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"I'm getting my own ride." I hand her painting and walk her to the car. I open the door and she turns back to look at me, unsure.

"I want to be with you tonight."

"You know what you have to do."

She bites her lip and yanks the car door closed.

I grab my painting and decide to go for a long walk.


My phone wakes me out of my deep slumber.

I look at the time, who is calling in the middle of the night? I get nervous when I see the name on my screen.


"Taylor, I need your help."

I sit up and rub my eyes. This isn't a dream.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't get into Paigey's room." I hear him sniffle. "We had a bad argument and I can't get through to her. I don't know who else to call. I know you guys have been getting close."

I'm jumping out of my bed looking for some sweats and a black hoodie. Fuck, what is she doing? I find some clean socks and put on my sneakers. "I'll be there in 30."

There are no lights on when I get to their place. Maybe I did dream up that whole conversation.

James comes out through the front door and I hop out.

I rush up the steps and move past him to her room.

"I just need you to talk to her." He follows me at a slower pace. "I'm sorry I called you. I just-"

I take two stairs at a time and practically run down the hall. There are now thoughts swarming my brain. I am running on pure adrenaline. I feel my heart in my throat and I won't be ok until I see her. I knock on the door. "Paige, open the door."

"I was trying to be quiet so I didn't wake the maid." 'Why would you care about the fucking maid' I want to yell. But he asked me to be here so obviously he has some trust in me. I can take control of the situation when it comes to her.

"How long ago did she lock herself in here?"

"Almost thirty minutes ago."

"I'm going to have to break the door open."

"Do what you have to."

I briefly notice James looks frail. He doesn't look like the guy I interviewed just last month. He is worried. He is vulnerable and showing his true age. I'm sure I look like Hell too.

I kick the door three times before it breaks open.

"Stay here." I don't think he can take it if something did happen.

"Paige!" After doing a sweep of her room I run to the bathroom and find her there next to the toilet. I lean down to pull her up and turn her towards the bathtub. Sticking two fingers in her throat I try to gage her breathing, it's weak but it's there.

"Call the ambulance!" I yell at James.


She sleeps through the night and the rest of the next day.

I comfort James when we first get to the hospital and then I have to ask him what happened. He's still wearing his pajamas and said Henry was on the way with some clothes for him. I'm glad he called me. I can't bear the thought of what would have happened if I didn't show up. I cringe.

"She came home last night and started talking about calling off the wedding."

My heart leaps.

His eyes are watching me closely. He knows why.

"I told her she was getting cold feet which is normal when the wedding is so close. Not many people know this but Henry has wanted to marry her from the very beginning. She was the one who asked to put it off until after she graduated."

I don't say anything. Guilt is ripping at my throat. I should have just told her I would stay with her. I pushed her to do this.

"It's my fault." I rub my forehead. "I gave her an ultimatum."

"Your name did come up."

We are silent for a while and I cross my arms. "I love her." I simply state.

"You can't."

My eyes snap to him. I expect to see the same defiant gleam I've seen in his daughter's eye but he looks too tired to fight me on it.

"If tonight is any indication of what your daughter wants you will listen to her."

His cheeks finally get some color. "She made a promise to him-"

"She doesn't want him." Our whispers are getting louder and I put my hands up. "I just know I'm not leaving her side after tonight. She will have to tell me herself she doesn't want me in her life if I ever turn my back on her."

For someone used to so much power and having to throw money to make things happen he looks lost. I place my hand over his and give him some final advice.

"She told me about her mother. If you don't want the same ending for your daughter you will have to respect her wishes."


When she finally wakes, she asks to see me. It's the middle of the night and visiting hours are done but James had her placed in the most expensive room in the hospital, they don't say anything when I follow the nurse to her room.

She's sitting up on the bed. Her skin is pale. She has an NC in her nostrils and a needle in the back of her hand. Her eyes are bleak. She looks nervous to see me.

"Taylor," She leans into my touch when I kiss her temple. I make a move to sit next to the bed on the wooden chair. She grabs my hand and scoots over to make room for me.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I finally wrap my arms around her. "Paige, why?" My voice is tired.

She is quiet at first. "He was going to make me do it. No matter what I said he found a reason as to why I should still marry. And I knew you wouldn't want me if-"

I kiss her temple when she starts to cry silently.

"I love you. How can you not see that? I will always want you."

"I want to be yours only. I want you."

"Shh." I rub my hand down her arm and rest my chin on her head. "You should have called me." I say after a while. "You shouldn't have done that Paige. That was very stupid." Even in my arms, my anxiety is through the roof. I could have really lost her.

"I know. I tried to take it back and throw it up but I was too late."

"It wasn't too late you're here. We're just going to make sure we get you some help so it doesn't happen again."

She nods and sighs. Her body relaxes against mine. Her breathing doesn't slow so I know she's awake.

"Have you been here this whole time?"

"Yeah." I don't tell her I called off work or even that Henry was here earlier but after his conversation with James he left. I could see the anger in his eyes and his resentment towards me but he didn't want to cause a scene. Even if he didn't know why Paige called off the wedding, he knew I couldn't be trusted. I felt bad for James who would have to deal with this later.

"I don't even know what I'm going to do."

I kiss her temple again. "Well I was thinking you could come home with me for a couple of days, if you want."

She squeezes me tighter. "Yes."

I feel my eyes closing and know I have to rest for just a minute. Before I completely succumb to the darkness, I hear Paige's voice.

"I love you too."


The first day at my place is calm.

James helps us carry some groceries and Paige's duffle bag with her things in them. While she is in the restroom, he pulls out his wallet. "I know I can count on your discretion for everything that has occurred with Paige." He pulls out a couple of bills.

"I don't need your money James."

He looks around my apartment and I can tell her wants to take her back. "You guys can stay at my place you know." The dark circles under his eyes are pronounced. He doesn't know how to handle not getting his way.

"She wants to be here. You can come whenever. And it is only until she feels okay to come back home."

"I feel helpless. I'm her father for God's sake!" He's almost yelling.

"You're doing the right thing, daddy." Paige walks over to him and pulls him into a hug. We didn't realize she was back in the room. "You're giving me what I want."

He grumbles and places some bills on my counter. "For more groceries or whatever you guys need."

Once he's gone, I walk Paige to the bathroom and run her a warm bath. I wash her hair and scrub her body. She constantly sighs and her body follows my eager touch. I try to be as reserved as I can but anytime I am around her I just want her.

I rub a towel through her body and scrub her dry. I dig through her bag for pajamas but she says she wants to stay naked. Tucking her into bed I finally kiss her. I haven't done so since the night of my birthday.

"Do you need anything else?"

She shakes her head. I run a finger down her cheek and kiss her one more time.

She's asleep by the time I am done replying to emails on my laptop. I feel completely at ease knowing she is here. I can breathe better, focus on my task at hand, and all I have to do is reach out to touch her.

The rest of the week I continue to work from home.

We take short walks around the block to wear her out. She is restless without going to ballet practice but we both agreed she had to wait a little longer before going back. The doctors gave us some helpful brochures for therapists in our area. Once Paige decided on which one, she wanted to go to she set the first appointment.

James comes over every day for at least an hour to spend time with her. I always leave to give them privacy and I never ask Paige what they talked about.

We watch movies or T.V. shows at night before we go to bed.

The next week follows the same routine except she has her first therapist appointment on Tuesday. She seems better after going and I am glad to see some of my old Paige back. I look forward to our talks once we're in bed and she lets me ask her anything I want. She asks me some questions too but I always want to know more about her.

By the third week I have to go back into the office and ask her if she would be ok alone. She rolls her eyes and says I have to stop treating her like a baby. James comes by with more clothes which indicates she plans on staying longer. We hadn't talked about how much longer she intends to stay and I'm going to complain. If it is up to me she will just move in.

By the end of the third week I could tell something else is bothering her. She is more irksome when I get home from work and I tried keeping talking to a minimum to avoid any arguments. Her body is restless and she can't stop fidgeting.

Friday night and Renee calls me. She doesn't know anything that happened with Paige and I don't tell her.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Paige's tone says it all, she is not happy.

We're sitting on the couch watching some sitcom I'm on one end and she's on the other. Her legs are pulled into her chest and she's glaring at my phone.

"It's just Renee, she probably wants to grab drinks. She doesn't know anything happened."

"Well I'm sorry I had to ruin your plans."

"Stop it." I turn my phone off.

"Just go out and grab a drink with her. I know you want to." She stands from the couch and walks to the bed. I stand to follow her and make her face me.

"What's wrong?" I'm running out of patience with her. I don't feel like going out. I want to stay in and be around her. Why is she upset?

"I just know you wouldn't be home all the time if I wasn't here."

"But I want to be here with you." My hands are on her arms and her eyes are sinking into mine. "Do you want to go home?" I'm nervous to ask. If she does, there is nothing I can do about that. I won't control her life the way her father has.


"Then what is it?" Being this close to her is dangerous. All she's wearing is a pink pajama matching tank top and shorts. I've been so good at keeping this platonic and I don't want to ruin it so soon. I want to make sure she feels comfortable here and if I took her every time I wanted she would go running for the hills.

"You don't touch me anymore." She avoids my eyes and her cheeks turn dark.

I'm stunned into silence. This can't be it. "I want to make sure you're fine."

She huffs and tries to pull out of my grasp. "I am fine! You don't need to handle me with special gloves waiting on me like a ticking time bomb."

"Paige." I'm trying to reign in my hunger and anger. I don't know which one is winning at the moment but I just know I have to give us some space before this escalates.

"Don't you want me anymore?" The question alone makes me break.

I kiss her deeply and show her how much I want her. She moans into my mouth and digs her hands into my hair. I snake my tongue into her mouth and we moan in unison. I've missed this so much. My body is humming and I am barely in control at the moment.

"Take me."

I groan against her lips. "Too soon."

"Taylor, make me yours."

I finally concede and nod. I kiss her with more patience and let my hands roam all over her body. It will be the first time we're making love since she called off the wedding. I will take it slow. Make her feel special. Her hands grab the front of my shirt and she pulls me closer to her.

"Tell me what to do." She whispers in my ear. I snap again and let my body take over. She knows just what to say to make me bend over backwards for her.

I toss her onto the bed and make her reach up on the bed frame. "Hold on to these bars and don't let go. If you do..." I let the threat hand over us.

She nods eagerly and presses her lips together.

I rip her tank top open to expose her puffy nipples. My mouth waters and I don't deny myself any longer. My tongue comes out and I see her excitement. I lick and blow until her nipple hardens. She thrashes her head and I squeeze her hip.

"Look at me, Paige."

I take her other nipple in my mouth and suck on it. Her eyes watch me in wonderment. I feel her body tremble with want. I allow my teeth to graze her soft skin and she sucks in a breath. Alternating between licking, nibbling, and pinching her nipples I watch as her eyes roll back and she moans out loud. Her body shakes and I watch her orgasm under my touch. It has been too long. My ego swells. The first time we met this went in a completely different direction.

I wait until she is coming down from her high before speaking. "Did I say you can cum, Paige?"

Her eyes pop open and she stares at me at a loss for words.

I lightly slap her breast and she moans. "Answer me, baby."

"No." She breathes out.

"Consider yourself warned."

I knead her breasts until she is panting again. The rose in her cheeks start to match the color on her tender breasts. I love the color.

"Please," She is finding it hard to keep still.

Instead of prolonging it I give in and take her shorts off. Her sweet pussy is eagerly waiting for me to kiss it. I get down on my belly and place a pillow under her hips. I admire the view for a little too long and she whimpers.

"So impatient, baby." I click my tongue. "Who is the one in charge?" I tease her.

"You." Her voice is breathless.

No, you I want to correct her. Always you.

I run my finger from her pubic bone into her wet pussy. She thrusts up. My other hand comes up to push her down. I am going to have a ball getting her to submit completely. Teaching her to control her body when it is under my touch. The best part is we have all the time we need.

"Now remember, don't cum until I tell you to."

"Oh, fuck." She moans when I pump two fingers in her pussy. She coats my fingers perfectly. I can't hold off any longer. I dig in and let my tongue taste her intoxicating nectar.

Her hips buck off the pillow and I know she is close. I tease her with my tongue, flattening it against her clit. My body responds to her shallow breaths and I feel myself close. Just the sight of her makes me wet. Will she listen to me and wait or is she going to do as she pleases? I secretly hope she lets herself go and then I can punish her the way I want but I will be equally turned on if she does as I say.

Her head thrusts from side to side and she tries to move away from my fingers pumping into her right cunt. My mouth latches on to her swollen clit.

"Taylor, please." She sounds so delectable.

I continue to assault her wet pussy pushing her to the edge.

"Please! Oh, nooo." She tries to hold off but can't. With one final swipe of my tongue she is submerged into a second orgasm causing her to scream and thrust her hips in my face. I let her ride me out until her hands finally let go of the railing over her head and she lightly pushes my face away from her tender clit.

"No more. Please." She's almost sobbing.

I crawl up and kiss her deeply, giving her a taste of herself.

"You came when I told you to wait for my order." She slowly opens her eyes and kisses me. "You let go of the bed frame before I told you to. Are you ever going to do as you're told?" My eyes are playful.

"You love me like this." Her eyes are tender. She knows she has me wrapped around her finger.

"I do." There is no use in denying it.

"And I love you the way you are."

My heart swells and I kiss her deeply. It's the first time we've been able to declare our love to each other in the comfort of our home. I love her so much. And she is mine. I am so fucking lucky.

"You know this means I'm never letting you go right?" This is me giving her an out.

"I know. I'm all yours."

"Mine." I sigh against her lips and chuckle. "And I'm yours."

Her eyes shine and I can see she wasn't expecting that. "Mine." She tries it out and smiles.

"That still doesn't mean you're getting out of this punishment, baby." I know I'll go easy on her. We'll start off slow. I'll have fun punishing her when she doesn't listen and she'll enjoy it too. But she'll learn that when she does play nice and does as I say she will get even better rewards. What I do know for certain is that for the rest of my life I'll let her get away with anything she wants as long as she is mine.

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galadriel_fangaladriel_fanabout 2 months ago

None of the characters here feel like caricatures. For a romance with a happy ending and this many characters, that feels impressive. Characters struggling with themselves always seem more interesting. I enjoyed losing myself in Taylor and Paige’s story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I love that you did not go into much detail about how James dealt with Henry and the aftermath of cancelling the engagement, because that is not the core of the story.

Instead we saw two lovers coming together as they were meant to.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This is one of my favorite stories. Their subtle way of fighting and showing gentleness is well done.

BluebonnetsBluebonnets9 months ago

Wonderful!! Great characters and so thoughtfully described. Love your POV and how you paint such vivid and interesting emotional scenes.

EmmainpinkEmmainpinkabout 1 year ago

This was maybe my favourite story on Lit and I'm just sad that there isn't more available with these characters. You hint that Paige isn't quite where Taylor wants her yet so I hope there's something you've left open for yourself to return to. Pacing was great, sex scenes were immaculate and scattered so well throughout. Please return!

_butterfly_butterflyover 1 year ago

I wish there was another part. This may be my favourite story on here. So beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Do you have a dysfunctional relationship with commas ? I only ask because you seem to put them where they don’t belong and leave them out when you need one. It muddles the narrative and saps the power of your story.

Nicole2023Nicole2023almost 2 years ago

Two broken people healing each other awww

MigbirdMigbirdalmost 2 years ago

Surprised that I did not comment when I first read this piece — it is as you said when writing the piece “…one that I kept coming back to and wanted to make sure it was to my liking.” Well, simply want to say after my third reading (not likely last) what a beautiful romance you created — heartfelt, tense, poignant and erotic. The sex like all very good pieces of erotic fiction is the story, the story is the sex — so captures the essence of their relationship.

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