Mister Big


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Perhaps thinking all these thoughts had enabled me to last much longer, but I realized my cock was still pounding away at Lynn even 10 minutes later. Not only was I still jamming it into her she was demanding I do it harder and faster. This was something we had never done in the past and I started to think that perhaps she was expecting me to use my cock to punish her for what she had done. Just as she had demanded I squeeze and pull her nipples hard until she felt the pain, she seemed to be expecting me to ravage her pussy in the same fashion. Our love making had always been intimate and romantic in the past but not now. I was thinking it had become much more animalistic but even gotten beyond that point. I had to wonder if deep down she enjoyed something like this or rather perhaps this was a one time event and I was working her feeling of guilt out of her system with every thrust of my cock.

I decided the time for analysis was over, I was thinking too much right now. I could feel a boiling as the hot liquid started moving up my cock and soon I had filled her pussy once again. The sweat had been pouring off me as I continued to pound her but shortly after I came Lynn did as well and I knew we were finished for the night. I couldn't remember the last time we had done it twice in the same night and although I felt great about it, I knew I wasn't up to any more. After several minutes to allow my heart to return to normal I pulled out and this time Lynn simply slumped onto the bed and I slid up beside her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. She snuggled in and gave me a soft and romantic kiss on the lips and sighed contentedly. I did feel several wet drops on my shoulder and I had to wonder if they were tears of guilt or perhaps just sweat that had fallen from her body. I didn't give it much thought, it really didn't make any difference.


The next morning I was dragging a little more than normal but then after the night I had experienced I could completely understand why. I showered and dressed before going downstairs and found Lynn cooking breakfast. She seemed to be in a good mood and I kissed her on the cheek before helping myself to a cup of coffee and sitting at the table. We sometimes ate together but usually we were going in different directions and didn't always have the time. I wondered if she was still trying to assuage her guilt but I couldn't tell based on her actions today. Last night her body language and even the inflections in her speech all told me that she had done something wrong and was conflicted but this morning that conflict seemed to have disappeared. I wondered for a minute if she felt she had made up to me any injustice she might have felt about what she did or perhaps she had come to the conclusion that since I didn't know, there wouldn't be any consequence to her action. I didn't know what I had decided but although disappointed I wasn't going to confront her nor was I going to do anything to change our relationship.

I had several things to do today, and even though I was trying to minimize Lynn's action, they were things that needed to be done. Nick had given me a copy of the conversation we had overheard several days earlier and I put the DVD into my computer and plugged in a set of headphones so I could listen to it in private. I wasn't really surprised by what I heard although I did listen more carefully to get more information. I was pretty certain I remembered everything but I just needed to be absolutely sure. After listening to the conversation again I put the disk back in the envelope Nick had given me and locked it into my desk drawer. I had to go out and run errands, but I didn't think I would be gone too long.

I didn't have my own secretary but we had a woman who took care of the office and I let her know I would be out of the office for probably an hour but I would be back soon. After that I went across the street to the Metro station and took a short ride before I came to the clinic. The thought that Lynn might have brought home some STD from Mr. big dick had been eating at me, at least figuratively, and I certainly hoped it was not literally. I had myself tested and was assured I would have the results in 2 to 3 days. I don't know why but I felt pretty confident that I was in the clear but then again one never knows. I also realized that until I knew I would have to stay away from my wife, at least stay away from her pussy. I wondered if she had gotten everything out of her system last night and maybe we would go back to our usual 2 or 3 times a week. If not, it might be difficult to put her off if she insisted on another fuck frenzy tonight. I guess I would have to cross that bridge when I came to it.

"Hey Will, how's it going?" I started the conversation after my brother-in-law answered the phone.

"About as well as you can expect. Nothing ever changes." He said although his voice didn't sound quite as flat as his words might.

"Anything new on the housing front?" I figured I might as well get to the reason for my call although he didn't know that. He and Laura had been looking at houses and Lynn had told me that their thought was to find one and then start a family of their own. They had been living in an apartment for the past 4 years and each of them figured it was time to get something a little bit bigger and start building some equity.

"Nothing yet. We look at a house and sometimes it has some good features but mostly there are more negatives than positives." He started in response to my question.

"Oh? I thought Lynn said that last house you looked at impressed you." I said, my wife hadn't said anything of the sort but I figured I would lead him down the road that I expected him to go.

"Really? It had a few things going for it but like I said there were just as many negatives. The garage is small and so was the yard. It would mean at least another 8 miles for my commute and the taxes... Oh my God! You can't believe just how expensive the taxes are." He said in exasperation.

"Welcome to home ownership in Washington DC!" I laughed, living here was sticker shock for anyone who had never experienced it before.

"I guess we'll just have to keep looking. I know we'll find something sooner or later but I just wish these agents could get it through their heads to show me something I want to see. I tell them what I'm looking for and I give them my price range and the first thing they do is to show me houses that are $50,000 more than my top limit. Then, they try to twist my arm and tell me that the house has almost everything I want and that if I don't jump on it somebody else will." Will was lamenting all the negatives of looking for a home. I know he had never done it before but a lot of it was pretty typical regardless of where one looked. Lynn and I had done it twice so far, our house was the second one we had lived in here in the Metro DC area.

"Yeah, I think realtors are right up there with used car salesmen." I said with a chuckle and he agreed wholeheartedly.

We continued to talk for several more minutes and I closed the conversation reminding him of the barbecue he and Laura were going to join us for the following weekend. I also got the name of the real estate company he was using as part of the conversation which was really what I wanted.

After I finished speaking to Will I went downstairs and found Gloria. Gloria was a longtime friend who had worked at the paper just as long as I had and she worked in the research department. I knew she would help me without question and I asked her to find out some background information about Gerald. She didn't ask why I needed the information and responded that she would have something for me later that day. I knew she would, Gloria was good at her job so I left the research in her capable hands and returned to my office. I spent the rest of the morning doing the mundane things that a reporter has to do, I had a meeting with my editor about my interview with the Senator, made a few phone calls and tried to track down some leads on other stories we were working on.


Just after 2 o'clock I got an interoffice memo from Gloria, it was a small folder of information. There wasn't a lot but then again I realized there might not be a lot to some local guy who sold real estate. I was used to getting thick folders whenever I did background on a public figure but this was different. The first page was mostly demographic information which didn't take me long to scan. The guy was 41 years old and had been selling real estate ever since he got out of high school. He was making a decent living at it but not getting rich although I had to wonder just how many realtors actually did get rich selling houses. I figured if he was working in some other area besides Washington DC, he probably would be mediocre at best but with the cost of housing here and the need for constant turnover he probably was able to sell enough houses to make a comfortable living. He had been married but I saw he was divorced and had a 19 year old daughter. There was some other miscellaneous information such as a couple of speeding tickets and the fact that his credit rating although decent wasn't anywhere near stellar. I guess I couldn't really say much about that, most people didn't have the credit status of a Donald Trump or Bill Gates. The next page was the one I was more interested in. This had personal information that one didn't get just by doing a quick Google search.

I knew that Gloria and her staff had made some phone calls and talked to different people who knew the guy and this was current information straight from the horse's mouth. I learned that he was a player, he had been cheating on his wife almost as long as they had been married. Apparently she had caught him a number of times and each time he had promised it would be the last but never was. 3 years ago something had triggered her anger to the point where she filed for divorce against him. I could completely understand why she might but that's when her life started to fall apart. She filed her suit declaring infidelity as the reason but unfortunately she had no proof of that infidelity. Everyone knew the guy ran around and couldn't keep it in his pants but without actual proof she didn't have any chance in court. He had hired a lawyer who turned out to be a real pit bull, a true bastard in every sense of the word. He used every dirty trick in the book to stymie her attempts to get the divorce to go through, I'm sure she only wanted to get away from him but at the same time she wanted to leave with some assets and some of her dignity intact. Apparently that wasn't what he wanted.

His lawyer started hinting about mental instability, incompetence and even started throwing terms around like involuntary commitment. His wife had been pushed beyond her ability to tolerate things and had indeed crossed the breaking point. She had some sort of mental breakdown and his lawyer used that as a basis to throw out her demands. Surprisingly I saw that he had been awarded custody of his then 16 year old daughter. I thought that odd since normally the woman gets custody in such cases but it was his wife's actions that had been her undoing. Because of everything he had put her through she had threatened to kill him and had done so in front of witnesses. His lawyer jumped on that and had restraining orders issued preventing her from coming anywhere near her husband or her daughter. That only pushed her deeper into depression and the court said there was nothing they could do but remove the young girl from the mother's influence.

I had all the information I had intended to get and probably should've stopped but I couldn't. I had already resolved that I was going to put this behind me and try not to worry about it but I decided that I wanted to see just what this guy had that I didn't. I'm not sure why I felt the need to see him up close and personal, after all I had read all of the information that Gloria had gathered. There wasn't much more I'd be able to determine on my own but I decided I needed to anyway. I thought perhaps I would go and park outside of his office just to get a look at him but then another thought came to my mind. He was a real estate agent and it would not be unusual for him to meet strangers who were looking for a new house. What would be more normal than for me to call his office and tell him I was moving into the area and could he show me some homes. It was stupid I know, but for some reason I just couldn't let things drop without finding out more about him. I picked up the phone and placed the call, 10 minutes later I had an appointment to meet him tomorrow to look at a new house. I was nervous but I didn't know why. I met new people all the time and not always under the best of circumstances. I'm not sure why I should be nervous, after all I would only be touring the house and making small talk with a guy who was trying to sell me on its better points. Of course, the guy I was having small talk with would be the same guy who only 2 days earlier was fucking my wife!


I pulled up and parked in front of the address that Gerald had given me over the phone yesterday. He had asked me to meet him at his house which seemed odd to me but then again it had been some time since I had actually been in the market for a new home. I walked up to the door and rang the bell, assuming he would be there waiting to meet me. Instead, the door was opened by a young girl who I assumed was his daughter.

I was totally shocked. She seemed an attractive young woman and from my research I knew that she was 19 but she actually looked closer to 14. She had blonde hair with pigtails on each side and barrettes near the temples. She was wearing a bulky sweat shirt and a skirt that came down at least 6 inches below her knees. She was wearing athletic socks and high top tennis shoes and even though her face might have suggested 14 her dress seemed more suited to someone who was 12.

"Why can't you bastards just stay away and leave me alone!" Were the first words out of her mouth as she opened the door after I had rung the bell.

"Excuse me?" I asked, I was totally shocked at her outburst.

"You and your friends and my father spend all your time drinking and womanizing! Why can't you just stay the hell away!" She clarified although perhaps it was clearer to her than to me. I remembered back to my research and my thoughts that his red nose was indicative of too many liquid lunches. I knew he considered himself a ladies man and perhaps he and a number of his friends lived that lifestyle. I guessed that his daughter was upset by it, perhaps the fact that he had driven her mother away might have something to do with her attitude.

"I'm sorry miss, but I've never met your father. I'm supposed to meet him here so he can show me a house." I said hoping to calm her outburst.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did." She said as she looked toward the ground. I could tell she was embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, I won't say anything." I tried to reassure her since I didn't think her father would appreciate what she had said about him.

"Thank you. I... I have to go now, my father doesn't like me talking to strangers." She said as I saw her glance sideways down the street. I saw a car approaching and assumed it might be her father and as she said she didn't want to be seen talking to me if it might upset her father that she would do so.

"Nice meeting you miss." I said just before she shut the door and I heard it lock behind her.

The car pulled up behind mine and he got out, he looked almost exactly like the picture I had seen although the hairline had receded a bit more and the nose was definitely redder. I guess the picture Gloria had been able to send me was several years old but at this point he was easily recognizable.

"Morning! I'm Gerry Symington, how are you?" He started as he extended his hand as he was approaching me.

"I'm Bob, we spoke yesterday." I said by way of my own introduction. We shook hands and he suggested I get into his car and we started to the house he was planning to show me.

"So what brings you to Washington DC?" He asked, I had mentioned in our conversation yesterday that I was being transferred to the city.

"My company is expanding and I'll be heading up a new group. It's kind of a promotion for me and being here in the corporate headquarters has a certain symbolic cachet to it."

"So what do you do?" He asked, I guess he must speak to a lot of people and he seemed to want to talk.

"I'm a forensic accountant. Our company contracts with the IRS to investigate possible cases of fraud. It's a lot of numbers and a lot of people will find it pretty boring but I really love it." I explained.

"The IRS? Think you can pull any strings for me?" He said with a chuckle.

"Not really. We work mostly with corporate accounts so I don't really get involved with individuals. The IRS doesn't have the manpower to do the in-depth type of investigations we do so they contract with us but for the most part all I see are numbers. Half the time I'm not even certain who's employed by the companies we're investigating." I was building my story, I just wanted to make it sound believable.

"So you said yesterday you're looking for a 4 bedroom?" He said as he changed the subject.

"Yeah, I think it's probably necessary. It's just me and my wife and our 2 daughters. Right now they're getting old enough they don't like sharing a bedroom so I think we need a room for each of them and then we'll have an office that my wife and I can share so I guess that makes a 4 bedroom house almost a necessity."

"2 daughters? How old are they?" He asked.

"They are 8 and 10. Olivia is 10 and Emily is 8 and they're getting to the point where they are starting to show their independence." I explained as we continued talking.

"I've got my own daughter but she's a little older than that. Still, I remember going through that phase and you really have to be tough to make sure they don't go down the wrong path. You really have to sit on them, it's very easy these days for some of the bad influences to get to them." He said as though he was an expert and was warning me about the dangers I would face raising my own children.

"Are things that bad in DC?" I asked.

"Well, they're not any worse here than they are anywhere else but you just have to be very careful. You have to keep an eye on them all the time because it's so easy for them to go bad. With my own daughter we didn't let her have any friends we didn't know beforehand. In fact, we actually took her out of public school and my wife homeschooled her for quite a few years." I hadn't known all of this from the research but then again I hadn't given Gloria a lot of time to look too deeply either.

"Well, there's no chance we're going to do any homeschooling here. My wife is actually the principle of a middle school back in Denver so she's a firm believer in the public school system. We both know there are a lot of problems and even now she's going to take a job as a lobbyist with a company that is promoting educational reform but I think it would be somewhat hypocritical of her not to allow our children to go to public school."

"You have to do what you have to do. In our case I think it worked but other people might have different experiences." I think he was trying to cover himself and not annoy me in the hope he wouldn't put me off so much I might not be interested in buying a home from him.

"So your wife taught your daughter?" I asked, I was wondering what he might have to say about her.

"She did okay for a while, but we're separated now." He explained and I didn't pursue the matter even though I knew that he had basically pushed her over the edge into a mental breakdown.