Mom Makeover?


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Becky looks at me and laughs, "Sorry James, your hair and face are a bit messy. You and Lisa combined though was off the charts."

I feel my hair and face.

Becky laughs as she walks out of the room to the bathroom. I just lay on the bed and wait for Lisa to catch her breath.

Looking at Lisa's phone I laugh at both Lisa laughing and the picture as Becky, and I look like gangbang victims. "I'm going to rinse off."

"I've never seen Lisa laugh like that." Becky hugs me in the shower. "Thank you."

"Probably the best day of my short life Beck. You two are a perfect combination." I kiss her while ducking and moving under the shower head.

"Ohh, THE best day, nice." Becky gets out, towels off on the way back to the room.

Toweling off I walk back into the room and lay on top of Lisa, kissing her and then moving behind her so she is facing Becky. Sliding in is easier after her earlier session riding Becky's face.

I take it nice and slow, kissing all over her back and neck.

"Love this feeling, every button is being pushed at the same time." Lisa is purring.

Becky leans in kissing Lisa, "I've never seen you so happy babe."

"Mmmhmm." Lisa moans.

"James said this was the best day of his life."

"Awwww! Ohhh, so sweet; so good." Lisa closes her eyes and wraps her arms around Becky.

"You get tall, dark and handsome, riding in and saving you, with his trusty fat cock."

"mmmhmmm." Lisa hums.

"No more Brads for you to clean up, I love you, babe."

"Ohhhh, Beck, Love you so much! So perfect, day." Lisa starts rubbing her clit.

I'm trying to hold back as I'm on edge, the first squeeze I feel I let loose and see Lisa pull Becky in and put her head into her shoulder moaning.

Lisa spins around and kisses me. "Gentle loving after all the madness earlier was perfect."

"Whew, my turn, be right back." Lisa slides off the bed trying to keep everything inside.

I scoot into the middle and pull Becky into my chest.

"I need a lot of todays." Becky rubs her hands up and down my body.

"Me too." I reach down and cup her ass in my hand, "many years of them."

Lisa walks in, "Aww babe, you're crying?"

"Good cry, weird for this room I know."


Spend most of the day going back and forth between the houses, taking everything that I could and putting them in a spare room on the main floor. The carpeting company arrived from Mom's section, so I let them in, as there was nothing in the house, I left them as I continued packing.

At the house, I was doing restores of the study computer in my room, but they would take hours to finish.

I grabbed Mom on the return trip to see the carpet and we talked about the previous day, she decided Becky could come on Friday if she wanted after hearing her story. Though I found out that Becky had to work the weekend doing multiple flights.

My carpeting people showed up while I was gone and were hanging around out front. I let them in and showed them the upstairs so they could get to work. The other crew was cleaning up.

"I'll start ordering the furniture that I want in here now that I can see how everything looks." Mom gives me a twirl in the middle of the open space.

"Rules have changed pretty dramatically since we last talked." I sit down on the steps and beckon her over into my lap.

"Becky broke up with her boyfriend that was abusing her submissive side and I apparently own that role now, Lisa lifted all of their normal no kissing, a few times and then bow out and never alone rules to help Becky. The only rule now is no straying outside the house."

"Hmmm, does that rule apply to me also?" Mom asks sitting on my lap looking right into my eyes.

"Yes." I answer simply and stare back.

"I love how you said that, although, all previous rules will need to be revoked before I agree to your terms."

"Every rule made so far for you or for Becky were binding to both, so the lifting is the same."

"You've talked to her about this?" Mom asks.

"You will not be locked in the basement to be brought and dusted off on occasion Nicole." I lean forward and kiss her. "At some point, I'd like to move us to a state near the beach so you can be Nicole in public without people holding you back."

"Call your friends dear." Mom puts her arm around my neck. I pull out the phone and call Lisa.

"Hey babe!" Lisa answers.

"Hey; Mom and I are at the new place, her carpet is done and ours is being put in now." I reply.

"Great! Picking me up at 8pm?" Lisa asks.

"Hi Lisa, go to facetime James?" Mom asks

"Ohh, Hi Nicole!" Lisa's face pops up and she smiles big seeing how we are sitting.

"Is Becky there?" Mom asks.

"Beck, Nicole wants to talk to you!" Lisa shouts over her shoulder and laughs.

Becky enters the room. "Sit in the chair so I can see." Lisa sits in the chair and Lisa looks over her shoulder.

"You two look adorable, hey Nicole." Becky smiles into the phone.

"If we met at say 6pm, do you think you could come with is for a while?" Mom asks Becky.

"Uhh, I guess I could do and hour or so sure."

"Good, if we are going to;" Mom looks at me and then back at the phone," Christen the new house tonight, I'd like for you to be a part of our get together." Giving the girls a smile, they immediately understood.

I'm shocked Mom said that, and the way she said it.

Becky turns and runs out of the room, "I'll be there, calling into work now."

Lisa laughs, "I think she'll make all of tonight, though we are good for anytime you'd like."

"I'll have a car pick us all up dear, we should meet sooner though, or James might not make it." Mom pats my cheek.

"HA! I love the faces he makes when you talk like that. Text us when you pull into the lot, and we'll meet you outside."

"See you then." Mom gets up and walks away.

Lisa is beaming at me, "Look at you with the shocked looks and blushing, I can't wait for tonight!"

I try and get serious, but it is funny, so I'm stuck like this. "Laugh it up chuckles, see you shortly Love."

"Yes, dear." Lisa laughs and I hang up.

"Good spot to meet and make it less stressful," I say as I hang up.

"I think they like our chemistry." Mom smiles

"I think I like our chemistry," I reply and pull mom in.

"There isn't much here, we can leave them to their job and head back to change."

I take that as a clue, find the workers upstairs finishing up the bedrooms and working on the hallway. I talk to the guy in charge and tell him it looks good, lock the door on the way out, we'll be back in an hour or so."

Mom orders a car, and a Suburban shows up to get us. I text Lisa we are leaving now, be there shortly. I text again as we pull up and get out of the car.

Lisa looks nervous but comes in for a hug and Mom pecks her on the lips that makes Lisa's eyes go wide and she smiles and walks over to me. Becky goes to walk around and mom stops her.

"Come here dear." Mom says and Becky stop and walk towards her. "Kiss me."

Becky looks over at me and I shrug and nod. Becky kisses mom. Mom smiles and gives her a hug. They are almost the same size, same hair, and almost the same build.

I whisper to Mom, "we don't tell Becky what to do outside of the bedroom."

Mom kisses Becky on the cheek. "That's because you are always in charge James, whereas Becky and I share the same needs, on occasion."

Becky gasps and mom nods at her and winks. "You two certainly look nice, let's go dancing." Mom ushers us back into the car.

Mom and Becky sit in front and Lisa give me a wide-eyed, 'what just happened look.'

"No troubles getting out of work?" Mom asks Becky.

"I got someone to cover," Becky whispers. "Really!? What, how are you like this all the time."

"This is who I am dear," Mom leans in closer, "and when it gets to be a bore, I decide to let it all go and just enjoy the ride. James can't always be there, so we'll have flip to see who gets to lead."

"Oh my God!" Becky flips around and looks at us, and then Mom and then back at us. "We get to keep her right!?"

Mom giggles, "Ohh, and when I get drunk, this is a local establishment so don't let me maul James in front of everyone."

Becky laughs and bounces in her seat. "I'm so glad I called out of work!"


Getting there early gave us time to eat:

Being almost 20yrs old I was automatically designated, sober referee.

Becky slid into one side and Lisa the other. Mom nudged me towards Becky and sat next to Lisa.

I saw Lisa purse her lips and knew that she was nervous about the setup.

We chatted back and forth about the new house and when everyone thought they would start moving their stuff in, me being first as I had most of mine there already.

Nicole turns to Lisa and starts talking about what her specialty dishes were, what was she studying and found out Becky was going to help and said that would help as Lisa was going to be busy baking and that I was going to be a hit with the older ladies.

"The reason I ask is there is a study next to the door to the back yard that we might consider turning into a second kitchen. I think we could get two Doyon bakery convection ovens, a cooling fridge and a Viking stove that with a few modifications to the doorway and putting in its on electric sub panel and such."

"Oh! we don't even use the Doyon's at the school." Lisa perks up.

"The point is to keep you and the smells closer to the gatherings either in the living room or the backyard. Regular food in the kitchen and catering in the second kitchen. We might have to steal a few feet from the living room but its an open space so it should be fine."

Mom brought out her phone and was showing her pictures of the area she took and explained how they could make everything fit.

"She's pretty freaking great." Becky scoots over up against me.

"Yeah, this is her world for as long as I can remember. Looks like we are going to be servers and eye candy." I say with a smile.

"Not a lot different than my current job, just doing it from the house vs. on a plane." Becky nods over at the other two deep in conversation. "Lisa was on edge all afternoon." I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and this was all a dream." Becky pinches my thigh and I swat at her hand. She laughs, "I just had to check."

"You turn your phone back on yet?

"Just long enough to check my schedule and the call into work."

"Want to switch phones for a while?" I ask and hand her mine.

"No! I'd die if you saw the stuff on my phone."

"Ye of little faith, do you mind if we grab you a new phone tomorrow with a new number, start fresh."

"I think you've already done too much. I feel like the 19yr old and you're the 24yr old here."

"New home, new phone, new job, new boyfriend, new mom, I think you'll do great."

"I'd take Nicole as a new mom compared to the last one." Becky looks over at Nicole.

Nicole reaches over and puts her hand on top of Becky's without even looking our way.

"I think she heard you." I nudge her with my shoulder.

Becky gets quiet and just lives in her own world for a few minutes. I put my arm around her and watch Lisa and Mom chatting, Lisa glances my way and smiled each time as I stare at her.

The waiter comes back and freshens everyone up with drinks.

Doc Scantlin Imperial Palms Orchestra and "Chou Chou" in her Cabaret "Blissful Being" are getting ready and she is walking around the room talking to those that seem interested. Short and Blonde and energetic with poofed curly hair.

"I see we have the early crowd getting ready for the evening!" She says into her microphone as she wanders around. "It is great to be at the last remaining true Nightclub in the area."

"Wow! This is going to be different." Becky says as we all turn and watch her progress. She makes it to our table and is smiling at me.

"Well, aren't you the lucky man with these three with you tonight!" Chou puts her hand on my shoulder as I smile and nod. "You four need to get out there early and help us break the ice with the rest of the crowd tonight."

"Give me names to go with the faces as I'll be back here a few times to check on your progress young man."

"Nicole, Lisa, Becky, James." I introduce everyone.

"First time here?" and we all nod.

"I'm Chou and I like to walk around the room and figure a few romantic songs might loosen up these shoulders a bit." Chou squeezes and smiles and wave as she moves on.

"Good choice honey!" Mom is watching the orchestra and Chou as she moves around the room.

As things get started Chou talks about having autism and advocating. That she manages the Orchestra, and her songs allow her to be free.

Nicole takes Lisa out for the first song and I grab Becky and we dance a few songs switching around or dancing as a group. Becky gets the first slow song and she melts into my chest.

I switch to water when I get back to the table.

Chou is close by with another romantic song and I take Mom with Lisa and Becky next to us just off the dance area next to our table when I feel a hand glide across my shoulders, and we can hear Chou right next to us.

"Much better James." Chou says into the microphone as she walks by. Mom squeezes me and agrees.

I spend the next few songs dancing with Lisa and having a great time overall.

10pm we call it a night and head back to the house.

In the car, we have the same seating arrangement and talk about the band and Chou and the overall experience.

"I've already talked to Lisa, but before we get to the house you two need to know something," Mom says and has all our attention.

"I'm going to get quite loud, and you'll hear things that nobody else will ever hear." Nicole looks at Becky. "It's been so rare, and I'm drunk so I'm a bit extra; considering." Mom glances over at me.

"James, when we get there, we're going downstairs and I'll be the coordinator in chief," Becky explains. "The female to male ratio and all, plus I've been waiting to see this."

Lisa kisses me and whispers that everything is taken care of and to just roll with it.

Becky opens the door and ushers us into the house and Mom leads the way downstairs.

"Okay first! You two, strip James and I'll help you." Becky gets behind Mom and alternates back and forth until we are all naked."

"Down ladies," Becky moves over to my side and puts my arm around her.

They get on their knees in front of me and I take Becky's hand and put it on my chest. "Feel that."

"I bet, mines going too."

They both lean in and plant kisses up and down turning to lick and share a kiss at the top. Lisa leans in and takes the head in and bobs up and down a bit while Mom plays with my balls.

Lisa comes off and hands it to Mom who smiles and without pause goes all the way down and stays there for a few seconds doing her swallowing routine.

"Ohh Fuck!"

"Damn Mom! Wow!" Becky says startling me back to reality to look over at her.

Mom backs off and smiles. "Nicole during sex dear."

"Oh, yeah, okay Lisa down, Nicole turn around," Becky is pulling her clothes off.

"More this way so I can see." Becky moves Lisa and then sits on the stairs.

Mom crawls up Lisa and they make out for a minute before Mom moves back down and begins licking Lisa while Becky and I watch.

Mom waggles her ass at me and Becky laughs. "Get to it studly."

Getting down and behind Mom, she is absolutely drenched down both legs, so I just go right in and pick up the pace right away.

Lots of groaning and moaning."

Becky moans and I look over to see her with two fingers buried and her other hand pinching her nipple as she watches.

"Fuck me," Mom says looking back at me.

"Oh, God!" Becky says as she has her first orgasm.

Mom has both hands on Lisa's thighs and is cursing up a storm. I'm staring at Lisa and she is staring back.

"Don't stop! Almost.."

I slap mom's ass hard, "Come on then, let it out." Slapping her ass again and she screams.

"Holy shit, I've never seen anything hotter; give Nicole a minute and switch out." Becky winks at me and I get a thumbs up.

Nicole and Lisa switch places and after Mom's work digging into Lisa's pussy I start in again where I left off.

It still takes a few tries to get all the way in and build up a rhythm. Lisa is taking a while to get close and I am getting closer.

"You're going to make me cum baby." I groan.

"mmmmhmmm Lisa moans into Mom's pussy.

I grab her hips and start pounding into her all the way in and out. "Ohh, this is incredible."

Lisa comes pulls off and to the side. "Not inside this time babe, let us see it. Come here Nicole."

Both turn around. Lisa jerking my dick as Mom looks up at me and nods her head at Lisa and winks at me.

"Nicole, this is going to be a lot!"

"Uhhhh, ready, Hmmmmm, I relax as much as I can and just let it go. "Fuuuuck!"

Both faces are covered in cum and they look at each other and laugh.

Lisa leans over and Licks Mom's cheek, Mom does the same for Lisa and they go back and forth.

I get down on one knee and kiss Lisa. "Thank you for being so wonderful."

And then I wrap mom in a hug and kiss her. "Welcome to your new home, Mom."

Lisa leans over and whispers to Mom "I absolutely love it when he kisses me after like that, melts my brain."

"It is rather naughty isn't it." Mom smiles and pecks Lisa's lips; gets up and walks over to grab a few towels. "I forgot to get these beforehand, but we can use them now."

Mom lays four towels out on the floor, "Come here Becky, it's your turn." Becky comes over and they lay her in the middle of the towels. "I think we can all take care of you now."

Mom grabs a bottle of coconut oil and starts pouring it all over Becky's front, I take her legs and they rub all over her neck, breasts, stomach, and pussy.

"mmmmmm, spoil me now and then James can wreck me after." Becky purrs.

"Flip over." Lisa tells Becky, "They cover her back and ass, Lisa starts digging into Becky's ass with two fingers.?"

"Can you lube James up, Nicole? Becky is going to need it nice and slippery."

"Oh yes, Lisa! The best for last." Beck is pushing back into Lisa's fingers. Lisa gets on her back and scoots under Becky and looks up at me through Becky's legs.

I'm hard as a rock with Mom stroking me with coconut oil and rubbing my dick up and down Becky's ass while kissing my chest.

Mom guides me right into Becky's ass as I shift around to line up. I see Lisa looking up at me from under Becky and I smile down at her.

Pushing in, Becky is slick enough for me to slide right in.

"Fuuuuck, just goes James, don't wait." Becky is pushing back.

I feel Mom behind me rubbing my neck and shoulders and down my back.

Pulling her hips, I'm loudly slapping into her ass with my hips over and over again while Becky grunts and groans.

Lisa is rubbing all over Becky's pussy and I feel her finger inside her fighting me for space.

Mom walks around and smiles at Becky's expressions and then kneels in front-facing her. Rubbing Lisa's pussy, she slides a few fingers of her other hand into her own pussy and then puts them into Becky's mouth. Switching back and forth feeding Becky both pussies repeatedly.

Becky is moaning around Mom's fingers and I'm starting to sweat from all the work. My second time is coming so I pick up the speed and get ready. Her ass and Lisa's fingers are driving me crazy. Becky falls forward and is holding onto Lisa's legs grunting out curses and no longer moving her ass. Just taking it until I finish.

"Fill her ass sweetheart." Mom is rubbing her fingers through Becky's hair.

I groan one last time and push all the way in and cum again. Not as big but as I pull out I hear Lisa squeal and thrash around underneath Becky.

I collapse next to them on the floor and just lay there trying to take deep breaths.

Lisa pushes Becky off of her and Mom giggles and hands Lisa a towel.
