MF Max Intel Ch. 01-05


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Joon laughed, "That would be wise. The family is not as powerful as the Lion and his Lionesses, but as a unit and individually, we are the most powerful force in this sector of the Galaxy. We are all special operators with TFNI but, as was stated, they do not know what we are fully capable of."

Addams nodded, "I get the impression I still have no clue."

The family all politely smiled and let that lay where it was.


Agatha watched with Emma and Nikki as Agatha's hand underwent mitosis. The twins had lots of questions and she gave them the answers they sought. Both were overcome with the beauty of the process.

Emma then asked, "Agatha, how does this help us get our separate bodies?"

"Well, Emma, you and Nikki will absorb one of my hands and I will go through a revised mitosis with the two of you. In the end, you will each have some of me mingled with some of you. However, you will be you and my hand will cease to have consciousness."

Emma was aghast and looked at her twin, "We cannot kill a hand so we can have separate bodies!"

*Be at ease.* Agatha conveyed as she pushed calm into both sisters. "You will not be killing my hand. We are of one mind but many bodies. To put this into terms you can better understand let me say it is more like I am cutting off my hair and letting you have some for a personal hair extension."

"That is one hell of a wig!"

Agatha smirked, "Just don't wig out when we can start to communicate telepathically."

Emma joked, "That is a hairy thought!"

The three had a snicker before Agatha asked, "Speaking of wigs, what body shape would you two like?"

"Oh wow! You can fine tune things to that degree?"

"I really like Joon's breasts, can you give me a pair, maybe just a bit smaller?"

"Oh yes! Mine, too!"

"Oh, and with a nice, perky butt!" Emma added and Nikki agreed.

Agatha cheekily responded, "Tits and Ass are on the menu Ladies!" Much to the mirth of the twins.


"So, Sar-Major, how was the meeting?" Hill asked.

"There are some things I cannot tell you, but I can say Agatha is not a cyborg and is not fully telepathic. She can communicate with her family along with sensing and pushing emotions. She can also invade the dreams of anyone sleeping. She only does that when necessary, however."

"They agree to minimize the risk with being on the Deirdra at night, but some of that cannot be helped. Also, the entire family is very gifted and make one hell of an assault team. Never underestimate them."

"What do you mean 'gifted'?"

"Gifted as in superhuman abilities. That is all I can say. If you want me to keep the trust of the Ambassador and her family, you will have to let it stay there."

"Is this something we need to plan around?"

Addams laughed, "The family took out approximately 25,000 pirates on their own and rescued about 1,000 prisoners without anyone getting hurt or killed. The only planning we need to do is keep fit, keep watch, and get the hell out of their way if shit hits the fan, doing just exactly what they say when they say it. Trust me when I tell you we don't want them even mildly irritated with us. They really don't need us here and we are primarily for optics sake as this family is fully capable of handling pretty much anything on their own."

"Where do their loyalties lie?"

"Family, staff, T-Fed, operations and in that order. Everything else is secondary."

"So, they can be trusted as long as the Family is not threatened."

"Lieutenant, I am not sure what would be able to threaten the Family after what I saw; and what I saw was just a drop in the bucket. I would not go up against them with a fully equipped Brigade of Special Operators."

The other three scoffed at that, but Addams kept a straight face.

"Wait, you are fucking serious?"

All Addams said in response was, "25,000 pirates in hand-to-hand combat and 1,000 rescues with no losses."


Dinner was served food bar style and was a smashing success. Paula and Agatha, after making sure it was all safe for Slarmians, gave the kitchen staff a break and put together a Greek affair. The first course was a Choriatiki, or Greek salad, consisting of sliced tomatoes, onions, cucumber, and olives with a central square of fresh feta cheese served with a simple dressing of olive oil and oregano.

This was followed by some Kotosoupa, a nutritious soup renowned for its curative properties, made from slow boiled and deboned chicken with vegetables and bonnet rice with fresh lemon juice and egg white.

The third course was a serving of Keftedes which are Greek meatballs prepared by mixing lamb mince and finely grated onion with dampened stale bread, scented with fresh mint and bound with egg yolk which was floured and fried in olive oil.

The Keftedes were served with Gemista: oven baked, topped, and hollowed out assorted colored bell peppers stuffed with cooked rice, stewed tomato, herbs, and onion.

Desert was a square of Bougatsa consisting of baked filo pastry wrapped around a sweet semolina-based custard served with icing sugar and cinnamon powder mated with fresh roasted and freshly ground coffee seasoned with a hint of cinnamon.

With Lakita's help, the trio made enough for a medium sized army and everyone had plenty with enough left over for the staff to take home for dinner for their families.

Office Manager Nanzi spoke to Joon, but she did so loud enough for all the staff to hear, "Ambasssador: you are going to sspoil the sstaff, ssending them home each evening with family dinnerss."

"Oh? Have there been complaints?" Joon asked, knowing very well what Nanzi was up to and determined to put the kabash on any misunderstandings before anything could get traction.

"No My Lady, but it iss not cusstomary and I would not want the sstaff to get ussed to it."

"Well, that is exactly my intention. Our staff puts forth long hours and I am not about to send them home where they then have to make their own dinners for themselves and their families. I expect them to have productive family time together and if this is one small thing this Embassy can do to help make that happen, then it shall become the status quo for this Embassy. Any objections?"

Teffa interpreted for the Slarmians who did not know trade speak or Terran. To a person they were most appreciative and thanked Nanzi for so diplomatically broaching the subject so expectations could be set and then thanked Joon for her kindness and thoughtfulness.

When Joon was able to speak with Nanzi alone she whispered, "Well done, Nanzi. I am impressed with your approach. Well done, indeed."

Nanzi bowed slightly, "It iss an honor to work for ssuch a perceptive Lady, Ambasssador. Perhapss one day we can have all the familiess over for dinner, gamess, and....perhapss....a ssong?"

"I think that would be a wonderful idea! We are going to take some family time and will be away for about a week. Let's plan to have that a few days after we return?"

"I will ssee to it, Ambasssador."


Nikke and Emma were so excited that Agatha had to help them sleep.

"Agatha, will this hurt?"

"No sweetheart, You will fall asleep and when you wake up, it will all be finished."

"What about magical abilities?"

"Those come with time, as you are able to master them and as they become needed."

"I'm so excited..I...can't....slee....." Nikke didn't finish her sentence as Agatha helped them relax into a deep slumber. Agatha undressed and lay beside the twins and slowly morphed into the twins body.


The morning Kata began early as it was going to be a busy day. Agatha led the staff in the Embassy while simultaneously doing a nude rendition with the family. The Agatha inside the Embassy painstakingly went through two more portions of the Kata and then had the staff do all four portions several times each before going through the entire sequence three times. Lakita was loving the experience and picking up the movements rather easily. Same for the Marines who had some training. The Navy personnel required the most attention, but She was patient and encouraging.

Neither the Navy nor the Marines were too keen on a Largath knowing advanced martial arts, figuring she was a melee beast all on her own...but after the demonstrations nobody was going to question a family member, or a Largath for that matter. One look at Lakita's rolling muscles as she went through the Kata and every member on the floor decided right then and there that if there was any hand-to-hand work to be done, Lakita was taking point...If Vika was not around.


"Time to wake up sleepyheads!" Joon softly whispered into the ears of the twins. They both stretched their corresponding halves of their bodies and then both awoke with a start.

"I feel different!" Was the stereo version of their outbursts. The twins tried to sit up but were having difficulty and they started to fret,

"Did the procedure not work?" Emma asked as she began to cry.

*Easy sisters. Be calm.* Agatha pushed as she settled them down.

"Wow, that will never get old!"

Joon and Agatha helped the twins up so they were sitting on the side of the bed. "Actually, what has happened is you have a whole body to coordinate now where you only had half before. Both of you will need to relearn how to walk, eat, and generally move around because you have to move your whole body now....not just your half."


"I suspect it will take about a week before you have everything coordinated and can get involved with our family martial arts training. But, with some concentration and some assistance, you should be able to be mobile, if haltingly so."

Agatha added, "I have a mirror if you would like some help standing so you can see yourselves? After that, we can take a quick shower and meet the whole family who are in the Mess waiting for you both to join them for breakfast."

"Do we look the same?"

"You are exactly alike, yes. I did keep the directional hair styles, though. You can change that if you like."

"Cool! Then let's hit the showers. We can look at each other as we do that so we don't keep everyone waiting. Do we have clothes?"

Agatha smiled and handed each a pair of baggy sweatpants, panties, and a form fitting T-shirt. "We will take them to the CQ and take a shower with you for safety reasons."

Nikki and Emma were helped up and they both had to concentrate on walking, with a bit of help from Joon and Agatha.

"It will get better rather quickly, your brain already knows what to do, it just has to learn to do it for both sides. Once the muscle memory kicks in you will be fine."

"What you are saying is we have to practice."

Joon replied, "Yes, and you have time scheduled on Max's treadmill after Breakfast. We will take it nice and slow and speed up as you get the hang of it."

When Nikke went to get into the shower, Emma gave out an appreciative fox whistle. "Dayum sis! You have a very hot ass!"

Emma smiled, "And your tits are to die for! I love your puffy areolas! And such an hourglass figure! Agatha, you do good work! Thank you so much for getting us wigged up!"

Joon looked at Agatha with a raised eyebrow who snickered, "The twins didn't want to kill a hand so they could have separate bodies and I explained to them it was more like I was cutting my hair to give them each some hair extensions." Soon after the wig jokes started."

Agatha and Joon took one twin each and bathed and dressed them rather quickly as the others were waiting. When the pair reached the mess there was a weeping chorus of Happy Birthday as each family member gingerly hugged and kissed their sisters.

Breakfast was a flour tortilla wrapped around slices of bacon, scrambled eggs, and hash browns with a light picante sauce in deference to the twins as the family was told what to expect concerning their coordination issues beforehand.

Astrid fanned herself, "You two are hawt! Any chance you would be interested in some adult playtime this afternoon?"

Emma grinned even as she blushed and Samira laughed, "THAT was a big yes!"

"Actually, Nikke and I have decided our first sexual encounter will be the two of us in sixty-nine...with the family watching. If everyone is okay with that?" Emma asked with raised eyebrows.

The family smiled and Vika spoke up, "I get to play with a set of those tits first! I call dibs!"

Everyone laughed and Max mentioned, "Not sure they can be divvied up like a side of beef there, Vika."

Nikke laughed, "Oh yes we can!"

Breakfast immediately devolved into some way to humorous haggling about which sister was getting which twin's body part to play with. Soon a bidding war erupted and the twins were laughing their asses off. It was total chaos...and everyone loved having a good time with it.

After breakfast, Joon and Agatha took the twins to the cargo bay and started them on the treadmill at a very sedate walking pace. Initially pausing the machine when needed with the halting gait of each of them. Soon, however, they began to move more fluidly and were able to perfect their gaits. After 45 minutes each, they were walking normally, their enhanced brains able to adapt quickly to working both sides of their bodies.


Teffa was dressed in the Slarmian equivalent of a smart business suit. Zuki had bathed with her and tried her best to help Teffa with her nerves.

"Zuki, I am nervous. How shall I respond if I am asked how we knew to be prepared for an attack?"

Placing two of her hands on Teffa's shoulders, Zuki smiled, "Tell them you saw them coming just in time on the security cameras. And as for the traps, well, it is an old building, and the staff was in the middle of renovating the electrics in those rooms. There may have been some short circuits on the metal door frames that shocked the assailants. Otherwise, answer any questions completely but with the least amount of information as is necessary. Easier to stay out of trouble that way. But remember, you can refuse to answer any question you do not feel comfortable with. You are covered under the Ambassador's diplomatic immunity, and you are there as a courtesy."


Vika helped Samira dress in her combat load out and her tabbard, cinched at the waist with a woven grass chord. When they were finished, Vika looked into her eyes and said, "Sam, do not let Teffa get more than a few feet away from you, even when she is testifying."

"Understood." Samira new better than to ask for specifics, but if Vika was worried there would be trouble, she took her advice to the bank.


Nanzi let Samira and Teffa know the Limousine was waiting for them out front and the two left the Embassy with lots of hugs and reassurances. Zuki wanted to go with Teffa but Vika intervened, "She will be fine. You can watch it all through Paula's mirror with the rest of the family if you like."

Joon booped both of them on the nose, giving them her bless magic as Teffa was talking to Zuki.

Zuki heard the unspoken in Vika's message but put on a brave face for Teffa. She looked into Teffa's eyes and smiled, "I will be right here when you get back."

Teffa squenched her snout in a playful acknowledgment as Nanzi opened the main doors aaaand, at the door was not just any Limousine...It was the Grand Potentate's personal conveyance. There were also half a dozen police escorts. Holding open the door to the Limousine was none other than Polkovnik Emuzi the Grand Slarmian Dynasty's Naval Infantry Officer in Command of the Palace Security Regiment.

"The Grand Potentate, Zalix the Eighth, sends his highest regards, Major-domo Teffa. If you have any needs, please do not hesitate to ask."

"Thank you for your kindness and personal escort. Please let The Grand Potentate know his gesture was very much appreciated."

Samira and Teffa sat in the opulent passenger compartment while Emuzi sat in the front with the driver. Teffa looked at Samira who returned the look with a smile and a wink, "You have certainly come up in the world, Major-domo Teffa. No longer are you the endearing limousine driver you were when we first met."

Teffa disagreed, "Yess I am Ssamira. Teffa hass not changed."

Samira agreed, "Teffa has not changed, no. But Teffa's political and social status has. Teffa is now the Major-domo to the Exquisite Lady Ambassador Jooniper Smith and is a close associate of the Hero Dame Max Anders. The Grand Potentate wanted to remind everyone that you are attending as a courtesy and discourtesy will not be tolerated. You are a very powerful person, Teffa."

Teffa sat a little straighter in her seat and nodded, "Thank you, Ssamira. That iss jusst what Teffa needed to hear." She held Samira's two right hands in her two left hands, and they enjoyed a quiet ride to the Courthouse.

Upon arrival, Emuzi rushed to open the door and offer a hand to assist Samira and Teffa out of the Limousine. There were lots of reporters there shouting questions, mostly about why the Terran Embassy Major-domo arrived in the Grand Potentate's car and what relationship did the Major-domo have with the Grand Potentate Zalix the Eighth. The police escort formed a protective ring around Samira and Teffa and escorted them into the building.

Security personnel asked Teffa and Samira to pass through the scanners and Emuzi waived them away, going for the bypass that all law enforcement used, saying "Major-domo Teffa and her bodyguard are afforded police level access by order of the Grand Potentate."

Security raised eyebrows but said nothing, knowing full well that what was happening before them was way over their pay grade.


All the family and Sergeant-Major Addams were in the in the Deirdra's mess and Paula scryed with her mirror on Samira and Teffa as they exited the limousine at the courthouse. Paula made her mirror large enough to give a panoramic view and allowed everyone to watch and hear the proceedings.

Everyone was quiet and after the shock of actually seeing a magic mirror on the wall, Addams cheekily asked, "So, Joon, are you the fairest of them all?"

Joon winked, swiped a glamour over herself and snarkily replied, "I am hurt that you even had to ask!"

With a chorus of shushes, the group got quiet and listened to the exchange with security.


Samira was on constant threat assessment, after getting Vika's warning, and she stuck to Teffa like fly paper. They were escorted to seats directly behind the prosecutors and Teffa made eye contact with Durx who was sitting with the other captives from the Embassy assault team. She felt sorry for him; but that did not change the fact he had tried to kill her and the other Embassy staff. He was a stark reminder of how some decisions will affect your life in unseen ways.

Soon after sitting down, the Judge entered, and the Court was brought to order. Teffa was the first one called to the stand and she began to make her way to the box where she was to stand. Samira began to follow her, and Judge Shevast cleared her throat, "Jusst de Major-domo, preess."

"Your Honor, I am the Major-domo's security and I have strict orders from the Exquisite Lady Ambassador Jooniper Smith to stay by her side. With all due respect, if she is to testify, I am standing next to her."

Judge Shevast was taken aback, not being used to being confronted in her own courtroom. After a moment's consideration she nodded and the two approached the box. Samira was on high alert and turned to face the audience. There was an upper level of seating that was not apparent upon entering from the back and the whole place was standing room only.


Max asked, "Paula, can you give us a view of the balcony area? If there is to be an attack it will likely come from there as it is high ground."

Paula narrowed and widened the mirror and had it do a running scan back and forth across the balcony. Joon took one look and said, "I see three possible threats, their body language is not right." She pointed them out and the mirror isolated those three while continuing to scan.