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How many mistakes before you make the right one?
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Author Note: I wasn't sure which category to put this story in and it is a little longer than usual. The sex isn't explicit but I hope you still enjoy it. Thank you for taking the time to read my works, I really appreciate it. Please remember to leave feedback as I like to know which areas need improving. Anyway, enjoy!



"You fucking what?" I asked in utter disbelief, looking at the blonde before me.

"Oh my god, I'm going to be sick," Claudia said clutching her tummy.

The blonde woman, Anastasia or Anna for short, is the mother of my first child. Yep, that's right, my high school sweetheart that did something I can't forgive. Yep, she blurted it out. No, I didn't know and neither did her mother, Claudia.

I should probably back track a bit and give you some background information. You see, I'm Marcus Mayweather and I'm twenty-six years old. I was on the high school track team as a runner, and Anna used to cheer me on. I am six feet, two inches tall, dark brown hair and quite fit. Not that I am on any track team anymore, instead being in software programming for a games company and making a decent, although at times, stressful living.

So, how did I get to this point? Well, shit. I made a lot of mistakes and I guess I had better go back to when it all started.

Chapter 1

My woeful spate of mistakes started on my eighteenth birthday. I was young, dumb and full of cum as they say. Yep, I let my cock talk me into things. You see, my high school sweetheart Anastasia Holcomb was a blonde bombshell cheerleader. You know the type with long luscious blonde locks, lithe figure with long tanned legs and two features that get most of the attention. Yep, an ass that was tight and a chest that was a little too big for her slender frame. You can see why I would drool, not to mention she was quite attractive. Bombshell, remember. You get the idea. Stunning. Did I point that out enough?

Anyway, Anna is a few months younger than me and the daughter of a billionaire property magnate, Richard Holcomb. If I'm being honest, her money had nothing to do with me hooking up with her, like I said, my cock did the thinking for me in those days. Remember how I just described her? Yes, a supermodel and she would dress in clothes that highlighted her unique... qualities perfectly. If it wasn't tight jeans or leggings, a dress that was sublime or a bikini that was so tight I swear it cut off blood flow, she was always looking good in whatever she wore.

I had known Anna for a few years, her mother Claudia, was friends with my family as much as I guess friendly to each other since I was dating her daughter. She was divorced from Richard, yes, the old cliché. He liked them young and when they got too old, kicked them to the kerb. Claudia was seventeen when she had Anna and by the time she was in her late twenties, Richard had divorced her, paid her out substantially and shacked up with his young secretary. I can only guess money was his lure, given he was a bit of an asshole or should I say massive asshole?

Either way, I should mention I had a bit of a crush on Claudia growing up, since she was this demure but gorgeous blonde with a body to die for. I could see where Anna got her looks from, it definitely wasn't her father, which I guess is a good thing. Claudia was always welcoming of me and was always so supportive, lending an ear at times it was needed. The older I got the more amazing she seemed to become and I enjoyed spending time with Claudia more than my own parents. What can I say, I was blessed with my potential future mother-in-law.

Anyway, Anna had two best friends, one was Kourtney Kane, who was on the track team with me and a lovely brunette, who I got along with really well since we had a lot in common. I guess us both being long distance runners had something to do with it. Yes, she was beautiful, not drop dead gorgeous but homely and attractive with a killer ass and legs. I'm not saying she didn't have breasts because she did, but not as big as Anna's. She was more demure in what she wore, but my god did she look good doing it. The one area where Kourtney seemed to outdo Anna was swimsuits. I know what you're thinking but each time we would catch up and swim at Anna's house, Kourtney would come out in a one-piece suit that looked as though it was painted on. Demure but, well, wow.

Then there was Michaela Jones. A stone cold fox that was so stuck up it wasn't funny. If you weren't in the 'circle of trust' she didn't treat you very well. They say redheads are crazy right? Well even though I think she wasn't a true redhead, she was still crazy and hot. Fucking hot and she knew it. Designer clothes, latest haircuts and always had her nails done. She knew how to tease guys and would often wear a G-string so she could show it off, with the straps above her jeans at times. Yeah, she knew how to work her body and she was the type that would wear thong bikinis to the pool at Anna's. Yeah, her parents let her get away with it. Who was I to complain?

I can only describe this trio's relationship as though Anna had an angel and the devil on each shoulder. Kourtney was the angel and Michaela was the devil, but the three of them got on like a house on fire. I know, weird right?

Now every male has the same fantasy, that I know of any way and that is... a threesome. Well, when Anna proposed a foursome with her two friends for my eighteenth birthday, what do you think I did?

First, I made sure it wasn't some trick, checked things out, made sure I wasn't going to get in trouble. While I said I was young, dumb and full of cum, I wasn't stupid. I thought it was some sort of test given how it just came out of the blue a few weeks before my birthday. Long story short, it wasn't. In some ways it was an extension of what we had already done, with the others watching Anna and I at times, if you get my drift. But I was still uncertain.

It was Kourtney of all people who told me it was on the up and up. When she kissed my cheek and smiled, well I went along with it. Michaela kissed my lips when she found out and gave me the most devilish grin I've ever witnessed, not to mention grabbing my package through my shorts. I had a boner for the rest of the day after that. Yeah, I know, I know.

Anyway, we did it. And before anyone asks, we used condoms. Lots of them and to be honest, I think I've realised, threesomes and more are not my thing. Too much fucking work! Don't shoot me okay, even being fit, they wore me out and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't playing favourites if you get my drift. Now, I did check the condoms and they had caught my baby making batter but guess what I was told two months later? Anna was pregnant and it was mine. I still don't know how it happened and she wouldn't tell me, but the whole foursome thing was my first mistake.

My parents threw me out. You see, I was deemed a bad influence on my younger brother and sister. So much for family loyalty after swearing black and blue it was a set up. I had a sneaking suspicion it had to do with Anna's father being rich and powerful because it just doesn't make any sense. I moved in with Anna and her mother, which wasn't so bad since her mother had a huge house with a pool. That way we could finish school and Anna would give birth a few months after graduation.

My best mate, Roddy Anderson, stood by me but there wasn't a lot he could do. He was there to listen and provided interference when word got around school, and I really appreciated it. The others that were kind to me, were Kourtney and the Weller sisters. Maree and Amanda Weller were twins on the track team. Both lovely ladies who were good sports and better friends. Everyone else, well if I wasn't being called a stud and being asked how I knocked Anna up, they would whisper shit as I walked by. I got nicknamed 'wondercock' by a few of them and after the first few fights, realised it wasn't worth getting in trouble for. I just wanted to graduate and get the hell out of there. Yeah, fat lot of good my many supposed friends were. Fuck them.

Anyway, I settled in to a new routine at Claudia's house and it all went well until after graduation. That's when my second mistake happened.

Chapter 2

We had just finished a fun morning with Kourtney and Michaela, as they would come around pretty much every day, and after lunch it was just the three of us again. I should mention that Roddy, would come by once a week, but he was busy with his own family and girlfriend. That would stop soon because he was off to college a couple of states away and would only be home on the long holidays. Anyway, it was the three of us at home, myself, Anna and her mother Claudia. I was sitting at the kitchen counter, looking through the job adverts when Anna stood beside me.

"What are you doing?" Anna asked in a tone that I hadn't heard before. It was an almost demeaning, speaking-down-to-the-help tone that put me on edge. I looked at her standing there with a bottle of oil in her hands. Essential oils, yeah that shit.

"I'm looking at jobs. I figure I need to support you and our baby," I replied but she immediately cut me off and shoved the bottle of oil in my face.

"Nonsense. You are going to rub me down, make sure I don't get any stretch marks and start applying for college. I'm not marrying a bum," Anna said in such a matter of fact tone that pushed me over the edge.

"What? I'm not a bum, I'm trying to support you and our child," I said looking at her incredulously. Perhaps it was being pregnant but Anna hadn't been that rude to me since we started going out. Maybe it was just me, I don't know but I didn't like how she spoke to me.

"I never said you were, just that you need a good paying job if you're going to support me and the baby," Anna said lifting her shirt and pointing at her growing belly. "Now, rub me."

But I wasn't having that subservient bullshit and before you ask I had rubbed her belly before, as well as the rest of her body. What? I was young, and hot blooded, remember? But with her tone, there was no way I was going to do it this time. I was riled up and had other things on my mind.

"And what about you? Aren't you going to college and then get a good paying job to support us as well?" I asked with a little frustration in my tone.

"I'll worry about that after the baby is born. Right now, I want you to rub me... oh, and we also need to discuss marriage," Anna replied as if she had it all planned out.

"What marriage? I didn't think I was elite enough for your father?" I said bluntly and I wasn't kidding. He never liked me from the start. "Lord knows he reminds me of it all the time. Why would I want to marry into that?"

Okay, maybe I was a little angry but she started it.

"Don't be stupid. Are you saying you won't marry me?" Anna asked with a huff. I'm sure it must have been the pregnancy hormones because she was never like this before. I swear.

"That's what I'm saying right this moment. We should take our time and see how things work out. We've got enough to worry about with the baby coming along," I replied trying to get her to see reason. Nope, she didn't. With a huge huff, Anna gave me the death stare, turned on her heels and rushed out of the kitchen.

Claudia came in just as she was leaving and looked at me with a shocked expression. I have to admit right here that Claudia had been nothing short of amazing throughout all this and welcomed me with open arms. As long as I was with Anna I knew I had a place to stay.

"What was that about?" Claudia asked politely.

"Anna demanded I go to college, marry her and put up with her father looking down at me for his daughter marrying someone beneath her," I replied rather succinctly. Claudia made a face and thought about it a moment before responding.

"I see. She's gotten a bit hot-headed lately, hasn't she?" Claudia said as more of a statement than a question. "She'll cool down."

But she didn't. Ten minutes later, she rolled a suitcase out and then looked at us.

"I'm leaving. Until you show me some damned respect I'm not coming back. I'll be at Daddy's!" Anna said before turning in a huff and storming out of the house, slamming the door and driving away.

Both Claudia and I stood there in shock before realising what had happened.

"Don't worry, just a tantrum, she'll call," Claudia said warmly.

But she didn't. True to her word, Anna was staying with her father. It took two days to find it all out and I was called all manner of names under the sun by him. This wasn't going to work.

I finally sat down with Claudia and had a heart to heart with her. She impressed upon me the need to go to college and get my life in order.

"You need to go to college Marcus, get that behind you before worrying about Anna and her tantrum," Claudia said trying to put me at ease. "We'll work out parenting arrangements so you can see your child, but if Richard has any say you may not see the baby at all."

"Shit," I said holding my head in my hands. "What am I going to do... I'm screwed."

"No, you're not," Claudia said sitting down beside me and putting a comforting arm around my shoulder and one on my arm.

"Claudia, I am. You've been a gracious host but I can't impose on you anymore. Anna is gone, I have to find my own place and try to make it work. There is no way my parents will take me back... I need to find a job, take some classes," I said but she shook her head and smiled. Her smiles could put an angry beast at ease, she was just that wonderful. How she got hooked up with Richard I'll never know. She was way too good for him.

"I want to propose something," Claudia said with that lovely warm glow she had about herself. I looked at her and could see a twinkle in her eyes which had me intrigued.

"Such as?"

"How about this," Claudia replied still smiling. "You stay here, I'll give you a roof over your head, feed you and you go to college full time, while doing things around here to pay your way?"

I looked at her wondering what she meant. The woman was loaded, having gotten a huge payout from Richard. I think after the divorce, he had lawyers comb through his potential future partners before getting them into bed. The woman definitely didn't need a handyman given she could afford anything, but I was curious.

"What things exactly?" I asked not wanting to get too hopeful.

"Yard work, any maintenance on the house that needs doing and someone to sit with at night to watch a movie at home. Keep me company," Claudia replied her smile waning. "I do get lonely at times, that's all. It's been wonderful having you all here these last few months."

I looked at her and had to wonder what the 'gotcha' was but it all sounded pretty good.

"You're serious?" I asked seeing her smile return. "That's all?"

"That's all, maybe someone to see a show with from time to time, but mostly stuff around here to pay for lodging and food," Claudia replied with that warm smile again.


"God no, I can't stand opera," Claudia said bluntly.

"Thank god," I said which caused her to laugh.

"So, do we have a deal?" Claudia asked happily.

"But what about Jodie?" I replied knowing she often caught up with her good friend Jodie Springer. She was an attractive brunette that was of similar age to Claudia and was often around when we were growing up. She too was from a rich circle of friends and I had to wonder if it was more for appearances than friendship. Still, she seemed nice.

"Oh, she's busy with her family most of the time. Four children and all, lots of social dinners at the country club and what not. We catch up once a month at best now-a-days," Claudia said with a shrug. I could tell it bothered her but I wasn't about to push it given my own predicament.

"Fair enough," I said with a sigh.

"So, again I ask, do we have a deal?" Claudia asked with her smile returning.

I looked at her and wondered.

"Why?" I replied politely.

"Oh, apart from not seeing Jodie... that's easy, too many gold-digging men out there. It's easier to stay single... for me anyway. Haven't met the right guy either, not that I'm looking," Claudia said as a matter of fact. It all seemed like nothing was a bother to her and I liked that about her. But it still didn't answer the question I meant to ask.

"Sorry... Why, help me?"

It didn't take her but a second to answer me.

"Because I don't like seeing a good person put down and because I can. My ex-husband is an asshole, he'll make your life miserable if you let him. He and Anna are very close. So, I want to make sure you have some solid footing behind you just in case. That's what I'm here for, okay? I'll help out as well as I can," Claudia said genuinely. I thought about it for a moment and then nodded.

It was a deal I couldn't pass up, not if I wanted to support my child and be the best person I could be.

"Deal," I said as we shook hands and she beamed happily. If only I knew now what I knew then.

Chapter 3

I wasn't allowed in the delivery room or to see Anna. Claudia and Richard were allowed to be there and Claudia had kept me up to date on everything. She had kept in contact with Anna daily but had made no in-roads into changing the status quo. My deal with Claudia saw me busy outside the house, or getting ready for college, and she had been nothing short of amazing throughout this whole ordeal. Did I tell you she can cook? My god, the woman is a whizz in the kitchen and kept me fed beautifully.

My family still wanted nothing to do with me, even upon hearing the news that our baby boy had been born and was healthy. Alexander Richard Mayweather came into this world at nine o'clock in the morning and all I could do was see him through the window in the nursery. Claudia had been lucky enough to snag a couple of photos and sent them to me, but that was as close as I got, for now.

Kourtney kept me company the whole time, holding my hand when I needed it and Roddy was there too for moral support. Remember how I said Kourtney was an angel, she earned those wings that day. I never asked and she never told but the hugs, the rubs on my back and her general closeness were a great comfort that day. She never left my side until it was time to go home and she reluctantly went after Claudia told her she'd take care of me. Yeah, Kourtney is that good of a friend.

When I got home, I was feeling pretty down. I crashed on the sofa and before I could wallow in my self-pity, Claudia grabbed me, pulled me into a hug and rested my head on her chest. I have to admit it was the most amazing, comforting hug I've ever had in my life. I've never cried in my life. Shocking I know, but at that moment, it all just came out of me. She held me tight, stroked my back and told me it would be alright. She was so warm and loving that I put my arms around her and held on. I don't know how long we stayed there for, but it was dark out when I finally came up and looked at her. I could see tears in her eyes too.

"I don't like seeing you hurt," Claudia said wiping away her own tears.

"Me either," I said which made her smile. "My own fault though. Still don't know who it happened. But it did."

"Let's not focus on the past, it won't do us any good," Claudia said taking my hand. Hers were warm and soft. "My past isn't great either, I made some mistakes... I guess that's why I wanted to help you."

"Thank you, I mean that," I said looking at her. "I really do appreciate everything you've done for me."

"You're welcome," Claudia said happily.

We sat back on the couch, still holding hands and we just started talking. She told me how she met Richard at sixteen, when she was waitressing at a restaurant, he dined in. He swept her off her feet and wanting to appear older she used a fake id to get into a club he was going to and joined him there. Claudia admitted she was smitten with him and didn't know his true colors until later. When news broke of her pregnancy, the fake id and how it all happened, her parents kicked her out, much like mine did to me and she move in with Richard. I guess I now understand why she has helped me so much.