Mom Makeover?


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"If you are interested, go out with them a few times and get to know them as you already know how I'm going to be. And if not interested, stay in touch and hang out on occasion when you have breaks and come back into town. I'm over the moping about and would love to meet up and go out dancing and such. Oh, and your dad thought I was coming over to recruit you into a harem so he might not be all that supportive based on his tone."

"You might have won him over a little today." Lisa smiles and puts her hand on mine. "I would like to go out with them a few times as they were nice and definitely intriguing. Though I'm not sure I'm into the whole sharing thing."

"Don't go out with them then. Becky is a force of nature and Lisa reads minds and says the things you need to hear. I should probably end this here though, if I keep staring at you, I'm going to try and jump your bones."

"Don't want to get in trouble with, ohh yeah, they wouldn't care." Jenna shakes her head and smirks. "Well, if bone jumping is on the table, I guess I can at least go out with them once. I'm glad I got to talk to you like this and not the way we were at your house. That wasn't the right time."

"Me too, I was still in shock at seeing you again, and truthfully, Lisa sat me down last night and gave me a come to Jesus talk about today. I have a date with her tonight, and she said she'd invite you along if I didn't shape up and do today correctly."

"I can't wrap my head around the fact that the people I think are blocking me out from you are doing more than the two of us are."

"I already buckled, so no date night for you tonight."

"I could always text Lisa and tell her you were grumpy and stiff the entire time."

"See, you are already falling into her trap, what do you think would happen tonight if it was up to her?" I squeeze her leg and move back to my side.

"Okay, I think I need to go home and process all of this as I almost accidentally volunteered for a threesome with my old boyfriend and a woman I don't know."

"Thank you so much for Mom, and you should leave. No more touching or hugs for you as I'm so horny right now I'd do you right here. Shit, this is not how I imagined this going. Go, get away, I'll pay the bill." Jenna puts both hands up as I stand up and pretend to take a step towards her. "Don't you dare!"

I laugh, "It was really great seeing you and both of us being like before. No matter what happens, today was perfect." I walk out feeling like this was both good closure or a good new beginning.

I text the chat group: "All done, went great, be back shortly." Lots of beeps come back that I don't look at while driving.

All three of them are in the living room waiting to hear what happened.

I go over what happened, and they stop me, have me start over, and ask questions if they think I am glossing over any details.

Becky laughs as I get to the part about her going out with them, "You know if she texts us, she's given in."

"Not necessarily dear, she should go back to school, and anything can happen once there." Mom smiles at Becky and laughs. "You two are rather convincing though."

"I should text her about the date tonight with a little wink emoji at the end and see what she does?" Lisa smiles at me.

"Okay, I'm going back downstairs, you two are drunk with power." Mom hugs me and says she's happy I had a good day.

"Muahahaha! Becky clasps her hands together. She is doomed, doomed I say!"

"Can I text her?" Lisa asks.

"Both of you sit down on the couch." They run over and sit.

"I want you to rack your brains, think back over every day we've spent together, and tell me the last time I've ever said no?"

I turn and walk into the kitchen to get a drink.

Becky watches Lisa text and then starts kicking her feet. "Ohh, I wish I could see her right now staring at her phone and wondering what to do." The ding comes back, "Damn, I think she said yes before she finished reading it."

"What are you planning on doing Lisa?"

"Who me? I don't have to do anything Mr. panty swamper." Lisa says and Becky laughs.

"It's true, she probably stayed behind at the café to mop up her seat." Becky jumps up, "Mom, check this out." She runs down the stairs.

I get a text: "Lisa just gave me your number, don't tease about me saying yes about tonight please." Jenna.

Date Night:

We stop by the house and pick Jenna though I am not going up to the door today. They apparently already talked about the Chart House and then walking around the National Harbor as Lisa's favorite place to relax.

Lisa sits in the back seat on the way over. Jenna gets in and sits next to her.

"Hi James, thanks Lisa."

"Sure, we have our driver for the evening." Lisa smiles. "Turn up the radio James, we got some whispering to do."

At the restaurant they we get a table and I sit down, Lisa sits on the other side of the table and Jenna sits next to Lisa on the other side.

"Chicken." Lisa whispers to Jenna.

"I know, I panicked," Jenna says back.

Lisa looks at me and motions for me to come over. We switch seats and Jenna's eyes get big and then she shakes her head.

"There, all better." Lisa smiles.

I smile at Jenna, "you already know I don't bite."

"So how does it work?" Jenna leans towards Lisa.

"There are only two rules." Lisa answers back, "Nobody outside the house, and if someone looks like they need attention, give them attention."

"What about date night as you called it?"

"That started with Nicole because of the situation she was in, she gets most every Friday, most of the time with all of us. Becky and I will do individual date night with James and we also go out by ourselves or we bring Nicole and make it Ladies night."

Jenna looks concerned "Makes me realize that I don't do this with my mom. I'm going to have to start as she would love that."

"Yeah, Nicole is definitely loving the pampering she gets from everyone." Jenna laughs.

"So, the outside of the house applies to James?"

"Yes." Jenna gives me a stern look and then smiles, "before you ask, you are a special case as you are James' first and only before we met so the rule doesn't apply as long as I'm there."

We order drinks and appetizers. Once the waiter leaves Jenna starts back up again.

"Ahh, so you have to be there every time."

"If you are outside of the house, yes. If you are inside the house, it is just a matter of ensuring nobody is being neglected, nudging James in the right direction as he doesn't keep track as well as we do."

Jenna turns to me, "Jeez, you get a lot of cardio."

Lisa nods at that, "Though I'm guessing you are going to finish your art studies?"

"Yeah, but Maryland had a program that is pretty close to the same and the acceptance rate outside in the real world is the exact same ratio. The cost is less than half that of Full Sail."

Jenna turns and hugs me "You have no idea the difference you made. The stress in the house and on Mom is gone."

"Hmmm, then it doesn't sound like they know you came out with me tonight."

"They didn't ask, but I'm sure they had an idea as this is the first time I've gone out since being back." Jenna shrugs.

"What are you interested in art wise? Lisa asks Jenna.

"Photography and digital art."

Lisa laughs and startles Jenna. "Of course, it is. Aren't you the luckiest man alive." Looking back at Jenna, "You want a job? While going to school?"

"Anything is better than working at the Mall, what is it?"

"We pay a photographer to take pictures of the events we host and then we pay a web designer to post them on the website. We can get you to figure out how to do either or both if possible."

"I already know how to do both, but I'd need the website to see the style."

Lisa pulls her phone out and sends the link to Jenna. "No hurry, and you can come to the events first and watch how they do it."

"The job does not depend on you joining the team," I add to the end and Jenna gives me a look.

"The juicy part of the team maybe, but you would have to spend a good bit of time with us though and eventually I'll wear you down." Lisa smiles at the waiter as our food arrives.

"I already told you I've never been with women before so why are you and Becky pushing so hard while James is giving me an out after every third comment."

"James moved heaven and earth to make us extremely happy and we think he deserves the same treatment."

"Would I have to move into the house?"

"If you went back to Florida, no, but either way the nobody outside of the house applies to all of us no matter where we are at."

Jenna looks over at me and then back at Lisa, "I haven't so that is no problem."

Lisa smiles at Jenna, "Lil James has got some serious mojo doesn't he?" and giggles.

"How about we get back to the dinner?" I ask both.

Jenna has no idea what Lisa meant. Lisa gets up and whispers into Jenna's ear.

"Ohh! Yeah, kind of, but that's not a description I would have used." Jenna laughs.

"I voted for Juicy, but he got all defensive." Jenna snorts and Lisa laughs again.

"The juicy part of the team," Jenna does air quotes, "that is freaking hilarious now." They both start giggling and nodding.

"We should trade seats back so you two can whisper to each other."

"So let me get this straight, I might have a job in my field, I have to follow a rule I'm already following, and I wouldn't have to live with my parents?"

Lisa nods.

"Hell, I almost said I wanted in when the three of us were having lunch just to have you convince James to see me on occasion and that had none of the this."

"I told you this would happen if you went out on this date with her."

"Shush James, she makes excellent points." Lisa pats my hand as my mother does.

"Becky and Nicole kind of scare me though." Jenna looks over at Lisa.

Lisa nods, "I was worried about Nicole with both Becky and I showing up at the same time, but you heard Becky call her Mom when you arrived. They are like two tiny elf twins running around tied at the hip. Us women were already on board with this before James came around."

Jenna looks at Lisa, "I'd ask James again, but we both know what he's like, though he has a ton of self-confidence now."

"Ladies, how about we take a break from all of this, and take a walk around Lisa's go-to place? Give you time to think about it."

Jenna smiles at me and then looks over at Lisa, "Can I come over tomorrow or when all of the women are available to chat about what wasn't discussed tonight. I can bring my portfolio over and review what Nicole and Becky want?"

Jenna is typing into her phone, "2pm good for you?"


"All this chatting I forgot; this was such good food." Jenna "I'll make it up to the both of you. I know what James is going to say if I offer."

Lisa laughs, "I know right, let him have his man things to do on the date."

The National Harbor:

"From now on you can do public displays of affection to James whenever you two want without worry, I don't care and will do the same, even if we're in a group. Just don't whip lil James out.," Lisa laughs "Unless we agree and are on the lookout for privacy."

"So, James gets to make all the guys jealous out in public huh, now I know where all the confidence comes from." Jenna and Lisa grab an arm and I hold their hands as we head over to the Ferris wheel.

I get in and Lisa sits on the other side. She pushes Jenna over to my side when she gets in.

"You have been waiting an awfully long time so this one is all yours, remember we nudge him in the right direction for the one that needs it most. The Ferris wheel is a whip-out friendly zone." Lisa laughs "Which is one of the many reasons why I like to come here so often."

Jenna looks at me and I pull her in for a kiss, this is a surreal moment considering the last few days and the last two years. We make out for the entire trip around and don't realize until Lisa pats my leg that we are coming to a stop.

"Oh my God! I've missed this so much." Jenna moves over to the other seat and gives Lisa a hug until they get us around to open the door. "You must have taught him well as it's better now."

Lisa laughs, "Yeah, he does get a lot of practice."

I stop us a short way away from the ride and kiss Lisa, "I love you mind reader."

"Mmmhmm, I love you too." Lisa purrs into me while Jenna is holding my hand.

"Wow, I went from James to nobody to looking around to see if people are watching us. I'm going to have to get used to this."

"I still do that; Becky likes to show off," Lisa says and takes my hand as we continue walking.

"I can't believe two days ago I was a mess and now my whole body is on fire," Jenna whispers.

"It's good to hear someone else say that!" Lisa stops and hugs Jenna "Becky just went with it, while I was saying everything you are saying, we went from nothing to a threesome to him buying the house and us living there and a new job in like a week!"

"So pretty much exactly the same thing I'm doing now?" Jenna says.

"Yeah, I guess pretty much, Nicole helped me through it and now I get to do it." Lisa smiles at Jenna.

"It's a good thing you didn't say anything about toys as I'm going to wear out some batteries tonight." Jenna laughs and Lisa turns and gives me the look.

"That has always and will always be up to you," I reply.

"What if?" Lisa asks Jenna. "And nods over at me."

"Hell yes, but it's so soon and everyone will know it's the first night, and bam I'm getting railed."

"Well, Becky and I will probably be off to the side playing a little on our own while watching. Though I doubt you'll notice after two years and his new skills. You are going to have to do it at some point, and we are the ones that invited you in."

Jenna looks at me and I wink at her.

"Fuck it, can we go now?" Jenna's look gets determined and Lisa laughs and turns us all around to walk back to the car.

"So, you and Becky since college, any other women?" Jenna asks Lisa.

"We share one other woman, but that was much later and special circumstances." Lisa replies.

"What's it like compared to James as he's the only comparison I have."

"hmm, women are more fun and we can find special places where most guys don't know to even look for, whereas James is rock hard everything that has you drooling on yourself after or if slow and sexy you're in love glow."

"Oh, and he can only go so many times before he's jello, so we give him some breaks and use the toys on each other. They are much more fun when someone else is using them on you."

"I do appreciate what you are doing, giving up even more time, like tonight was your night." Jenna whispers to Lisa.

"Jenna, every day and night is all of ours, you'll see, think of it like a very intimate group that shares everything together because there is no topic that is off-limits, being free enough to just say what you actually mean without all the filters that are normally built-in and those days that we can't or don't feel like it, we just turn him towards the one that does and nudge him in their direction."

Jenna nods and stares at me in the rear-view mirror.

"Does James get a say in the who?" Jenna asks.

"Shh, we don't talk about that around James. He believes he does."

Jenna laughs and I shrug.

"Now for your parents, Lisa takes Jenna's hands. "Becky and I have been together since College, James moved us into his house when we were having issues and yes, we do love him for it and we were protecting him when you came over, and remind them that Nicole does have the bottom floor all to herself but she does oversea the house."

"That actually makes more sense." Jenna nods. "I am 20, but it will make them feel better."

Lisa smiles, "It is also true, I figured I'd tell you this now while you still have your brain."

"Jeez Lisa!" Jenna laughs and then whispers, "I have gotten off to those memories about a thousand times, you are probably right."

"Do you want advice or not?" Lisa asks and Jenna nods.

"This is just as exciting for him, so get him off and let him drown you before you move on, and it will be so much better for you. The drowning part is what I like to watch the most." Lisa winks at Jenna.

"Jesus, you are killing me, how close are we? Can we just sprint up the stairs or do I have to make small talk while going crazy?" Jenna asks seriously.

"Sprint honey, the talking is after." Lisa pats Jenna's hand. "James?"

"Sprinting, I heard, I'll just be happy to last long enough to get out of the car."

"You want him to just pull over and bend you over the hood of the car," Lisa whispers to Jenna.

"If you are trying to talk me into an orgasm, it's working." Jenna squeezes her hands together.

Lisa txts Becky: "Unlock the door, clear off the bed and throw some towels down, they are coming in Hot! Clear of the loveseat so we can play and watch."

Becky: "It's about time! I'm fucking drenched."

Lisa holds the phone so Jenna can read it and after scraps her nails up Lisa's exposed thigh.

"Ohh Fuck! Ohh Lisa what.... "

"Did you two start without me?" I ask from the front.

"Jenna was wound up, just fixed it so she can take a moment and enjoy." Lisa says innocently.

"Shit, my skirt is probably ruined for the night."

"We're the same size, I have one like it for the trip home. We can trade back later."

At the house we get out of the car and Jenna pulls me through the house.

Becky is sitting on the loveseat in a bra and panties, "Hey Jenna, bout time babe."

"Get over here Lisa, I saved you a spot." Becky whispers across the room loudly.

"If this is too much!" I start to say.

"Fuck James, it's been years for the poor woman, do your thing and treat her like she deserves." Becky gives me the get to it look.

"Yeah." Jenna says.

I smile, "Come here." I start making out with Jenna trying to stay in the moment and keep all the past from taking over.

I lift her shirt over her head as she drops her skirt. Kissing her neck she drops my pants and I kick them away. I feel someone behind me take my shirt off and they go back and sit down again.

"Come here Juicy." Jenna grabs my cock and starts kissing it all over. Becky laughs behind me.


Jenna focuses on taking me into her mouth and moaning as she bobs up and down. When she looks up I'm struck by the fact those eyes belong to my Jenna. The years crash into my gut and I get out "Fuuuuck!" and start coming. Jenna gags and comes off pointing me down, I cum all over her neck and chest while she moves it from side to side getting both breasts. I'm groaning and my legs are shaking.

"Give it to me baby, cum for me." Jenna take me back into her mouth and starts sucking again. Mmmhmm, mmm. Jenna comes off and licks everything clean.

She picks up her skirt and wipes her neck and chest off and then looks over at Lisa and shrugs.

Both women have an arm over the other's leg and are masturbating each other.

"I told her she could borrow my skirt for her trip home," Lisa whispers to Becky.

Crawling up her body, I make out with her for a minute and then work down her body.

Where Lisa has rounded firm tits with huge nipples, Jenna has really soft plush tits that when she lays on her back they spread out and moved like a water bed. A soft stomach and a pussy when she is not excited is just a vertical line. When excited they pouch out and get an angry reddish. To get into the pussy you have to push your way in there as this flower doesn't just open up. There is no button visible until she is very excited, though it is there now. But her sensitivity is so strong the seam in her jeans can get her off if she pushed to the edge excited.

I kiss her puffy pouches and she moans loudly. "I just want you to fuck me."

"Sweetheart, you know this angry pussy isn't letting me in without you getting properly lubed up.
