Mom’s Become a Tease Ch. 00-13

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Is my mom interested, or is she just gaslighting me?
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Hi, my name is Mike. My mom started teasing me this winter and I journaled about it from the beginning. I've been unsure about sharing but decided to post the first couple entries and see what people think. I'm a little worried about our privacy, but it's one of those things I can only share on the internet.

Since this started I've been reading a lot of stuff on the internet and I'm surprised I'm not alone. And I know people ask a lot of questions, so I'll try to answer some here, since my journals don't really cover everything.

My mom's name is Catherine but everyone calls her Katie, which she insists on being spelled with a 'K.' She's 41 years old, about 5'4 or 5'5 and pretty thin, maybe 110 or 120 pounds. Her breasts are like a large B-cup or a small C-cup. The one thing I know about bra sizes is no one knows jack about bra sizes. Her butt looks pretty good in heels but when she wears flats I don't really notice it. She's a quarter Filipino, so her skin's a little darker than most white people, but she still looks white. She has brown hair usually cut just past her shoulders with subtle highlights and brown eyes.

I'm around 6 feet or 6'1 and 180 pounds. I'm pretty muscular from soccer and obsessive tennis playing in childhood and high school, but I hate tennis now and video games are enough soccer for me. Haven't lost the muscles yet though. I don't really know how to describe my dick, I guess a lot of people want to know that. But it comes up a surprising amount in my entries so just keep reading.

My aunt Anne also comes up in this story and I actually did describe her. But I'll do it again, she basically looks like an Asian version of my mom but thinner with bigger boobs. Probably DD if I had to guess. Same height as my mom, same skin tone, but you can tell she's some kind of Asian (she's not Asian enough for people to guess easily) and she has rather long black hair, also with highlights, and very dark brown eyes. She's four years younger than my mom, but they are very close.

My aunt's never been married and doesn't have kids. I don't know my dad, I don't have siblings, and no, my mom isn't married. Supposedly she was married to my dad, but I'm not so sure.

And no, I can't send you pictures of them. But I hope you enjoy hearing about us anyway.

December 17, 2020

I was watching TV to relax after my last final when my mom came and sat much too close to me on the loveseat. She was still wearing the high heels and short skirt that she had worn to work. My mom's company is a bunch of jerks that won't let her work from home, and she was home late for some reason. She was probably freezing without the black pantyhose she usually wore in the winter.

She asked me how I was going to celebrate the end of the semester and I told her there was no way to celebrate. She told me she knew I couldn't go out but we could still have fun, then put two shot glasses on the coffee table and poured some vodka. I reminded her that I don't really drink but she pleaded "Oh just one to celebrate yourself. I'm not telling you to get drunk with your mom."

So I gave in and we threw back the shots. As I made a noise of disgust, my mom put a hand on my thigh and told me not to worry, I'd start feeling good in a minute. She leaned back and let out a deep sigh as I felt her bare leg press up against my pants. "I'm feeling good already," she said. We sat in silence for a few minutes until she got up and clicked to her room for the rest of the evening.

December 18, 2020

I spent the first day of winter break much like my boring quarantine summer, switching between TV, video games, and jacking off. I don't even like video games that much, they just provide long-form entertainment. I need to figure something else out, but by the time my mom came home, I was just on the loveseat watching TV again. Her heels betrayed every step she made through the house, putting her stuff down and doing who knows what. Her shoes stayed on until she came to join me on the couch, where she plopped down and flung her nylon-clad feet onto my lap. She'd never done that before. "Hungry yet?" she asked.

"No, didn't use much energy today."

"We'll have to change that. But could you rub your mom's feet? It's been a long week."

"Um, sure," I agreed. Seemed a little weird, but no harm I guess.

She began breathing deeply as I rubbed one foot. Eventually breathlessly told me "Now switch," let me go for a minute, and groaned "That's just right. Switch again."

So I figured out exactly how to rub my mom's feet. As I continued, her deep breaths would occasionally become sharp, then eventually they became soft moans. The moans were almost sexual, not quite the moans of sex but the moans of when foreplay is reaching its height. I felt myself harden. "Those are just the sounds of a massage," I told myself. But they were too arousing. I slightly shifted her feet so she wouldn't feel my cock pulsing. I tried reminding myself that she was my mom, but that only made my dick throb harder.

Finally she sat up and said, "Wow, you are good at that. Must have made you popular in the girls' dorms."

I forced a laugh. "Not really, never done that before."

"Well then you're a natural. I'll make us dinner as a thank-you."

Dinner was normal, except for the fact that we ate together. My messed up Covid/school schedule usually has me eating at odd hours. After eating we spent most of the night separately. I'm in my room now writing this, waiting for the sounds of my mom going to bed so I can find some porn for a release.

December 21, 2020

The weekend was normal, well, quarantine normal. But after my mom came home tonight, things got a little weirder. This time I was playing video games on the sofa, in part so I could lay out and see the screen but also to avoid another foot rub ambush. My mom walked right in front of the TV to come sit on the couch with me. "Mom!" I shouted.

"Sorry, honey," she said as she sat and faced me, wiggling her legs past mine. "I was just hoping for another massage. You know how tough that office can get."

Her blocking the screen was enough for me to lose, so I agreed. I guess she's determined now to get a foot rub any time she's tired. I sat up and turned so that I could sit back, but in doing so, her foot hit my hardening cock. I hadn't even noticed I was getting an erection until I felt my mom's foot pressing my penis into my leg. But she noticed. "Oh honey," she said, "should we not be doing this?"

I tried to play it like I didn't have a boner. "No, I mean, I don't know. It's a little weird but it's not like a problem."

"No, I mean because it seems like it's turning you on," she said, and rubbed her foot into my cock again.

"Oh no," I said. "No that's not because of you, that just happens sometimes to guys my age."

"Really? I mean, twenty's a little old for random boners. Haven't you had sex?"

"I'm still nineteen, and yes I've had sex, but it still happens."

"Well I've heard if you've had good sex it shouldn't, but maybe it's just been too long in quarantine."

"Mom, this is really weird."

"Then don't get hard for your mother," she said, lying back. "Now can I still get a foot rub?"

I agreed and again her breathing became sexual and eventually turned to moans. A few times she rubbed her foot into my engorged cock. After the second time, she started doing the same with the other foot into my leg, as if to pretend she was just clenching her foot. I'm embarrassed to say it felt good, great. When she decided she'd had enough, she got up, put her hand on my chin, kissed my cheek and whispered, "You can take care of yourself but you better be good. Auntie Anne's coming for Christmas and I know you've always had a crush on her." Then she quickly walked out.

How could my mom know that? I would never try anything with my aunt, sometimes I get overcome and touch myself to her, but I never even let myself cum thinking about her. But her huge tits, anyone would crush on those. She's my mom's full sister, but they're a quarter Filipino so you can't tell. My aunt looks like an Asian version of my mom, who looks White. They both highlight their hair, but my mom's is brown and my aunt's is black.

I couldn't help but watch my mom's body sway as she left. She actually has a better body than her sister, I realized. Her breasts are normal, but her body has more shape despite being quite thin. Anne's body is so thin that the only curves are the outlines of her chest. I need a release now. If I'm quiet in my room, my mom shouldn't hear.

December 23, 2020

I spent yesterday evening hidden in my room and tried to do the same tonight. Monday night I had tried jerking to porn, but I wasn't getting there. I thought about my aunt for a bit which brought me to the edge. Before I could switch back to the porn, flashes of my aunt and my mom ran through my mind and I exploded with cum. I was embarrassed, I sometimes thought about my aunt but I had never cum to a family member. Now I've cum to my two closest.

So that's why I locked myself away. But tonight my mom came tapping at my door about an hour or two after she got home from work. I was in bed scrolling through my phone. She asked me if everything was OK and I said it was. "Did I take things a little too far with the foot rubs?" she asked as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her nylons were off and she crossed a bare leg towards me.

"I mean, some of the things you said got a little weird."

"I'm sorry I teased you about Auntie Anne, but you have a tendency to stare."

"Well any teenage boy would look at her, but that doesn't mean I have a crush on her."

"OK, I'll be nicer. Your foot rubs have really helped relieve the stress and I enjoy feeling closer to my son."

"OK," I said.

"So will you give me one now?"

"OK," I said again.

She lifted her shapely legs and rotated her body to place them on my lap. Somehow she kept them pressed together as she made the movement, preventing me from seeing up her skirt in a surprising exhibit of strength from someone with almost no time to exercise. One foot came to rest on my thigh while the other nestled between my legs, inches from where I felt myself hardening. She pivoted her foot a bit and pressed into my erection. "You'll have to stop getting stiffies for your mom," she softly chided me.

"I told you, it's just random," I protested.

"Twice is a pattern."

"OK, look," I said. "When I rub your feet, it sounds like girls during foreplay. So it just does that."

"Mmhmm. Just rub my feet you dirty boy." I lifted the foot between my legs and started rubbing. "Such a dirty boy sexualizing his mother's enjoyment."

I didn't respond, I just rubbed her feet in silence. Maybe she was right, maybe there was nothing wrong with how she was enjoying the massages. But as her heavy breathing came to moaning, I was sure there was no way a foot rub could force those sounds from her. Her skirt had crept up a bit and in my heightened state, I couldn't resist looking. Her legs were so smooth, she was trying to keep them closed but was too lost in her massage. I couldn't see anything, perhaps she was wearing black panties under her black skirt and I couldn't make anything out. But just seeing those long legs was enough. My fantasies crossed the line the other night, and I'm not interested in going back.

When my mom got up from the massage, she kissed my forehead and whispered, "I know you're a good boy, just keep those dirty thoughts away. Do what you need to."

I did what I needed before writing this, and now I'll need to again. Somehow I'll have to stop this addiction to my mom, but how can I until COVID is over?

December 25, 2020

I woke up late yesterday, around Noon. My mom was already up and about, in bare feet wearing a floral dress with a revealing top and flowing skirt to just about her knee. "Morning lazy," she brightly greeted me. "Anne's coming around four, so make sure you're showered and dressed by then."

"Are we going to the kiddie service?" I asked. Usually Anne comes over later on Christmas Eve so we can have dinner and go to nine o'clock church. The kids' service is at five.

"There's no church, silly," Mom reminded me. "Everything's just so boring these days that I wanted her to come early. You can stream it if you want."

"Well then I'm dressed." I was wearing basketball shorts and an undershirt.

My mom looked at me coldly and said, "I want us still to look nice, even if this year it's just the three of us in the house."

"Mom, my 'nice' clothes are so lame."

"Then wear what you'd wear to a college party and we'll shop for better clothes when we can go out again. Your aunt likes young guys, I'm sure your style would pass for her."

I turned with an eyeroll and went back to my room. She was teasing again. I wasted time in there until I heard my aunt arrive. My mom had put on strappy nude heels as if dressed for summer and not the dead of winter. California. My aunt was dressed more for the season but perhaps not for a family gathering. She wore a red dress with half sleeves that showed just a bit of cleavage while hugging her bust. The dress was loose around her legs but only came just below her butt. Her boots were thigh-high with very high heels. It was bound to be a good evening.

We did have fun, not just because my aunt looked so sexy. Probably because she and my mom got into the wine. Eventually my mom started to get a bit sloppy and decided to go to bed. With her gone, my aunt turned to me and said "So I hear you give great foot rubs."

"Um, I guess so."

"Well I'm going to need one. These boots are fun but I can't wear them unless there's a man to take care of me."

"Um, OK."

"Shall we do it on your bed?"

"Sure," I agreed, but stayed seated. As soon as she mentioned a foot rub, a boner began to grow, which I needed to get down. Instead I followed her to my bedroom, hopefully soft by the time she sat on my bed.

"Do you mind helping me take these off?" she asked as she unzipped her boots. "It's quite unattractive when I do it."

I stepped over to her but told her I didn't know how to get them off. She told me to start at the top, get the boot over her knee, then do the heel and from there it's easy. I did as she said, while she kept her dress modest with a hand on her lap and I failed at hiding my resurgent wood. She told me "Socks too," then as I stood up she put a bare foot on my hip and moved me to the bed, then tapped my erection with her toe. "Your mom told me you can be naughty during these, but I won't tell her."

Great, I thought, now they're both teasing me. I sat on the edge of my bed but Anne instructed me to scoot up and sit against the headboard because she wanted to be able to see me. So I did and we sat in almost the same position as I had sat with my mom the previous night. I rubbed her feet, just like I did for my mom, and while she wasn't quite so vocal, she did breathe deeply as if aroused. Hearing her and looking up her long legs to her large, heaving chest was the maybe most erotic experience I've had. Eventually she moved one leg to my side and then began rubbing her other foot against my cock. She lifted her head and said "Thank you honey, that was amazing."

"Um, good, thank you."

"Your mom is so cruel to leave you hard, do you like what I'm doing?"

"I don't think you should."

"No, you're very naughty to look at your aunt, but you took care of me so I'll help you a little."

"Oh God, Auntie Anne." She was going to make me cum soon. From a foot job. Through my pants. Either I was incredibly horny or she is incredibly talented in bed.

"You can't keep getting hard like this for you aunt and mother." She said it like a warning but her foot kept working my throbbing member.

She continued, "Your mom's not used to attention like I am. She needs a man to take control. I don't think she can process having such a horny son."

"Anne, I'm so close," I breathed.

And she stopped and stood up. "I can't encourage your dirty thoughts too much. You'll have to finish that."

I started pulling my cock out before she even left the room. I thought I saw her turn for a glance, but I was too focused on jacking myself. I don't know if I finished before or after she closed the door, but I know I exploded all over my pants and shirt then passed out. I woke early this morning, not because I was excited for presents, but because my light was still on and I was still in jizz-covered day clothes.

Today she acted like nothing happened. It was really just a regular Christmas, minus their parents and cousins. Except my mom wore a tiny pair of shorts in the morning and Anne wore a sleep shirt that was barely longer than last night's dress. They usually wore pajamas that covered most everything, I think. Are they teasing again? Or am I just in my head, remembering wrong?

December 26, 2020

My mom came into my room last night while I was scrolling my phone to relax for sleep. She didn't knock. "Anne told me what you did last night," she said in a slightly accusatory tone and sat on my bed.

"Just a foot rub like I give you."

"She told me you tempted her into pleasuring your cock."

"No, she just accidentally hit it, nothing different from you. I can't help when it gets hard." Maybe she didn't really know and the desperate lie would work.

"Well you can help that you're a little pervert, and that's what's making it hard."

"I'm not, Mom. I really don't mean it."

"I guess it's OK, maybe you have to grow up too fast. College boys need slutty college girls to fuck and you haven't had that. But you can't tempt your aunt, you know young men are her weakness."

"I don't know what you mean, I didn't tempt her." I had never heard her talk that way, but I still needed to defend myself.

"If you didn't tempt her, why else would she give you a foot job? Are you calling my sister a slut?"

"No, I don't know why she did it, and it wasn't a foot job, she just rubbed me through my pants a little. I tried to stop her." I was hard by this point, remembering the previous night and hearing my mom talk about sluts.

"You didn't try very hard. You should know by now that women get turned on when you resist a little."

"Mom, really, I don't understand how I did anything."

She moved up closer to me then pulled down my covers and placed a hand on my stiff member. "Maybe this little guy is just doing the thinking for you," she said in almost a sultry tone as she began working my cock through my shorts.

"Mom!" I gasped.

"See, you are a dirty boy, getting off from your mom."

"I can't help it," I groaned, twisting my pelvis into her hand.

She abruptly stopped. "You're right," she said. "You can't help it, you're thinking with your dick. I'll have to figure out what to do about this."

She kissed my forehead, said goodnight and left. I was stunned but also incredibly turned on. I jacked myself to sleep, thinking about if my mom had decided to ride me instead of leaving.

December 27, 2020

Nothing eventful happened yesterday, except that my mom wore a short skirt all day. She wears somewhat short skirts to work, but this one was shorter and cheap material, like for around the house. And I was the only person she would see for the day. I had seen her legs many times, but never really admired them. Plus, I almost never see her in a skirt with bare legs and bare feet, but that was how she was all day yesterday.

But I'm really writing for what just happened. I was taking a shower, neither of our bathrooms have working locks but being just the two of us there's never been a problem. Suddenly the door opened and my mom pulled back the shower curtain. She was wearing the same tiny shorts from Christmas and a sky blue tank top that her nipples poked through. I shouted "Mom!" and turned away, to which she responded, "Oh don't act like you haven't had this fantasy."