Mother Road Ch. 08 - Lost Highway


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As I suckled, I moved my hands around and pulled the sweatpants off of her. "No, no, no, you can't have me after you fucked that whore," she protested feebly.

I stood and picked her up into my arms, then walked over to the bed and threw her down. I growled, "You're my wife, and I fucking own you! I'll take you whenever and wherever I want, do you understand me?"

Undoing my khakis and quickly pulling them off, I then whipped off my Chakra Club T-shirt. Thanks to the blue pill my dick was still rock hard; once my pants were off, I wasted no time. Pushing her on her back, I entered her. She was still well lubricated, so I plunged right in and began to anger-fuck her sweet pussy for all it was worth. Both of us were probably going to be sore tomorrow, but oh well!

As I pounded her, I began to verbally antagonize her, "Did you enjoy fucking your boyfriend tonight? Is his cock better than mine?"

Gasping for air, she cried out "YES, I loved fucking him, his cock is better than yours!"

I gently squeezed her breasts, nipping their tops, "Did you like shaking these married titties for him? The titties that belong to me?"

"Yessss, I liked it. He told me he loved sucking my tits!" She caught her breath as I slammed my hardness into her and held it there.

"Those aren't your titties, they're mine, understand? All MINE!" I began pumping her again, like a piston on a steam locomotive.

Laura cried out, "Yes, all yours! All yourrrrrs!" With that exclamation, I felt her orgasm rip through her, her hips and legs shaking violently.

I mashed my mouth to hers in a deep passionate kiss, groaning as I emptied what little fluid was left in my depleted balls. Then I collapsed on her and rolled off to one side, both our bodies slick with sweat.

I began whispering, "I love you so much," over and over as I planted tiny kisses all over her face. She giggled, a sweet sound I'd never tire of hearing.

"With all the drilling you gave me tonight, my lady parts are going to be so sore tomorrow I'll have a hard time walking, Mr. McFarland," she whispered, snuggling into my chest, "Dr. Halpern would not approve!"

Ah, yes, Dr. Halpern. I was confident that Laura's diminutive OB/GYN from hell would be perfectly fine if I never slipped my dick in my wife again.

I smiled, "It's your own fault, Mrs. McFarland," I whispered back, "As soon as this blue pill wears off, I may not ever have another erection."

"Good," she said, "then at least you won't be able to cheat on me with some stripper."

I leaned my head down, kissed the left side of her neck, and murmured, "Darling why would I want anyone else when I've got the sexiest trophy wife in Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas right here in my bed?"

She groaned in pleasure; a neck kiss was always sure-fire way to ignite Laura's passion. She whispered, "What about Missouri?"

"I can't say, as I've never fucked anyone in Missouri," I chuckled.

She play-slapped my ass. "Well then, the next time we take that RV on a road trip, we're going to have to make a stop in Missouri so I can try to win the award for that state as well."

I waggled my eyebrows, "I happen to know you'll be a shoo-in for that contest, darling, although you might have to debase yourself and suck off the judge. In fact, I insist on it." I kissed her again, softly this time. Even after all our years together, I still never got tired of kissing Laura.

Then I added, "You girls really outdid yourself tonight. After Walter and Dotty left the club, they couldn't even make it all the way home. I passed that sleazy hotel that rents rooms by the hour on my way back to the farm after I left the diner, and their car was in the parking lot. Where in the world did you and Dotty get the idea to go to a strip club?"

"You know that exercise class that Dotty and I have been taking with Melissa and Miriam? It was really an exotic dancing class. Dotty and I wanted to surprise you two, so we decided to go all-out as Angel and Destiny again and rented the VIP room at the Chakra Club to put on our show. I take it you approved?"

"No complaints, darling, although baring your breasts in front of Walter could have given him cardiac arrest."

"What about you seeing Dotty's big tits? Did you like that?" The safest response would have been 'I hadn't noticed', but I couldn't lie to Laura; I defaulted to the diplomatic answer.

"They were nice, but I prefer yours, dear. You are the hotter sister, after all!"

Laura took my chin in her hand and kissed me lightly, murmuring, "My husband the smooth talker. No wonder you can always get in my pants."

In response, I reached down and felt her mound. It was still warm and wet, and my blue-fueled rigidity hadn't gone away completely. I pushed her on her back, moved in between her legs and slipped in again. She gasped in delight.

I kissed the side of her neck again and told her "I love getting in your pants, in case you hadn't noticed."

I felt her hips and legs push back against me. "Believe me, I noticed," she groaned. We made slow gentle love, one more time. No crashing orgasms, just the intimate pleasure of a loving couple wrapped in each other's arms.

Just before sleep finally claimed us, I asked her, "What exactly was that fight about? It was hot as hell, but you really threw me for a loop for a second. I almost thought you were being serious."

Gently running her fingers through my chest hair, Laura explained, "From the beginning, you and I have settled our differences without a lot of arguing. There's only been once or twice early in our marriage where we had a serious fight; in the last few years we haven't fought at all, so I decided to start one. You really put it to me, stud. From my point of view, I loved the make-up sex, did you?"

At this point all the lead was finally out of my pencil, so to speak, but that didn't stop me from thoroughly kissing and nibbling her wonderful breasts again -- the tops, the bottoms, the areola, and the nipples. I felt her shiver, which only egged me on to do more. I stopped just long enough to reply, "I did like it; in fact, we need to argue a little more often."

Unbelievably, I felt my dormant dick beginning to stir again, but only slightly. Laura had completely drained me, the stirring I'd experienced was merely my depleted manhood's final salute to Laura. Damn, I loved my wife.


September - Wellston, Oklahoma: Goodbye Summer

In some ways, I didn't like September. The end of summer meant the McFarland house was mostly empty during the day. Ruthie began attending preschool half-days; TJ was now in junior high school.

Pearl and David were living in the new unit, attending Sooner State together. We'd sometimes see them on the weekends, but they were occupied with classes during the day, studying in the evenings, and at night doing that stuff engaged people like to do. True to her word, the lovebirds were being responsible; the pregnancy announcement Laura and I had been expecting hadn't happened.

As for Amelia, aside from the occasional videoconference, we hadn't seen her for months; she was living her life, working on a Master's degree in Economics at the University of Hawaii. Judging from the pictures she posted on social media, she was having a ball, becoming the first surfer in the family!

To keep myself occupied since we'd finished the new unit, I volunteered to be on the Wellston's City Architectural Committee, which met once a month. I was also called in on the occasional consulting gig for projects with SustainArch, the firm I was working for when I met Laura 21 years ago.

These activities kept me busying while giving Laura and I the opportunity to 'revisit' all our old haunts, making love in or on the hayloft, the cabin, the RV, the kitchen island, the dining room table, the couch in the TV room, basically any horizontal surface that could bear the weight of two passionate people.

To add an element of fun, we'd also branched out and did it on the bed in the new unit while David and Pearl were in class at the university. We'd have gotten away with it, too, except Pearl found a few strands of Laura's red hair on the pillow. She scolded us so harshly it was like having her big sister Olivia living at home again. (It didn't work, we were back at it in their bed the next day!)

At the Connor ranch in Wellston, Trent was in kindergarten, but Jackie and Athena were still at home. Both the girls were tall for their age, taking after their father. Jackie was clearly her Daddy's girl, while Athena's heart belonged to Dotty.

Del and Connie were now living in Cambridge; they'd bought a place near the Harvard campus. To keep busy while Del was in class, Connie had gotten a job at a nearby daycare center.

It was a hotter-than-usual last Sunday in September when I received a call from an unexpected source. It was Deborah Sampson, one of our former employees from Stronghold Corporate Security. "Hey, Tom," she said, "I thought you'd like to know that Terry dumped Eli and took off with some older guy."

My heart dropped; that news truly took me by surprise. Laura and I hadn't heard anything from our son Elijah after he'd cheated on his first wife Natalie, leaving her to be with Terry St. Clare, 9 years his senior and another Stronghold employee. In the time he'd been gone, Natty had divorced him in absentia. Lucas had married Natty, and Eli's daughter Maire now called him Daddy instead. It was sad to hear all that damned drama had been for nothing. I thanked Deborah for calling, and was debating how to tell Laura about Eli when the phone rang again.

This time it was the Lincoln County Sheriff calling with horrible news. Someone had tried to kill Walter, and he'd been taken to the hospital. Dotty was understandably beside herself, so Laura and Pearl headed for the Connor ranch to help take care of Dotty and the children while I raced over to the Sisters of Mercy Hospital in OKC to check on Walter.

When I got to the hospital, Walter thankfully hadn't needed surgery, and was out of danger. He was awake, but still looked like shit. Most of his head and one eye was bandaged, his forearms and what remained visible of his face looked red and bruised. There was an IV in his arm, and a heart monitor beeping beside the bed.

"Hey, Tom," he said as I walked in.

"How you doing, partner? You look like ten miles of bad road." He actually looked worse than that, but I was trying to spare his feelings.

He chuckled quietly. "I'm breathing, no organ damage, and Dotty didn't run away screaming when she seen me after I got jumped, so I got that going for me."

"So what happened?"

His face (what part of it wasn't bandaged, anyway) darkened. "It was that fucker Mindo. I come home from the grocery store and opened up the back hatch of the Ford to unload. He must have been hiding in the row of trees beside the ranch house; I was distracted, so he was able to sneak up and catch me from behind with an axe handle. He hit me in the head, then after I went down he kept beating me with it."

I thought to myself how in his younger enforcer days, nobody would have ever gotten the jump on bad-ass Walter Connor. But my brother-in-law was now 54, and between aging and fatherhood, he'd lost his angry edge and constant vigilance. I guess living a happy life will do that to a tough guy.

"I was barely conscious when he stood over me, pulled out a.32 snub-nosed pistol and pointed it at my head," Walter continued, "I thought I was done. Then I heard a shot, and Mindo collapsed on top of me. I felt blood soaking my clothes, and I passed out. When I come to in the ambulance, they told me I'd been assaulted, and the guy who attacked me had been shot but they didn't know who shot him. I got a concussion and a couple of broken ribs, but I should be out of here in a few days."

Saved by a random shot? This had played out like an old western movie! "Who do you think shot him? Was it Dotty?" I asked.

He shook his head just a bit. "Nah, she was inside nursing Athena Jane," he chuckled, "that kid is always hungry. Besides, Dotty don't know how to shoot, and don't want to know how. I got no clue who did it, but one thing for sure, I ain't sorry."

Just then we heard a knock; a well-dressed man -- rail-thin, black suit and Ray-Ban sunglasses, shiny leather wing-tipped shoes - stood at the door: Eddie Giancarlo!

"Hello, Walter. May I come in?" Given the circumstances, nobody was going to tell him not to.

Walter nodded, replying, "Depends. Are you here to kill me, Eddie? If you are, you won't be the first today, you're gonna have to take a number."

The tall man held up his hands in denial. "No, Walter. I'm kinda off-duty, although I do got a message for you. You can put that fuckin' cannon away."

Walter slowly pulled his hand out from under the bedsheet, revealing his Raging Bull.454. Flipping on the safety, he laid it flat on the bed and grumbled, "Good, because I'm really getting tired of this bullshit."

I was a little shocked, to be honest. I mean, who keeps a firearm with him when he's recovering in the hospital? I answered my own question, Walter, obviously. He saw me looking at him wide-eyed, and he smiled. "Dotty snuck it to me in the ambulance," he explained quietly.

I took the pistol and slipped it into the drawer of the bedside stand as Eddie walked in and took a seat. "I've been sent to inform you that the Kansas City area is now under Chicago organization's management," he began, "Sal Junior has been, shall we say, permanently demoted. He won't be bothering you no more."

Walter raised an eyebrow. "What about Jerry Mindo?"

Eddie shook his head as if embarrassed. "I got him from 2500 feet away. I'm not as good as I used to be; the slug caught him a little high on the right side of his chest. He's in the county hospital right now. When he's released, he'll be doing some serious jail time. Once he's in there, somebody will most likely get to finish the job I started."

Eddie leaned forward and patted Walter's forearm. "Now it's your turn to owe me one," he said quietly, then straightened up, and continued.

"Anyway, you can relax now. You and Quiet Sal's family won't be pestered no more."

Walter leaned back, seemingly relieved. "Listen, Eddie, I know I got no right to ask, but I need a favor."

Eddie's eyebrow went up, "And that is?"

"Sednicki's Jewelers in Kansas. He's a friend. I don't want nobody puttin' the arm on him no more, he paid his gambling debts to Quiet Sal a long time ago."

The thin man nodded, "That punk Mindo was leaning on Sednicki to impress Sal Junior, but frankly it was for chump change. You can tell Sednicki that as long as he stays away from the bookies, he won't be hearing from us. My employers have much bigger fish to fry than milking a small business in some hayseed backwater town."

"Thanks, Eddie," Walter rumbled, and extended his hand. The tall man shook it.

"You take care now, Walter." At that, Eddie turned and left.

Before I could say anything, I heard small voices shrieking "DADDY!" and the room was filled with three children, all vying for Walter's attention, Dotty following right behind. Maybe it was my imagination, but when Dotty kissed him, I could swear I heard the beeping of Walter's heart monitor speed up a tiny bit.

As I headed out to the parking lot I chuckled to myself. It was good to know that if a defibrillator wasn't handy, a Terhune woman's kiss was good for getting a man's heart going.


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Ravey19Ravey199 months ago

Surely it cannot be finished, too many loose ends left. Great instalment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excellent story telling very impressive thanks

pcman1950pcman1950about 1 year ago

Wonderful series.

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTabout 1 year ago

One HELL of a series. Enjoyed every single part of it

olddave51olddave51over 1 year ago

I was not an easy read from emotional point of view. I liked the whole thing but you got me at first with the New York "stripers" I almost quit reading. I do wish Elijah had got his shit together and came home like the "prodigal son"

EVLoverEVLoveralmost 2 years ago

Wow, I feel emotionally drained as it’s been a long, wild ride over The Mother Road.

While I noted the END sign above, I hope it’s not. That said, I’d be ok if it is as it’s been one hell of a good story series.

I look forward to exploring some of your other stories.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyalmost 2 years ago

Great series! Looking forward to more… please! Thank-you

chris73170chris73170about 2 years ago
aces man

im glad there was another chapter to the mother road. I missed the triumph reference which is bad because i love that series to. I hope this series continues for another chapter or two.

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77about 2 years agoAuthor

Good catch, Anon. That was a timeline crossover moment. It was the same night Landon Garrett drove the Triumph to the Stagecoach Inn after finding out Julia cheated on him in the story "The Convertible - Hot Wheels"!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

love seeing the Triumph appear in this story

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