Mike's Navy: Femme Fatale


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He overhears, "They told us to bring him straight here when he arrived. He's your problem now."

A doctor comes around the counter and approaches Mike. "Hello Mr. Claymore, I'm sorry for the abrupt behavior but we'll try not to detain you any longer than is necessary. Please come into my office."

"What's going on, doc? Is it some problem at home?" he's anxious for Marlene and his son now.

"You come from Halifax? It appears the problem is there. Were you recently involved in a... uh, for want of a more delicate way of describing it, a sex orgy?"

"A what? God, no! Where did that idea come from?"

"Well, let me read over the complaint again." He reads a memo and adjusts his glasses. "It looks like the complaint arose in Ontario, in Burlington at the community health clinic. You have been reported by a certain John L Scott as a sex partner and so we have to test you. Please step behind the curtain and take off your pants."

"I never heard of this guy, Scott! If you need to check me out, please do so." He steps behind the curtain and pulls off his trousers. His shorts are wet ands stained. The doctor joins him and grins, "Got lucky today, did you? Let's hope you check out clean or you'll have to start reporting her first." He pulls on rubber gloves.

He does a very thorough examination of Mike's equipment and his body then tells him to get dressed. He has a questionnaire to be filled in concerning any possible symptoms and finally declares him clean. "Of course you realize the incubation period for all common VD is three to five days so we will have to look you over for another day or two. Please make yourself available."

He concludes, "Don't leave the base, don't have sex and report all possible symptoms immediately. We'll see you tomorrow."

Mike goes to the DO and gets a barrack room. It's late in the day so he goes to the mess hall and finds he's too late. He goes to the wet canteen and gets a beer with a hot dog. He sees a cute nurse still in uniform and apparently just off shift so winks at her and sidles up to her.

"Hi, I'm Mike from Halifax." He looks her over and realizes she's not a nurse, she's an M.D. "Can I rely on you to not report me for having sex when I'm not supposed to?"

She grins, "How's that again?"

"I've apparently been reported as a sex partner of someone with VD a few days ago so I'm under restriction from enjoying myself even though I test out clean. Is that fair?"

She shakes her head, "So who have you had sex with?"

"No one yet, but I'm afraid I'm guilty of it all the same in my mind and you're my poor victim. Can I buy you a drink?"

"You are totally out of line! I'm an officer and you're an NCO at best. How dare you?"

"It's your beauty that struck me. I couldn't resist. By the way, what's an officer doing in the enlisted men's canteen?"

"I came in looking for someone."

"And here I am. I didn't even know you were looking for me."

She grins, "You are persistent. So why have they restricted you?"

"The saw bones on duty said I have to be checked for a few more days to include the full incubation period. Can I come in and have you check me?"

Now she seems amused, "I suppose, I'll check when I go in. What's your name, sailor?"

"LS Mike Claymore. ma'am."

"Very good, I'm Doctor Lisa Ashe, check with me tomorrow."

"You mean you don't want to check tonight?"

She grins, "I haven't seen your file yet, Mike," then whispers, "Down boy." He studies her stats with a grin, maybe late thirties, brunette about five foot eleven with a forty four DDD, just his kind of gal. "Do I pass inspection?"

He growls, "Yeah." he adds, "Now I'll never sleep."

He has another dog and beer then leaves for a pay phone. He calls his in laws. "Mom, it's Mike. I'm at Esquimalt and they're holding me here for my three rest days on medical reasons. I was exposed to a bug of some kind and they have me under observation. I think it's a flu or something associated with the ammunition manufacturing but they use medical terms and I don't understand it."

"Have you called Marlene?"

"Not yet, it seems too late tonight but I shall in the morning."

"Yes, it's after midnight back there. Do you feel alright? What are the symptoms?"

"I feel great but they had me detained when I arrived today. I was asked if I had any sore spots or swelling or fever. I haven't any of those but they want to keep me under observation for a few days. I think it's some new flu or some bugs associated with the manufacture of munitions."

"Did they give you a physical?"

"Yes, they did and it was quite thorough."

"Well, I guess all you can do is follow orders. We'll see you when we can. You take care now, Mike and you let us know how you are before you go back."

"Good night Mom."

He returns to the barracks and puts in a washing. He includes his take of panties and the sheets. With everything nice and clean he goes to bed.

Friday May 24, 1985

Mike stops by the dispatch to see where he's going Monday. "If they clear you your off to Chilliwack to pickup for Cold Lake then a Calgary to Winnipeg run and a Winnipeg pickup for Trenton. You wind up with a load from Valcartier Ind. to home."

"It sounds good and they'll clear me, don't worry about that."

Next he calls home and tries to explain to Marlene why he's held up. He uses the same story he used with her mother and it seems to work.

Next he calls Maxi at FMF. "Hi Maxi, have you got any idea what's going down? I'm detained in Esquimalt over some sex party or something. They said the complaint originated in the east."

"All I know is HQ sent a memo claiming you were dosed up with VD and they wanted you detained until cleared. What'd you do? One too many?"

"You mean from Ottawa HQ?"

"That's right, you've gained national attention. Aren't you lucky?"

"I hope this is under wraps. I'm as clean as the new driven snow and I'm proving that to the docs here in Esquimalt."

"It's secret private information, Mike, and it stays that way but it goes in your file, innocent or guilty."

"That's not fair if I'm clean, is it?"

"No, but that's how it works. Sorry."

Mike gets off the phone fuming and decides to call Barbara. "What the fuck is going on?"

"Well, good morning to you too, Mike. Calm down, I'm sure you're clean. After all, I am and we were together last. It's John that blew it and he's getting treatment as we speak."

"So who put the finger on me?"

"That was John. He has to report his contacts and had his girlfriend call Ottawa. Somehow he knew you were navy and driving out of Halifax. But as I said, I knew you were clean so no biggy, eh?"

"I guess not except an entry goes into my file I was a sex partner of his and was reported to have VD. It will even say it was a false report but it stays on my file!"

"You're still lucky. He has Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia and 2 other related STDs. He got them at a party the night before our get together. He made the cardinal mistake of failing to get a checkup after his last party."

"Oh my God, he must have dosed up the mayor's youngest daughter, Shelley and the alderwoman. He must have gotten another one, let's see."

"Darlene, the kids' friend. Yep, they're all in treatment. I'm laying low for now."

"I had a bad feeling about that. I'll certainly never do that again. Well, Good luck, Barb. It's been nice meeting you but don't expect me back."

"I'm sorry you feel that way Mike. You're always welcome at my door. Good day now."

He hangs up and goes for breakfast. He thinks about what all has happened and is wondering how hard it would be if Marlene got wind of it. He has been far too careless and he knows it. He has to accept he still could be dosed up by any woman along the way. He resolves it will be best if he sticks with married women as much as possible or known sex partners. He wonders if the doctor's married. He decides it's time to go see her.

Mike drops in the hospital and asks if Dr. Ashe is in. The clerk checks a call board and says she is. She picks up a phone and soon tells him he can go right in. She points out the office and Mike goes to the door.

She's at her desk with charts spread out poring over them. She looks up and smiles. "We meet again. So how can I help you? Oh yes, you were the one with the possible dose. Let me check the file. Take a seat, I'll be right back." she goes to leave and stops, "Michael, what's your last name?"

He hasn't taken his seat yet so he's almost eye to eye with her. She's taller than he remembers but he thinks, she's more beautiful, too. "Huh, uh oh my last name? Uh, It's Claymore," he stares. "God, you're beautiful in the morning."

She blushes and pushes him down into the chair. "Now sit and stay." She laughs lightly as she goes out the door. She returns with his file. As she sits reading it she comments, "You have excellent general health." She browses, "Native Scottish cross, parents deceased..." she looks up, "Brown eyes like evening shadows, so what was this sex party all about?" She looks over his blood test.

"I have a friend whose mother has seduced me," he shrugs, "I always thought I had seduced her but it appears otherwise." In an off hand manner he says, "About your age or a bit older," then goes on. "I stopped at her place the other day to spend the night and she asked me to help her entertain some friends so of course I said no problem."

He looks her over with a lurid grin, "Have you ever heard of a glory hole?" She really blushes and lowers her eyes nodding. "Well, I hadn't until she showed me her setup in her bathroom and explained what I was to do. Well, a promise is a promise so I played the cat in the glory hole for the evening. It was a totally new experience to me but I suppose I enjoyed it. It turned out that the one matronly type brought her daughters and one of their friends."

"You serviced them all?" she staring at Mike with a hungry look in her eye.

"She brought me in some help but I did four of them so it was rather exhausting." She wants more details of the set up in the bathroom and asks him to draw a diagram. She hangs over his shoulder while he draws it and occasionally rests her hands on his back or hip. He can hear her breathing hard as he explains things.

"I guess we better do your examination for today." she steps to the door and locks it, "to protect your privacy," she explains. "Would you please remove your clothes. Don't fret, I'm a doctor so I see these things all the time." She tries to act casual.

Mike tries to focus on what he had for breakfast as he undresses but when he glances at her his slack semi hard penis suddenly stiffens and grows. Leaning against the desk the doctor is kneading a large breast through her shirt and staring with the other hand over her mouth. "Sorry Doc, it has a mind of it's own." He grins at her shocked look.

She steps forward and tries to pull on a rubber glove but finally just tosses it aside to reach and handle his erection. Biting her lip and almost drooling she says, "It seems healthy enough. Let's see the underside." She bends down inspecting it and fondles his sack, "It seems very healthy." Her voice is hoarse and her breathing is labored.

She sits down to study it closer and Mike can feel her hot breath on it which sets it to throbbing. He touches the top of her head and she leans forward a bit to kiss it. Her tongue snakes out to lick it around and around as her hand pulls her blouse open. Now Mike firmly places his hand on her hair and she takes the head into her mouth to suck on it.

He reaches down farther to knead her shoulders as she sets in to suck and lick his wand with vigor. Her one hand is stealing between her legs to rub and massage herself feverishly. She sucks on his balls and slides her mouth around them licking and sucking then works her way back up his sturdy staff. She closes her mouth over it and her head bobs up and down steadily for a full two minutes.

Mike reaches down farther to urge her to her feet by catching her under her arms and pulling up. She stares at him wide eyed as he turns her to the desk and has her lean over it raising the hem of her dress and lab coat. He pulls her panties to one side and runs his hand over her sodden swollen pussy before guiding his hard club into position to lean forward and drive into her.

She knows what's coming and steels herself by gripping the desk and pushing her ass to him so he can slide in easier. He punches in a few inches and has to work it to slide in farther and then farther as she starts to moan. She's tighter than he expected she would be but he feels lots of natural lube so goes in deeper and finally rests his pelvis against her ass. Now he starts rocking and driving into her thrusting steady and wishing she wouldn't moan so loud.

With her two legs planted far apart and her hands solidly on the desk she shoves back to give him tit for tat meeting him solidly on every thrust. He pushes her clothes up her hips and grips her then reaches up inside them to find her immense balloons to play with as he pounds into her. Now she's squealing with the grunts and he has to ease up. "Shhh," he whispers, "Not so loud, we'll draw attention."

"Who the fuck cares," she moans, "fuck me!"

He does her bidding and drives into her furiously as she squeals and moans and finally sags. He eases out of her quickly and helps her to a cot by one wall and lays her down to climb on her and do the missionary style. It's not long before he's cumming with her and she's filled with his sperm.

She grins a crooked grin, "You're clean and damn healthy, Mike! Make sure you come back for another inspection tomorrow and the next day."

He asks, "You're here on Sunday?"

"I'll come in for it." She struggles up from the cot dripping gobs of semen and reaches for medical wipes. She pulls out a few and hands him the box.

"I hope you're a regular visitor to our hospital, Mr. Claymore."

"I could easily become a regular, doc."

"Oh please, make it Liza." she laughs, "After what we just went through I think we're well acquainted now. I needn't tell you this goes no further."

"My lips are sealed." He finishes dressing.

"Then seal those lips with mine." she comes to him and they kiss to seal the deal.

Back in the barracks he thinks about her and wonders if she's married. He can't remember any wedding rings on her fingers but he does remember one on her right hand ring finger. Likely a birth stone or maybe a family ring. He'll have to pay more attention tomorrow.

In the afternoon he goes for a walk around the harbor on the base and studies the ships in port. He gives a lot of thought to his lifestyle and what devastation it would bring to the lives of his partners like Bessie or Ariel or Baby if he infected them. It was a close call and he resolves to have medical check ups much more frequently in the future. He owes that to his wife and son in their future.

Saturday, May 25, 1985

Midmorning he's back to see Dr. Ashe and he's sent in to the lab for another blood test prior to meeting in her office. "I thought it better to get that out of the way before my inspection." she says as she locks the door behind him. "Have a seat, Mike." She goes around the desk and sits to study him. "I dreamed about you last night. My husband thought I was aroused over him so he fucked me and I imagined it was you. Do women tell you that often?"

"They often tell me they're wet when I'm around and some even say they have spontaneous orgasms when I'm around or touch them. You realize you were full of my cum when he fucked you. I hope he didn't notice."

"How do you know I didn't suction myself out before... no, you're right, I was full of your seed and he didn't notice. You're so cocky, so sure of yourself. I wonder if that's part of your charm. I'd love to study you for a long time." she bites her lip and shakes her head. "I wish I knew you when I was in med school. We were a wild crowd and you would have fit right in."

"So did you suction yourself out this morning?" he grins.

"I ask the questions... and yes, I did as a matter of fact. I'll let you examine me after I examine you." She grins. "You might as well get out of those clothes." She shrugs out of her lab coat and stands to unbutton her blouse. He notices as he disrobes that she doesn't have a bra on today. His bulge in his trousers actually bounces with his heartbeat. It is that hard that he has trouble getting his trousers off and his shorts stand out before him.

In panties she comes around the desk and says, "Okay, let's have a look at that bad boy." She strokes it as she pulls his shorts out to clear it and drop them. She carefully looks his erection over inspecting it top and bottom then reaches back to her desk for a cloth tape. She measures and whistles low in her throat. "Much bigger around than I expected," she breathes. "No wonder you fill me so much. It makes it so satisfying after."

Mike pulls the front of her panties to peek down into them, "My turn now." She nods and waves her hand indicating go ahead. He lowers them and she kicks them away. He studies her thick brunette bush and gently parts the hair to expose engorged lips. He parts them and feels them for slickness and texture handling them freely.

"You trim this bush, don't you? I see your lips are free of hair although you have a full bush on your pelvis. Let's see it from behind." He turns her and has her bend over the desk. "Bend a little farther." He plays with her swollen lips between her legs. "You look pretty good to me. Come sit in my lap and I'll reward you." He draws her back and sits in the chair in front of her desk then seats her in his lap guiding her onto his hard throbbing cock.

"Do you like sitting on my sweet sucker, little girl?"

"I plan to taste that sucker today and taste that sweet nectar as well. I figure if you can service four females in one evening you can cum in my mouth and then in my pussy. How does that sound?" She bounces in his lap.

"I don't mind you licking if you allow me the same privilege. How about a 69 on the cot?"

"Do you like bottom or top?" She's still bouncing happily.

"Doesn't matter to me. How about side by side?" She nods happily and jumps up going to lay on her side. Mike joins her laying the opposite way and they both raise a knee for access. She mutters, "The thing is we are close to the same height, so it works great," she seizes his erection and starts sucking on it. Mike fingers her and nuzzles in to kiss and lick her lips. His tongue slips between the lips and he works around her clit feeling it stiffly on his tongue. "Yep, you cleaned it."

He licks it freely and she wiggles her bottom sucking on him faster and harder. He licks her clit until she climaxes and he lets her cool a moment then inserts his fingers to go for her G spot. He licks lightly up and down her lips as he probes and rubs her rough patch. She goes nuts sucking and swirling her tongue and sucking harder on him then bobbing to pump him off. She knows what she's doing and it's having it's affect on him.

Quickly he gets her off and doesn't let her down before he has her off again and then again and one more time. She grabs him and strokes him fast as she sucks and bobs and sucks harder finally feeling him grow. She giggles and coughs as he catches her off guard then swallows fast and licks her lips to catch some of the spillage only to cough again and swallow again and still some more. She laughs, "I love it!"

They lay a few minutes recouping and panting. She whispers, "Did someone knock on the door?"

"I don't think so." Mike looks over his shoulder.

"I better call the desk," she slips away and picks up the phone. "Was there a message, Eve?"

"I have a patient in my office."

"Yes, please do not disturb." She hangs up. "I thought I heard a light tap on the door. There won't be any more." She comes back to him naked, "Where were we, do you need more time?" She turns and wiggles her tush giving him full view of her bottom.
