Mistress Arianne and Her prey


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Jess leaned forward resting her arms on the glass tabletop. The mixed drink choices offered the standard blended fare with a tropical slant, a variety of intriguing shooter combinations, half of which she'd never heard of, and the usual mixed drinks.

A young waiter approached to take T/their drink order and introduced himself as Joey.

Jess flipped the drink menu closed and returned in to the holder. "Strawberry Daiquiri, please."

"Make that two." Arianne told the waiter.

"A woman after My own heart, " Arianne said once Joey shuffled off.

Jess played with her napkin. "Oh? How's that?"

"your choice of drink, exotic." Arianne said, smiling.

Why that gave her heart a jolt, she couldn't say, but she liked the feeling as much as she enjoyed the electric intensity of Her gaze as She looked at her. The sexy, sultry tone of Her voice wasn't bad, either. Definitely all of the above, she decided. When it came to her reaction to the Woman seated across from her, Anything Goes was quickly becoming her motto.

Jess cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably under Her stare. "Do You come here often?" she asked lamely. From Her reaction, she was betting not.

"No, a friend of Mine told Me about this place, so I figured I would try it out. She told Me about it when she was having a Christmas dinner here."

Finding Arianne under a tree on Christmas morning could be loads of fun, she thought. Of course She'd be wearing nothing but one of Her heart-stopping smiles and a big red bow, waiting to be unwrapped solely for her pleasure.

In desperate need of distraction before she wound up caught in the middle of another delicious fantasy, she scanned the menu and decided on the grilled chicken with rice and a salad just as Joey returned with a pair of frosted glasses with T/their strawberry daiquiris. He took T/their order, promising to return soon with the appetizers Arianne ordered for T/them.

After talking some small talk, the waiter returned with T/their appetizer, a platter of deep-fried shrimp, pineapple spears, and mango slices and a variety of dipping sauces. He vanished as quickly as he'd appeared.

She stared at her mouth, overwhelmed by the sudden urge to kiss her again, as she put a chunk of pineapple into her mouth. Sweet juice coated her lips and she used the tip of her tongue to collect the moisture.

Arianne shifted on Her side of the booth. Forget kisses. Kissing was highly overrated compared to the images flashing through Her mind of exactly where She'd like to see her mouth and that pretty pink tongue. She'd bet she had plenty of skills, and the idea of Her being the One to exploit those particular talents was making Her wet. How was it that She had the feeling She'd known her forever, when in reality it'd been less than a day?

Jess placed a slice of mango into her mouth, seemingly oblivious to Her train of thought. her eyes glittered like beautiful royal blue sapphires, as she gazed at Her smiling softly.

After T/they finished eating T/their dinner, Jess offered for T/them to go do something a little different, but fun.

"This is a little more difficult than I thought it would be, " Arianne said good-naturedly.

Jess gave Her an encouraging smile. "Your technique is good." Better than good, she thought. The Woman was nothing short of a pro. "Are You sure You haven't done this before?"

"Until you, " She teased, "I was as pure as the driven snow."

Jess laughed heartily, as she'd been doing for most of the night. Whether it was the carnival atmosphere of the miniature golf course giving her a more lighthearted feeling than usual, or the company of the Woman she couldn't seem to stop touching at every opportunity, she didn't know, and quite frankly, she didn't much care.

"Somehow i doubt that." she teased.

Arianne's eyes filled with hunger when She looked at her, leaving her with the distinct impression T/they were no longer discussing Her golf technique. A heaviness settled in her tummy. she hadn't believed it possible for her to experience such insistent need for someone she'd only met, but from the simmering in Her eyes, the sentiment was definitely mutual.

By suggesting T/they play miniature golf after dinner when she had a perfectly good apartment where T/they could've been alone, hadn't been her brightest idea. Whatever had she been thinking?

Jess knew exactly what she'd been thinking--while she might be wildly attracted to Her, she really didn't know Her all that well. Not wanting the evening to end too soon, the outdoor miniature golf complex had seemed like a safe alternative. Not exactly the pleasurable pursuits she'd had in her mind, but the time she'd spent with Arianne hadn't been a waste.

"Show Me again," She said. "I have one shot left and I want it to count."

"Oh, all right." Her helpless act had grown old over an hour ago, but she was happy to take advantage of the opportunity to get close to Her again, to feel Her soft skin under her hands, to breath in Her tantalizing feminine scent. "Put Your thumbs together lengthwise. Like this." she instructed. she moved in close and eased her hands slowly over Hers. "It'll strengthen Your grip as Your club won't slip when You stroke like it did the last time."

The sultry tone of Her voice, combined with the warm fan of breath against her hear sent a delightful shiver sliding down her spine. she turned her head to the side and stared at Her mouth. "Just make sure you hold on...tight."

Desire flamed in Her eyes. she was playing with fire and loving every second of it. When She looked at her that way, she couldn't think straight.

Jess stepped out of Her way, not to give Her room, but for her own sanity. The view of Her ass as She bent over the club preparing to put the golf ball through the lion's mouth had her curling her toes into the patch of Astroturf.

She took Her shot and made it on the first try, as She'd been doing all night long. The grin of Her face when She looked at her over Her shoulder was nothing short of triumphant.

"That's game."

Jess folded her arms and tilted her hip slightly to the side. "For Someone Who claims to have never played miniature golf " she said skeptically, "You certainly beat the pants off me with not problem."

"Now you're talking." She walked toward her, a definite predatory light in Her gaze that sent her pulse careening. "Care to have another go and make it interesting this time?"

"Not a chance. You've played before. Come on, Arianne. Admit it."

She took a step back, then with the putter gripped in Her hands, She adjusted Her stance as if She were stepping up to a tee on the back nine. Jess gasped when She swung the club with the precision form of a seasoned pro. "You're a liar. How long have You been playing?"

"Tonight was My first time." Her heart-stopping grin was anything but innocent when She wrapped Her arm around her waist and hauled her against Her. "But I've played real golf before."

Every nerve ending in her body came instantly and even more vibrantly alive at the contact. her breasts swelled, and the sharp tug of desire in her belly made her damp with need. "You cheated," she said, but the whispered words sounded more like an invitation that the playful accusation she'd intended.

Ducking Her head, She brushed Her lips over hers in a feathery kiss before letting her go. "I did, didn't I?"

"Your shameless." Needing to catch her breath, she scooted away from Her to the stone bench where she'd dropped her shoes upon entering the final obstacle of the miniature golf course. Jess slipped her feet back into her shoes while watching Her retrieve T/their discarded clubs, attempting to recall when she'd last enjoyed herself so thoroughly--with a Woman or otherwise.

In no hurry to return to her place--alone--she leaned back on her hands and stretched her legs out in front of her as She joined her on the bench.

Arianne rested Her elbows on Her knees and leaned forward, the putters clasped loosely between Her palms in front of Her. "Tonight was fun. Thank you."

"i just had that very same thought."

Realization slammed into her with a force of a freight train, leaving her momentarily breathless. The elusive emotion she'd been struggling to pinpoint suddenly became amazingly clear. The constant presence of fear she carried with her had mysteriously disappeared. Being with Arianne had accomplished what nothing, not the extra locks on her doors and windows, not the alarm systems or the precautions she took to ensure her safety, had done. With Her, she felt safe, a sensation she hadn't experienced with any degree of honesty in a long time. No wonder she didn't immediately recognize it. The feeling had all but become foreign to her.

As T/they walked toward the parking lot after returning T/their clubs, her earlier nervousness slowly returned. T/they reached her car, and she pulled her keys from the front pocket of her jeans. she'd left her purse hidden under the seat and locked it in her hidden under the seat and had locked it in her car so she wouldn't have to keep an eye on her purse while T/they golfed.

Arianne took the keys from her, then unlocked and opened the door for her. Would She ask or would She leave it up to her to issue the Y/your place or M/mine invitation? Nothing is going to happen that you don't want to happen. The words She'd whispered to her at the restaurant clamored through her mind. That was her problem. Jess did want something to happen, something sexy and exciting and fulfilling.

Arianne stepped forward, sandwiching her between Her breasts and the interior of her car. Heat engulfed her from head to toe, but it had nothing to do with the weather, and everything to do with sex.

She settled Her hands low on her hips, sparking myriad sensual, erotic images. Her hands on her bare hips, guiding her over Her as she slid down the length of Her strap-on. Touching. Exploring. Tasting.

Jess looked into Her eyes and her breath caught as the heat swirling in the depths of Her gaze, igniting a flame that burned her deep inside. her feminine senses were already spinning out of control and T/they hadn't even kissed again.

She drew her closer until her breasts brushed against Hers. The air crackled with pent-up, sexual energy, and her nipples beaded into tight buds, rasping against the lace cups of her demi bra. she wanted to feel the warmth of Her hands on her breasts, the heat of Her mouth as She tasted her, the pull of need in her belly as She suckled her.

Wreathing her arms around Her neck brought T/their bodies even closer. Applying the slightest amount of pressure she urged Her head down for a hot openmouthed kiss. If she couldn't find the words to tell Her what she wanted, then she'd just have to show Her. She tasted like heaven, warm, sweet, and feminine. Hot. Demanding. Intoxicating. Safe.

Jess's fingertips teased the wavy strands of hair brushing Her blouse, then she ran her hands through Her hair and boldly explored Her. she plastered her body to Her. Moving against Her, she was rewarded with a moan of pleasure.

Jess skimmed her hand of Her skirt and issued a moan all her own at such a delicious discovery. The reality of Her put her fantasies to shame and she was suddenly glad of the dark shadows of the parking lot.

Her mouth left hers to skim her jaw, Her lips trailing a steamy path down the side of her neck. Sensation shot through her with lightning speed and she lost her balance, stumbling backward.

She caught her and pressed her up against the side of her car, surrounding her with Her heat, Her need. Beneath Her skirt, she felt Her wettened panties, her own sex pulsed in response and she ached for Her touch as much as she craved the feel of Her hot and wet beneath her hand.

Without shame or regret, she took what she wanted. Slipping her hand beneath the fabric of Her panties, and gently stroked the velvety smoothness of Her.

Arianne sucked in a sharp hiss of breath, and brought Her mouth down hard on hers. Need raked her insides. Skimming Her hands along her sides to her waist, Her fingers then worked the button on her jeans. Warm, sultry air brushed her skin. Her fingers dipped beneath the lace of her panties and her world spun. Nerve endings she'd forgotten existed burst into flames at the first bold slide of Her fingers over her dewy folds.

Jess wanted Arianne. Here. Now.

Desire pulsed through her veins; her skin grew tighter, hotter. her frustration mounted. she wanted Arianne in a way she hadn't ever experienced and it frightened her as much as it exhilarated her. Wanted Her inside her, craved the weight of Her body over hers, the length of Her strap-on stroking her deeply, consuming her.

Her fingers bit into her hips and She set her away from Her, ending what T/they'd started far too soon. She rested Her forehead against hers, Her breathing as ragged as her own. At least she was granted the satisfaction on that front, although a far cry from the satisfaction her body demanded.

"I think W/we'd better say good night." Her voice was tight. "W/we could get arrested out her if this goes any further."

Disappointment filled her, yet failed to completely quell the delicious sensations still humming inside her. "Probably a good idea," she reluctantly agreed, although for the life of her, she couldn't summon a single argument in support of the decision, threat of arrest notwithstanding. "i do have an early day tomorrow."

Arianne placed one final, hard kiss on her lips, then moved back and waited for her to climb into her car before She closed the door. With trembling fingers, she managed to slip the keys into the ignition and start the vehicle so she could lower the window.

With one hand resting on the roof, She leaned toward her, "How does tomorrow night look to you?"

Jess gave Her her most sultry smile. "Very promising." she whispered huskily, then indulged in one last taste. she made it good, too, so She'd have no mistaking exactly what she had in mind tomorrow night. Not that she'd left much to Her imagination already.

She moved away from her car. "I'll call you, and W/we'll make plans."

Jess nodded, and disengaged the emergency brake, shifted into reverse and pulled out of the parking space. she didn't bother to tell Her the only plans T/they'd be making concerned which side of the bed She preferred.

Once back in her apartment, she reset the alarm for the night, turned off the lamp in the entry and headed down the hall toward her bedroom.

Thinking about her past and all that had happened to her sent a chill down her spine. Remembering that night she'd had to have the police come to her house and take her to the hospital for the violent rape and sodomy she'd endured, pained her. Shaking her head, she tried to clear her thoughts.

Jess's life had been irrevocably altered, but she'd come away with a clear vision of her future. she wanted to help others. she didn't suffer from a superhero complex, nor was she arrogant enough to believe she held the power to single-handedly bring about the end of violence in society. she didn't operate under the misguided assumption that for everyone she helped, would make her problems disappear.

The sudden rise in volume courtesy of a television commercial jolted her back to the present. she shook off the morbidity of the past as best she could and went through the motions of her nightly routine.

Fifteen minutes later she crawled into bed, and turned off the television.

The phone on Jess's desk rang. Jess absently reached for the phone. "Jess here."

Arianne smiled at the sound of Jess's voice. "If Jess were here, I could kiss her."

"Uh, hello." she didn't exactly sound particularly welcoming. "What can i do for You?"

The coolness of her tone disappointed Her. She'd been anticipating the sweet, intoxicating sound of her laughter or a sultry double-edged reply that would make Her wet because She'd been unable to stop thinking about her. "That's a loaded question, girl. If you are alone, I'll be more than happy to tell you."

"No i'm not."

She definitely detected an unmistakable chill in her voice, no question. Because She'd caught her off guard, or because She'd called her at work? "Bad time?"

"i'm sort of in the middle of something."

Ah, She thought, Her ego marginally restored. "This'll be quick. Got a pen handy? Tonight. My place. My address is--"

"Uh...about that. i'll have to pass."

Not exactly the enthusiastic response She'd been hoping to hear. What happened to the woman She'd held in Her arms last night? The one who hadn't been shy in letting Her know exactly what she wanted from Her? That was the woman She wanted to talk to, the one She wanted in Her bed, not this cold, distant impersonator. "Maybe W/we should--"

"No," she blurted. "It's just...i really can't. i'm sorry. It's not a good idea. Goodbye."

The line went dead. Goodbye?

Arianne frowned and hung up the phone. That definitely had not been a polite end to a conversation goodbye. In fact, it sounded more like...

"Goodbye?" She muttered to Herself. "What the hell was that all about?"

A nurse breezed by Her. "What was what all about?"

"Oh, nothing," She said, but Her gut told Her it was definitely something. If Jess thought she could blow Her off without an explanation, then she'd better start thinking again. She couldn't come up with a single reason for such a drastic change in her between last night and this afternoon, but She was determined to find out what had gone wrong.

"Hey, get Me the address for Jess Williams, " She told the nurse receptionist.

"The girl who was here yesterday?"

"One and the same." Or maybe there were two of them, She thought. The woman She'd just spoken to was a complete one-eighty from the one who'd left Her standing in the parking lot in desperate need of a cold shower last night. she'd been an incredibly sexy temptress one minute, then a sweet, innocent flirt the next. she had Her twisted in so many knots, She hadn't been able to think straight.

As She waited for the receptionist to return, She tried to concentrate on Her work, but Her thoughts kept returning to Jess and her mysterious behavior. She pushed the patient's file away in disgust.

Maybe she simply wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship? If She were talking about another woman, She could buy that excuse, but this was Jess. She didn't believe it for a second. A woman didn't nearly come unglued in Her arms if she wasn't hot for Her.

Something had spooked her, She decided. But what?

Jess retrieved her mail from her lock box located outside the stairwell of the apartments. Without bothering to look at them, she dropped the small stack of envelopes into her purse. The mail could wait. All she cared about at the moment was slipping under the stinging spray of a hot shower. And even hotter cashew chicken delivered by the local Chinese restaurant, and an ice cold glass of water.

A damned sorry excuse for the Friday night she'd been eagerly anticipating. she made the right decision in calling off her date with Arianne and tried her best not to succumb to guilt, depression or even regret.

Thinking of her friend's places she remembered how they had brilliant splashes of color, wallpaper designs in rich hues and even mosaic-tiled walls. In comparison her place was...well boring.

Just like her love life, she thought and sighed. she had only herself to blame. Opportunity had come along in the form of a gorgeous Woman and what did she do? Gave Her the kiss-off. Since she wouldn't be having sex anytime soon, perhaps she should consider sprucing up her living space. Go for bold and exciting.

she'd rather have bold and exciting sex. With Arianne.

Jess pulled her keys from her pocket when she reached her door and fingered the key for the top dead bolt. she didn't know what was wrong with her tonight. she rammed a key into the second lock. she may have been living like a nun for the past few months, but no one could ever accuse her of practicing to be one.