Mike and Sarah Pt. 04


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"There's no way she said you were the love of his life after knowing you for two days," Mandy challenged.

Sarah just looked at me with the most smug smile on her face. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction but there was no escaping it, "Technically she said it on the first day but that was for my ears only, Sarah was corrupted by my sisters and listened in. Mum confirmed it to Sarah the next morning."

Sarah gave me another gloating look, "While we're on the subject, I won his aunt and uncle over in one lunch and his dad in one evening. Mike, what was it your Aunt Karen said to you after the first time I met her?"

"Babe you know smugness isn't your best look?" I replied looking straight at Sarah. But the girls weren't having it.

"Come on Mike answer the question. What did your aunt say?" Penny asked enjoying my discomfort.

"She said if I fuck it up with Sarah, they were disowning me and writing me out the will and keeping her even though I'm their only nephew. She also said something to Sarah which she's being quiet about. Come on my love share with the class."

Sarah laughed, "Fine. She said if I break Mike's heart, my body will never be found. I didn't take it seriously at the time but now I've met Amy, Scar and Becca, I'm not so sure. If the four of them get together I'm fucked."

"Don't worry about it babe, we'll protect you" Mandy said joining in the laughter.

"If you can protect me from those four where Mike is concerned then you guys are the bravest women on the planet," Sarah retorted.

After that, we had a great breakfast as a group. It was comfortable and teasing. It was so much fun that Sarah suggested they stay with us and lounge the day away in the living room watching movies. Adam looked hesitant and so was I. I wanted to go back to bed for a nap, but once the girls agreed there was no point in arguing.

Going through our Blu-rays and DVDs, our collection was quickly dismissed and the girls turned to Netflix and Amazon. Before the day was over Adam and I survived through Mean Girls, Coyote Ugly and The Notebook. The girls were pleasantly surprised when I knew as many of the songs to Coyote Ugly as they did.

Finally, our friends announced they had to leave. Sarah had barely closed the door before she pounced on me. "Mike, today was the best. Mandy and Adam are so happy. You created last night, then today you were the perfect host," she said excitedly peppering me with kisses.

"Babe breathe. I'm not going anywhere. I'm glad I could make Adam and Mandy happy. I still don't believe what you said about last night happening because of me or my influence at the pub but that's for another day. The most important thing is we had a great day with our friends."

"Stop being an idiot, you're not just on the council. You're a high-ranking member. But I don't care about that right now. I'm supposed to be thanking you for how amazing you were last night and today. You helped make my best friend happy and you're the reason that Adam followed through and asked her," She said seriously. "Now I'm going to order us some noodles and dumplings and then I'm going to give you a nice long thank you blow job while we wait," she finished matter-of-factly.

While we were eating, my thoughts turned to my plans to propose to Sarah. After Valentine's, the seven weeks until we went to Africa didn't seem so far away and I was still no closer to finding a ring. Scarlett, Becca and Mandy had been sending me emails with links to rings they thought might work but I dismissed all of them. I didn't want a ring from a major retailer which could be found anywhere. I wanted something unique.

Sarah pulled me out of my reverie, "Babe, are you okay? You were lost in thought, you didn't even react to me stealing your last dumpling," she asked, concerned.

"Oh sorry love, I was just coming up with ideas for Adam's stag do," I lied quickly.

"Were you now? Come up with anything interesting?" She asked excitedly.

"A few things, we're definitely going to take a weekend away. We could do Newcastle, I could plan a pretty epic pub crawl and party weekend up there," I answered. "Or we could go abroad, Amsterdam is a classic, we could also go further into Eastern Europe, the travel might be a little more expensive, but everything else including the strippers will be cheaper," I teased her.

Sarah put her plate on the table before taking mine and putting it next to hers. "Mike," she began slowly, her voice threatening. "I know you're teasing, but there will be no strippers wherever you decide to go. I can confidently speak for Mandy here, but I'm also speaking for myself. If you involve strippers in the stag do, there won't be a wedding but there will be a double funeral. I don't care what the others do. They're single, they can visit all the strip clubs they like. But you and Adam are not single, remember that when you do your planning. Are we clear?" She finished her voice low and menacing.

I tried to smile at her but she stopped me.

"Don't you dare smile at me until you answer the question, are we clear?" She said softening her tone and trying to hide the smile forming on her face.

"Yes dear, we are clear. Just so you know, I've never set foot in a strip club. They don't interest me, they never have. When it happens, all we'll actually do is drink too much, play a few pranks on Adam and maybe smoke a few cigars," I replied.

"There you go. You could've just said that and there'd be no problem," she said kissing me before handing my food back to me and picking up her plate.

Our mini-argument pushed my panic over her engagement ring out of my mind. We spent the next hour laughing and joking about it.

"Babe you know your rule goes both ways. No strippers at Adam's stag means no strippers at Mandy's hen night," I joked with her as we tidied the kitchen.

"I know. We don't have to pay for male strippers, we're hot young women, so we just can pick up a few random guys at a bar who'll do it for free. It doesn't count if it's free," she teased back.

"Well, I hope you and your random guy have a very happy future together and are blessed with many children," I replied with a big smile on my face so she knew I was joking.

"I'm sure we will. I don't know about the children though. You see, I've already promised my body to this hot guy who seems to like me. He's alright actually, a bit emotionally stunted but he's working on it, and unfortunately for me I love him."

"You love him, do you? That's a lot of investment for a guy that's just alright," I replied with a smirk on my face.

Sarah slowly started moving towards me and her voice turned sultry, "Well, when he's not annoying me, he's more than alright, he's perfect. He loves me and I'm addicted to him. I can't sleep properly when he's not next to me, his cuddles make my stomach flutter, his kisses set my body on fire, when he makes love to me I feel like the most loved woman in the world and when he fucks me I turn into an unrestrained slut that begs him to use me for his pleasure. I belong to him, mind, body and soul." Sarah finished her little speech by wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down to kiss her.

Accepting her kiss, I lifted her off the ground and placed her on the kitchen counter. Breaking our kiss, I immediately moved my hands to her hips, finding the waistband of her knickers I worked them down her legs. I kissed her again before going to my knees. I laid gentle kisses on her inner thighs as I worked my way towards her centre. I could already feel the heat radiating from her as I made my approach. I took a moment to bask in the scent of her arousal before kissing my way around her. Taking my time, I made sure to kiss every part of her, watching her lips swell and darken as her arousal built.

I knew she was getting impatient when I heard her first moan, "Please Mike." Ignoring her desperation I continued to work my way around her, listening to her breathing quicken. Eventually, I licked my way up her slit, easily parting her inner lips, reaching her clit I gave it a little flick with the tip of my tongue before returning my attention to the other parts of her pussy. My contact with her clit caused her breath to catch before she began whimpering as I continued to keep my attention away from the one place she wanted it. As her whimpers became increasingly desperate, I began to pay more attention to her love button. It was only when her desperation overtook her and she placed her hands on my head that I gave her the attention that she had been desperately pleading for. Her release came quickly and she clamped her legs tightly around my head holding me in place.

Slowly she came down from her peak and she relaxed her grip on me. As soon as I got back to my feet, she pulled me in for another passionate kiss.

"It's official, you were created in a lab just for me. It's the only explanation for why you are so naturally in tune with my needs," she said breathlessly pressing her forehead to mine. "Come on, let's watch some TV while I recover. I have plans for you later."

She picked a clever indie comedy show about the love and sex lives of different people in a big city, all the characters were unrelated and yet somehow their stories were all interconnected.

We were halfway through the second episode when she started rubbing me through my trousers. Her eyes remained glued to the screen as she kept up her ministrations. As the episode came to an end she turned off the TV before crawling into my lap.

Her kiss was gentle, "Take me to bed, love," she said before climbing off and holding her hand out to me.

I let her lead me to our bedroom. She stripped me slowly before removing the hoodie she had been lounging in. Taking my face into her hands, she gave me another gentle kiss.

"Make love to me baby, no foreplay, I've been ready for you all night."

Breaking our kiss she lay on the bed with her legs spread. Wordlessly she beckoned me to her with her finger. Accepting her invitation, I made my way up to her. I skirted the edge of her request for no foreplay and made a point to give her random little kisses as I worked my way up her body. Reaching her face I gave her another deep kiss while she slipped her hand between us and started stroking me to full hardness. When I felt her place me at her entrance, I broke the kiss to look at her eyes. I loved the way they widened as she felt me enter her.

There was none of her usual desperation and neediness. The intimacy of the moment was more important for both of us. We were perfectly in sync, and our rhythm and tempo were perfectly matched rising and falling together, all communication expressed through our eyes and our body language. When our climaxes arrived we were both taken by the moment. She wrapped herself tightly around me as she embraced her high. Before letting me go she pulled me into one more kiss. I made a move to get up but she refused,

"No babe, stay. Just hold me, we can clean up and sort the bed in the morning."

We were lying there in silence enjoying the intimacy of the moment when I felt her kiss my chest. "I meant it you know. You're perfect for me. I really do feel like the most loved woman in the world right now."

"I want you to feel like that all the time, not just in your post-orgasmic glow you know," I joked sensing we were about to have a deeper conversation.

"Mike, fuck off, I'm being serious. I do feel like that all the time, it's just when we have sex the way we just did, it reaffirms that feeling. I am addicted to you, hopelessly so. Most of the time, my desire and need for you is driven by that addiction. But there are days like today when my love for you overwhelms me and I need that intimacy. Somehow you always sense it, even when you went down on me in the kitchen, that was about intimacy, and pleasing me, not just some kinky naughty fun on the kitchen counter. You always know what I need and that more than anything is the biggest turn-on ever."

I didn't quite know the words to respond but I didn't think she wanted me to, so I just pulled her closer to me and held her tighter.

I felt her falling asleep so I gave her a little shake.

"Sorry, love," she whispered while giving me a good night kiss, "I guess I'm still a little bit tired after last night. Hold me through the night, your lover got you tonight so I'm sure your unrestrained slut is going to want her turn in the morning. Get your rest, I love you." With another kiss, she rolled over taking my hand with her and held it to her chest.

Her slutty side did come out the next morning and stayed out for the rest of the day. Where the night before had been all about love and intimacy, our Sunday was filled with passion, lust and our need for each other. We did take a break to get lunch at a little café we liked but the undercurrent was always there.

It was on Tuesday the following week when I had a breakthrough in my search for Sarah's ring. Scarlett had sent me a picture while I was at work, it was perfect. It was a three-stone ring, an oval-cut diamond with 2 baguette cut rubies - her birthstone - on either side of the diamond. I immediately called her.

"Scar, where did you find it?"

"Mike, it's in this little boutique jeweller about 15 minutes from my office. I didn't even know it was there, but I walked past it while going to lunch with the girls from the office. What do you think?"

"It's perfect, did you ask any questions?" I replied quickly.

"Calm down big brother. No, all I know is that it's in your budget well under it actually, but I'm still outside the shop. I can go back in and give them your name and tell them that you're interested and you'll give them a call."

"You're the best Scar, have I ever told you that you're my favourite sister?"

"Yes, but only when Becca isn't listening. If you do buy the ring, you better take me out for dinner after. I'd save up if I were you because when I get home, I'm telling Mum and Becca you've chosen the ring and you're taking me out for dinner as my finder's fee. They won't like being left out."

"Of course Scar, send me the number and we'll go from there. But of course, I'll take you all out if I get the ring. Seriously Scar, thanks."

"Love you, big brother."

Almost as soon as I dropped the call a text with the phone number came through. I waited 20 minutes, to give Scarlett enough time to give them my name and let them know which ring it was I was interested in.

The phone call was quick and easy, and by the time I was done, I had paid a deposit to take the ring off the market and had a sizing appointment for the following week. A new problem emerged, getting to London without tipping Sarah off to my plan. I was considering this problem when a text came through, it was from Mandy.

Mandy: So Scarlett found the ring? I want to be rewarded for the time I spent helping you look.

Me: Of course, we'll work something out. I'm taking Scar and Becca out for dinner when I go get the ring. How about a dinner party, me and Sarah, you and Adam? We'll call it your engagement present. I'll cook.

Mandy: Deal. Well done Mike.

By the time I had finished my workout, I had my plan to get to London. As is normally the case, the simplest plans are often the best, tell her the truth just not the whole truth.

She was sketching at the kitchen table while I was drinking my protein shake when I sprang it on her.

"Babe, I need to go to London on Monday. I have a couple of afternoon meetings and since I'm there I'll probably go for dinner with Mum and the girls," I said casually.

She gave me a searching look, "What kind of meetings and will you spend the night?"

"Nothing important, it came up at work today, it's something I've been working on for a while. I won't spend the night, I'll get a train back after dinner, and be home in good time to fall asleep next to you," I replied keeping my voice neutral. I had sprung it on her after my workout so that any nerves I showed could be attributed to the exercise.

"That's fair enough," she replied, standing up to kiss me, "Now get in the shower, you're stinking up the kitchen. I'm making dinner, burrito bowls."

Over dinner, Sarah turned her attention to our Botswana trip.

"Mike, I can't believe I've never asked this but can you speak Botswanan?"

"Babe," I replied slowly, "please never use the word Botswanan again. It doesn't exist. The language is called Setswana, though in South Africa it's just called Tswana. A person from Botswana is a Motswana and the plural is Batswana."

I could see her mouthing the words to herself, so I continued. "It's all in the prefixes, my family is from a village called Mochudi, and our people are called the Bakgatla, and that makes me a Mokgatla. I understand Setswana better than I can speak it because I still have to mentally translate everything in my head. But I'm good enough to handle most situations."

"So you aren't truly bi-lingual? Why not? I mean you grew up there, you have family there surely they'd have made sure you could speak Setswana." She asked.

"English is an official language of the Government and most people speak it well so there was no need for Setswana in daily life. As for my family, it's just another way they separated me from the rest. They almost never spoke Setswana around me, so I didn't learn the way my cousins did. So they're all fluent in both but I'm not. I guess it gives them another reason to treat me differently" I said with a shrug.

"Will you teach me a few words before we go? Just enough to say hello and be polite to your family."

"Of course love.

She gave me a beaming smile before returning her attention to her food. That conversation set the platform for her newest hobby, every night she'd ask me a few questions about what to expect on her trip. She'd read books about Botswana's history asking me questions when she wasn't sure.

I was curious, "Babe, why are you reading all this? You don't need to know it all, I barely know most of that stuff and I grew up there."

"That's why I'm learning it, you know it because you grew up there and it's part of you. It's a special part of what makes you who you are, and it's deeply important to you. That makes it important to me. Don't worry, these books can't teach me about what it's like to be there, they can't teach me the things you know, how you see it through your eyes, that's what I really want to learn, but we can't until I get there. This is just a way to satisfy my excitement and impatience to get there."

I laughed and kissed her "You know sometimes letting the excitement and impatience build makes the final reveal even sweeter. Anyway, we're going to Cape Town first, I don't see you digging into that."

"Cape Town is just a holiday, I've done the research. I'll drink wine, eat loads of delicious seafood, and meet you at the finish line of your half marathon. Maybe dirty up the hotel sheets every night if you're lucky. Botswana is you showing me your past. It's a holiday, but it's different. Everything you need to find out about me can be found within 45 minutes of our front door," she replied and pushed me away.

"Babe that's all fine, but remember this, my home is wherever you are. Oxford is just as much my home as Botswana is, I was born here and it's where I met you. That's more important to me than Botswana ever has been," I told her softly.

"I know, but it's so much better when you admit it out loud," she said with a deep laugh kissing me.

When Monday morning came I was nervous. I had managed to get Sarah out of the house with the excuse I was working from home before my meetings. In reality, I needed her out of the house so I could steal one of the few rings she kept in her jewellery box for the sizing.

Mum and the girls surprised me by waiting for me at the jewellers.
