Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 26


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Michael stopped and composed himself for a moment.

"So what of the man she married? Well, we know he's intelligent and we know he's driven, but I think one thing that will also resonate with many people here is just how loyal he is to his friends. I also know how much he loves Lesley and how much she loves him. We couldn't wish for a better son in law."

Lesley gave Michael a big hug while the audience clapped and I shook his hand and thanked him. Buster then tapped his glass again and announced that it was the turn of the best man. Daniel stood up and cleared his throat, then began.

"I should begin by saying that if things had gone to plan then it would have been Buster standing up here today and not me. Buster and Steven have been best mates all through university. So Buster, please accept my apologies for gate-crashing."

Daniel nodded to Buster who raised his glass in acknowledgement.

"Kate and I first met Steven through Ruth and David. He was decorating their house in Lincoln in his summer break from university but, as we discovered, the real reason he was there was to be closer to Lesley who worked in Nottingham. At the time, Steven had absolutely no money at all. It didn't seem to bother him, except that he couldn't afford to buy an engagement ring in order to propose to Lesley. Kate and I were able to help out and a few weeks later the two of them came down to London and Steven proposed."

There was a collective sigh from the audience.

"Now, my company gets hundreds of applications from intelligent young graduates each year but there was something about Steven that made me want to offer him a job. The only problem was that Steven wasn't sure that he wanted to work for me. I found myself having to work hard to persuade him, but eventually Steven agreed and very quickly he proved my instinct right."

"What I didn't expect when I offered Steven a job was that Kate and my own lives would be turned upside down, not by Steven but by Lesley. Lesley and Kate hit it off and they've been like sisters ever since. So when Steven went back to university at the end of the summer it made sense for Lesley to move down to London and lodge with us. In the beginning she was quite reserved but pretty soon she was bossing us both around."

"Despite what my wife says, Lesley, it was a pleasure having you as our lodger and we are both going to miss you. But all good things must come to an end and finally, a few weeks ago, after almost a year of marriage, Steven and Lesley set up home together in Wimbledon. They've even got their own lodger now and Suzy I hope you give them as hard a time as Lesley gave us."

"I will," Suzy promised.

"Lesley, Steven. Kate and I wish you both the very best for the next phase of your life. You know that our house is always open to you," Then Daniel added, "And that's partly because Lesley never gave us our key back."

The audience laughed and Daniel raised his glass.

"To Steven and Lesley."

Everyone toasted us and clapped while we exchanged hugs all round. Then Buster announced that it was my turn to speak.

"Lesley and I both want to say something, so I'll try to keep this short," I began. "As you've heard, getting us married has been a bit of a team effort. If it hadn't been for Ruth and David then Lesley and I probably wouldn't have met. If it hadn't been for Daniel and Kate we wouldn't have got engaged and I wouldn't have a job, and if it hadn't been for Michael and Claire, we wouldn't be married. I also want to add our friends Carole and Fabien to the list of people we're indebted to. After I was stabbed it was Carole who made sure I got the best possible care in Marseilles. She was the one sitting by my bed when I woke up after the operation and she and Fabien have been there for us ever since."

"Of course, there's one other couple I need to thank too and that's my mum and dad. We didn't have much money when I was growing up but my sister Jackie and I always knew we were loved. Mum and dad always wanted something better for us than they'd had when they were growing up. I know they made sacrifices to send me to university and whatever success I had there is due to in a large part to not wanting to let them down. So, mum and dad, thank you."

"I also want to thank my sister Jackie for reminding me that no matter how tough or how smart you think you are. You're never too old to be beaten up by your big sister."

"Lesley tells me that she knew she loved me from the moment we met. I think I realised I loved her the first time we had to say goodbye. I remember standing outside Ruth and David's house early on a Monday morning wishing we didn't have to part and I've had the same feeling pretty much every Monday for the past year. Finally, we don't have to do that anymore and we live under the same roof. I'm a truly lucky guy to be able to spend my life with such a beautiful, intelligent, witty person. I couldn't wait to get married to her last year and I'm so glad she chose me."

Lesley stood up put her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss. When she'd finished I sat down and she carried on.

"I warn you all now, I might cry a bit," she laughed.

"I didn't have any family when I was growing up and as a teenager books were my friends. I used to immerse myself in a world of science fiction and fantasy and so to be here with some of the authors I grew up with is very special for me. One in particular became my favourite and it's been an honour to consider him a friend these past six years. David, the world you created in your books has meant a lot to me and. Thank you for that."

"Ruth, you already know this but for a long time you've been my role model. I've seen you and David go through the best of times and the worst of times and I hope that I can be as good a wife to Steven as you've been to David. I can't thank you enough for what you did for us."

"As Steven said, if it hadn't been for Daniel and Kate then we wouldn't have got engaged but they've done so much more than that. Kate is my best friend and the sister I never had, while Daniel has been so kind to me that I won't ever be able to repay him. For almost a year, while Steven finished his studies, I lived in the apartment above their garages in what was one of the most exclusive postcodes in London. For so many reasons, this past year has been the best of my life. Daniel, Kate. I can't thank you enough for putting up with me."

"Now, like most people, when I first met Michael and Claire, I was a bit in awe of them. I mean, not one, but two judges. I wasn't even sure what to call them. I don't know what made Michael decide that Steven and I needed to be married immediately but I'm so glad he did. It was a dream come true when Michael agreed to give me away at our wedding and he and Claire have been like parents to me ever since. They've never judged me and they've always supported me. "

Lesley looked at Michael and Claire directly.

"You already know that I think of you as my mum and Dad, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you think of me as a daughter."

"I also want to say a few words about Steven's parents, Frank and Sandy. Those of you that know Frank will know that he's a strong man in all senses of the word and these are qualities he's passed on to his son. Steven has a strong sense of right and wrong, and of family. I know that he gets this from his dad. I also want to thank Sandy for welcoming me into her family. I've learned a lot from Sandy about what it takes to be married to a Carter. Nothing ever rattles Sandy and quite a few times, especially if things get a bit tough I've found myself thinking, what would Sandy do?"

"Which brings me on to Steven. When we first started seeing each other I couldn't understand why this hunky guy, who was obviously going places, wanted to be with me. I still don't really know the answer I just know that he loves me as much as I love him. We've had to wait a year to begin our lives properly but, Steven, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"There are so many people we both want to thank for being our friends and for being here today. Buster and Kate, Carole and Fabien, Sophie and Pierre, Markus and Heike, Katja, Peters and Cathy, and of course the newest addition to the pack, Suzy. Thank you all so much for making this day special."

"But there's one last person I need to mention. I want to thank Rosemary, and her husband Ray, for coming today. Rosemary is my birth mother. We don't know each other very well and, since we met a month ago, I've not made things very easy for her. Rosemary, I'm sorry. I would like to get to know you better, so perhaps we could get a drink and have a chat later."

"Now, did Ruth mention there was going to be a disco?"

With that the music started. I wasn't sure how many English songs the D.J. had in his record collection but he began with Tom Robinson's "2, 4, 6, 8 Motorway" which had the younger members of the party up and stomping. As first dance's go it was an unusual choice, but fun.

Afterwards there were plenty of people to talk to. Everyone wanted to congratulate us, even people we'd never met before. Lesley was particularly excited to talk to some of her favourite authors and Ruth, very thoughtfully, had asked each of them to bring a signed book for her. It was a very touching gesture and one I could see she appreciated.

Then out of the blue Roland and Marion Lefebvre came up to say hello. Sophie and I had met Roland and Marion on Corsica a few weeks ago but although Lesley knew all about them she'd never seen them before.

"We just wanted to say congratulations and thank you for inviting us," Marion began.

"Lesley, this is Roland and Marion Lefebvre. Sophie and I met them on Corsica," I said.

"It's nice to meet you finally," said Lesley with a knowing smile. "Steven's told me all about you."

Lesley gave them both a big hug.

"Steven said you were going to be in Aix for the next couple of weeks," Marion continued.

"Yes, that's right. We're staying with our friends Carole and Fabien." Lesley laughed, "Our house is already full up, plus theirs is much nicer."

"We were going to ask is if you would like to have dinner with us one evening in Marseilles. If you were free that is. We could go out on the boat and make a day of it, if you'd like."

"We'd like that a lot, thank you."

"You're Princess Amani aren't you," Roland said to Lesley unable to contain himself any longer. "Steven said that you were the inspiration for one of the characters in David's books but he didn't say which one."

Marion looked a bit embarrassed but Lesley smiled.

"Yes, I am," she replied. "You're a fan of David's books?"

"I'm a huge fan," Roland admitted. "I've got all of them, in French and English."

"Have you met David?"


"Come on, I'll introduce you."

Lesley led us to where David and Ruth were talking to Carole and Fabien.

"This is Marion and Roland Lefebvre," Lesley said introducing them both. "Roland is a big fan of yours, David," Lesley continued.

"It's a real privilege to meet you," Roland effused.

"Why don't you take Roland to your study and sign a copy of your new book for him," Ruth suggested.

"Hang on," said Lesley. "I haven't got a copy yet."

"Well there's a reason for that darling, but don't worry there's a copy with your name on it in the study."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, we'll show you."

Ruth and David led the two of them back to the house, leaving me with Marion, Fabien and Carole.

"Marion, these are our friends, Carole and Fabien," I said by way of introduction.

Carole and Fabien shook hands with Marion.

"Sophie and I met Marion and her husband in Corsica," I explained.

"Oh I see," said Carole conspiratorially. "Now things are beginning to make sense. Where are you from Marion?"

"We live in Marseilles. Roland's a keen yachtsman and we'd sailed to Corsica. Steven and Sophie spent the day with us on our boat. Do you know Sophie?"

"Oh yes," said Carole.

"Marion's a police officer, Carole. Quite a senior one, in fact Sophie's just started working for her."

"She's a clever girl, Sophie" said Carole, "very sharp mind." Then Carole added with a smile on her face, "very attractive too."

Marion couldn't do anything but agree.

Just then the DJ changed the tempo of the music and stopped playing French jive tunes and began to play the Beatles' 'Please, Please Me'.

"Do you fancy a dance," Carole suggested to the three of us.

We moved to the dance floor and were quickly joined by Daniel and Kate, Markus and Heike and Katja and her boyfriend Gerhard. Carole made a point of keeping me to herself for the first dance and we held hands as I did my best to jive to the music.

"You already knew who Marion was, didn't you?" I asked her.

"Of course I did," Carole said laughing. "But she doesn't need to know that, does she?"

Carole gave me a smile and I wanted to kiss her, but of course I couldn't

"You should invite them over one evening," she added. "That husband of hers looks quite dishy."

When the second Beatles song came on it was time to change partners and by the time the medley had ended I'd danced a bit with everyone. I noticed that Lesley had returned with Ruth, David and Roland so we all left the dancefloor and joined them. Lesley looked really excited.

"Look," she said handing me a book. "It's us."

I looked at the cover of the book and on it was a picture of a red haired princess in the arms of a muscular warrior. The princess was clearly Lesley, while the warrior could have been me, but only with a lot of artistic license.

"David wrote the book based on the two of you," explained Ruth. "Lesley's character already existed, yours is obviously new."

"Did you know about this?" Lesley asked Daniel.

"Only when the book was finished," he replied.

"I knew too," said Kate wanting to get in on the act.

"I can't wait to read it but I'm going to wait until we're on the boat so I can read it properly."

Lesley and I spent much of the rest of the evening catching up with people. Lesley did get to spend time with Rosemary and I got to talk more with my parents. Later in the evening Lesley made all the girls hit the dance floor including my mum and Rosemary, while the men gathered outside. Daniel commandeered a couple of bottles of whiskey and poured us all a measure.

"To Steven and Lesley," he declared and everyone raised their glass and repeated our names.

"What does it feel like to be married now Stevie boy," asked Ian.

"I'm not really certain," I said. "I guess the only thing I can say is that I'm still not sure I deserve Lesley."

"None of us deserves our wives," said Michael profoundly. "Yet somehow they put up with us."

There was general agreement that this was the case and we sat outside talking until a group of the girls, led by Lesley came out to get us.

"Are you going to sit out here talking all evening?" Lesley asked. "Or are you coming in to dance with us?"

We all got up and filed back into the marquee and headed for the dance floor. The DJ played a few British songs then threw in Plastic Bertrand's, high energy 'Ça plane pour moi' which really got the crowd going. I don't know if there was a proper way to dance to that but if there was I'm pretty sure I wasn't doing it.

Afterwards the slow dances came on and Lesley and I finally got to have one together. She buried her head in my chest and I held her tightly.

"Have you had a good time," I asked.

"The best," she replied.

At midnight the DJ stopped and those who weren't staying at Ruth and David's began to drift away. First to leave were my parents and Jackie with Ian and Cathy. It was hard saying goodbye to my parents as we wouldn't see them for a month but it was a bonus that they'd come in the first place. Mum told us she'd had a great time and asked my Dad why they'd never been on a plane before, which made everyone laugh.

After that, Ray and Rosemary left. Lesley told them she'd be in touch when we got back and thanked them both for coming. Lesley and Rosemary shared a hug and I got a hug from Rosemary too.

Marion and Roland were also driving back to Marseilles. Marion hugged me and told me that she hoped that we'd see each other again soon, while Roland, clutching his copy of David's latest book gave Lesley a big hug too.

"He's rather dishy," Lesley told me, referring to Roland.

"That seems to be the prevailing opinion," I joked.

When it came time to say goodbye to Markus and Heike, Heike got a bit emotional. Lesley comforted her and told her that we'd see her in a couple of weeks' time. Also leaving with Markus and Heike were Katja and Gerhard. I hadn't spoken with either of them much but Lesley had and she promised that we'd see them both at the Oktoberfest celebrations in Munich.

It was one o'clock by the time we'd said goodbye to everyone. The house was quiet and those that were staying seemed to have disappeared. We found Michael and Claire talking to Suzy on the patio. Michael and Claire were sitting on one sofa and Suzy on the other. There wasn't room for all five of us to sit and so Lesley sprawled herself across Michael and Claire, placing her head in Claire's lap. Claire began to plait strands of Lesley's hair as she lay there and we talked about how successful the evening had been.

"You know you can hug Suzy," Lesley told me.

"Er. I'm just a bit embarrassed to," I responded.

"Steven," said Claire, "look around you, do you think everyone has gone to bed to make sure they're fresh for the morning? You hugging Suzy isn't going to offend us."

Claire had a point and so I gave Suzy a hug and she too lay across the sofa and rested her head in my lap.

"Where did you get married?" Suzy asked Michael and Claire.

"We got married in Bristol, where my parents live," Claire replied. "It was straight after we finished university. Michael and I were going travelling and my parents wouldn't allow it unless we were married."

"That sounds romantic."

"Travelling was ever so romantic, the wedding less so. Michael's parents were of more noble stock and didn't approve of him marrying a commoner."

"But we proved them wrong didn't we dear?" said Michael.

"We did and eventually they accepted me."

"Where did you travel to?"

"We saw most of Europe then we crossed into North Africa. That was the best part. The Atlas Mountains, the Sahara. It was magical," Claire said squeezing her husband's hand.

"I wish we could do something like that," Lesley piped up.

"You, young lady, have more than enough going on in your life already," Claire reminded Lesley jokingly. "And besides it would ruin my nerves worrying about you."

Lesley hugged Claire.

"I promise you we're going to be really boring from now on."

"I don't believe that for a moment darling."

That evening, when we got back to the room, Lesley was insatiable. She wanted to be the centre of attention and so Suzy and I applied ourselves to satisfying her. We ended up in what was becoming Lesley's favourite position, the girls sixty nine'ing while I fucked her from behind. Lesley couldn't resist seeing if she could still make Suzy orgasm (which she could) and after she'd done this I pumped Lesley hard until I emptied myself into her. When I'd finished, I pulled out of Lesley and pushed my cock into Suzy's mouth to let her suck the last drops of cum out of me before moving out of the way and giving the girls some space.

With her pussy poised over Suzy's face, Lesley clenched the muscles in her vagina and managed to squeeze a couple of globules of cum into Suzy's open mouth. Then then she lowered herself onto Suzy's face and let her lick the remainder out. Lesley squirmed as Suzy's tongue explored her then when she was finished she lifted herself off Suzy and the two girls kissed, transferring my cum between their mouths until finally they swallowed it.
