Mom's New Maid


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"Get underneath!" whispered his mom.

He didn't need her to ask twice. Harry dropped to his knees, carefully sliding himself underneath the bed next to her. There was enough room between the floor and the bed's baseboard for him to fit easily, but that also posed another problem for them.

"If he comes in here, he'll see us," said Harry. "We're too exposed, side by side."

"Here," whispered his mom. "There's room for me to get on top of you. As long as I'm not too heavy?"

The question carried a hint of self-consciousness in it, and Harry almost laughed, despite their situation.

"Of course not," he said. "You're light as a feather. I'll help you. Just slide in closer."

He wriggled underneath the bed, feeling his sweatpants catch on a crack in the wood floor and slide down a couple of inches. His mom was already moving herself onto him before he could do anything to fix it.

She straddled him, one leg on either side, both of them pressed in tight by the bed overhead. Her skirt was still up around her waist, and Harry could feel his cock pressing against her crotch through his boxers.

They were in close contact in all the right and wrong ways. He felt his heart pounding as his body responded to the situation.

"He won't see us if we stay here, and don't make much noise," whispered his mom. "We'll be okay."

She wriggled slightly, sending a burst of pleasure through Harry's crotch, amplified by the drugs coursing through his system. He felt anything but okay and cursed himself for all the stupid choices he'd made that day as his cock slowly began hardening against his mother.

The two of them were pressed together in a manner that would have been undeniably sexual, if not for their circumstances. They were in the position of two people caught in the middle of sexual foreplay, squeezed together tightly by the bottom of the bed. Harry's cock was between Julia's legs, nestled against her panty covered mound, curving up toward her buttocks.

"Harry?" whispered his mom. "Are you okay?"

She shifted again, and Harry set his hands on her waist, intending to steady her. It only made things worse, as his hands seemed to have a mind of their own. They pulled Julia down slightly, gently grinding her panties across his cock. Harry's sweatpants were down far enough for his boxers to be the only thing keeping his erection in check, and in his experience, they were pretty bad at doing that.

"I'm... alright," he whispered. "This is just... a tough position to be in."

"It's fine," whispered his mom. "We'll be okay. Just try not to think about it."

She nestled her head against his shoulder, squeezing her thighs together and sending a burst of illicit pleasure up Harry's rod. He groaned, unable to do anything about his arousal other than endure it. He felt Julia tense up slightly as it reached the point where she could feel it, too.

"Sweetie," she whispered. "Is that your...?"

She didn't say the word. She didn't have to. Harry was mortified. He wriggled slightly, debating whether his pride was worth sliding out from the bed and risking an encounter with a potentially armed lunatic. His mom put her hands on his chest, squeezing her legs again in an attempt to keep him where he was. She let a small moan as she did.

"Sorry," his whispered. "This is a really weird position for us."

"I know," she whispered. "It's okay. Let's both just... try to relax."

The only sound they could hear was that of the madman downstairs, who seemed to be taking his time going from room to room. Harry's heart pounded in his chest, and his erection ached from unfulfilled arousal. It was hot under the bed, and his mother was even hotter on top of him. They were both getting a little sweaty, and there was absolutely nothing either of them could do about it.

"Maybe if I... shift down a little?" she whispered. "The position might be making it hard. The situation, I mean?"

"Careful," whispered Harry. He reached his hand out to squeeze her waist and took hold of her butt instead. Julia shivered and placed her hand over his.

She tried to slide down a bit, which would hopefully put Harry's erection in contact with her stomach, instead of her crotch. There wasn't enough room, and her panties seemed to catch on Harry's hard cock.

"Whoops..." His mom shifted forward again, and by accident, Harry's cock found the hole in his boxers. He closed his eyes, feeling more ashamed than he ever had in his entire life. He also felt the soft cotton of his mother's panties, now pressed tight against his hard, naked rod.

"Just... stop moving," whispered Harry.

"Okay." His mother stopped moving, returning to how they'd been before.

The sensations were fifty times more intense, at least. Harry couldn't stop thinking about sex, about how close he and his mom were to it. She seemed to be shivering slightly on top of him, clearly affected by having such a young, hard shaft tight against her pussy.

"We can't stay like this for long," whispered Harry. "Mom... this is bad."

"It's okay, sweetie," she said, rubbing her hand against his cheek. "We'll be okay. Don't be scared. This will all be over soon, and we'll be able to forget about it."

That wasn't at all what Harry had meant. His fear was currently in the backseat, and his cock was behind the wheel.

His mom let out a small moan and shifted again. Her panties were bunching up to one side. She leaned forward more tightly, trying to hug Harry. His hands were on her butt, and he couldn't stop himself from caressing and rubbing. Her breasts pushed into his chest. She was so soft and sexy, so hot. This was so wrong, in every sense of the word.

And then, the door to Julia's room slammed open. The intruder stumbled inside, cursing softly under his breath. Harry froze, and he felt Julia tense up on top of him.


Not even the shock of having a potentially armed madman in the room was enough to bring down Harry's arousal. He did manage to stay silent, but his mom was still on top of him. Her face was inches from his, and even though it was dark under the bed, Harry could sense her expression.

She was panicked, just like he was. The lunatic was seconds away from looking under the bed and finding them.

"Julia Harding," muttered the man. "Oh, how I'd like to give her a nice, hard..."

He sat down on the bed. Of all the things he could have done, this was both the most unexpected and unfortunate.

As the bed sank and pushed down on Julia, Harry's cock was at the exact right, or wrong, angle. It slid up, catching on the edge of Julia's panties for a moment, and then slipping to the side of them, into somewhere tight, warm, and perfect. Harry stifled a gasp, leaning his head back against the floor as pleasure hit him in a massive wave.

His mother had her hand over his mouth instantly, preventing him from giving away their position with noise. She was shivering against him, her body probably experiencing a similar mixture of pleasure and shame. Harry couldn't believe it. His cock was at least an inch or two inside of his mom, as far as he could tell, and it felt better than anything he'd ever imagined.

My cock is inside of my mother, he thought to himself. My cock. Is inside. Of Mom.

It made no sense to him, and yet at the same time, it was like fitting a missing piece into an otherwise incomplete puzzle. His mom shifted, trying to lift her hips and get her pussy off his shaft.

The movement only made things worse as she came back down, spearing herself slightly deeper on Harry's erection. He shuddered with pleasure, his hands groping her butt. It took all the willpower he had to not pull her down like an animal and slam his cock upward.

It was just an accident. A disgusting little accident. It would be over soon, and just like his mom had said, they'd both just be able to forget about it.

"I could have sworn that she was here," muttered the intruder. "Couldn't wait to get her naked. Fuck, she's so hot."

The man shifted on the bed, putting more of his weight on the mattress. Julia slid further down on Harry's cock. She buried her face into the nape of his neck, her mouth pushing against the skin there to smother the noise escaping her lips. Harry ran his hand though her hair, wishing that he could reassure her. Everything would be okay.

The man bounced around on Julia's bed, and Harry felt his mother being forced down further onto his cock. Her pussy was tight, and it seemed to grip his manhood like a small, stretchy glove on a big hand. Harry was kissing her neck, unable to stop himself now that the pleasure had control of him.

"Bet she knows how to suck a cock," muttered the man. "Oh yeah. I bet she knows how take one, too. Such a hot, sexy woman."

Harry was actively thrusting up into her now. He didn't care if the man noticed the movement or not. He couldn't stop himself. He felt his mom tapping her hand on him in warning. He almost kissed her on the lips, only stopping himself at the last second.

He needed to focus. He could still pull back from the brink. He had at least that much self-control, right?

"I'm going to fuck her senseless when I find her," said the man. "Turn her into my dirty, horny slut."

A tiny, erotic noise escaped Julia's throat. The man bounced again, harder this time, and Harry felt even more of his cock push up into his mom. He could see the metaphorical finish line in the distance and felt a sudden fear grab hold of him.

If he came inside her, she would never forgive him. He might not ever forgive himself.

"Maybe I'll take some of her underwear with me," said the man. "Least then this little trip won't be a complete waste."

He bounced on the bed a few more times. Harry had no idea what was going on, but he knew that if the man didn't get off the bed soon, he was going to get off underneath it.

His mother was lost in the heat of the moment. She didn't seem scared anymore, of if she was, it was of what was happening between her and Harry, rather than of the intruder. She kept her face pressed into the nape of his neck, as though unable to face the reality of what was happening.

"Mom," whispered Harry. "I'm... going to..."

He couldn't tell her he was about to cum. He spoke the words in such a quiet voice that he wasn't sure if she'd heard him or not. The man was still bouncing, forcing her down on his cock over and over again. It felt way too good, and Harry knew that the outcome was inevitable.

"Please..." whispered his mother. "Don't..."

Suddenly, the man stood up. He walked over to Julia's wardrobe, and Harry was faintly aware of one of the drawers opening. Most of his attention was focused on his mom's hot body. He was rhythmically pushing his hips up and couldn't understand at first why she was tapping him on the chest.

Oh fuck.

Right as Harry reached his limit, his mom finally managed to slide back. His cock popped out of her pussy not a second too soon, blasting out string after string of cum. The first few shots splashed onto her blouse, but the rest pooled on Harry's t-shirt. The pleasure hit him like a river breaking through an old, structurally deficient dam. He leaned his head back and took deep, slow breaths.

His mom hugged him. Harry hadn't been expecting that. He was horrified by what had just happened and expected her reaction to be similar. Instead, she seemed to be tender and understanding. She was still his mother, and she still loved him in the shameful aftermath of their little accident.

"It's okay," she said. "We're safe. That's all that matters."

The madman was down the hallway and heading down the stairs. Harry started to relax, when he heard the front door open again, sooner than it should have.

"Who the fuck are you?" shouted the intruder.

"...What?" It was Vivian, and she sounded rightfully surprised.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere!" shouted the intruder. Harry heard a struggle, followed by the door slamming shut again, and a gun being cocked.


"Oh my god..."

Julia went totally still. Harry felt his entire body tense up, his fear finally winning the battle against his waning arousal.

"No!" screamed Vivian. "Stop it!"

He couldn't just stay where he was and listen. He lifted one of his mom's legs and slid across the floor. She grabbed him by the arm and gave a tight squeeze.

"Harry, don't!" she whispered. "There's nothing you can do!"

"Yes there is!" he said. "I can do something. Distract him at least."

"Or get yourself killed!"

His mother tried to pull him back under the bed. Harry rolled his wrist, clearing her grip from his arm, and headed for the door. He crouched low as he moved toward the stairs, trying to get a sense of the situation below.

The intruder was a big man, at least six feet tall with bulky shoulders. And, he did, in fact, have a gun. Vivian was wearing jeans and a now ripped blouse, exposing one bra cup underneath. She was sitting on the couch and clearly not by choice, with the man pointing the gun at her and gesturing.

"The jeans," he said. "Take them off."

"You... disgusting... stupid..." Vivian looked more furious than she was scared, but both emotions were clear on her face. She blinked in the obvious fast pattern of fighting off tears, closed her eyes, and then unzipped her jeans.

Harry reached the bottom of the staircase. He'd only get one chance. He sensed that the man wouldn't fire on Vivian, but there was no doubt in his mind that he'd unload the entire clip in self-defense, if need be. He needed to get that gun out of the man's hand, first.

He took another step forward, and Vivian saw him. The man's back was to Harry, but when Vivian's gaze flicked over to him, it was enough to give him away. The man started to turn around. Harry flew forward, grabbing for the gun and twisting toward the floor.

It went off, but the bullet shot downward, missing anything important. The man shouted something that Harry couldn't hear over the ringing in his ears and lumbered forward into a tackle. Harry twisted, flipping the man over his shoulder in an old judo throw he'd learned during a martial arts class earlier in the year.

The man was heavy, but it worked, and he landed hard. Harry managed to get the gun out of his hand, and he slid it across the floor, in Vivian's direction. The man had the size advantage, but Harry wasn't weak, by any standard. All the months he'd spent training certainly helped.

He elbowed the man hard in the face and heard a rewarding crack come from his teeth. The man punched him in the stomach, but Harry tensed his abdominals, taking the blow without too much trouble.

The man slid away from him on the floor and managed to get back to his feet. Harry was up an instant later, but it gave his opponent time to pull something from his pocket. Light gleamed off the edge of a switchblade as it unfolded. The man grinned, showing a busted, bleeding lip in the process.

"I'm going to fucking kill you, boy!" he snarled.

A gun clicked. Harry caught sight of Vivian out of the corner of his eye. She'd picked up the pistol and was aiming it at the man.

"You're going to what?" she asked, taking a step forward. "Would you like to repeat that?"

The man took one look at Vivian, a little teenage girl holding a pistol, and then sprinted for the front door. Harry half expected her to actually open fire, but she didn't. The man sprinted out into the street, making quite a scene for the few pedestrians who were out.

Vivian slowly lowered the gun, but still held it in one hand. Harry went over to her and put his arms on her shoulders.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Vivian slowly shook her head.

"No," she said. "But he was about to."

Julia appeared at the top of the stairs, immediately running down to check on the two of them. She had tears in her eyes, and her face was red. Harry pulled her into the hug, keeping one arm on Vivian's shoulder.

"We're okay," he said. "We're all okay."

"I'm so sorry," said Julia. "I thought the online threats were just... threats. I get so many of them."

"You couldn't have known," said Harry. He thought about how close they'd come to a horrible outcome, and then frowned, looking at Vivian. "Why'd you come back?"

Vivian seemed to think for a moment, and then shrugged.

"I wasn't planning on leaving for good," she said. "I just needed to get some air. That's all."

It was a non-answer, but it satisfied Harry, and seemed to satisfy Julia. The three of them sat down on the couch, and Julia used her phone to call 911.


Four hours later, Harry stood in the living room, double and triple checking the locks on the front door. The police had taken the gun as evidence, and asked question after question about exactly what had happened.

Harry had been honest, to a point, as had his mother. Neither of them brought up the exact details of what had happened underneath the bed. He'd considered bringing it up the next time they had a moment alone together before deciding against it.

If they never talked about it, it was like it never happened. Right?

But it had happened. He walked over to where Vivian and Julia sat on the couch. His mother had changed into a pair of black leggings and a purple sweater. She looked like she'd always did, confident and composed, and she acted completely normal.

But there was something about the intensity in her gaze that he couldn't ignore. Now, whenever Harry's eyes met hers, there was a flicker of recognition, of reluctant acknowledgment and hidden shame. There was so much bundled up inside that look: shame and regret, love and tension.

"We have to act as though this might happen again," said Julia. "I know it's a little frightening to think about, but we need to start being more careful."

"Of course," said Harry. "That's only fair. Starting with you. You're the one getting threats. You're the one who needs protection the most."

He set his hand on his mom's shoulder, and she put hers on top of his.

"You should be the one to protect her, Harry," said Vivian, smiling. "It would make sense, wouldn't it? For you to be around her all the time, following her everywhere. As close as you can be."

Harry looked at Vivian and saw a devilish gleam in her eyes. She'd put her ankle monitor back on before the police had arrived. Julia hadn't mentioned it while she was giving her version of events, and neither had Harry. It seemed like such a small thing when compared with the break-in, but he hadn't forgotten about it. Or about the pills.

"I guess that makes sense," said Harry. "You can help out, too, Vivian. Given that you'll be staying here in the house, for the foreseeable future."

He emphasized the last few words, watching Vivian for a reaction. Her smile didn't waiver. She licked her lips, as though getting a taste for the situation and finding it to her liking.

"Sure," said Vivian.

"Thank you both," said Julia. "It shouldn't be for long. We'll get back to normal soon enough."

An awkward silence hung on the air for a moment. Harry wondered what normal would be for them, now, if it even existed.

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RandyashellRandyashell7 months ago

Great story . I must admit I wasnt sure at first , 10 out 10 please wrote a part two

zooliciouszoolicious12 months ago

Mom is ready. Vivian wants to be raped. Definitely need more. Unreal in more ways than one.

Ronin646Ronin646over 1 year ago

I hope there will be a follow up chapter to this story. I like to see Harry with both ladies. Vivian would be easier but I think Julia will come around; given she already had a taste...

Burning_HereticBurning_Hereticalmost 2 years ago

Vivian's gonna' burn their house down one of these days. And it's a 50/50 shot as to whether she'd burn it down with them in it.

She's not even crazy in, like, a sexy way. She's just a little sociopath. If Harry'd had even a single neuron in his skull, he'd've just "let slip" to the cops that she'd slipped her ankle bracelet off. Boom. She goes away. No more cousins who use blackmail as a way of saying "hello".

newtype2525newtype2525almost 2 years ago

I really can't say enough GREAT things about this story!

Talk about a sensational start! So hooked! We need more.

Please consider coming back to this story soon!

newtype2525newtype2525almost 2 years ago

Another Gold Medal!


Anya I love you stories even more here where you aren't limited by Kindle rules!!

Keeping adding to this one because it has such intrigue and mystery!!

What happened to dad? Or the brother/uncle?

Are there others? And will there be more photography because for my taste THAT was the biggest tease!

Could they make some erotic pic together? Maybe bring in others???

Man! I hooked!!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That Harry guy was so inconceivably stupid that I'm glad the author didn't carry on with this. Such a convenient cliche that a young man loses all self control if his cock is touched. And he let's himself be drawn into criminal acts because of mildly annoying things? In this time and age, in a city- setting of a western country and considering the way the relationship between mom and son was described, would she make a real big fuzz if Harry looked at harmless photographs of his mom, taken when she was his age? I could go on, but this isn't really worth the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

yes continue was good

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please continue this very well written story!

I'm hooked for more...😋

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Appreciate much...

Part 2???

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
All three of them...

...are insanely stupid people.

Well, to be fair, Vivian is more whackado.

Accidental insertion is always overly-contrived, and this is no different.

How would he get her address if that ISN'T her name? Randomly guessing? If it is the guy from the interview, and she went to the police, SOMETHING would have happened. Too Macguffin-y to have the cops do nothing there.

He kept photos of his mom where they could be readily found...why not take pictures of them and just have them on his phone? Especially given his age. All of it seems like he was too dumb even for high school.

Mom is clearly a hypocrite and is jealous.

Done reading with this chapter. Better stuff on this site to read, sorry.

ThelforgotenoneThelforgotenoneover 3 years ago

Good lord, what a great story.

I loved every word of it, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I'm sorry, I couldn't read this.

Vivian kept pissing me off, before anything could get anywhere my mind would tell me what he should be doing. Admitting the attraction to his mother to render the blackmail moot, is the most reasonable place my mind went to. After that the ideas get rather violent. Well at least now I know I need anger management classes.

Its a shame since I made it halfway, but when the drugs and pliers got involved, I would've just thrown her crazy ass out of the house. Consequences be damned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Loved it...but

Great story but you changed Vivian’s eye color on the beginning from blue to jade green a bit further down other then that great story

falloutguy1falloutguy1over 3 years ago
continue please

love the build up, looking forward to the next chapter

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