Mike's Navy: Femme Fatale


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Mike grins, "That works for me." He backs her to her desk and mounts her in the middle of it. They thrash around almost spilling from it many times as they slap into each other. They push almost everything onto the floor with their gyrations and Mike finally kisses her deep to slow them down.

He slides off her and pulls her off with him bending her over the desk and entering her from behind. He pounds into her giving her orgasm after orgasm until he feels that tickle, that swelling of pressure and that glorious relief with the shooting of his fluids far up inside her. He lets it shoot and spurt and he pushes into her all the same thrusting and thrusting until she cums again. His withered tool drops out of her and she gushes then drips semen and fluids.

Bending over her they rest panting and weak. He moves away and she simply lays over the desk dripping. He whistles low, "Whew, babe! That was something else! You squirted!"

He looks around at the mess and says, "I can help you clean up in here." He reaches for the box of wipes and shares them with her. They clean up the office together and make it neat again.

She says, "Well, one more day and I give you the all clear. You're blood tests have been consistently good and you're 100% in my book. No need to report your contacts now."

"That's a relief. I'm not sure how I would explain it to them."

"Any sex partner of yours must be aware of the risks involved. You should make them aware, it's the responsible thing to do."

"Do you warn your husband?"

She grins, "Touché, you got me."

He gets up, "Tomorrow, Liza." he goes to the door and unlocks it. She nods as he leaves. Today he draws stares as he goes and clerks titter with other clerks pointing his way. He ponders that they were a bit noisy today.

He misses brunch in the mess so comes back in a half hour for lunch. He takes a cup of coffee with him back to the barracks. He ends up in the lounge watching TV and after the news goes back to his room to lay down. Before supper he goes around to check on his truck and puts everything in shape to take off tomorrow afternoon.

Sunday, May 26, 1985

Sunday morning the barracks are quiet. He goes for breakfast and finds Liza chumming with the DO on the breakfast line. She says quietly, "See you around ten."

Mike nods and goes on through to build up his reserves with solid food. He figures she's going to wear him out today. He dines by himself not having made any new friends while here. He thought of sneaking off base last night but decided to behave himself.

Quarter to ten he heads to the hospital and when he arrives the clerk waves for him to go on in. Mike nods grinning and thinking everyone is watching him now. He raps and she calls, "Come in, Mike." He opens the door and steps inside. "Lock it, please."

"How did you know it was me?"

"I'm not in to anyone else. Come, sit down. give me a moment." She's writing a report. "There, that takes care of that. You're clean and free to go. I doubt you were exposed at all, it was completely an erroneous report and I suspect made in jest or to embarrass you. The tragedy is it will go on your record, albeit as an erroneous oversight. It's hard for a married man to explain."

"Can it be submitted as a test for AIDS?"

"Why would you want that?"

"You're a doctor, are you 100% certain that AIDS cannot be transmitted by casual contact?"

"I'm convinced but I know of a number of members of the medical community who would disagree with me. Are you suggesting a test for AIDS might be made for something less than sexual contact?"

"That's how I plan to sell it to my wife, and tonight to my mother in law."

A slow smile creeps across her face, "I bet they'll buy it. Very clever but unsupportable if they inquire deeply. You're a devious man, Mike Claymore," she grins. "I like you!"

One last time they romp in her office and set the ears to burning in the halls. They conduct an insanely wild session of intercourse leaving the air ringing with the slap of flesh on flesh and the strong odor of amore. When they part it is too late for him to get any lunch in the mess so he goes instead to the DO and shows his release. He then man's his truck and warms her up, checking her out. He pulls to the gate and shows his release then double checks his loads and he's gone for the ferry.

He heads for Abbotsford and the McRae's. He stops at Zellers and gets a letter size white envelope on which he prints carefully, AIDS test #1211BR59841. He drops his release in it and goes on his way. He has read the release and it says simply he is fully clear of any disease (it does not specify VD) and it includes results of blood tests, toxin levels, etc. As he explains to Nancy later a lot of it doesn't really make sense.

He guesses it's to do with the frequency of AIDS cases at the plant in Ontario where he hauls the munitions from. They seem to think they have to check out everyone who has anything to do with that place. Perhaps it's a new strain or a possible spreading of the disease by casual contact or something like that. He's sure they would keep that secret to avoid panic.

"Of course this is mere speculation. They wouldn't tell me specifics and treated me like they were testing me for the flu but when they released me today they said I was clean of everything including AIDS. That's when I started thinking about that possibility."

"It's just like the government to keep these things secret. I suppose if you check out clean that's good anyway." She looks over the release again and shakes her head.

Chapter 64

Monday, May 27, 1985

Mike rolls out early and has the diesel humming when Nancy calls 'breakfast's on'. He brings his thermos and she fills it while he eats. He meets Gerrard in the driveway coming in from work. They chat a few minutes and he's off.

He hooks up out at CFB Chilliwack with a trailer going to CFB Cold Lake, Alberta. His route north to Jasper then east to Edmonton and Cold Lake. About 800 miles or maybe 1400 kms. He nods, at least two days. He waves to the gate guard and heads out the valley for Hope.

Occasionally he tries calling Helen but doesn't have any luck. He'd like to at least talk with her and let her know about his son. He's tempted to stop in Kamloops but can't really afford the time. He does stop there to grab a quick lunch and call her number but it rings and rings. He goes on for Tete Jaune Cache and the Yellowhead Hwy where he swings east. As he leaves the mountains behind he watches for a Husky House in Hinton. He's stopped here once before.

He pulls in and fuels up then goes for a bite. Inside he finds Sophia Delaney, a sweet five foot five dark brown haired waitress with an amazing bust he would judge to be about a 32G and he does his best to impress her.

"I'm Mike and I'm on my way to Cold Lake. Have you ever been up there?"

"Nope, what would you like?"

"Are you on the menu?"

She smacks him with the menu before slating it down on the table, "I'll be back." She rushes to the till and cashes out two other truckers. Mike looks around and smiles. They have the place to themselves.

He calls, "I'll start with coffee, please." She brings the pot and fills his cup, dumps some creamers and stands looking at him. "Is there any special left?"

She flicks her thumb towards the door, "Those two guys finished it. There's just the menu items."

"Sorry if I offended you with my comment. I just meant that you're quite attractive and I'd like to get to know you better."

"I get hit on 100 times a day and it gets tiresome, especially when I'm done for the day. I thought those two guys were my last." She shrugs.

"I'll eat as quick as I can then. I'm here for the night so I only want something light to sleep on."

She grins, "And you think it could be me." She laughs, "I've heard them all. That's what you were thinking, wasn't it?"

Mike's sheepish grin gives him away, "Yeah, I guess."

"You know you're not a bad looking guy and I could really go for you, I'm a sucker for guys in uniform, but a girl likes to be appreciated for something other than her big tits." She pushes them out there. "Now aren't these why your interested in me?"

"Actually it was the smile that caught my eye but I do admit those babies were a quick second. You have a very beautiful smile and oh so kissable lips."

She promptly turns and sits in his lap, "Okay, you've won me over. Carry me away." she adds, "But only after you kiss these lips." He quickly obliges her wish and she exclaims, "Oh dear, you're a good kisser." She jumps up and fidgets. "Have you decided?"

"Do you mean your place or mine? I'm not sure where you live."

"I mean what do you want to eat... and don't you dare say me."

"I think an omelet. How about this five cheese one and do you have some salsa."

"I don't think so but I know we have some chili sauce and it's like salsa."

"That sounds good. Thanks Sophia and I'm Mike."

"Well, I live here upstairs, Mike. I have a small apartment but it has a private entrance so it's like home." She smiles and whispers, "Can we try that kiss again?"

Realizing this might be the start of another beautiful friendship he puts his all into it and this kiss is a knockout. She goes to the kitchen in a daze.

She brings his omelet with chili sauce and stands beside him as he tries it. "Spicy and delicious," he declares as he tries the sauce and she waves a warning finger at him.

"Don't you dare say it." She looks him right in the eye. He shrugs and eats his omelet.

He finishes and pat his stomach, "Well, have we decided?"

Sophia is cautious, "I'm scared to ask but what?"

He shrugs, "Your place or mine?"

She laughs, "And what does your place offer?"

"Privacy, comfort and a night you'll never forget!"

"Mine gives me privacy, comfort and security from big bad wolves."

"Not many romantic memories originate there, do they?"

Sophia acts coy, "They might if I let the big bad wolf in sometimes."

"Ah touché, I yield to the lady of wisdom and wit."

"And your prize is you get to walk me to my door."

They walk together to the till and he pays his tab. She steps to the kitchen pass through and calls, "Good night Pete, it's all yours." They leave through the front door and she guides him around the building to a rear covered stairway that they ascend. At the door at the top Sophia asks him, "Do you feel lucky?"

Mike hesitates realizing that's a loaded question. If he says yes he's dead and if he says no he's dead. "I do feel lucky to have met you and even have the privilege to escort you to your door."

She chuckles, "Good answer, won't you come in for a nightcap?" She unlocks the door and he follows her inside. It's definitely a lady's apartment with a fine white couch and white lampshades on brass. Mike slips his boots off as she flops on the couch regarding him. "Please make yourself comfortable while I go and get out of this uniform. You can fix yourself a drink there at the side bar."

"Nothing alcoholic for me."

"There's juice," she says as she goes through a door. He looks around. It appears she has a kitchen, a living room entrance with entrance foyer, a bedroom with an ensuite and that's about it but tastefully funished.

He calls, "Did you choose the decor?"

"I did," she calls, "Do you like it?" She emerges from the bedroom in a flowing sheer white robe with obviously dark bikini panties under it. Mike whistles low and she smiles with a rosy blush in her cheeks. "I asked you if you liked it."

"I like it!" He adds, "Let me be clear, I'm speaking of the decor but I also like what I see before me. You're exquisite!" He turns, "Can I fix you anything?"

"Orange juice if you're not drinking." He pours two orange juices and brings them to the couch. "They added this apartment shortly after they hired me so they asked me what I would like to see in it. It was nice to have a hand in decorating it."

"You have good taste. I'm judging that by this room but I can see the light tile in the kitchen and the stainless frig plus the edge of solid heavy furniture in the bedroom. It all looks good."

She gets up, "Come see." she leads him to the kitchen showing it off then across the living room to the bedroom door. "The bathroom is in here," she enters the bedroom leading him by the hand and crosses to a door by the canopy bed.

Mike is looking around the bedroom and says, "As I thought, good solid wood dresser and bed boards. I like the canopy as well." He follows her into the bathroom. "Bright and fresh, just what I would expect." She turns to him and backs him out till he feels the edge of the bed press the back of his legs.

She looks up into his eyes and moves in closer for a kiss. "Are you a wolf?" They kiss and he loses balance ending up with her on top of him on the bed and involved in a deep passionate embrace. She lifts her head with an impish grin and says, "Oh my goodness!" as she feels his wooden erection. Mike has a feeling he's not in charge anymore and he wonders if he ever was.

He emerges in the morning with a pair of bikini panties and a satisfied grin.

Tuesday May 28, 1985

Three hours into Edmonton and another three puts him into CFB Cold Lake to drop his trailer and grab some lunch then it's off to Currie Barracks at CFB Calgary for a trailer going to Winnipeg. He picks it up south of Calgary around eight and fuels up there as well. Then he sees the DO and gets a barrack room for the night.

Wednesday May 29, 1985

He's off early again and lunches in Moose Jaw then makes it on through to CFB Winnipeg by seven PM local time to drop his trailer, fuel up and pick up another trailer for CFB Trenton. Again he gets a room from the DO.

Thursday May 30, 1985

He's off early for the east and expects to make Thunder Bay for lunch so he prepares to greet Racquel at Leppanen's Esso. She gives him a rough time about ducking out on them and he tells her he has a son now. She teases him and waves when he leaves. She knows he'll be in for the night and go dancing with her again one day.

At seven PM local time he pulls into the East End Husky in Sault Ste Marie. He fuels up and heads into the restaurant. They're both here tonight. Jessie is relieving his favorite redhead, Jenny. "Hey, now we can go dancing." he declares.

Jenny laughs, "That was last night, Mike. I told you Wednesdays and Fridays. It's Thursday, you nut."

"You mean I'm here on a Thursday night and I haven't got a reason to spend it with you?" She shakes her head.

Jessie speaks up, "I guess you'll have to spend it with me." Jenny spins and stares at her in surprise. Jessie chuckles, "Well, you're not interested. are you?"

Jenny states, "We're going dancing." She spins on Jessie, "He's married, you know." Jessie smiles and nods. To Mike, "Well, let's go!"

Mike shrugs, "I'm with you." He follows along outside and they go to her car. "Are we actually going dancing?"

"No, but I'm not leaving you here for that bleach blonde hussy."

"You mean that's not natural?" She just laughs as she steps on the gas and they peal out of the lot heading down town. She pulls in by the border crossing at the Nicolet Tavern and parks. She nods at Mike and gets out. "Come on."

They go inside and there's dancing in a club atmosphere but you have to buy beer to stay. Mike complains he will only be able to consume one but Jenny says she'll drink for the two of them and orders four. She chugalugs one when they arrive and guzzles another before they go dancing.

She's surprisingly light on her feet and easy to dance with so Mike begins to really enjoy himself. She reminds him a bit of Billie at Big Walt's when she's drinking but he never held that against Billie so why should he her. After a couple dances Mike nurses his single beer and she's finishing off her third when she asks, "Want ta get a motel room?"

"I have one." He grins, "My truck cab converts to a roomy comfortable bedroom. Care to check it out?"

"Okay, as long as Jessie doesn't see us. I don't want her fucking nose in my business." She pokes his chest, "Don't fuck her, she's dosed up. Remember I told you and I know. She's a slut!" She looks at him on an angle, "You haven't been fucking her, have you?" Mike shakes his head.

"I think I better drive us back. Keys?" She hands him the keys and slouches in the seat. She pulls another beer out of her pocket and opens it. "Uh, whoa now. None of that or we'll go nowhere. Put it away." She slips it down between the seats in an upright position and Mike starts the car.

He has the general layout of the town in his head so he heads out towards the east end. She drapes herself over his shoulder and sighs in his ear. "If I can't have a bottle to suck on what can I do?" She's fishing around between his legs and Mike's reacting. He hears his zipper ratcheting down and then feels fingers pawing around his erection.

"Hey, take it easy. We'll be there soon now." But she's set him loose and she's licking the head. She takes long licks of the shaft and then swirls the head again. Quickly she pushes as much as she can in her mouth and bobs up and down on him sucking wildly. Mike has to pull to the curb and leans back to let her work.

She sucks and licks him up and down the shaft and soon is swallowing as much as she can until she chokes herself then tries to push it further down her throat. She is stroking his organ as she sucks and it feels so good Mike knows he's close. He grins and leans over her to play with her pussy as she sucks harder. He whispers, "You're going to get a mouthful very soon, love."

She just sucks harder and works her hands on him so when he feels it's cumming it's too late to say anything except grunt and let loose. She gulps and gasps then gulps again swallowing as fast as she can. Finally she looks up at him with ejaculate drooling down her chin and laughs then licks up any she can find.

"What'd you stop for?" She reaches down between the seats and starts guzzling the beer again. Since they are close Mike says nothing but drives on to the truck stop. He swings around the back so no one inside will see them and parks near his truck. He locks her car up as they head to the truck then assists her up feeling her wet pussy.

She sits pouting when he seats himself beside her. "Where's your bedroom? You don't even have a sleeper."

He releases the seat to fall back and while she's off guard pulls the screens out from behind the seat. He quickly inserts them giving them privacy. He hauls out the bedroll and spreads it for them. "Voila! My bedroom!" He adjusts the lighting and the radio music.

She feels the seat and smiles, "Not bad, not bad at all."

He pulls off his shirt and says, "Let's hit the sack. Would you like a hand?" They quickly undress each other. They spend the night copulating, teasing and pleasuring each other.

Friday May 31, 1985

He watches the sober Jenny leave waving out her window to him. He goes inside for breakfast and wonders if Jessie is really dosed up. He's not surprised she's a bleach blond, he has noted the dark roots. At least he now knows Jenny's a natural redhead. He eats in silence then leaves.

He lunches in Barrie north of Toronto and pulls into CFB Trenton just after seven PM. He drops the trailer, fuels up and calls home. Then it's time to bobtail to Millhaven and see if he can get his trailer out of there tonight. He gets in by eight and they book him out with a load for Halifax. He heads out to Angelo's Truck Stop in Spencerville for the night.

Time for a late night snack so he ducks inside and is greeted by an unknown brunette. "Hi, I'm Mike. I was expecting Cocco. Is she still working here?"

"Oh yeah, she's off shift. I'm Teddy. Can I get you something?"

"I'm partial to omelets this time of day. What you got?" He settles on a Farmer's Omelet made with lots of cheddar cheese, bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms and his usual coffee. The omelet's great and the coffee good but no sign of Cocco and he has a restricted load so he can't leave it to go find her.