Mercy Makes Three of a Kind Ch. 02


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In one hand she held the tethers of the two crawling girls. In the other hand, she held a long thin stick. I watched as she tugged the two blind girls around the dungeon, occasionally bringing the stick down on their backsides to keep them from slowing down or crawling of course. Every swing left a dark red line on the poor crawling girls.

The room had a very intimidating feel, especially with the cages, and odd posts and barrels. All sorts of torture implements were shelved on the walls. I wasn't sure what a lot of this stuff was.

I neared the rail to get a better view. It was hard to hear any of the conversation from this distance, though it wasn't hard to hear the discipline being administered, or the moans and cries from the two slaves.

Now with a better view, I could see the two crawling girls were both gagged with a wooden bit, like a horse. I couldn't help but gulp. Those poor girls, how humiliating it would be, to be forced to crawl like that. Poked and prodded, treated like an animal. A stern domineering lady leading you around...

The purple-haired girl looked to be close to my age, with better proportions. Now that I was looking at her, I could see she too had a nipple piercing that was identical to Charity's and Mercy's. She had a very detached look on her face. This look of disinterest in the girls she was leading, like it was more a chore than anything. That look made me feel very warm. How could she have such control over beautiful girls like that, and not care. Like they were less than human to her, just slave girls to her.

Just like Charity, I kept watching with interest.

"Keep those dirty bitches together Rose. Mindy is crawling faster, and you need to either slow her down, or speed the other one up." Charity coached the young trainer.

Rose tightened her reign on the leashes and brought her stick down on the two girls. Each strike causes a muffled cry and leaves bright red lines on the poor girls.

After a little bit, Charity leaned forward, uncrossing her legs, and resting elbows on knees, and she said "I want you to present your sluts to me, Rose. Remember to keep them disciplined and in proper form."

With a stern tug, Rose brought her pets onto the platform. Leading them in a wide arc until both blindfolded girls were facing away from Charity.

"Back up you big titted sluts. Present yourselves. That means I want your asses up on display, and your empty heads down." Rose ordered. Then, with palm and stick, she smacked and pushed both girls into similar positions in front of Charity. They two girls had their butts raised, still balancing on knees, breasts pillowed tightly to the floor with a sharp arch in their backs.

"My my my, look at you two sluts, so wet and hot for it." Charity said. She pulled a riding crop from her chair and began slowly rubbing the flat end on the raised asses in front of her. "Especially you, white girl. I had a feeling you'd like this. I have an eye for sluts, you see. I can spot em from a mile away." Charity began raining down her crop on the girls.

"This ass was meant for punishment. I bet you've been teasing all the boys with it all your life, you white slut." Charity said to the hooded girl.

"Mmhmm" She mulled.

"Rose, I want you to put the new slut up on display for me. Have her on the barrels." Charity told Rose.

What the hell is the barrels? I started looking around the room, trying to see what that even meant.

An arm wrapped around me just above my midsection, pinning my arms to my sides. I went to scream in surprise, but my mouth was covered by another hand, halting my outburst. I was pulled in tightly to a large body. I could smell Lilacs.

"What are you doing in here my little pixie. Are you trying to get a free show?" Mercy said quietly into my ear. "Naughty naughty girl. You know what a locked door is, and you still come in. If those two find you, you might end up getting trained too. I just love watching the way Charity trains her slaves. Should we watch it together?" I felt Mercy move my head up and down in a nodding motion.

"Well, okay. We can watch, but I want you to stay quiet."

I felt her large hand release my face, though she still kept her left arm wrapped around me. Her body was pressing my waist into the handrail. Down below, things were happening. Rose was rolling two barrels onto the platform. I think the barrels were empty. One looked to be a normal-sized barrel, while the other one was much smaller, about the size of a stool.

Charity had left her seat and taken a knee beside Mindy, who was still in her presenting pose. She was saying something to the girl as she removed her blindfold with one hand and kneaded her ass with the other.

"Do you know what's going on in here?" I whispered to Mercy.

"Charity is doing some training. She's been teaching the purple-haired girl for a little while to be a trainer. Charity said she's a natural." I could feel Mercy behind me shifting around a little, moving me while she spoke quietly in my ear. "Charity loves training large-chested white girls. She can turn them into such horny, submissive, obedient sluts."

I felt my wrists being pulled. Mercy ground me into the handrail a little more. "Just look at her dungeon. She's got so many toys and beautiful furniture. Have you ever been forced into a cage? I bet a hot little girl like you would fit in one so small that you could put a handle on it and carry you around."

Mercy unwrapped her left arm from me. My wrists had been secured to my sides on my belt, and I couldn't move my arms. While I tested my restrained arms, Mercy used her leg to separate my legs by pushing it between mine. Her large rough tanned hands began to roam freely across my body. She was pressing below my belly with one hand, moving in small circles. With the other hand, she massaged the small valley between my tits. All while both pulling me into her and pressing my waist into the railing. Her scent of lilacs was doing something to me. It felt like I was losing all willpower. I was feeling so hot and needy.

I was pulled back into the room, mentally and physically. Mercy used her left hand and pulled me up with my bright red hair, pulling me up onto the balls of my feet. "Now would you look at that." Mercy said into my ear.

God, she smelled so good.

Rose had started to tie the unknown masked girl to the barrels. Both barrels were laid down, in the form of a T, the large barrel was the top of the T, while the little one was the lower part. Rose had the masked girl straddling the small barrel, her legs still tied at the thigh. What looked very uncomfortable was that she was leaning backward over the large barrel. Rose secured her arms behind the barrel. The whole setup had her looking incredibly spread to the world, pussy on full display while she leaned way back on the large barrel. Because of the large circumference of the large barrel, her midsection looked very stretched, and her large breasts hung slightly to her sides.

"Look at that big-titted slut down there. Blindfolded, she probably has no idea how much of a whore she looks like. Maybe I should have you put on display. I bet it would get you really turned on, just like her." Mercy said to me. I could feel her directing me where to look by moving my head with my hair. The barrel girl looked so wet; it was nearly running down her legs.

"I bet a dirty slutty girl like you would love that. Everyone looking at you, so helpless. They'd see you practically begging for it."

"Ugh" I gasped in surprise as Mercy squeezed one of my small tits. I felt her ease and then squeeze and ease again. She eventually began to pinch and pull on my nipples, making my already hard nipples hurt with how stiff they were.

"Or should I instead put you on my lap, like that?"

Mercy moved my head to look at her friend and the slave on her lap. Mindy's blindfold was off, and her legs were also released though she still wore the gag. Her wrists were tied together now, as well as still being attached to her collar by a short chain, making it so her elbows squeezed her large breasts together. Mindy's back was to Charity, and she was straddling Charity's right thigh.

It nearly felt like the only difference between Mindy and me was the gag bit she had, and that she was in a sitting position. Just like me, Mindy was getting felt up and toyed with.

I started to close my eyes, I needed to collect myself. Mercy had me so hot and bothered with all her groping and fondling and her intoxicating smell. I felt her release my hair, I was able to relax my legs down from being on tippy toes. I felt one hand undo the chain keeping my vest closed, then both hands roughly massaged my tits. I found myself biting my bottom lip, trying hard not to moan.

"I absolutely love these firm, little tits you have. These sensitive little pink buds of yours" Mercy spoke gently into my ear. Then surprising me, she gave my right ear a little bite. I half cried out; half moaned. I felt a jolt run completely through me, from my tits to my pussy, all the way down to my toes.

"I gave you a compliment slut."

"Thank you... Mercy" I whispered.

I felt her right-hand leave for a moment, while her left hand brought my vest back a little, dropping it down to my elbows. I still couldn't move my arms very much. My eyes shot open at the cold touch I felt on my right breast. I looked down to see Mercy was rubbing some dark red cream onto my chest with her right hand, then more with her left hand.

The cream made me think of the body wash we'd been using, though this was much darker. Much more potent. The cream was cold at first, but heated up very quickly, leaving a very strong hot tingle wherever it was. I felt my breath quicken. I felt my legs shaking. The smell left me feeling such a dizzying buzz.

Mercy continued to rub in the cream "I just love this stuff. It smells so good and leaves you little bitches so hot and bothered." She whispered to me, while plucking my hard nipples with her creamy hands. My eyes again were closed, and my breaths were short and shallow. I then felt her apply more of the cream onto my lower tummy. She began rubbing it in slow torturous circles above my pubic area, where I used to have hair, and now I had this red cream soaking into me.

"Oh my, would you look at that. It would seem that Charity and Rose have the same cream."

I again opened my eyes to see Rose was applying the same dark red cream to the girl on the barrel. As she rubbed it onto the girl, I could see her shaking and panting. The cream was quick to dissolve, leaving no color on the skin. Every so often, Rose would say something to the girl and slap her large tits. Rose looked so clinical about it, like disciplining an animal. I imagined with each strike she said things like "quiet slut" and "behave."

Mercy began to take off my panties, she pulled the string keeping them together and they fell to the floor, leaving me bare to the room.

"I know how much you love to gamble. How about you and I have a little bet Ren. It'll be fun." Mercy said to me, her left hand returning to my hair and pulling my head back. I gasped, my mouth was wide open, and I was breathing deep lungsful of air. Her right hand now began to apply the cream directly to my pussy. I tried to move my arms, but they wouldn't budge.

"You see that slut down there. The one Rose is training, bent backward over that barrel. All sweaty and wet. I want to see which one of you bitches will cum first. Do you think you can hold out longer than her?" Mercy began gently tapping my vagina to punctuate her words. Each tap caused me to gasp and jump a little. I was feeling so insanely sensitive down there.

"Here's what we will wager, if you can hold out longer than her, I'll waive the money you owe me." She reached away and then returned her hand with more cream. "But if you cum before her, you'll still owe me the money, AND I will get to give you a little... present. One I think will change your life."

A present that could change my life? There'd already been so much change in my life in the last four days, and it all started when we met Mercy. There was certainly a sinister feeling to her words. A sense of permanence to what she was saying. I don't think I really had a choice in the bet, not in the position I was currently in.

"Mercy, please..."

I felt her begin to apply the cream again. This time she was reaching deep between my hairless legs. I felt her hand, her thick fingers reaching my anus from the front. Rubbing in the salve.

"No butts" Mercy chuckled as her middle finger pressed and then rubbed on my dirty hole.

"Let's begin, and as an added bonus, call me Daddy and maybe I'll tell you where Alice is."

Alice? Where was Alice? When I returned, it was only Kelsey and Mercy drinking in the main room. What had they said again? My mind was racing to remember. They said she was...


I felt a huge rush of panic, my equilibrium was thrown. Mercy had taken her right hand and placed it on my lower back. Still holding my hair with her left hand, she thrust me forward against the rail and part way over. I was now bent at the waist over the rail. Mercy still holding my hair, I kicked in panic. I tried to grab onto the rail, but my arms were stuck in place.

"Ahhh" I screamed

"Stop squirming"





I felt a new panic as three sets of eyes raised up to see me. Bent and bound, with Mercy behind me. Charity smiled and waved. Rose and Mindy looked surprised. It might have been the most emotion I'd seen from Rose, come to think of it. The barrel girl was looking around, but with the blindfold mask on, she had no idea.

"How bout a race Rose? First to get their bitch to cum wins. Charity, you judge" I heard Mercy shout down.

Now I could see some panic from Rose. She looked at the barrel girl, then back to Charity, then up to me and Mercy.

"Better make her cum before Mercy makes that one cum." Charity said to Rose, then pointed to a bench off to the side. The bench had a mix of paddles, whips and dildo's, along with some other odds and ends that I can't make out from up here.

I felt it then, more than the bath house, more than the rope Mercy used on the road. I felt Mercy rub me with vigor and intent. It felt so incredible. Her wide hand, her rough fingers pressed and glided through the folds of my sex. Back and forth, side to side. The stimulation was so intense.

The situation was so intense. But I had to hold on. I needed to win this bet, but it felt so good. I'm losing it. I'm so close.



"I don't want you to cum just yet, that wouldn't be sporting to the young trainee." Mercy said as she pulled her hand away from my pussy to begin spanking me.


"Are you enjoying yourself you little SLUT" Mercy punctuated the word with a spank.

"Yes" I cried out.

Was I enjoying myself? I just blurted that out. Did I mean that? Or did I just say what I know she wants to hear?

God, I need to cum! Just got to hold on.


"Better say thank you to me for giving you such a good time"

"T-Thank you," I managed to say.


"Thank you what?"

"T-Thank you... D-Daddy."


"Thank you, Daddy!"



"Thank you, Daddy!" I screamed. I felt tears rolling down my face. I felt my legs begin to shake uncontrollably. I came. I just couldn't stop it. I felt my scalp on fire as Mercy started to pull me back into more of an upright position. My legs still kept shaking and I leaned very heavily on the rail. Mercy stopped spanking me and started rubbing me again, prolonging my orgasm.

"Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy.

Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy." I cried out loudly. Unable to stop, unable to think.

It took a few minutes, but I eventually was able to focus again. Mercy had kept me from falling down to my knees, or over the rail. Once I was more lucid, she relaxed the pressure and released my hair.

"What a little whore you are. What a little slut. Looks like you lost our little bet. You came first. Tsk tsk tsk." She tutted and held up her right hand in front of my face. It looked as wet as I felt. "Clean it."

"Yes, Daddy," was all I could say before she pushed three fingers into my mouth. I ran my tongue over and between her fingers. I sucked on her fingers and then repeated licking. The taste was sweet and reminded me of the lilac smell. That cream might still be on her fingers, or maybe because it had been rubbed into me, I tasted it.

While I sucked on Mercy's hand, she shouted down to Rose and Charity. "Looks like your trainee still needs practice."

I could feel Mercy direct my vision by pulling on my jaw. She had me now looking down at the four women. Rose was nearly on top of the barrel girl, balancing on one leg while grinding her other leg (her thigh) into the girl's pussy, and had both hands aggressively kneading her large tits. The barrel girl was for her part, helplessly mulling, drooling and grinding back.

Charity was sitting on the edge of her seat, leaning way back, nearly lying back, watching Rose and Mercy work. She was idly fondling her right breast while her left hand was on top of Mindy's head, who was lapping at Charity's vagina.

"Congratulations Mercy! It looks like you've not lost your touch. What would you like for your prize?" Charity called up to us.

Mercy pulled her right hand from my mouth, and gently put it around the bottom of my neck and upper chest. Slightly restricting my breathing, like a collar. Gently she pulled me back into her. With her left hand she pulled out and tossed down something golden. I watched it land on the platform that the ladies were on.

Charity let out a throaty laugh. Rose stared at it, looking nervous.

"It's a good time to learn how to apply one. I think Mercy's trying to take over being your teacher. Go ahead and put it on Alice." Charity said to Rose.

Rose now stood up straighter, temporarily abandoning the panting blind girl, and walked over to the object. She picked it up and eyed it for a long while. Then, once again showing some emotion, she looked at Mercy, raised the item and smiled.

"Thank you. I didn't expect I'd get to learn to do this for a while." Rose spoke loudly to Mercy. Then she turned back to the barrel girl. She reached over and removed the mask. Holy Fuck! There Alice was, bound up, gagged and straddling a barrel.

Rose lifted the ring to show Alice. There was a golden glow, as Rose hummed something. Alice looked too as if she recognized what was going on. She looked scared. Rose pressed the ring to Alice's left tit.

"Mmmmhmmmm," Alice screamed into the bit gag. She shook and moaned.

Then Rose was done, and the golden glow disappeared. Rose stepped back, and I could see what had happened. Alice now had a golden ring on her left nipple. It didn't go through her nipple like a piercing. It was wrapped around her nipple. There was a green jewel that dangled from a small chain from it. Rose reached for the jewel, gave it a small tug, and Alice began spasming. She was having a massive orgasm. She shook and drooled, unmoving from her bindings.

"Time to see my gift to you for losing our bet." Mercy spoke into my ear. Then, in front of me, she lifted up one more ring.


Thanks for reading. Again I'm new to writing and I would love to hear any and all suggestions to help me improve this storyline and to help my writings in the future.

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Janina18Janina1824 days ago

My all time favorite story on here

LastStandingDameLastStandingDame4 months ago

Oh my gosh! This chapter was such a big pay-off to the first one. The slow build to the ladies being taken. Mercy is obviously a master manipulator. It is so delectably wicked! I sooooo enjoyed this chapter and can't wait to start the next.

GelobGelob10 months ago

This looks like a start of a promising journey!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Excellent story. You’ve done a great job building this up and not rushing into it. Very, very hot. Can’t wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story can't wait for part 3, it would be interesting to see a bit from alices perspective to see how her submitting to charity played out but I understand if you aren't planning on that.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Such a great story! I wouldn't change a thing, more please

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Fun read, looking forward to more!

AliceTagAliceTag11 months ago

Definitely worth the wait. I can't wait to read more. It's a cool aspect with the somewhat clueless narrator, and gives the reader a neat feel of oh yeah, if their suspicions turn out to be true.

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