Mike and Jen


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Allie kept rubbing his cock as she rubbed herself against one of his knees. She could feel herself getting ready to cum. She was already on the edge before Darren decided to fight Jim.

Mike slid one his hands deeper between Allies butt until he reached her asshole. He started to play with it and tease it as Allie kept rubbing herself against his knee.

Allie put her hands on his shoulders as she moved her hip faster and faster. Mike touching her ass was driving her insane. She could feel a big orgasm come.

"Just like that. Just like that. Just like that," Allie repeated between moans as she clutched into Mike's shirt. She pressed her forehead against his forehead and kept riding his knee until she arched her back and grunted while a wave of pleasure covered her body.

Allie sunk her head in Mike's chest as tried to catch her breath. "Fuck. That's a first," she admitted with a soft voice as she tried to calm herself. She has never ridden someone's knee to completion before. Much less on a taxi in public whilst the other person was playing with her ass. The whole thing left her speechless.

Mike stroked her hair as he hugged her. He was slightly concerned about what just happened. Allie came, but she only came because she used his knee. It never occurred to her to take his cock out. Flashes of Jen's cheating on him went through his mind, but it's now Allie doing the cheating.

Allie looked up at Mike and noticed the distress in his face. She gets it. Jen made sure to constantly remind Mike that he wasn't good enough for her or anyone. It's how the cuckold thing worked. The problem is that now Mike believes it.

"Hey," Allie whispered as she cupped his face with her hands. "I'm not Jen," she said as her face beamed with pleasure and affection.

"I know," Mike responded also in a whisper.

"I mean it, Michael," she said in reassurance. "I'm not a size queen. I don't care for big cocks. I'm more of a press-my-buttons-and-make-go-crazy type of woman."

Mike looked at her with a puzzled look whilst he tried to process this information.

"You know how Jen only responds to big cocks?" Allie whispered to make sure the taxi driver didn't hear their conversation. Mike nodded. "I respond to having my body touched in a certain way, especially when having sex," she sheepishly admitted.

"But you slept with all of Jen's exes, plus your boyfriends at college, and Darren. None of them are small like me," Mike said as he didn't understand.

"I've slept with a lot of men, Michael. Not all of them were big. Not all of them were good," Allie said with a shrug.

"Was what happened just now one of those ways you like to be touched?" Mike asked after a moment. He needed a bit of time to process the information that Allie just shared.

Allie shook her head as she blushed. Allie moved her head and breathed into Mike's ear, "It's the first time I've done something like that." Quickly, she clutched his shirt and buried her head in his chest in embarrassment.

Mike felt a mixture of pride and excitement from hearing those news. Jen let other men try new things with her whilst he had to accept whatever was left. Allie dared to try new things with him.

The more Mike learns about Allie the more he understands why she and Jen are like sisters. Yes, They share similarities, but they aren't the same person.

The taxi stopped at Allie's house. Mike tried his best to make sure Allie kept her dignity as she got off Mike's lap and they left the taxi.

"I guess I have to learn about your buttons, huh?" Mike said with a grin as he wrapped his arms around her waist whilst she tossed her arms around his neck.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Allie replied with a smirk before she gave Mike a peck on the lips. "You have to earn the right to use this first." Allie grabbed his crotch as she said that.

Mike grunted in pain and pleasure. He was really painfully hard.

"Don't forget my birthday, Michael." Allie gave Mike a long look before walking into her house.

Mike jumped back in the taxi

"That's one of the hottest things I have seen. She is fine. You're a lucky guy," the taxi driver said as he gave Mike a thumbs up and an encouraging nod.

Mike chuckled. The guy wasn't wrong. Mike was officially/unofficially dating Ally Oh-la-la.

The taxi arrived at his home, and Mike went to his house. He checked on Anna and she was sound asleep, so was Maggie. He didn't want to awake either one, so he carefully closed the door and headed back to his room.

Mike was in the process of taking off his coat when he realised his phone was there. He forgot to check it throughout the night. He checked the time. It's almost 3 in the morning and there was a message from Jen that was sent around midnight.

Mike read the message. It said "Can I be a little late? I forgot about the doctor's appointment to remove my tat."

Jen had decided to remove her tattoo. She and Mike casually talked about it a couple of months ago. Jen never showed interest in removing it, nor did she want him to make an appointment so they could go together. The message suggested the removal was never going to be a Jen and Mike decision. It was a decision between Jen and her lover.

Mike knew she was doing it for Frank. Just like she pierced her nipples for Frank. She obeyed Frank, just like she obeyed Clint, Drums, Tom, Ricky, and Collin before. There was nothing Mike could say that would make Jen consider his opinion. And, in all honesty, he didn't care. What's another broken trust bond for the woman who can't keep any?

So Mike texted back: "Sure. See you Tuesday, then."

Mike undressed and got into bed. His cock was incredibly hard. He needed release.

He stroked and came fantasising about what happened at the cab tonight and at the possibility for more. Mike wanted more.


It was early Monday afternoon when Jen was storming back to Frank's apartment. Her master set her up to fuck Ricky, and things did not go well. Jen hated the idea of meeting Ricky and she hated even more what happened when they finally met. Ricky was a dangerous and poisonous part of her past. One that she wanted to keep away.

"That was fast," Frank said when Jen got back to his room. Jen shrugged but didn't say anything.

"Your conversation with Ricky didn't go well?" Frank asked.

Jen shrugged again. She said, "Sometimes it's not fun dredging up the past."

Frank nodded. Inside he smiled. Perfect.

His dick was hard. Manipulating people got him hot. He pulled Jenny to him and ran his hand over her ass.

"I'm not in the mood," Jen said, pulling away. "Can we go? I need to get home."

Frank frowned at that. He didn't like being put off. "You have an appointment with the doctor," he said.

"Oh," Jen said. She had forgotten all about it. Jen checked her phone. She forgot to do it this morning because she was preoccupied about meeting Ricky. There was a text from Mike. It said, "Sure. See you Tuesday, then."

"Tuesday? Why does he think I'm coming home a full day later?" Jen thought before noticing at what time he texted her. It's nearly 3. A cold shiver ran down her spine as she remembered he was with Allie last night. She had to talk to Mike about it. For now, she will get that tattoo removed.

"Okay then," Jen told Frank.

Frank nodded and smiled. He touched her tummy. "You should exercise more," he said.

"What?" Jen said, disoriented at the abrupt change of subject.

"I think you've gained weight," Frank said. He grinned. "Perhaps too much caviar and foie gras."

Since being with Frank, Jen had developed a taste for rich foods like caviar, foie gras, truffles and vintage champagne. With her challenging job, the 2 men in her life as well as being a mother, she wasn't working out as much. She probably had gained a few pounds. But was it really noticeable?

"You're still beautiful of course," Frank assured her. "Just, perhaps not as toned." He patted her ass. "Not as tight."

"Oh," Jen said, feeling an alarm in the pit of her stomach.

"So, we'll helicopter back to the city," Frank said, changing the subject again. "Meet with the doctor. Then I'll take you home. But first," He pulled Jenny back into his arms and undressed her. "You're in the mood when I say you're in the mood Jenny," he said as he pulled out his dick and got between her legs.

Jen didn't resist but she reached for a condom. Frank frowned but he let her roll it on him. Then he pushed into her body. Jen didn't cum though. She was too worried about the weight she had gained and whether that meant she wouldn't be hot anymore, which means men would start looking for her replacement.


Anna was sleeping when Jen walked through the door. Mike was reading on his Kindle and looked surprised at seeing her wife here today. Jen picked up on that detail and the pit in her stomach grew deeper.

"Oh, You're here," Mike said, stunned. "What happened?"

"Waiting for someone?" Jen responded with an edge in her voice.

Mike got up and hugged her wife. "I thought you said you were getting your tattoo removed. I figured that by the time you're done, you would choose to stay with Frank and come tomorrow morning. That's all."

Mike's words sounded perfectly logical. And that would have been the case if Frank didn't fly them in their private helicopter.

Jen sighed. She needed to calm down. Mike wasn't cheating on her nor was he looking for someone else. It's all in her head. It's her insecurities flaring up again.

"Sorry. Wild weekend," Jen said as she tried to relax.

"Mine too," Mike responded, excitedly. Jen tilted her head wanting to hear more. But Mike turned her around. "Let me see,"

As Mike pulled up her top Jen undid her tight jeans and shimmied them down a few inches. "Wow," Mike said. The tribal tattoo used to be jet black. Now it was a soft grey and fuzzy at the edges. "This from one treatment?"

"Yeah, I know, right?" Jen said, smiling. "The doctor says I'm responding well. He thinks two more treatments and it'll be completely gone."

"Frank will like that," Mike said, happily.

Jen turned around. She wrapped her arms around Mike's neck and pulled him to her. With Mike sitting and her standing, she hugged his face into her tummy. "You'll like that," she corrected him. "I will too."

"Sure," Mike answered with a smile and he looked full of adoration into Jen's eyes.

Jen saw Mike's face for a second. He looked at her with delight and said all the right things, but she couldn't feel them. It scared her. All she could think about was Mike thinking she was fat which is why he wanted to be with Allie instead.

Jen tried to calm herself and after a moment she asked "Tell me what happened last night. I called you."

"Did it hurt?" Mike asked, gently touching her lower back. He didn't want to talk about last night. He felt it's inappropriate to talk about Allie with Jen.

"It hurt like a bitch," Jen said with a helpless laugh. "It still stings but not so bad." She nudged him with her knee. "So tell me what happened last night." She sat down next to Mike and looked at him.

Mike took a deep breath. He had to choose his poison. If he lies, there is a risk that Allie says the wrong thing and that would jeopardise Allie's relationship with Jen. Mike didn't want that. It's his relationship with Jen that was forever broken. Allie shouldn't be a casualty of that.

The best he can do is tell an edited version of the truth. And he will have to do it as Jen's Mike, not as real Mike.

Mike made a mental note of texting Allie once he was done talking to Jen. That way she will know what he said.

Mike felt how Jen was patiently waiting for Mike to reply. He had to put on a show.

"It was crazy," Mike said. "We went to a sex party."

Jen gawked at Mike. "You went to a sex party? With Allie?"

Mike nodded. "Darren was there. So were Jim and Stacy," he explained. "They swapped partners. It was supposed to be closure for Darren with Stacy, and get him to feel what Allie feels when he's with another woman."

Jen was silent, processing this. Then she asked, "This was part of their counselling?" When Mike nodded yes, she asked "Why were you there?"

"I guess if something went wrong," Mike said. "And it did. Darren got jealous. It got ugly."

Jen noticed the bruise on her husband's cheek. It was faint, which is why she didn't notice it before. "Oh my god," she said, gently touching his face. She knew what happened immediately. Mike threw himself in front of Allie, to protect her. That was her husband. She was both proud of him, and bothered too. Mike protecting Allie made her jealous.

"So, you're Allie's hero. Did she give you a thank you fuck? Or at least a blowjob?" Jen was grinning to make it sound like a joke but there was an unpleasant edge in her voice.

"No it's just," Mike started, and then he laughed at himself.

"What?" Jen asked, the edge still in her voice.

Mike shook his head, like he couldn't believe himself. He said "They were going at it in bed, Darren with Stacy, Jim with Allie. It was wild, all this sex going on. But the whole time I was mostly thinking about what you were doing."

Jen was so relieved! Even in a sex club Mike's thoughts were on her! But she played it cool, not showing her relief, kind of playing hard to get. She gave Mike a sassy smile and said "Just mostly?"

Mike grinned.

Mike moved his hands under Jen's top, cupping her small breasts. She wore a padded bra but when he squeezed he felt the nipple bars.

Jen pulled away. "I smell like smoke," she said with a weak smile. She hated that about casinos. You always came home smelling like a cigarette. "Let me take a quick shower."

Mike saw his wife disappear in the bedroom and gagged at her smell. Jen was right, she smelled like smoke and alcohol. He was glad the woman knew it.

Mike heard the shower turn on, and quickly texted Allie. He told everything he told Jen so she knew all the parts he omitted. "Jen will be back with Frank soon enough," Mike reminded himself as he wants more alone time to keep working on his idea.

After her shower, Jen found Mike in the bed. "When did you put Anna down?" she asked.

"Just before you got home," Mike said.

Jen nodded. She knew they had another hour before Anna woke from her nap. She dropped the robe she was wearing and got into bed next to her husband. He was naked too. They hugged. The full body skin-to-skin contact felt good. It helped them reconnect.

Jen felt Mike's erection pressing against her thigh. She reached down under the covers and wrapped her hand around his hard shaft. "Did you play with yourself last night?" she asked.

When Mike nodded, she asked, "Fantasise about Allie's big boobs?" While, like before, she smiled like it was a joke, there was an edge in her voice and anxiety in her eyes.

Mike used to have a hard time lying to Jen. He saw it as immoral and disrespectful to the relationship. Now, it's the only way he can speak to her. "I prefer thinking about you, though."

"Oh is that right? Like what?" Jen said teasingly. She was still smiling but now the smile was authentic. She liked it when Mike's thoughts were on her. That's how it should be. She should be the only girl in the world he ever thought about or wanted.

"Tell me what happened while you were with Frank in Atlantic City," Mike said. He knew Jen would forget about Allie and the sex club if he shifts the focus back on her.

"Tell me first what you've been thinking about," Jen said back. She hadn't yet decided what to tell her husband about Ricky. She wanted to put off that conversation as long as possible.

Mike hesitated. Then with a sheepish smile he said "I like it when you do things without asking me."

"I know that," Jen said with a grin. "What have I done lately?"

"Removing your tattoo," Mike said. He gently touched her lower back. "We talked about it, but she never wanted to do it with me."

Jen slowly nodded. She knew he was right. Jen liked her tattoo until Frank hated it. That's when she changed her mind. Still, it wasn't like getting a tattoo. It's the complete opposite. And Mike seemed happy too. The man was still hard as a rock. So, she went with it. "What else?" she asked as she slowly stroked him.

"I like when we're together," Mike said. "The 3 of us."

"When I'm with Frank, and you're watching?" Jen said, the smile still on her face. She was happy he didn't mention their group including Allie. "Like at the penthouse. I thought you hated that"

Mike smiled sheepishly again. He said "You might not remember. But when I walked in on you after you both came while fucking in his limo during your birthday party, you looked at me and covered yourself up."

Jen did remember. She looked guiltily at her husband. "Sometimes I get so into it, I worry what you think about me," she explained.

"I think you're perfect," Mike said earnestly.

Jen smiled and pressed her forehead against his chest, like she was embarrassed. After a moment she asked "So what was hot about that?"

"Being a cuckold means you're a third wheel," Mike explained. "It turns me on when you treat me that way."

"I don't do it on purpose," Jen said honestly.

"It happens when you're really into a guy," Mike told her. His message was clear. Jen was really into Frank Tower and Mike knew all along.

After a moment's hesitation, Jen admitted in a soft voice, "I guess so." She kissed him but she didn't need to, Mike wasn't upset. At least not the bad upset. She continued stroking him. He was so hard.

"Denial gets me hot too," he added. "Like how I can touch you, or talk to you."

"Mike, you hated that," Jen said with an incredulous laugh.

Mike smiled sheepishly again. "As long as we get to reconnect after," he said as he touched her wife's body.

"Okay I'll remember that," Jen said with another laugh. Getting serious, she said "So Frank's working for you too."

"Yeah he's working for me," Mike conceded. Then he added, "As long as it ends eventually."

"He will," Jen assured him, although she was encouraged that Mike said eventually. She gently added "I don't get why he bothers you so much though. He's so much older. You can't really think I'm going to leave you for him."

Mike frowned at his wife. "So you're saying, you want it to be permanent."

"I'm not saying that," Jen said.

"Then what are you saying?" Mike said back, looking upset.

Jen kissed him. "Calm down baby, we're just talking," she said soothingly. "You know how we talked about the future, when I'll have a couple steady lovers?" Jen said. "It'll be nice if we know them."

"So you want Frank to be permanent," Mike said. Jen was starting to annoy him. She was so busy trying to outwit him that she made herself look worse. Regardless, the interaction was close to the end. Mike had most of the information he needed from her.

"That sounds like a poly relationship," he said scornfully. Mike wasn't into poly. Jen knew this. She knew Mike could share Jen's body but not her heart. That's unacceptable.

Jen kissed him again, trying to keep him from getting angry or upset. "No, not poly," she assured him. She knew all the terms after talking to Frank. "Poly means love. I only love you."

"Then I don't get it," Mike said. "Why Frank?"

"Because he's exciting," Jen admitted. "He pushes my sub buttons and makes it feel real. You get off on it too honey, you just said so. So say we move to Florida or a beachy place like that. We'll only see Frank a few times a year. Just enough to be exciting without threatening."

"What about when he wants more of your time?" Mike said sceptically.

"I'll tell him no," Jen said firmly. When Mike continued to look sceptical, she said "I don't want hookups and one-night stands. I want a relationship. And Mike honey, you want that too, right? Most men aren't interested in that. They want a girl who's wife potential. Frank's perfect. He's almost 60. He's not looking for a wife."
