All Comments on 'Miranda, A Lost Wife Ch. 02'

by Cagivagurl

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Reading the other comments I now realise that the author is a female. That explains the female husband and the masculine wife completely! She obviously thinks all men are pussies!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There must be something in kiwi water or air that turns all women into cheating trash and men into pussies.

WillowghbyWillowghbyover 2 years ago
I Don't Buy It

This is another, "Please honey, let me fuck around. It will strengthen our marriage" story. Seems a weak premise to me in any case.

I simply don't agree that the reconciliation described here would ever make the last sentence of the story acceptable. You can never trust her for not wanting another outside romp. You can never trust him to stand up and defend their marriage vows. The "original sin" was not a spontaneous "oops!" With his acquiescence to wifey's first barrage of begging, he becomes a cuck who could never hold his head up in a small community, ever again.

Nice try, Cagivagurl. Thanks for the effort. Please get a punctuation editor.

Keep 'em comin'.

Frankfiredawg06Frankfiredawg06over 2 years ago

Nice story

As soon as she says I want a hall pass it’s over. No going back

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I tried the "I want a hall pass, it means nothing and will only strengthen our marriage".

My wife didn't agree even though I explained that 99% of Lit stories said so.

She still didn't agree.

I am now an offical 1%er.....

wolftrapwolftrapover 2 years ago

This one didn't do it for me. What really irked me was:

When I say stop I don't mean it love.

What happens when she has a bad day and changes her mind? What happened to 'no means no'? The police will put him correctly in jail as a wife beater/abuser.

DrgwngDrgwngover 2 years ago

This horse shit. Always hubbies fault idiot wifey cannot close her legs. She should have been cut off at the knees upon first suggestion,of course he let her go on first date, vey stupid. This author just needs to go away or maybe jump off a cliff. Worthless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Bloody hell why are this guys male leads so bloody stupid? I mean letting your wife go on a date with another man is pretty dumb but hey he thought they were mates so I guess I can see him doing it but come on when he heard what was being talked about on the deck after that how is he not confronting them about that? Stay the fuck away from my wife or I will beat you down! If his wife has a problem with it then I'm telling her it is him or me make a choice!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Ok now, I may shoot in my foot now, but … this was the first one from your stories which I think it’s agreeable in the end. ( I still have some other stories to read from ya) We’ll see.


BSreaderBSreaderabout 2 years ago
A very

Stupid husband, he should have visited the idiot before it got to that point he also should have his wife it was time to stop.

miket0422miket0422about 2 years ago

I'm always glad when married couples work it out.

In this case I'm not so sure a reconciliation was all that appropriate. The level of disrespect Miranda showed was unbelievable. No matter how many times Gordy said no she just kept pushing forward and asking again and again.

As they started to get back together she admitted that she knew what she was doing was wrong and yet she did it anyway.

To be honest this marriage could have been over in the first chapter. After the Friday night the kids were at the grandparents and she invited Brad over and then ignored Gordy and then after she went to Brad's house after the Mayor's ball and made out with him ... Those things were worthy of a separation if not a divorce.

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

Another apology for a man,the only time he showed any backbone was when he trashed Brad.He should have told her to follow Brad out of town.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Common thread with this author is the “fragile male ego” and our need to get over it, it’s just sex, no big deal, nothing has changed, just a bit of fun, my love for you hasn’t changed in fact it’s got deeper because of it, it’s not like someone died, it’s my body you don’t own it, I never gave him my heart it will always belong to you.

You can tell the author is female. She has zero knowledge of how a man’s mind works. Maybe some simps she has coffee with from her uni days have given her a misguided view, or a weak father figure but ultimately she writes all her male parts from a woman’s understanding. Venus and Mars.

Reality is, we aren’t wired that way. No way a guy would allow himself to be humiliated and his manhood tested like in her stories. There would be a hell of a lot more violence and definite separation without compromise. Also, the authors view on love is twisted. No person, male or female that really loves their partner would willingly put them through that sort of hurt and pain and then blow it off with a “it meant nothing”. That’s not love, that’s narcissism.

Hiram325Hiram325about 2 years ago

And... Cagivagurl writes another beta orbiter simp male protagonist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Whilst I'm normally up for love triumphing (if there's a damn good reason for it) this was an RAAC too far.

We have a new respect for each other? On what grounds? Committing adultery (both of them) and him knowing he wimped out at that first time when he could have stopped it. B.S.

Notice nobody put the girls straight about Brad as a pussy hound. Personally hub was a fool to allow his girls anywhere near that pied piper.

Meantime we have "You are my lover and my best friend. I just needed someone to prove that to me." Well doesn't that bs line make it all right then. Anytime she feels a further need of proof is she going to step out?

Hub told her he expected her to make her own decision as an intelligent adult and knowing right from wrong she should stop it of her own accord.

Yet she weasels away with " With Brad it was just different. It was sexy because it was wrong. My emotions were on a high because it was taboo I was having sex with another man, it was new and novel not because he was better. I didn't want to tell you that I liked it because I thought you would hate me."

Wow wouldn't we all live better lives if we did all the things that we know are taboo.

She got the last fact right though. Definitely a wife worth a hate.

And meantime all their friends know exactly what happened.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Pathetic cuck story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"To this day our marriage has remained solid and loving. We have a new respect for each other and I know I no longer take Miranda for granted."

What a load of bullshit. way back after what she did in real life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A bullet would have been a faster reconciliation.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanalmost 2 years ago

wow pathetic protagonist but good writting you so annoy me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A really great story. 5* definitely. It certainly does clearly illustrate the difference between fiction and real life though. In real life Brad would have got the crap kicked out of him long before the “date” occurred. Pretty sure there would have been no reconciliation either

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFirealmost 2 years ago

I try to give every writer on this site the benefit of the doubt and read their full works. Maybe I just didn’t care for one or two stories or maybe I find a great one. This is the last one of yours and I have completely hated all of them. Your characters are pathetic and weak and I do not just mean the “wronged spouse” I mean all of them. No one is likeable. I’m all for reconciliation but your examples are awful.

Then, there’s the writing itself. Christ get an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I really don't understand why the husband didn't intervene the first time when they were kissing. But even crazier is the time they were having sex, he never told Miranda that he heard it all. That makes no sense whatsoever. Maybe it didn't have to happen when she came back, but at some point he would have come clean and used that in an argument. Simply beyond unrealistic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good writing and it drew me in, but it’s hard for me to believe a husband would see his wife go on a date with another man in sexy underwear, know they have sex and not leave her then and there. The marriage getting past the recriminations and happily ever after seems a stretch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

i kinda felt it was miranda taking hubby for granted, not hubby taking her for granted. he tried to be innovative, she resisted. like most decent husband men i know, we dont force anything on women. slut woman, dipshit cowardly man. sad people. rk

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitover 1 year ago

Each to their own, but on one of my favourite topics this was for me, mind-numbingly, and excruciatingly irritating!

As if ANYONE could, or would just sit there, and let the tide wash over him as he slowly drowned, but couldn't be arsed to stand up!? - Duh? What was his name again, Canute-the-Cuck? WTF?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What twisted premises that a husband would accept those circumstance and do nothing about it but apologize and accept her 'schooling'. Most husbands with a modicum of self respect would have walked away immediately and not looked back. What did one commenter say: "Simply beyond unrealistic."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is only a story , BUT a few things if it was real

Married couple 38 & 40

28 yr guy really fit always cycling, surfing or running works at district council

Why wouldn’t a guy that age at least have met a girl socially or at work that could go to the ball, without having to find a wife to fill in, it's nearly a case of "grab a Granny"

Glad to see Dad shut daughters when they volunteered to be Brad’s date for the ball being as they are 10 & 12

Why wouldn’t a husband be worried maybe go looking for wife an hour and a half after a ball finished

Don’t know why he didn’t confront them at Brads when he found them, she is at another man’s house cuddling in the dark, should have confronted them then, she would have been on the defensive not him, still didn’t when they kissed.

Definitely should have after hearing him gush about how he felt about her, I don’t care how upset she might get, she is a married woman and what she had done up to then wouldn’t pass the “wife test”

From there it should have been stay away from him or we are done.

Later, after telling Gordon how much she lusts after Brad and would like a hall pass she asks if she can go out with him the coming weekend.

Gordon should have said yeah, no problem, I will help you pack your stuff, then got divorce papers done.

After that he just put his Cuckold hat on

And I would be a bit concerned at how upset my 12 year old daughter got that Brad stopped coming around and crying “doesn’t he love me any more?” WTF ?????

I would be checking that out

With the average bloke the marriage would be toast right there

And I would call her on her bullshit when she tried to downplay how it was later and let her know that he heard how much she loved it and that is why there is a better chance of buying ice in hell than there is of them getting back together

But then it’s only a story isn’t it

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"She started to talk to me when we made love and eventually one night she confessed to me what happened between her and Brad."

-- Huh? What did she confess? Like a play by play? Or something else?

Sadly a bit of an unfinished ending with a tacked on epilog. And how was he taking Miranda for granted? Because he was too gentle during sex? Because she told him you stop when she secretly wanted him to push her boundaries but never fessed up to that in 18 years of marriage? Wtf? Heck we don't even know ow if their love making got to a level comparable to what she had with Brad.

And the stupidest thing is why didn't he tell her that he listened to her that night? That would explain in moments why he left. No one would withhold that information. He would just day "Miranda, I was there. I listened to you for over an hour. I heard you go crazy. I can't compete."

NoSauce4uNoSauce4uover 1 year ago

"To this day our marriage has remained solid and loving. We have a new respect for each other and I know I no longer take Miranda for granted."

Fells more like she took him for granted. Why is it so that so many stories have the wife cheat, etc. and then the husband is at fault for taking her for granted, etc? But then the story even tells you that the wife stopped investing in the marriage, refusing love-making, refusing to simply talk about the issue, etc.

You can't tell me that the one that cheats is still invested in the marriage. What weird logic. And why should the other partner make an effort and win her back when she's so plainly uninterested and disloyal?

Just some rant. The one that betrays the vows is usually at fault for me. Divorce, etc. but don't expect sympathy for cheating cuz your partner wasn't whatever. Marriage slowly becomes a joke this way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Any woman who would pull this shit needs to be fertilizing roses.

Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

Another weak beta orbiter male written by Cagivagurl... this author writes very very few male MC's with any self-respect. There's virtually nothing a Cagivagurl male MC won't accept from a treacherous and disloyal wife or girlfriend.

HooHaa77HooHaa77over 1 year ago

Gordy having an affair immediately after leaving his wife was nonsensical and getting back with his wife made no sense either. No wounds were healed. This is the definition of RAAC. The "cost" of this story for reconciliation is a good plot and common sense from the characters.

BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteeleover 1 year ago

Another good story.

My only problem was with the constantly changing names.

IndyOnIndyOnover 1 year ago

Just once in one of these stories I would like to see the guy step up and tell the other man :"If you fuck my wife, I WILL FUCK YOU UP SO BAD YOU WILL NEVER FUCK ANOTHER WOMN" See where that story goes!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A major, gutless, balless, cowardly, totally self- disrespected. An idiot to even let her affair get off the ground. When he found them kissing at his place he should have walken home, seen an attorney the next day, and had her served.

A disgusting story about and even more disgusting man who cut off his own manhood.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When she ask him again I would say Miranda pack ur close no go live with him he wins u want him so bad u can have him I’m living for the eve if I get back u better be gone

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not a poor writer.

Just wrong-headed at every turn, in every story

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 1 year ago

At least he bashed the fuckers face in!

HusbandXHusbandXover 1 year ago

I got lost in the Miranda, Manda, and Mandy. I thought I'd missed some characters and had to get out of the story a few times to go back and make sure it wasn't two or three people. Anything that pulls the reader out of the story interrupts the suspension of disbelief...I realize after re-reading and backtracking that it's pet names, but it's confusing.

Punctuation: "Miranda, how are you today," vs. "Miranda how are you today." Commas to separate proper names ("Hi Gordon, how are you?" vs. "Hi Gordon how are you?", in sentences. Question marks after questions.

I enjoyed the story. The story arc, and the character arcs each show change, progress, learning. Whatever the outcome, that's always really the story; character development, change, moving from one place to another, like life. I've been enjoying your writing. I lived in Oz many years ago, knew a lot of Kiwi's, and I really appreciate the authenticity of the voice, and the perspectives. You seem to have a good hand on writing from both the male and female point of view, as well as creating flawed characters, obstacles, and finding ways to overcome them. The characters feel real. Still working through the stories. My one observation to the writing end would be a bit more editing, both technical (a word processor will clean most of that up), and some of the sentence/paragraph structure. Commas, especially; there aren't enough. That aside, it's a pleasure to read, and thanks for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bury her beneath her favorite rose bush. The end.

BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteeleover 1 year ago

Not a bad story..

It would have been better with a bit of proofreading and editing.

It was certainly not up to your usual standard.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

No, they don’t have a solid and loving marriage. They are living in a shell crater which is wall papered with the debris of their marriage. Women are commonly wary of other women becoming intimately involved with their men. They know how women can lure men into their grasp. But not so with Miranda. She knew about Gordon’s involvement with Lynda and wasn’t threatened. So she didn’t bother bringing it up to him. She wanted him to make him suffer until he was compelled to confess. She was indifferent about that and has been indifferent to her husband from the moment she saw the POS Brad. This will not change. Any advantage that Gordon sees regarding remaining in a relationship with Miranda is just a mirage. What positive contribution has Miranda made to her marriage since Brad? Her mind is concerned about life after Brad. It certainly is not caring for her husband. The problem with the resolution of the story is that Miranda gets to correct her husband for not understanding something that she didn’t bother to explain to him. Hence, she has cheated justifiably. And she treat her husband as dirt. Gordon has lost an intimate life partner. At least he should be able to spend time with Lynda to fulfill his deep need for intimacy. His disconnected wife certainly has no interest in fulfilling it, hence she isn’t threatened by her friend’s gloating revelation.

WakeupnowWakeupnowabout 1 year ago

Typical story by author. Wife screws someone other that her husband (repeatedly) and wants husband to accept the situation. At least in this story the husband severely beat the boyfriend. That spoke volumes to the wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The husband is a douche for allowing it to happen at all. I can't imaging any man worth his salt allowing their wife to carry on the way Miranda did. Long before she fucked him. I also cant imagine a husband ever touching his wife after doing what she did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Don't buy the premise of this story. The way the husband allowed the wife to behave leading up to the cuckolding event tells me that marriage was already in trouble. It's always the choice of the betrayed spouse whether to stay married or not. This one did, one suspects for the children. Sadly, many husbands do stay, even with wive's illicit children. That he trusted her going forward was seriously stupid though. She showed no true remorse and that would have been the death knell for me even despite kids. Those who talk of it being manly to forgive have either never been on the receiving end or are religious zealots. I've been married for 37 years with three children, and we both practice 'one and done'. We've both been 'tempted' at times since we are both in business and travel a lot, but always talk through such things ("honey, there was a nice blonde at..., but"), take care to keep connections appropriately distanced, and make sure to take time for each other. Truly loving marriages require maintenance and woe betide those who don't. Keeping a leggy curvy brunette happy at 60 required a lot of work, but totally worth it. Cagivagurl's tales exploring the dysfunctional maintenance are very good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why do all you idiots who say it’s another typical story from this author keep reading them? There is something wrong with you, not the author. A therapist would have a field day with your psychosis!

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 1 year ago

Why do all your stories leave me with the distinct feeling that your male characters eventually find themselves because their wives FUCK other guys, Your writing is always the wife survives and mostly prospers being a cheating whore. I get the impression you are a woman who thinks men should just live with cheating and come to their senses that it strengthens a marriage. What Bull Shit.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

you FUCKING PUSSY OF A MAN!!!!! should have knocked her teeth down her cock sucking throat!!!!! (right???? I mean men and women are equal)

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Your stories always end with hollow platitudes.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Taking an unfaithful wife back is not keeping your ego in check but having no self respect. The cunt didnt love him enough to be faithful and she had such a big ego that she told him she would cheat. should have knocked her teeth down her cock sucking throat!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Ridiculous story about ridiculous and unbelievable characters.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I don't get why people get angry

Cagivagurl can write only one type of history, the same history, all the time

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

He should still be fucking Lynda as much as he can. If the bitch wife does not like it, she can hit the road.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Fact is, a wife who would do what she did knowing the effect on her husband would not be worth keeping no matter what she subsequently did or said. The commenter who wrote about ridiculous and unbelievable characters was likely right, but that is why it's fiction. But you have to say, so what if it were about his ego? A spouse who would strike at that in the other spouse (male or female) would have them asking whether their years of marriage and even children were a lie or farce. I have often wondered how much DNA testing of children is related to such doubts. But I do know this fictional spouse would not be worth it given her attitude.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

No, just no. The usual drivel which includes the typical, for this author, cheating wife getting angry at the cuckolded husband that he ruined her fuck buddy's life. That alone is enough to never get back together. And why does this author's male characters never intervene when they have a chance to do so? 1* because this one is without any redeeming features whatsoever.

tsgtcapttsgtcapt9 months ago

Well, yeah, cheaters wonder why they feel cheated...

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You are a excellent writer,i have read your story 2 times.reason rot the poor rating is i don’t believe after her cheating a husband would stay with her or get in bed with her again.

tsgtcapttsgtcapt9 months ago

Well, it came together. Will it last? Thank you.

Texican1830Texican18309 months ago

The sex was the lesser betrayal - the logical outcome of bringing a second man into the marriage. That they would ultimately have sex was a foregone conclusion well before they did, but setting him above their children’s father was equally unforgivable.

Excellent story.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19698 months ago

just glad they got back together... and appreciated the story having sex in it. thanks

mariverzmariverz8 months ago

es el mismo autor(a) o es la obra de otra persona?

calidad pobrísima, si bien su tema de mierda es el habitual... pero sus otras obras son leíbles por la calidad del(a) autor (a) ... esta es horrenda (ademas de, insisto, el fetiche habitual del(a) autor(a)

DessertmanDessertman8 months ago

I am not convinced by the reconciliation. How can he ever forget what he heard, that she was passionate in ways that she had never been with her husband.

Once trust is damaged it is almost impossible to repair.

The old marriage is gone, but they may be able to build a new one.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

But he didn't take her for granted. She took him for granted. His only sin was to respect her wishes in the bedroom. That is actually called respect. She's the only fuck up here. I understand he wasn't perfect. But this isn't the typical cheating story where both parties failed in some way. She just bombed. Period. She also hurt him deeply. How does that help him respect her more? I'd think the opposite would be true. He's just saying platitudes.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I do like a happy ending and I'm glad Brad got fired and his life much worse. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What? Take Miranda for granted? That silly twat took total advantage of Gordy! Gordy's only fault was not shooting Brad in the balls, then between the eyes, after Miranda's request for afucking hallpass.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Right, she was taken advantage of??.

She is nothing but a round heeled slut and,de#34ves not to,be taken for anything, except some court action.

Fuck this,author,in the head.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He didn't take her for granted. She took him for granted by disrespecting him by asking for a date with another man.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What does having sex with another woman have to do with regaining his self-respect and getting back with the cheating wife? She was never really repentant: "I will never be able to apologies enough for crushing your masculinity. The only misgiving I have is why is it you don't bring that passion to our lovemaking." That is not the same as being penitent for infidelity, since it's basically saying she did it because of her perception it was his fault. So cheat rather than tell him she was dis-satisfied with their love-making and seek to improve it. So she wonders why he wasn't enthusiastic with a cheating slut? He should have kept walking and sought a divorce while fighting for custody. Yes, it would make the kids miserable and probably the Ex-wife too. If that is what it takes! Otherwise this wife would never learn. If there was a taking a spouse for granted, it went both ways, but she dropped the fidelity bomb and expected the landscape to remaind the same? The husband should have continued to develope a relationship with the nice 'other' woman who would be friendly with the kids during shared custody. No, I don't buy it that that they had " a solid and loving marriage" going forward when it was based on emotional blackmail.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Another story of a cheating wife and wimp of a husband. I'm sure that the author hasn't the capability to think beyond the same plot.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

MC: I tried to explain that I just felt like I had lost my manhood. The fact she had fucked Brad and he was so much better than me as a lover made me feel inadequate. She tried to reassure me. She tried to convince me I was a much better lover than Brad, but I knew different. I couldn't tell her how I knew ..:

====> wow. Why couldn't he?.Who cares if he was spying on them. He was the wronged party. And he could tell her that she completely gave gerself to Brad and forced him into the one night stand and that is why he left home. Perfect opportunity. Heck he should have recorded the audio on his phone for later confrontation. His purported permission would be a ludicrous reason to castigated him for tossing that back in her face.

If anything it sounds like she temporarily had a limerence for Brad. That being said they never dealt with the core issues of why she felt she had to have sex with Brad. How she forced the issue. How she ehsrd what she wanted from hear. Instead author only made it about MC feeling emasculated by Brad and Miranda. The main why she cheated on him. And yes it was ultimately cheating. Why she would let Brad do things to her she never let her husband of many years. Why she forced the issue of a date. And why he finally caved. Her browbeating hin into it by making his life hell just shows the depths to which she would sink to get what she wanted. What ended up happening was only slightly less damaging if she had gone behind his back, because she had an unhealthy obsession for Brad. And her reaction afterwards was also nit good with the party. What did she expect. The only even remotely saving grace is she cried for an hour in the shower and when climbing into bed. She felt bad for hurting her husband but also because she didn't let her husband have free rein with her body like she did first with Brad. But the core issues of trust and her obsessive desire were never addressed. Hard to believe they just move on in happiness because he felt better after banging Lynda for an entire week.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

another classic Cagivagurl story where the woman can do no wrong and the men just need to suck it up and get over their fragile ego. So tiresome.

Ocker53Ocker534 months ago

Just as the previous comment said, all of cagivagurl stories are all very similar just the names are different, I wonder can you plagiarise yourself? ⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

He said no so many time and in so many ways...and like in virtually all of this Authors' stories, she ignored him and still got "happily ever after" after 30 minutes of guilt.

NallusNallus3 months ago

Could have had better confrontations over all the reasons it was wrong and disrespectful and betrayal. And one of the daughters and what did they get out of this?

The second chapter could've been much much longer.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed it. Thanks.!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

That last part is bullshit. Their marriage was doomed from when she finally brought up she wanted to sleep with him after having already made out several times. She was too persistent. To the point she would have eventually done it behind his back. She used "to see where it goes," which says there are plans beyond fucking. She also told him that she needed another man to show and make her feel wanted. There's no happily ever after reconciliation after that shit. Didn't make sense for the male mc to kick the dude's ass or so in tune with what is happening when he's obviously an oblivious gullible wimp.

chess1972chess19723 months ago

This two wrongs make a right idea is so dumb. I have never ever seen that work out in real life. Forgiveness and reconciliation can happen but must be earned.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It was virtually EVERY story by this Author; wife wants to cheat, does, cries and acts all broken up broken then lives happily ever after with very little "payback" This one differs with in that 2-3 paragraph of graphically described sex.

WargamerWargamer3 months ago

Second time

Gordy did not punish Miranda enough at all, the bitch literally got away with her bullshit.

The way to level the field was to tell her he overheard what she said to Brad. Stop her bullshit in its tracks. She ratted on him in a big way. Forgive and forget, no way!!!!!

I originally gave this 4/5, l rescored it to 2/5. It is a shitty story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Oh, same again same again. Don't you get tired of writing the story based on same plot? Try to write something else other than the cheating wife and cuckold husband. If you require some help, ask me for.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Does ANYONE believe Miranda and Brad only had sex that one time? If so, I have this bridge I could get you a good deal on!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

So what about why she asked for it the in the first place? Never answered.

ViolentKnightViolentKnight26 days ago

A weak, pathetic MC with no masculinity or self-respect at all whining about losing it. Whatever happened to "No means no"? The wuss could not even be bothered to tell his wife 'No' and the accepts his cuckoldry by going back to the cheater. The writer has clearly no idea of what a woman's love comprises of - physical, emotional and sexual availability and exclusivity.

1 star.

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