Mom Makeover?


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"I didn't think about how messy those two are," Lisa says wiping off.

"I'll take care of Becky, You two take this and go upstairs." Mom hands us shampoo. "I don't think they'd want us in the car the way we are now." Mom laughs and helps Becky up.

"Come here stud." Becky comes over and kisses me and then pushes off, hugs and kisses Lisa and then heads off with Mom.

"When are you going to tell James, you adopted me?" Becky says loudly as they go into the bathroom.

"Later honey, he's tired." Mom laughs.

"Need help with the stairs?" Lisa puts her arm around me, and I see her hair is soaked and smile.

"Yes, I'm beat." I grab Lisa and we make out in the shower in our room. The hot water feels good, and I don't have to duck under the showerhead.

Mom calls the car.

"Come with us as it will be empty all weekend or back to your house?" Mom asks Lisa and Becky.

"Becky shrugs and looks at Lisa."

"I want to see James' old room before he moves everything out." Lisa smiles.

"I guess it's me and you again kid." Mom laughs.

"Fine by me!" Becky smiles, "You can tell me all the embarrassing things he won't talk about."

"Hmmm, like when he was 12 and every sock he owned was stuck together?" Mom asks.

"Yes! Exactly like that." Becky laughs and smiles back at me.

I lean back and relax as Lisa laughs and hugs me.

We spent a few weeks moving in, getting into the new jobs to include Becky working with Mom on how to handle Lisa's baking business full time.


"Hey Mom, James!, Jenna's here to see you!" I hear Becky call from downstairs. My stomach drops and I look over at Lisa. She shrugs and takes my hand. "Let's go see where this day is going to lead us."

Becky moves Jenna to the chair and sits on the couch and pats the cushion next to her, so I take a seat. Lisa sits on the other side and both of them put their hand on each leg possessively.

"Jenna?" Mom walks upstairs takes one look at the girls. "Would you like some sweet tea; it was always your favorite."

Jenna is focused on their hands. "That would be nice, thank you."

"Your Married?" Jenna noticed neither hand had a ring on it.

Becky laughs, "No, Nicole basically adopted me after James brought me home."

"James, you keep bringing them home like this we are going to need a bigger house," Mom says casually, hands Jenna her drink, and sits in another chair.

"Ahh manners, Jenna this is Becky and Lisa, Lisa and Becky this is Jenna." I put a hand on top of both of their hands when introducing them.

"You live here?" Jenna looks around, "It is a really nice place."

"Thanks, and yes, we live upstairs with James and Mom lives downstairs. James bought this for us a few weeks ago."

"Ohh! Wow, I, was going to talk to James." Jenna is flustered.

"Of course, you should take my number, Becky stands up and hands her phone to her. "Lisa and I could meet you for lunch and see if we are willing."

"Lunch, with you?" Jenna is staring at Becky standing over her.

"Yes dear, you don't meet many guys that have, well, you know obviously. We'll just have lunch, have a chat and see where it leads."

Jenna is shaking her head no.

"You should take the number, an ex-girlfriend coming back into the picture is a bit awkward, but we wouldn't even be here if not for you. Sharing is caring but it comes with responsibilities."

Jenna puts her number into the phone and Becky sends her a quick text to add it to Jenna's.

"Great! Text me with a good time and we can pick a nice place."

Jenna puts her drink down and nods over at Nicole who smiles back at her.

Becky leads her over to the door, "It sounds like a pain, but it really isn't. Text me soon okay."

Mom stands up and gives Becky a hug. Nods at her with a smile and goes back downstairs.

"You okay James," Lisa asks and squeezes my leg.


"Too much?" Becky asks.

"No, that was beautiful." I smile at Becky.

"You want her back in?" Becky asks.

"We broke up because she got into Full Sail art institute in Florida which is one of the best. She didn't want me to follow her and leave my dad's business, so if she dropped out after that it better be for a monumental reason. I take a big breath. "I'll leave it up to you two to protect me from myself."

"James, can you take Becky upstairs and show her how much you appreciate that performance."

I look over at Becky. "Yes, my heroine needs a reward." I lean down and kiss Lisa. "We still need to go out."

"Sharing is caring, but it comes with responsibilities," I laugh taking Becky upstairs.

"I got that from the Spiderman movie," Becky says and I laugh again.


"At first I was going to stop you, but every word you said was perfectly stated." I pull Becky into my arms.

"I don't care if the Grim Reaper himself walked into this house, he'd get the same treatment. You are mine now." Becky pushes me onto the bed.

Becky is pulling my pants off. "See, Lil James understands." Becky starts licking and sucking right away.

"I thought I was supposed to show you appreciation."

"You are, I'm taking what I let her know she was missing since she left." Becky smiles and goes back down on me taking all of it down. "Ghah, I am so amped up right now."

Becky gets up takes her panties off and plants herself down on my cock and starts grinding. "Hell yeah! Tell me what I want to hear."

"I am yours," I say looking her right in the eyes.

"Fuckin A right!. I love you, James Cook. What else?"

"You own that cock your riding." I groan and lean my head back.

"Oh God! Yes, I love you too lil James." Becky grinds and bounces up and down.

"I want it all, give it to me." Becky had both hands on my chest and is grinding her clit on me as fast as she can."

"Damn Becky, I'm close, keep going."

"Give me what I want, fill your woman's pussy up."

"Love you, Ugh..." I cum while Becky keeps going."

"Shit yeah, that is how you do it, I feel amazing right now." Becky takes a deep breath.

"You are amazing. Did you see Mom's face after?" I say pulling her into me.

"I know right, I was over the moon." Becky smiles.

"Jump in the shower, tonight is Lisa's date night." Becky pats my chest and rolls off the bed.

Dinner with Lisa:

"Everyone in the house could hear what Becky was shouting." Lisa smiles.

"Yeah, she was amped up after the Jenna incident and Mom's reaction to it."

"Seriously though, I know about your all-in forever feelings, it's what makes me trust you so, but also makes it difficult with Jenna as it applies to her also. I know you want her back."

"Same thing I told Beck, I am 100% yours so it is up to you two to decide what to do with me."

"You're dodging."

"Yes, it allows me to continue as is, with less guilt."

"I'm going to ask Becky to text her to go to lunch, if she gives a good enough reason for showing back up will you listen to her?"

"Lisa, give Becky the day, she earned it. Let Jenna decide if she wants to run the gauntlet."

"I felt bad for Jenna the entire time, but what Becky said was how we feel." Lisa agrees "I was more impressed on how she said it. Her time with Nicole has been rubbing off on her."

"The other thing we need to figure out is why my dad sent her to the house without telling anyone about it."

"Ohh right, she had to call the office to get the address to the house. I would think that giving your number would have been easier than giving the address."

"Yeah, he wanted to cause mischief knowing I would figure it out." I am trying to figure out his angle in all of this. "He just never understood what total commitment means."

"Anyway, Mom set up that autism event this Saturday with Chou, how are you doing with that?"

"It's been amazing, I have 120 people to feed. We got you a nice outfit to help us serve." Lisa smiles, "She is super shy when she's not singing though."

"It's like the super-smart math or language people, Music is her superpower." I smile.

The Event:

I'm wearing a tuxedo to serve pastries. The Event went off with Chou's husband doing most of the talking and then Chou came out and told her story. The main courses were served and then I had a cart that I pushed around from table to table giving out desserts. Becky was wearing an almost maid like outfit that fit her well.

"James!" I hear screamed over the speakers. It made me jump as it was loud. Chou walks towards me looking apologetic. "Sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you."

"Chou! Wow, that's okay, you helped me during what is probably the best day of my life, so you get a free pass forever."

"Forever! Wow, it must have been great." Chou looks me up and down. "You look nice."

"Thanks, the ladies only wheel me out in these monkey suits to tempt unsuspecting women with treats." I waggle my eyebrows at her, and she laughs.

Mom and Becky came out to the floor after hearing my name shouted through the microphone. Becky is watching from a few tables away and nodding at me.

"Doc is here so you better watch out." Chou smiles as she just stares at me.

Leaning down towards Chou I whisper, "I bet, I'd get jealous too, you look and sing like an angel."

"Eeee, okay, Uhh, I gotta go.." Chou waves and heads back to the stage.

"Of course!" Becky walks over. "Of course, she can flirt with you, why not." She has been a clam all week with me and Mom.

"It was just fun Beck, she's 60yrs old." I whisper but it did feel great that she talked to me.

"Apparently eye banging you has no age limit." Becky pats my chest and goes back to her cart.

"Every table after that, everyone wanted to know how long I've known her and what did she say. I told the story of the Carlyle Club a dozen times, embellishing how she sang songs near the table to help me relax with my date.

We stood over by the doors and listened to Chou sing a few songs as she walked around the room as she does.

I played off the dozen times she would look over and smile, but she really does sing like an angel, so I was starstruck smiling all night long and being teased by all three women getting a nudge every time she even glanced in our direction.

We then spent a few hours after the event helping to clean up.

Mom and Becky would meet us back at the house after their meetings.

Lisa was excited about her first event, hoping everyone like her desserts while I reminded her each time that everyone said they were great.

At the house, she sits in my lap and I hold her. "You did it! You are now and official baker with your own business."

"Crazy isn't it? I've got everything I've ever wanted and I'm still so nervous about what Becky and Nicole are talking about. Becky has got to be excited also, being Moms minime, running around and managing everything." Lisa laughs, "She calls Nicole mom more often than you do."

We sit and just hold each other.

"Your Mom turned and ran out the door when she heard your name screamed through the speakers."

"Me too, almost made me jump out of my shoes."

"You have an effect on people." Lisa.

"Chou influences people, when she talks and sings it is just who she is. Nothing to hide, it all just comes out. She had me flustered the entire time."

"Leave it to you, serving pastries on a rolling cart in an event where nobody knows you; and you become part of the entertainment. This is why I keep you around."

"Oh! That's why you keep me."

"Yep, she looked at you the exact way we look at you."

"Okay, that's enough of that, you'll piss Doc off."


"Her husband," I answer her and shake my head.

"Just saying, you have that effect on people." Lisa gets up and gets us a drink.

"Jenna texted Becky today while we were setting everything up." Lisa hands me a diet coke and sits on the table.

"She asked us to just listen to her and we are doing a lunch."

"The day was going so well." I say and take a drink, we sit there for a few minutes. "If the tables were turned, and I had to meet two of her current boyfriends, that lived with her and getting the treatment that Becky gave. I don't think I'd have texted back for more."

"I would." Lisa says quietly, "You two didn't fight or cheat, it was her dream to go, and she didn't want you to give up on what would be your company. I'd be hurt and cry, but I would eventually. At the very least she deserves closure."

"Can't we just move to an island somewhere?"

"What's the worst-case scenario? Lisa asks.

"She talks you two into joining the club, finds out about Mom, splits again, and then it's out there," I reply instantly.

"Okay, that is a good point."

Board Meeting:

Dad comes and gets me in my office for a meeting.

Walking into the room I know it's the board of shareholders. I nod to a few that I know and look around but there are no empty seats.

"We have a serious matter to discuss." Anthony Thomas is the chief member.

I look over at dad and he's not looking at me. "What did you do now?"

"No son, this is about you?" Anthony says.

"Yes, I understood that when I saw the look on Jack's face. That's why I asked what he's done. One second." I open the door grab a chair from the nearest desk and wheel it back into the room. "What story has he fed you?" I sit down in the chair and wait.

Anthony is looking at me like he knows something is up. "Embezzling 360k dollars?" Anthony says it like it's a question and handing me a folder.

"Alright, I'm going to need 10 minutes; without Jack's presence as you know having my father standing there impacts my ability to answer all of your questions." I'm looking around the room and see the whiteboard. As dad shuts the door, I drop the folder on the table without opening it, get up and walk over to the whiteboard and draw 3 vertical lines.

In the first column, I add Lisa, Rachel, Allison, Mom.

In the second column, I add Expense reports, 360k fraud.

In the third column, I add: Funneling contracts to FirstAmerican.

"Okay, the first two columns are to show you background and the third is the big part."

At the Christmas party, Lisa Jamison, Jack's secretary, came to me and started asking for my help, apparently, Jack has been cheating on my mother with the women listed here, now I understand that's might not be that big of a deal to some of you, though I'm a momma's boy so it was to me."

"Lisa lives with her roommate from college in a crap apartment building so she can't just quit as Jack is also her reference, so she was stuck. I got her out of the situation, and I also got my mother out of the house. Allison, I don't anything about her yet and Rachel was an Intern that Jack promoted to Executive Administrative assistant with zero experience after Lisa got out and that should sicken everyone here."

"I write Cheat" under the first column. "We'll come back to this at the end."

"In the second column, "You will also see that Jack has been cheating on his travels and expense reports and taking his assistants with him from column one, probably booking two rooms and a quick review will show that most of these meetings could be handled with a simple phone call. Again, not major but it shows the same character.

"Now the 360k Fraud." I pull my phone out and pull up the portfolio and set it to the last 24 hours. "Jack doesn't know about my investments, so he thought 360k would be a large sum to someone that makes 68k a year after taxes." I hand my phone to Anthony, pass that along, the upper right corner is my total investments, and the upper left corner is the last 24 hours. I've made more since yesterday than the 'embezzlement amount." This doesn't mean I still couldn't have done it, but what it does show is that there is no reason for me to do it. Jack also doesn't know that I own 3% of this company, so any scandal would cost me quite a bit more than 360k." I see Susan in the corner nod when I say this. "I could show you that on my phone also, but I believe Susan already knows this."

Everyone looks over at Susan and she nods and someone I don't know asked why she didn't say anything. "His father is the President, and he works here so 3% would seem normal."

"No offense Susan, but my goal is to not work my way up to Jack's job and spend more time with family after recent events, I nod over at the whiteboard.

I write cheat under the second column.

So, I got Lisa Jamison a job working with my mother in her catering business as my Mom wanted to help her since they have a common problem. Lisa figured she wouldn't get a reference from Jack and didn't want to start over again. I got my mother out of the house and I wanted to have this next conversation with him first, but he apparently took my other actions personally. I wasn't shocked he did what he did today, but I am disappointed, again.

"What is an email you can bring up on your phone Mr. Thomas? He gives me his Gmail and I send him both emails from dad's computer. If you could forward that to the other members, please.

I give them time to read both emails. Anthony looks up, "Where did you get these?"

Jack doesn't know much about computers, so he had me do the backups of his study's computer, they were sent to my laptop for the last few years. The recent events caused me to restore a few, and I found those at first glance in the archive folder. I'm sure there is more; though I stopped looking as they are enough."

I quit, and If Jack is still President next week, I'm selling my shares as those emails show this company won't survive his recklessness." I take a deep breath and pause. "Picking up the folder and handing it back to Mr. Thomas, "Have a cybersecurity audit of this and they will tell you where it came from."

"Are you ready to call him back in now?" I ask and Anthony nods.

I open the door, "You can come back in now."

I point at the whiteboard and walk over to the operations section of the floor and stop by Lisa's desk and tell her to grab her things. She looks worried.

"We just quit, trust me that we will be fine, but Jack in quite a bit of trouble." She grabs all her stuff, and we head out.

"What, we quit? What is going on? She whispers as we walk past her old desk.

I explain everything from the beginning in detail all the way down to the car.

"You made 360k dollars since yesterday!" was her only comment as I finished up with us in the car idling.

"Yeah, it's been a good week," I reply

"Give me your phone, show me." I lean over and hit the app. This shows it, but it's really on two hardware wallets at the house."

"What the hell James? Is this real?"

"Want to see Becky's? She's doing pretty well also." I reply.

"I thought you meant investing for thousands of dollars, not millions of dollars."

"Are you upset? I turn the car off.

"Well, not mad I guess, just shocked. 14.3 million dollars and you spent 2 on the house, Jeez." Lisa keeps looking at it.

"Wait! Why does Becky have an account and you didn't ask me about it?"

"I've been putting your money into this one, but I promised Becky I would create her own if she got out of the stewardess job at the apartment, I've been investing her money into projects this account doesn't have. Remember when I said I had backup plans and not to worry about resumes."

"My money is in here? Holy shit."

"Our money, Lisa." I chuckle and she hits my arm.

"When were you going to tell me?"

"Do you need money? I don't use this account except for emergencies, like the house and the furniture and the second kitchen. Regular money comes out of my bank account. I think your catering business can support us for the time being. I'll figure something else out for me."

"And like I said earlier, I own 3% of this company and just over a million in AMC stock, though that one we should empty before it crashes."

"So, are you still worried about quitting your job?" I ask smiling.

"Hell no! I'd have done it sooner; dick." Lisa stares at the phone.