Mike's Navy: Femme Fatale


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Saturday, June 1, 1985

He gets a good night's sleep and she wakes him early with a bang on his door and a quick kiss as she goes to open. He joins her for breakfast then heads for home. He makes St. Nicolas for lunch and Tory teases him about having her panties. They joke around and he has to go. He promises to stop next load. He makes it into the Border Big Stop Truck Stop for the night. He fuels up and goes to eat.

"Good night, Nina. Can I get something light? How about a hot dog, no, make that two hot dogs and coffee."

"What a horrible diet. You're going to try to sleep on that?"

"Sure, why not?" He thinks a moment. "What would you suggest?" He's halfway serious since he knows she has placed the order already.

"Maybe a grilled cheese or a toasted BLT or even poutine. There's lots of light items on the menu."

"Sure, and hot dogs!" he grins

"Well you could go with a cheese dog or a chili dog. How about a Bavarian with sauerkraut? Maybe with chopped onions, relish and mustard."

"Mustard and relish is okay. That's enough."

It comes and she's put a few pickles on the side. He grins and accepts it and finds they're pretty good. "So when are we going to get together, Nina?"

"Why Mike, you've never propositioned me before. What are you suggesting?"

"You mean you'd welcome that from me? I always had the feeling you have other interests. Don't you have a boyfriend?"

She waves her hand, "Had a boyfriend and that's the problem, he's a boy. I need a man friend to make me happy." she smiles, "Are you man enough?"

"I never had any complaints." He winks. "How late are you working?"

"Until six."

"Oh dear, that won't work at all. I'll be up and gone by six."

She does a cute pose, "And look what you'll miss."

"Nina, You're teasing me."

"That's just the way it is, Mike. You win some, you lose some. That's life!"

Mike curls up alone tonight and gets a good night's sleep.

Sunday, June 2, 1985

Late in the afternoon he pulls into the magazine on Bedford basin and drops the trailer in the secure park. Guard on duty signs for it and he pulls around to FMF. He checks with dispatch but they don't even have him back yet so no new orders for Thursday. He transfers his personal stuff from the Hayes to Tryst and shuts her down.

He decides to touch base with Bev in case Barbara's been in touch. He drives around to her PMQ and rings the bell. She comes to the door looking particularly harried. "Come in Mike, you have a key. Why so formal?" She looks out to see if anyone's with him.

"I just got in from the west and was wondering if Barb has called you lately?" They go back to her bedroom where she is changing Janet.

"She called and I know you are both clean. At first I was shocked you'd take part in such a crazy stunt but on reflection I realized it was just the type of thing you would love to try at least once. So what was it like, fucking all those women?"

"It was very impersonal, I never met one of them and they wouldn't recognize me if I met them on the street. There's something wrong with that. For instance, the women that were dosed up have no idea who did it to them. They were violated, raped in a way, in that they were subjected to VD by a stranger without any say in it. It's sick. I wouldn't do it again."

"Yes, I can't imagine why a woman would want sex that way but it's popular with the women who do like it. Some are just hungry for cum, I think. They have an appetite for lots of it. Now I like yours and Jack's but I can't imagine drinking an anonymous donor's. I think knowing the individual is part of the appreciation for their juices." Her hand is stroking the front of Mike's pants and she licks her lips. "Let me put Janet in her crib."

It isn't long before they're on the bed with her sucking on his rock hard cock and him playing with her large bulbous breasts. They roll and frolic in her large King size bed until they are both satiated and breathless.

Mike sits on the side of the bed and asks, "I have a problem and wonder if you can help me with it. The situation in Burlington led to one of the participants turning me in to the navy as a sexual contact due to the dosing. That's on my file. How do I explain that to Marlene?"

"Oh Mike, I never thought of that. Why does she have to know?"

"Well, his report to the navy led to my being held for three days testing in Esquimalt for possible VD since the incubation period is three to five days."

"It's three days out there so they only needed to test you for two."

"I convinced the wild cute doctor to keep me for three. She was very obliging."

"Oh Mike!" She swats his shoulder. "All the same how does that mean Marlene will know?"

"In British Columbia I normally stay at her parents' place so the story I gave her mother may not work with Marlene. Tell me what you think of it."

"You mean she has likely talked to her mother and you want to know if you dare go home."

Mike smiles ruefully, "Something like that. This is the story I gave her mother. I claimed new cases of AIDS around the munitions plant I haul from have health care professionals worried that casual contact might be a possible way of transmission for some new strain so they are testing all contacts. It's very hush hush to avoid panic."

"AIDS eh, I suppose to laymen the transmission methods are not so clear cut as they are to professionals in the health field and even there sometimes confusion. Play it low key so she doesn't check with her doctor and you should get away with it."

"That's what I thought but I decided to run it by you first since you might spot some reason it's not feasible."

"Making me your accomplice, eh?"

"You've been my accomplice for quite some time, my dear."

"Since first you spied my titties, eh?" Mike nods with a grin.

He gets dressed, "I better head home. Thanks for your advice and your warm welcome. You always amaze me, Bev. By the way, I told your mother in law that I have absolutely no sex with you, that I was Jack's best man and would not do that. I don't know if she believes me or not."

She smiles, "She believes you. Now I understand why she tells me some of the things she does like I would never know them, like the size of your cock and other things." She laughs. "She thinks she's shocking me!" They both laugh and he leaves for home.

They go out for supper and Marlene is thrilled he's home and they can take the baby out now. Her mother wouldn't agree but Marlene doesn't have to answer to her when she's in far off BC. Richard is well behaved and sleeps in his carrier so they enjoy a fun meal then go home. Mike explains his testing in Esquimalt in an off hand way and she never questions him.

She nurses Richard and they then get him cleaned up for bed. He drifts off so they take advantage of the free time to roll and tussle on the bed. Marlene wants him to go ahead and fuck her but he says they better obey the doctor and get her properly on birth control pills before they do that.

He plays with her with his fingers and his mouth until she orgasms a few times and she tries to suck him but quits to complete things with a hand job. It's a play time for them and a sweet homecoming for Mike. He's so thankful for Nancy's help but also so glad to find her gone when he comes home.

Of course there still lurks in the distant background the fear that a murderess is out there watching and waiting.

Monday, June 3, 1985

Mike is up during the night with the baby once and wakes to find the other side of his bed empty. He peeks in the nursery and she's there with Richard nursing. "Would you like a glass of milk, dear?"

"Coffee would be better. Are you making some?"

"I am," he goes to the kitchen. He thinks of Maxi and then of Bev. He could fuck them both in a row this morning after spending a night with his wife and can't touch her. He makes his coffee watching down the hill to Maxi's house. He thinks, 'Damn, I'm horny!'

He brings fresh coffee back to Marlene and she looks in misery. She brightens up when he comes in. "Thank you, love."

"What's wrong? You looked so sad when I came in."

She looks down and whimpers, "I want you so much. I want you inside me. I need you, Mike. I feel it strongest when I nurse the baby. I love you so much and hate to have to deny you. I'm sorry I'm not stronger."

"We'll get you on those drugs as soon as possible, love. Once your protected we can do whatever we want. Be patient. I think I'll check out my schedule this morning. Is there anything you need from the store?"

"I don't think so but I could use a hand with the laundry later. It's all those diapers, you know."

"Sure thing, as soon as I get back. I shouldn't be long."

He drives to the office and bounces up the stairs, briefcase in hand, to Maxi's office. "Good morning, beautiful," he nods towards the boss' office, "He in?"

"He's gone to a staff meeting and says he'll be back around eleven. So how come so cheerful?"

He opens his briefcase, "How about these?" he dumps the six pairs of panties on her desk. "Dig those fancy ones."

"Oh my God, no wonder they were checking you out. You're a sex maniac. Are those real gems?"

"They sure are. She had the glass beads replaced with genuine gem stones after she got them."

"Are these all from different women?" Mike nods. "Not local women?" He shakes his head. "You do have fun, don't you?"

"I got in last night. I couldn't get you out of my mind this morning. Marlene can't do anything yet for another two weeks but I get to sleep with her. Damn, I'm so fucking horny!" He just shakes his head.

"Oh Mike, you came to the right place, baby. I'll look after you." She looks around, "The washroom, let's go!"

Quickly they rush to the nearby staff washroom and open the door to a stall but don't even wait to enter it, they clutch each other kissing and Mike pins her back against the wall. Their passion drives them and she pulls his belt as he raises her skirt to play with her wet pussy. He pulls her panties to one side as she sets him free so she wraps one leg up around him pulling him closer. "Oh Mike, what if someone comes in?"

"They can get their own." He pushes into her and thrusts hard bouncing her against the wall. She tilts her pelvis to let him in straighter and pushes back. He bounces her off the wall over and over thrusting harder and faster. Her leg sags and Mike eases up. He backs away and pulls her into the stall where she can sit in his lap. He pulls his pants down out of the way and shorts with them then guides her down.

Now she bounces on him and he thrusts up into her. Panting she cries in ecstasy as he let's loose and fills her. They pant and rest then clean up. "Oh Mike, that was great. I wish you were my husband, I could take that every morning."

Mike is silent thinking he could start all over again. He murmurs, "Thanks Maxi, I really needed that. You're a life saver. Now where have they got me going this week?"

"Come on back in the office and I'll look it up for you." He follows her back. She asks over her shoulder, "What are you going to do with those panties after you collect them?"

Mike laughs, "You got your eye on that one pair, don't you?"

"Why not, those are Frederick's of Hollywood."

"I don't know. It's fun to ask a lady for her panties and have her be happy you want them. I don't always trick them out of them, you know. I won those fancy ones in a bet with her."

"Okay, you have old ammo for Napierville but we want an officer moved back from Kingston to Gagetown then back for another Napierville so we're not sure on your rest days. You may get two or you may get three before that second Napierville because you are likely going west from it.

Chapter 65

Thursday 6 June, 1985

Mike is on the road early for Napierville with a load of old ammo. It's been a mixed weekend in that he hasn't gotten much sleep but he has got lots of sex from Maxi and Bev. He also got a pair of Bev's panties for his collection and turned them in to Maxi with a smile. Instinctively she knew whose they were and she was right.

He pushes the speed and passes lots of possibilities for lunch but stops for a late one in Edmundston at the Pirate of the Sea Truck Stop. Ellie Rowiene is just waiting for relief so she stops to wait on him. "Hi there, are you new? I don't recall ever seeing you before. I'm Mike."

"I've been here quite a while, I think. I'm Ellie and I can get your order although I'm waiting for my relief."

"I just stopped on my way towards Montreal for a late lunch, what we got on special?"

"Montreal? Are you going to go that far tonight?"

"No, I figure about St Nicolas, across from Quebec City. I usually stop around there at a truck stop."

"Oh, that far? Hmmm, do you know what you want?"

"How about poutine?" She nods. "Okay, bring me that." She seems to be preoccupied. "Is that your relief?" He points.

"Oh yeah. Yeah, that's her." she goes off to be relieved and Mike's not sure if she has his order. The two girls go through the kitchen door so he figures it's taken care of.

He studies the newest arrival. About twenty same as Ellie, black hair as compared to Ellie's caramel locks, both about the same height of 5'7" or 8" but in the boobs department, no comparison. Ellie wins hands down with about a 36F cup compared to the new gal with a mere 36D. Mike forgets about his order. Of course Ellie has about forty pounds on the other gal but he wouldn't kick either of them out of bed for chewing gum.

Ellie comes back to his table and sits down beside him. She smiles and asks if he can take her with him. "What? What do you mean?"

"I'd like to get a ride to Quebec City. Well, not right to the city but St. Nicolas will do." Mike looks her over and she appears nervous.

"Do you get rides this way often?"

"No, I'm sorry. Forget it." She goes to jump up but the other waitress bumps into her. She sits back down heavily. Mike reaches and takes her hand.

"Sit still a moment and think before you leap. Do you want a ride?" He regards her kindly.

"I'm not sure. Jane, what do you want?"

"Jane?" Mike turns startled then glances away. "Sorry, I was deeply involved with a Jane near here and she disappeared. It startled me, the name."

This Jane speaks, "Jane Tegan? At the border truck stop plaza? You must be Mike." Mike stares at her. "I knew her and I know most of the girls out there. I'm sorry for what happened."

"But who are you?"

"I'm Jane Tayca, I work the nightshift here. I was wondering what you'd like to eat."

Ellie speaks up, "He wants poutine."

Jane looks at her, "Did you order it?" Ellie shakes her head. Jane asks, "What kind of poutine, Mike?"

"Steak tips, I guess, and more coffee. Can you get my thermos filled?"

Ellie looks up from under lowered eyelids, "Am I with you?"

Mike grins, "Of course you are if you want."

She smiles and opens up chatting away to him. They chat until his food arrives and are still chatting as they leave the restaurant. He helps her up into the truck. She squeals and laughs when he feels her up... a way, way up! She's one big robust girl.

Shortly they are turning west at the river and heading upriver towards Quebec City. She regards him shyly and asks, "Did you do that on purpose?"

"Uh, what's that?"

"Feel me up when you helped me in."

He reflects, "I suppose I did. I do it without thinking sometimes but I do find you attractive so I likely was doing it on purpose."

"Do you want to have sex with me?"

"Are you offering?" Mike is caught off guard.

"I just want to know where we stand. I know some girls pay for their ride by having sex. Is that what you want?"

"No, I gave you a ride because you said you needed one and I'm going your way so why not? I don't expect anything for that. So you can stop worrying about that." She grins and nods. He holds up a finger, "However if you wanted to have sex I'm sure we'd both enjoy that. That's up to you."

She puzzles over that and soon suggests, "I guess we better find a place to stop then." It's nearly dark and Mike can see lot lights off the freeway so he slows and takes the exit. He eases into a shopping mall parking lot and pulls to a halt along one side out of the way.

"Is this a good place?" He winks at her with a grin.

"It's awfully public. What if someone sees us?" He sweeps the screens out and starts placing them in the windows.

He asks, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Are you? I'm just a fat little girl who wants to fuck. Why do you even want to do it with me?"

He plays with her hair, "I want to find out if this is your true hair color by inspecting you all over and I want to see the excitement in these exquisite blue green eyes when you orgasm over and over. I want to get to know Ellie from the inside as well as the outside. I want to be one with you."

She smiles sweetly, "Okay Mike, I do want to do it with you, too." she leans forward to kiss him and they fall into a long kiss. Mike can't resist feeling those 36Fs so he pulls her top open and lifts one cup at a time over the boulder. Her lips are sweet and the nipples thrill him. She moans softly as he plays with them and works her lips on his.

Mike parts his lips and her tongue sweeps in to chase his. She works her chest so his hands can knead the breasts. She pushes her tongue around his mouth and her inexperience is showing. Mike becomes concerned. He beaks off, "Ellie, have you done this before? Are you on the pill? You are eighteen, aren't you?"

She giggles, "Oh Mike, you're trying to make me feel good. I'm twenty one and have done this many times." She stops then adds, "Only with two others but many times and I been on the pill since I was nineteen."

"And you don't have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I do. That's why I hesitated but why not? You're married, aren't you? I figured you was because of the ring and allso if it's okay for you then why not for me. You said we'd both like it and I think you're right." Mike is still caressing her magnificent breasts as she rambles so he leans in again to kiss her neck. "Oh, I like that spot. Kiss me there again." He kisses in the hollow under her chin and she shivers.

She has large nipples and they are hard as little bullets to his fingers as he lays her back on the seat. He slides his hand up her leg between her thighs and she spreads them open for him pushing her pelvis towards his hand. He can feel she is very wet so he rubs her briskly. He feels her hands trying to get his pants undone so he helps her by pushing his pants and shorts down to his knees.

"Ohh," she handles him and sighs stroking him slowly. With her other hand she is pulling her panties down and kicks them off with her shoes. She pulls him up on her chest and wraps her arms around his neck. He is poised to enter her and she pulls his head to hers kissing him hard as he slides into her. She catches his tongue and sucks on it as he pushes deeper and starts to shuttle to and fro in her. With a slap, slap, slap he fucks her hard and fast smacking his balls on her plump ass.

She tries to wrap her chubby legs around him but can't quite do it so catches her heels on the backs of his legs and pulls to match his thrusts. He's pretty sure she'll cum easy because she has the experience to know what it takes and she does. He eases up to watch her and she smiles for him. "I see the excitement in your eyes, sweet lady." he murmurs. She laughs outright rolling her head back.

He moves slowly and then picks up speed to bring her off again but he eases up thinking he will over stimulate her. He has her turn on the seat and spoons her to slip into her from the rear and drive into her deep. He slaps her ass and works her fast then slows and feels her start to move with him. She pants and squeals as she climaxes again and Mike keeps right on punching into her and massaging her G spot with his rod.