They both laughed. "Maybe not so much when I'm drunk, huh?"

"Maybe not," Darrell laughed. "Tell you what, once you get down there, all you gotta do is fall forward. Deepthroat me and lean into me and you won't fall."

"That's a good plan," Megan's voice was slightly slurred. "You're such a smart daddy."

She knelt down, her hands on his thighs for balance. Then his hands went to her head and her mouth went to his balls. Her hands went behind her back and her eyes looked up at him.

"Nice, baby, nice," he groaned. "Fuck yeah. I've been waiting all day for this."

They could hear some of the other bar goers just around the corner from them. But no one bothered them. They knew why Megan and Darrell went down the alley. They believed in live and let live and blow off steam however you could. Blowing, in general, seemed to be Megan's method and no one blamed Darrell for taking advantage. A lot of bad decisions were made in bars like this. No one remembered. No one ratted anyone out.

Megan, feeling a bit light-headed and emotional, felt a bit of disappointment that this crazy day was almost over. Overall, it had been so much more fun than she had expected. At the moment, she felt so alive and energized, she thought she could do this all night. "Bring on more cocks!" she thought. "And let them fuck me. Please."

The one fucking her now wasn't giving her pussy the pleasure it needed, but it was tapping the back of her throat incessantly. Her head was bobbing back and forth like a head-banging heavy metal rock fan. Darrell was nearly matching the furious intensity of Meeks, and that was fine with Megan. She was done with the cock teasing and worshiping for the day. She wanted hard cocks using her for their pleasure, hard and fast and deep. As the guys had made quite clear, she was built for this. She could take it. And now, she needed it.

Darrell clearly needed it too. His balls, which slapped against her chin, drew up tight and his cock flexed. She felt the head pulsing and knew he was about to cum. He pulled out just in time and sprayed her face with stream after stream of white hot jism. It was in her eyes, mouth, hair and nose. She loved the warm, sticky feel on her face and giggled at how much of it he had stored up in just one day.

He helped her stand up and then guided her as she scooped the cum into her mouth, diligently transferring every drop to her hungry lips.

"Mmm, that was the best shot of the night," she smiled. "Thank you, daddy."

"You're most welcome," Darrell said. "Come hang out here with me any time. I'm here most every night."

"I'd like that," Megan said honestly. "I like this place."

"I wish you could have another drink with me, but its five minutes til midnight and they guys wanted you in the car by midnight," Darrell said.

Megan walked around the corner to the car, a walk not of shame, but of pride. Fourteen cocks in one day. Ever punctual, she had finished her work promptly -- with five minutes to spare.


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dlsloandlsloanover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, Wendy. Glad I could provide some inspiration!

Wendywants2BtakenWendywants2Btakenover 2 years ago

Such fantastic writing! It’s like you are in my head reading my desires! So horny

Kisses Wendy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Awesome story. Cant wait to read more-do you also have anything extra planned for cori?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

You could make Cum a permanent staple of her diet and continue her denial at the same time. I had this idea where a girl slept with a banana in her cunt over night and had it for breakfast then she replaced it with a peeled cucumber to soak up the juices for lunch and a hot dog would go in her box for dinner. All would be held in by a binder clip or a pierced pussy with locks through the rings. The Fathers would have the key for her cunt to feed her. Obviously she would still need to blow to supplement her diet as those only totals few 100 calories. She also would have her ass available for fucking.

dlsloandlsloanalmost 6 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, chapter 4 is already well underway.


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