Mike and Jen


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"I need you, Michael," Allie said as she pulled back and caressed his cheeks. "Can you be there for me?"

Mike nodded.

Allie crossed the street and walked up the steps. Sighing, Mike reluctantly followed. There were bouncers in tuxedos at the door. One of the bouncers said "Why's the sky blue?"

Without thinking, Mike said "There is more blue light because blue travels at smaller waves than other colours so it scatters easier as it enters the atmosphere."

Allie and the bouncers turned and stared dumbly at Mike. Finally Allie said to the bouncers "Blue Horseshoe loves Ally and Cole." The bouncers opened the door. Allie grabbed Mike's arm and pulled him into the house. "Come on," she said, grinning at him.

"That's the code word?" Mike said as they walked into the house. "It makes no sense."

"What? You think this is like Ravenclaw where you have to answer a riddle to get in?" Allie scoffed with a roll of her eyes.

Mike chuckled at her comment. "That's such a Hufflepuff thing to say,"

Allie playfully struck Mike in the arm. "Shut up," she protested with a giggle.

"Ally and Cole are the hosts," Allie explained as they made their way through the crowd. "This is their house."

"She's Allie too?" Mike said.

"She spells it with a y instead of ie," Allie said.

A moment later a couple approached. Ally and Cole. They hugged Allie hello and warmly greeted Mike.

Ally was about 5'4" with brown hair and eyes. She was pretty and athletic looking. Cole was about Mike's height at 5'8". He had blonde hair and striking green eyes. Like his wife, it was clear Cole kept in shape. He had a stocky, strong looking physique.

"Are they here?" Allie asked anxiously.

"Upstairs, in the big bedroom," Cole said with a reassuring smile. They began walking upstairs, Allie with Cole, Mike with Ally. As they walked they passed a lot of people. The house was crowded. A lot of couples and also a lot of single men. Almost all the singles were big handsome black men.

"So you're Mike Andrews," Ally said, smiling at Mike. She wrapped her arm through his. "My husband and I really admire what you did."

"Thanks," Mike said, awkwardly looking away. This was a new environment for Mike. He was having a hard time being himself. He wanted to revert to his old persona to navigate through this situation. The shy Mike, the weak Mike. The Mike that everyone takes for granted. That Mike blends in the background, where no one sees him.

As they arrived at the top of the stairs Ally asked Mike, "So what will you be doing?"

Mike thought about it and said, "to be honest, I don't know." He needed to be there for Allie, but besides that he wasn't sure what he had to do.

Ally seductively ran her fingers down Mike's arm. She moved closer so they were almost touching. "You're welcome to join me and Cole in our bedroom," she said, smiling as she invited him. "You can watch or play along. Whatever you like." She moved her hand onto Mike's hip. She caressed him there.

Mike's mesmerised behaviour was broken when Allie said "Michael, can I talk to you?" Mike nodded and walked away.

Allie wrapped her arm around his as she said, "See you later Ally. Thanks for setting this up." There was some edge in her words. She was not appreciative of what Ally and Cole were doing to Mike.

"Oh okay," Ally said, clearly disappointed. Giving Mike another look, she took Cole's arm and walked away.

"What's happening to you!?" Allie whispered angrily at Mike when Ally and Cole were out of earshot.

Mike couldn't answer. He was panicking internally. The old mike, Jen's Mike, as he called it, was desperate to take over so he didn't have to deal with this situation.

"I need you, Michael," Allie pleaded. "You promised me. We can't go back to pretending,"

Allie is right. Mike stood still, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He stood in that place for a couple of seconds before looking back at Allie. "I got your back,"

As the pair kept walking down the hall, Allie interrupted the silence. "You're not here to hook up with anyone," Allie admonished him with a tease. "That's for when we're back home, Michael."

Mike glanced at Allie intrigued at her words. Does that mean that she is planning to sleep with him tonight or that she knowns Mike will have to fuck Jen later. Mike smiled at the thought of what might happen. He would have never thought to be with someone like Allie months ago, but now? Now things were different.

Allie glanced at Mike who seemed lost in reverie, but misinterpreted the reason as to why he is like that. "I'm serious, Michael." Her voice was laced with anger.

"Yes, Allie. I understand," Mike said soothingly as he gave Allie a reassuring hug. He wasn't planning to sleep with anyone else anyway and he liked the idea that she didn't like that either.

The pair stood next to their door. "We better go inside," Allie said.

"Let's do it."

Looking nervous, Allie squeezed Mike's hand and said "Thanks for being here."

"I'll always be there for you," Mike replied as he gently bumped her shoulder.

Then, they walked inside the big bedroom.

The big bedroom was called as such because, well, it was huge. The bed was enormous, like 2 king beds pushed together. Around the bed were chairs and sofas.

Darren was with Stacy. She wore a tight black dress like Allie. She was clearly showing and made no effort to hide the baby bump. In fact, in the revealing black dress, she was loudly proclaiming her pregnancy to the world. Mike realised Stacy was probably proud to be carrying her black lover's baby.

Jim stood off to the side. With his wife, but not with her. The dynamic of the threesome was clear. Dominating black bull. Submissive white wife. Caged cuckold husband.

Although Jim couldn't be caged because he was going to fuck Allie. Mike shook his head at the idea. It wasn't right. Jim was a cuckold. He didn't deserve to have a hot girl like Allie.

Mike didn't have the same negative, visceral reaction when it came to Jim with Jen versus Allie. After all, Allie was becoming something more as Jen became something less. Still, Mike wanted to make sure Jim would never lay a hand on Allie, ever again. He was already having a hard time accepting this scenario, after all.

Allie walked over to Darren. Mike watched as they hugged and kissed. He thought that was a good sign. There might not be any violence or altercation today. He might be able to go out and wait. He really didn't want to watch Allie have sex. He was done with that part of his life.

Darren walked over and greeted Mike. They chatted about Sapphire, their kids and the Knicks. Mike thought it surreal. With Jim and Stacy, Darren acted the part of the BBC bull. But with Mike he was just another guy. If anything Darren wanted to sit down and spend some time with Mike. Mike thought it was bizarre.

Jim walked over to Mike as Darren returned to the girls. "How are you doing mate?" Jim said with a big grin. They shook hands warmly. "Looking forward to the action?" he asked with an excited twinkle in his eyes. He looked over at Allie. "Nice tits and ass!"

Mike didn't like the way Jim was leering at Allie. But what could he do? He promised to be here for her. "It's a crazy scene," he said. "What happened to Deshawn?"

"He is still around," Jim said. "Not around enough though. That's why Stacy's here with Darren. Hoping to make Deshawn jealous."

"This is a major fuck you to Deshawn?" Mike asked.

"A MAJOR fuck you," Jim said with a grin. "Stacy's preggy with Deshawn's baby. Her body's supposed to be his. Heck, I'm her husband and I haven't touched her in months. But I'm the cuck husband, I don't count to the bull community. So Darren fucking Stacy is a major violation of Deshawn's territory."

Mike didn't understand the situation. Not entirely. When he played the game it never got to this point. And now that he doesn't want to play the game, it's even more confusing. "You think it might get violent?" Mike asked.

"Nothing like that mate. This isn't the mafia," Jim said with a grin. He lowered his voice and said "Stacy hopes this'll get Deshawn jealous and he'll be around more to protect his property. But I think this will be the last straw and Deshawn will move on completely."

"Stacy's okay with that?" Mike is utterly confused at everything Jim is telling him.

"She's not, but I am," Jim whispered. "I want my wife back, Mike. It's more than touching. I haven't seen her naked in months. Deshawn's rules. I'm tired of being a cuck."

Mike nodded. He understood the dilemma. Mike was there once too. That moment where something inside you snaps and you realise the game isn't as fun or healthy as it used to be. Unfortunately, sometimes the person you are with only sees your value because you let them play the game.

"Good luck, I suppose," Mike said as sincerely as possible.

Jim gave Mike a knowing smile. "Jen's with her boyfriend right now, right? Is she in love already?"

"Maybe," Mike said, his back stiffening as he didn't want to talk about Jen

"You want her to be tough, right?" Jim said with a knowing grin. "You play with emotions mate. That's a lot more dangerous. Yeah, Stacy's obsessed with Deshawn. And before it was Darren. But it's physical, not emotional. Love is a strong emotion Mike."

Mike hesitated. He really didn't want to talk about Jen right now. He had to be there for Allie and he can't do that if he is reminded of the pain Jen caused her for years. "She will be okay," Mike said succinctly.

"Well, you would know best," Jim conceded diplomatically. He looked over at the girls. His eyes focused again on Allie. "She's a hottie, Darren's wife. Are you doing her?"

Mike wanted to end this conversation as quickly as possible. Jim was starting to get under his skin. "Yes," he lied

Mike saw how Jim's eyes grew wide at the news. He was giddy with excitement. "You go both ways now mate. Good for you," Jim joyfully said as he padded Mike in the back. "I reckon we need to get together with Jen and Allie, then. I'm sure we can satisfy each other"

Mike turned around and looked at Jim from top to bottom. He found the man unworthy of either woman and the idea that he will have to endure watching Jim fuck Allie made his stomach churn. Mike looked at Jim with an emotionless stare. It's like a shark looking at a weak prey.

"Are you alright mate?" Jim asked concerned

"You want to fuck Jen, right?" He asked with a tone that showed no emotions. It felt ominous and eerie.

"I don't have to if that makes you feel awkward mate," Jim clarified, slightly intimidated by Mike's aura and personality at the moment.

"You can fuck her all you want. She loves it raw," Mike stated. "However, this is the one and only time you'll ever touch or see Allie naked. Do I make myself clear?"

Jim was confused, but also intimidated in a way that made his cock really hard. Little Mike turned out to be a wolf in sheep clothes. He didn't know that about Mike. It made what will happen tonight fun. Jim wanted to see Mike's face as he touched his precious Allie. He wanted to make Mike a cuck again.

Allie walked over. Jim smiled again at Mike, then went over to check on Stacy. "I guess we're about to start," she whispered. Noticing the look on his face, she asked "Are you alright? What were you and Jim talking about?"

"Setting boundaries," Mike said evasively as he pushed his thoughts of frustration and anger away from her head.

Allie looked questioningly at Mike. Then she looked back to the bed. Darren and Stacy were already kissing. He was slowly undressing her. Allie looked distressed.

Mike followed Allie's eyes and sensed her distress. He said, "I don't get it. You are one of the kindest and hottest women to have ever lived. Why did Darren ruin that?"

Allie looked at Mike, a smile coming to her face. She liked this new Mike. The old Mike would have not known what to say. New Mike seems to know how to make her feel appreciated. "You always say the right things."

Allie gave Mike a playful smirk. "I would like to know who the other women are, though. You know, in case we want to play."

Mike nodded with a grin before noticing she was wearing his Fonzie bracelet.

Allie realised he was looking at it. "It is for good luck. So I know you're there," she said as raised her wrist to her face and shook it a little.

Allie and Jen were two different women. Jen would ditch her rings and any other piece of jewellery Mike gave her as soon as any of her lovers asked her. Allie wore them with pride.

Mike ran his hand over her hair as he carefully examined the wound she got the last time she met Darren. He drew a circle around her bandaid with nothing but concern on his face.

"I'll be fine, Michael," Allie whispered as she put her hand on top of his and gave it a little kiss. "You're here."

Allie looked at Mike and in the span of a couple of blinks she changed entirely. She was no longer Allie, the amazing woman with a passionate side for literature and culture. The Allie that loved DJ and with whom Mike has gone out to soirées multiple times. The complex Allie that had a loving aura. Instead, she was the happy-go-lucky Allie Oh La La from college. She moved close to Mike so her big tits pressed against his chest. Cupping his crotch, she seductively said "Have fun watching bubble boy. I'll be thinking of you as I rock Jim's world."

Mike watched Allie walk away. He was breathing hard.

Mike sat down as the action began in earnest on the big bed. Darren with Stacy, Jim with Allie. Quickly everyone was naked. Although, the girls still wore their stockings and high heels.

To his surprise though, Mike realised he wasn't interested with the action on the bed. He was hot and bothered but not from the fucking going on in front of him. Allie's comment's rang in his head. "I'll be thinking of you as I rock Jim's world."

Will she really be thinking about him? They haven't had sex once. Will tonight be night? What is going to happen with Jen once he sleeps with Allie? Mike knew where his heart was, but he wasn't ready to commit, yet.

Part of him wants to cling to Jen. To the hope that Jen loves him. But he also knows the truth. The more he digs into the past, the more he finds all the little lies and sneaking around Jen did to please herself. All the times she used his fantasies against him to avoid accountability. All the moments she manufactured so she could keep fucking her lovers. And at the end, all those men were versions of her true love. They are all different shades of Collin.

Mike barely watched the couples fucking on the bed. Instead his thoughts were on his impending divorce.

Mike couldn't help but notice a couple of things between his gloomy thoughts. First, Allie looked really good in black stockings and high heels. Second, she was constantly glancing at Mike and checking on him.

As the sex between the four people carried on, Mike relaxed a little. Things were going smoothly.

Mike was lost in his thoughts again before Darren's angry shout brought him back to reality. "Don't cum in my wife, man!" he yelled at Jim. "Get away from her!"

It was like something snapped inside the black man. Like he couldn't stand any more seeing Allie with another man. Darren looked like a raging madman. He brought his fist up to hit Jim, but in the close confides he was just as likely to hit Allie.

"Darren stop!" Mike yelled. He bolted from the chair and leaped in front of Allie to protect her.

Darren's blow hit Mike across the cheek, sending Mike's glasses flying. "Fuck Darren! Really?!" he yelled, grabbing at his face. "It freaking hurts!"

Darren yelled "Stay out of this Mike! I'm a man! I'm protecting what's mine!"

"Then why don't you be a man and do what's right!" Mike yelled back.

Mike's words were harsher than any physical blow. The fight suddenly left Darren. In a softer voice he said "It's not that easy Mike."

"I told you, Darren. I told you to do the right thing," Mike added now with a calmer voice as he walked and picked up his glasses.

"You have to understand, Mike." Darren pleaded with tears in his eyes. Mike wasn't planning to do anything to his former friend and colleague. He understood Darren's struggle. He can comprehend the pain. He was simply glad he managed to protect Allie.

"I know," Mike said with a slight nod.

Mike and Allie left the sex party soon after.


Mike taxied home with Allie. They rode in silence for most of the trip, each in their own thoughts. Allie finally said, "nice save back there."

"Darren got jealous. I guess that's a good sign," Mike said with a weak grin.

"I don't care, to be honest," Allie said with a shrug. "I only wanted to go there to prove myself I was over him." She admitted as she stared out the window.

"Are you?" Mike hesitantly asked.

Allie remained silent, lost in thought as if trying to process her emotions.

Mike turned his attention back to the streets and the people outside.

"You have to stop jumping in front of every bus, Michael," Allie said softly after a couple of minutes of silence.

Mike chuckled at the comment as he turned her attention to Allie. Jen used to say the same thing. "Why do you keep calling me Michael?" Mike asked intrigued as to why.

Allie shrugged. "I prefer calling you Michael," she said carelessly. "Does it bother you that I use your full name?"

"No. I like that you call me Michael." Mike admitted as his cheeks got reddish.

Allie nodded as she kept looking out the window.

"You know, all you have to do is say stop. That's all. Say stop and Jen will stop. I know she will," Allie said after another moment of silence.

Mike said, "I guess I don't care if she stops anymore."

Allie reached out for his hand as she kept looking outside. Mike grabbed it and saw the Fonzie bracelet sparkling under the streetlights. He gently caressed her wrist, using his thumb like a feather as he moved along the bracelet.

Allie turned her head back to him. She had that same lustful face she had before. His heart started to beat faster and faster as his mind drifted back to what Allie said after he finished talking to Jim.

Allie knew Mike had changed in a lot of ways, but he was still at heart a leg's man. So, she pulled his hand to her thigh, she leaned against the door and put her legs on his lap.

Mike leaned to his side and kissed one of her thighs and then the other as his hand slid along her legs. Allie had magnificent legs. They were more toned and thicker than Jen's. They spoke of a woman who lifted weights, who pushed her limits, and who had a fantastic hourglass figure.

Allie gently moaned as Mike caressed her near her inner thigh. He quickly noted that's one of her erogenous areas.

"Wait," Allie said as she used Mike's help to change positions and straddle his lap on the back seat of the taxi. She was now on top of him staring right at his face.

Everything happened in a split second. Mike grabbed the back of her neck and pulled Allie towards him before he kissed her with all the passion he had. Allie responded and kissed him back as she took a deep breath. She wanted to take it all in.

Their hands started to explore their bodies. Mike squeezed Allie's ass which caused the woman to let out a soft moan as kept her tongue down MIke's throat.

Allie slid her hand between them and felt his hard cock. Yeah, it's small compared to Darren, but that didn't matter. She wasn't like Jen. She didn't need a big cock to cum. What she needed was a guy who knew how to please her. How to press her buttons. Jen told Allie endless times that Mike was a wizard with his tongue. Now Allie wanted to extend that magic to his hands and cock. Allie knew Mike would learn, he loved to please.

The thought of turning Mike into her perfect pleasure man was driving Allie wild.
