Mile High


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'Well you didn't seem to have a problem when it was you on the receiving end,' she insisted 'Come on, I'll help you get started.'

Valerie reached down and cupped the back of my head with a large hand. Despite wanting to stop more than anything, I offered no resistance as she guided my head up between her thighs. She lifted her loose fitting dress and allowed me to duck beneath it; the dress was long enough that once inside it pretty much covered me. It was hot and stuffy in there but I was grateful for the small modesty it provided.

Her legs parted just enough to allow my head between them and then rolled back shut. Valerie's meaty thighs enveloped my head, I was trapped in a prison of flesh with my world reduced to the space between her legs. I couldn't see well but knew that my face was squashed up against her pussy, my lips on hers.

Knowing what was expected of me, I swallowed my displeasure and got to work with my tongue. Though I was no great talent in the bedroom, my ex-girlfriend had loved being serviced orally so here I knew what I was doing. I licked and probed at her clit with my tongue, kissing her as passionately as I would a lover.

From the way her thighs moved around me and the faint moans I heard emitted above me I knew I was doing a good job. As I figured the quickest way for this to be over was to bring her to climax, I ramped up the pace and worked away furiously. Unexpectedly I actually felt my cock start to stiffen again, pushing uncomfortably against the walls of its cage. Surely I wasn't starting to enjoy this!

Within minutes I had brought her to orgasm with my tongue. As she came, Valerie gripped my head viciously and ground it into her pussy. Her thighs clamped shut around my head hard enough that I saw stars. I struggled against her to great some oxygen which she seemed to relish for a moment, then relented and loosened her grip enough for me to slide back onto the floor.

I gulped down air greedily as Valerie looked down on me once again, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.

'That's quite a tongue you have young man, definitely something I can work with,' she said with a wink.

I had no idea what she meant by 'work with.' If she thought that I was ever going to see her again after this flight then she was very much mistaken.

To my relief Valerie's orgasm seemed to have satisfied her and the rest of the flight, though incredibly cramped and uncomfortable, passed without incident. In fact she pretty much ignored me,sat at her feet, and busied herself with making the most out of the tab I had set up for her.

She ordered an endless stream of champagne, chocolate and even some jewelry. I was going travelling on a budget and this would doubtedly take a significant chunk out of it. I had to bite back my anger but ultimately I knew there was nothing I could do about it. If the air hostess thought it strange that I was sitting on the floor she didn't mention it. Perhaps I wasn't the first poor sap Valerie had cornered into doing this.

After what felt like a lifetime we finally started our descent. Once the seatbelt lights came on Valerie allowed me to retake my seat and strap myself in. I'm not really a great flyer and normally hate the landing, but today I couldn't wait to touch down on the tarmac and end this once and for good.

We sat in silence as the plane landed and taxied over to the terminal. I was almost afraid that Valerie would just walk off and leave once we arrived but as the plane began to empty, she ordered me to pick up her bags and follow her into the terminal.

As I opened the overhead lockers and took out the mountain of bags I soon realised that it was going to be almost impossible to carry both my own hand luggage and her shopping. Especially since she had added to her load mid-flight at my expense. While I struggled to get them all out together, I heard a voice from behind me.

'Can I help you sir?'

I turned to see the beautiful air hostess smiling at me.

'Here let me take that for you,' she offered, reaching out and grabbing my bag.

Suddenly I felt positive again, her angelic voice had washed away the shame of the 9 hour flight. As she took the luggage from my hand she stepped forward so that she stood so close we were almost touching.

'Thanks for taking care of the old lady,' she purred, her eyes suddenly alight with passion and mischief 'she'll leave a hefty tip as always. Don't think I'm not grateful.'

She was close enough that I could feel her breath on my face and felt my cock stiffen in excitement.

'How about I keep hold of this,' she said, gesturing to my bag which she held 'and you come collect it from me in departures. Then maybe I'll give you that reward we were talking about.'

I winced as my cock strained against the walls of its cage, suddenly reminding me of my predicament. Finally I had met a beautiful women who seemed interested in me and my dick was locked away in a steel prison. I needed to get this of off me and fast, so I nodded eagerly and agreed to be there as soon as possible. Then hastily gathered up the shopping bags and scuttled after Valerie.

It took me a few minutes to catch up to her. How could such a large woman move so quickly? By the time I stopped alongside her she was waiting at luggage collection for her bag.

'Hey,' I panted, trying to catch my breath 'Erm before you leave do you mind... you know...'

'What, unlocking your cock?' she asked in amusement.

My cheeks burned red with shame. She made no effort to keep her voice down and we were getting some strange looks from our fellow passengers.

'Well, yes actually,' I muttered under my breath 'I have to be somewhere so need this off right now.'

'Well you'll have to be patient I'm afraid, I have a very important package to collect.'

With some restraint, I held back my retort. If Valerie didn't unlock me then I was never going to get anywhere with the hostess so everything was riding on me keeping her on side. Instead I flashed her my best smile and waited until her bag arrived on the conveyor belt.

After watching seemingly half of the airports luggage slowly trundle past, Valerie eventually reached over and plucked out her bag. Like her it was enormous but she seemed to manage it as though there were nothing inside. Was she just really strong or was this "important package" very light.

Before I could dwell on that thought she peeled away from the crowd and gestured for me to follow. To my relief she lead me to the entrance for the toilets, where the gents branched off to the left and the ladies to the right. I was finally going to have this thing taken off!

Just beside this entrance stood an impeccably dressed Arabic man, standing to attention. He wasn't particularly large but you could tell that under his pristine shirt, he was in good shape. As we went past Valerie motioned towards him.

'Pass the bags over to Javid will you dear' she instructed.

This struck me as odd, who was this man and why was he waiting for us? Nevertheless I was grateful to pass off the heavy bags so handed them over to him. He wordlessly accepted.

'Javid could you please bring the car around? I will be with you shortly, I just need to take care of something for this young man.'

I thought I detected a hint of a smile as Javid nodded and replied 'Yes Ma'am,' before taking his leave.

Still dragging her bag behind her Valerie continued forward through the entrance. I assumed she would head into the disabled toilet directly in front of us but to my horror, she turned right and into the ladies.

'Hey, wait!' I called after her 'I can't go in there.'

'It's the only place this is happening dear,' I heard her say as she round the corner and walked out of sight.

I sighed once again. Although I really didn't want to follow her into the ladies toilet but if I wanted this cage off then it looked like I had little choice. I looked around nervously, keen to avoid any prying eyes, then darted to my right and quickly went after her.

At the end of a thin corridor I found a frosted glass door upon which an 'out of order' sign was hanging. Not seeing anywhere else she could have gone, I tentatively pushed open the door and slipped inside.

The bathroom itself was whitewashed and brightly lit; it had the clinical feel of a doctor's waiting room. Being the first time I had been into a ladies toilet it was an alien environment. It was far cleaner for a start and aside from the rows of sinks and empty cubicles, the tiled walls were broken up only by one small window.

In front of the sinks stood Valerie, her huge black frame even more imposing against the bright white backdrop. She wore a satisfied grin on her face and looked at me as a cat might an unsuspecting sparrow.

'Alight then dear,' she began 'let's have those clothes off. I want you completely stripped and stood to attention.'

'Wait, surely I don't need everything off,' I asked, puzzled 'can't you just quickly unlock the cage so I can be on my way?'

Valerie threw me a withering look.

'You know I'm getting pretty tired of you constantly questioning me young man. One more show of insolence and you can damn well find someone else to get that thing off of you. Now strip!'

I hesitated for a moment but knew it was in my best interest to go along with it. Finding someone to cut the cage off once in Australia would be difficult and potentially costly. Her expensive taste of champagne had already taken a hit out of my travelling budget and I couldn't afford to lose any more. Plus there was the small matter of the attractive air hostess waiting for me just on the other side of those doors.

Reluctantly I unfastened my belt and let my jeans slide to the floor. I then kicked them off along with my shoes and removed my t-shirt to discard on the pile. Now wearing nothing but a cage over my cock and trying not to shiver, I stood straight and prayed that it would soon be over.

Standing naked in such a public setting, I had never felt as vulnerable. As Valerie paced her way across the tiled floor towards me I seemed to shrink in stature. The shaking began in my legs but by the time she reached me, it had grown into a tremble that shook my entire body.

As I tried to bring myself under control she stalked in a circle around me, examining her cornered prey. I flinched as her left hand lightly grazed my buttocks. Valerie seemed amused.

'There you go,' she whispered from behind me 'Now we can have some real fun.'

Without warning Valerie strode past me purposefully and in one swift motion, bent down to scoop up the pile of clothes at my feet. She briskly made her way across the room to the small window I had seen earlier. As she pushed it open I realised with a cold dread what she was doing but by then it was too late. There was nothing I could do as she pushed the bundle of clothes through the small gap and let them fall to the floor below.

My world froze. I felt the panic rise like the tide and my heart beat thunderously in my chest. Everything so far had been like some kind of weird game but suddenly it felt all too real. Valerie turned around and smiled, looking like the cat that got the cream. She stepped forward and began advancing slowly; my naked, pale body seemed to shrink into itself with each step.

As she reached me I realised I should be angry but all I could feel was fear. There was something about this woman that put me on edge.

'L-look,' I stammered 'I don't know what you want but please...'

'Shhhh,' she silenced me with a finger to my lips 'don't talk, just follow.'

Her hand slipped around my waist and she gripped my hip firmly. I allowed her to guide me across the room to the suitcase which she had brought in with her. She leaned forward and unzipped the case, allowing me to see inside. To my surprise, it was completely empty.

'Get in,' Valerie ordered, staring at me intently.

'Wait, what?' I exclaimed, sure that I had misunderstood.

'You heard me, get in the bag.'

I was speechless. A cold shiver ran down my spine as I stared into the dark abyss beneath the lid of the suitcase. My mind raced as I tried to think of an escape but I kept drawing a blank. All I knew was that if I got in that case, I would lose all control over a situation that was already spiralling alarmingly.

'Alright this is getting way out of hand,' I asserted, mustering as much authority as I could 'I'm not going to let you put me in a bag. If you don't give me some clothes and take this fucking cage off my cock right now, I will call security and have you arrested.'

The room stood still for a moment and Valerie just stared at me. The silence was deafening and I tried desperately not to show the fear I felt in my chest. The suspense was broken when, without warning, Valerie's hand darted forward and slapped me hard across the face.

I cried out in pain and reached up to touch my hot stinging cheek. the tension and fear of the previous few minutes was released as I burst into tears.

'Look I'm going to spell this out for you very clearly,' she barked, jabbing a thick finger into my chest 'in 30 seconds I am going to walk out of that door and one of two things is going to happen. Either you are going to be safely tucked away in the suitcase with me or you will be left in chastity and completely naked in the women's bathroom.'

She paused then added with a wicked grin 'I've heard the authorities have a somewhat conservative attitude towards public indecency in Dubai, I can only imagine what they would make of you!'

My heart skipped a beat as her plan finally clicked into place. She had me over a barrel. If I stayed here I would be arrested without a doubt and in this country God knows what would happen. At best I would be deported and registered as a sex offender but I could be looking at a lengthy spell in a Dubai jail. I had no option but to do as she said.

I blinked the tears out of my eyes and reluctantly stepped into the open case.

It was a tight fit but with a little effort I managed to lower myself in and squeeze my shoulders between each lid. By hugging my knees and curling up into a ball I was able to position myself so that my entire body had been swallowed into the case.

Through the slit of light available to me I looked by at Valerie, who stared down victoriously. Unable to hold back I was now crying into my knees and begging her to stop this madness.

'P-please, don't do this,' I sobbed, tears running hot down my cheeks.

Her hard expression softened and appeared almost sympathetic. She reached down and affectionately brushed the tears from my face.

'Hush now little one, don't be afraid,' she said soothingly 'There's nothing you can do. You just have to accept that you're mine now. Be a good boy and I promise i'll look after you. Okay?'

It was strange how this one kind gesture, even after all she had done to me, made me feel so much better. Looking up into her motherly face I could tell that she cared for me in her own way. Clearly she enjoyed tormenting me but something in her caring eyes told me I could trust her.

I choked back my tears and offered up a weak smile as I nodded in agreement.

'O-okay I'll be good, I p-promise,' I stammered.

'That's a good boy,' Valerie said, smiling affectionately 'but just in case you decide to do something stupid...'

She disappeared from my line of sight and I heard her fiddling with something. A moment later her huge black form reappeared and she bent down, reaching into the suitcase towards me. As her hand drew level with my face I could see she held a large pair of purple panties lace panties. I recognised them as the pair she had worn on the flight.

'Open wide,' she ordered.

Suppressing a shudder of revulsion at the sight of her worn, sweaty underwear I did as I was told. Valerie forcefully pushed the panties between my lips and I felt my mouth fill with the silky material. The taste of her was warm and sour against my tongue. It took every ounce of self control I possessed not to spit them straight back out.

As if she sense my temptation, Valerie rummaged in one of the cases outer pockets and removed a roll of duct tape. With a practised hand she ripped off a strip and used it to seal my mouth firmly shut.

'Just in case you felt tempted to do something stupid like try to cause a commotion once we leave the bathroom,' Valerie explained.

She took one last, longing look down at me and said 'We're going to have such fun together.'

Then she zipped the case closed and in an instant my world went dark. Once again the fear rose in my belly. The sides of the suitcase pressed against me and I tried to ignore then increasing sense of claustrophobia.

I couldn't believe just how quickly things had spiralled out of hand. All this because I couldn't control my damn cock. Why didn't I tell her to stop when she touched me on the flight. Or for that matter when she ordered me to carry her bags at the airport in the first place. Did I really think I stood a chance with the pretty air hostess? I could only curse the series of poor decisions that had brought me here, gagged and naked bar a chastity device, packed away in a suitcase like a pile of clothes by a domineering woman who had god knows what in mind for me.

The case tilted and I could feel that I was being wheeled along. It was obvious that we had left the bathroom but in the darkness it was impossible to judge how far we had gone. It felt strange to think that there were probably people all around me, completely oblivious to the fact I was being kidnapped right in front of them.

The temperature seemed to rise dramatically and I realised that we must have left the air conditioned terminal and were now outside in the unforgiving Dubai sunshine. My stomach lurched as the case rose off the ground and was put back down roughly. There was a loud thud followed by an eerie silence; then the familiar sensation of a car smoothly pulling away.

It dawned on me that I was now in real danger. If it weren't for the panties filling my mouth I would have screamed at the top of my lungs. I thrashed and kicked in a vain escape attempt but I already knew it was too late. Questions whirled through my mind. Where were they taking me? What did they want? Would I ever see my family again? I could do nothing but sob into the darkness as the car cruised on through the city, taking me to whatever terrifying fate lay in wait.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Please give us more of this story!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Please please PLEASE write more! I absolutely love your choice of story elements/kinks it's so rare to find so many good ones all in one story! The physically overpowering dynamic, the impossibly curvy/tall/large dom. The mentally overpowering dynamic, the mature/confident/imperious dom. The ownership/pet/toy dynamic. The intimacy between the two of them. I prefer more playful/seducing dom attitude, as opposed to the cruel/degrading dom attitude, but this story is superb! I hope you write more!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Very hot. Continue.

If only there was a remote-controlled dildo in the bag.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Loved this story, please write more!!

ChastSlaveAstChastSlaveAst5 months ago

I like a lot. Please continue !!!

QwertoQwerto5 months ago

Interesting, keep it going

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