Moving On: Alexia Ch. 03


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Katrina paced. She had to get her daughter away from him. But who was he? She'd never seen this guy before. At least one good thing came from this, she was no longer babysitting that human bitch.

As a matter of fact, the human had left the city. That meant Lacy was here all alone. Maybe one day she could pop in, all concerned, and interfere in her budding relationship. That seemed like a great idea. Katrina decided to put her plan into action.

Randall was resting, but needed food. Lacy watched him sleep. he was beautiful to her. She never thought she'd meet someone like him. Her uncle and aunt wanted her to come home, but Randall needed someone to stay with him as he recovered. That was months ago. He had healed but she didn't want to leave his side. Dermic reluctantly gave her permission to stay with the male. He didn't like it, but there was something about this guy that gave Lacy a reason to smile again. However, they were not in the city alone. His guards reported to him daily. Lacy stood as Randall rested. She she decided to run out to market. Katrina watched her. She noticed that the guards were around, but for a moment, Lacy was on her own; she seized the opportunity to approach her daughter.

As Lacy was shopping, her phone rang.

"Lacy, it's Mom. I've been trying to reach you. Listen, I know your aunt and uncle have forbid you from taking to me, but listen. I was framed. Please, listen. Please meet me for a cup of coffee. I really need to see you."

Lacy froze, She had not spoken to her mother in decades. For her to call was strange, and she was seriously alarmed. Frantically, Lacy looked around. Was her mother here?

"No, I will not. I remember everything and I'll never forgive you. Don't call me again." Lacy whispered, and hang up. Her body shook. She was not moving.

"Sweetheart, are you all right?" An older lady asked.

Lacy smiled, "I'm fine. Thank you, ma'am. I'm ok." She stood to walk away.

"Wait, can you help me? I hate to be a bother, but I need some things off of the top shelf and I can't reach it. Will you get them for me?" She asked.

Lacy smiled, "Of course."

"My name is Lucinda Groves. I've lived here for over seventy years, grew up here." Ms. Lucinda rambled on. Lacy found herself helping the much older lady and before she realized it, she was done shopping. The call from her mother was forgotten.

As she walked Ms. Lucinda to the bus stop, she thought of Randall and could not wait to get back to his apartment. Ms. Lucinda boarded her bus and Lacy went home. Father, the woman is after that girl. I was there today, but she needs guardians all around. I pray to thee, protect them.

Just like that, a fleet of angles surrounded Lacy. Her mother completely unaware of the change in the situation marched on to her own demise.

Lacy returned to Randall's small apartment, and he was still sleeping. She made a quick meal and then went to wake him from his nap.

Randall heard her voice and woke with a smile. He wasn't sure how, but there had to be a way to convince her uncle that he and Lacy belonged together.

"You cooked?" Randall asked surprised. "Wait, when did I buy spinach?" Randall asked, confused.

"I went to the store, I even made a new friend." Lacy explained. The she remembered her mom. Randall new something was not quite right.

"What is it, Lacy? What's wrong?" He asked.

Lacy smiled, "Nothing, just... It was nothing." She added not wanted to worry him.

Randall didn't believe her. He took her hands, "Come, sit; tell me what happened?"

Lacy looked deep into his eyes "My mom called. It's a long story, and I just don't want to think about her." Lacy tried to walk away.

"Call your Aunt. " Randall whispered. He just had a strange feeling and knew her family need to be alerted.

"No, Randall, they'll want me to come home and I want to stay here." She whispered.

Randall smiled, "I want you here too, but for my sanity, call your aunt and tell her, ok."

Lacy nodded and sent to Francine.

Come home now Lacy. Francine replied, I will make sure someone is with Randall.

Aunt Francine, I'll be careful. I won't answer if she calls again. Please, let me stay for the rest of the week. Lacy pleaded.

No, Katrina is... Your mother is dangerous. Give me some time Maybe he can come with you. Francine offered, She immediately contacted Dermic.

Dermic listened. He still did not like this. The male, have her bring him home. I want to talk with him. Maybe he can give us an idea of what Katrina wants

Lacy, both of you must come home. Davis will come get you. Do not leave with anyone else. Francine sent.

"My aunt is sending a car for us. How do you fell about meeting my family?" Lacy asked, smiling nervously.

Randall sighed, "I want to meet them more than anything. Come on, let's pack."

Lacy smiled and soon her bags were ready.

Katrina stood outside of Randall's apartment. She smiled. She suspected that the vampires would call Lacy home. If she could not hut Lacy directly, then her newly acquired boyfriend was almost as good.

"Hello sweetheart," an elderly gentleman sat beside her.

Katrina ignored him. She was not talking to this old fart. However, the gentle man didn't seem to care. He knew she heard him.

"This is a warning. You mess with Randallem, and you will open up a wrath so vile, hell will seem tame in comparison. I don't know, nor do I care what your issues are, but that young lady and Randallem are protected. Move on."

He ticked her off. How dare this old man talk to me this way! , she fumed. When Katrina turned to reply, the man had vanished.

She needed to see Blako. He assured her that this time, she would have her just due. What was he up to? Did he send the old man? Was he trying to betray her?

Not wasting another moment, Katrina went to the demon lord's lair. He wasn't available. She was even more ticked off. Blako was busy. He was dealing with a wayward demon. Blako faced one of his most promising demons, "I gave you free reign. You could wreak havoc on all of mankind. But tell me why you would choose to rape a female vampire, and influence another male to join you in your crime?"

Sri looked at his Lord. He laughed. "Sire, she was just a piece of ass. If she had given me a moment's time, maybe I would not be so angered. But she was an ice queen, like that mixed breed bitch with her. I wanted to teach her a lesson. I bet she'll never forget me now." He laughed.

Blako frowned. "I lift my protection. Her family wants retribution. They will deal with you directly, and I will not interfere on your behalf. If you defeat the vampires, fine. If not, your spot awaits you in hell.' Blako sighed, "Now go, Sri. Good luck."

Blako vanished. Sri laughed. He was a demon. No vampire stood a chance against him.


At Wildwood, Ryelle, Thomas, and Kwame arrived. Margaret greeted them and showed them to their rooms.

Alexia was in her room. She grew restless. It had been that way since she was a child. Whenever someone new came, she had to see who they were. She walked out with the sole purpose of seeing who the guests were.

She entered the room and Thomas gasped. The baby began kicking, and Ryelle connected to the unborn up immediately.

"Alexia, I didn't know you were up. Go lay back down sweetheart. You remember what Dr. Jee said." Margaret whispered.

Alexia didn't leave. Dark wolves, these were dark wolves. Her father needed to meet them. He had to. "You're his alpha?" she asked facing Ryelle. The young man behind him gasped. Her eyes flew to him. She knew him. The night at the club, there was something a out him.

Thomas and Ryelle moved to stand in front of Kwame. Tia entered along with Levin.

"Sir, there is no need for alarm. You are all safe here." Levin stated.

Meanwhile Kwame and Alexia could not look away from each other.

Ryelle nodded." Yes, I am so sorry. I never thought a member of my pack would do something like this."

"Can he speak for himself?" Alexia asked.

Kwame swallowed, Alpha Ryelle ordered him to stay silent, but he needed to let her know he was not some monster, some vile being that did stuff like this.

"Yes, I can. I'm sorry." Kwame whispered. Ryelle ordered him to stop speaking. He was not sure what was expected, but his pack member would not be treated unfairly in this.

Alexia frowned. "You're protecting him."

"No and yes. I can't quite explain it." Ryelle stated.

"Alexia, go to your room, now." Margaret commanded. Alexia looked at her. "Please," Margaret whispered.

Alexia nodded, and rubbed her stomach to calm Keon. Kwame not realizing, sent a mental message to his son. I am here, Little One. You are safe.The babe rested, and Alexia was stunned. Keon calmed so quickly, then she knew. He must have spoken to him. Not wanting to disrespect Margaret anymore, Alexia returned to her room. A million questions flowed through her mind.


Lakota ended his meeting and called Dr. Jee. Jee confirmed his suspicions. The baby was definitely a werewolf. He was certain that the young man that left his office earlier was the pup's father. He needed to talk with these en and see what they expected.

Lexi was sleeping. Boaz sat beside her bed, thinking. Alexia did it, she had a medicine that could help her mom. Lexi just had to hold on a little longer.

"Bo, where is Alexia? I thought she came to see me?" Lexi asked.

Bo smiled, "She's at Margaret's. She'll be by later. Let's get you dressed to see her."

Lexi smiled. Her baby came home. Bo helped her bath and soon breakfast was delivered. Lexi was disappointed that it wasn't Alexia. Alexia woke early, and greeted the visiting Alpha and his guest. Then she grabbed her jacket. Kwame stood immediately. Where was she going?

Alexia faced him, as he too grabbed his jacket. "Where do you think you're going?"

Kwame looked around. "With you, you shouldn't be out on your own this early"

Alexia smiled. He was really handsome, and she could tell he was truly concerned. "Listen, you need to stay here. I can't guarantee your safety. Besides, I don't need a body guard."

Alexia turned to leave when Kwame gently caught her hand. The present wolves went on full alert, but Alexia held up her hand, halting them.

Ryelle spoke, "Kwame, let her go. She will be fine. Come we must meet with the alpha."

Alexia smiled, "Kwame, I like that name. Listen to your alpha. We'll talk later, but for now I have to go." She left. At this point, Lakota walked in.

"Gentlemen, breakfast." He called. His guest followed him in the private dining room.

Alexia arrived at her parent's apartment. She knocked and smiled when her dad opened the door.

"Alexia, you came. I'm so glad that you're here." Lexi stated rushing to hug her daughter. Unconsciously, Alexia stepped back. Her mother didn't notice but Boaz did.

"She won't hurt you. The other night was a bad time for her. She's doing better today." He whispered.

Alexia hugged her mom tightly.

"Alexia, we have to make plans for the baby. You are home for good now. I can help with her. She will be just a beautiful as you are. Listen, come, and eat breakfast with us." Lexi went straight to mother mode. Alexia smiled and let her mother baby her.

Boaz was silent. He didn't like that fact that Alexia feared her mother.

Soon, Lexi wanted to clean and he had a moment with Alexis.

"You fear her?" He asked.

"No poppa, I don't. I'm just a little nervous, that's all. The other night, after I fell, I went to the infirmary. I learned some things about Keon. Daddy, sit. I'm not sure how this happened, but he's a werewolf. His father is a dark were." Alexia paused.

Bo was silent. If Alexia's baby was a were, then that meant that Alexia had become a were. "When did you change?" Boaz asked.

Alexia smiled, "I haven't, but apparently, the blood bonds with Deacon, Declan, and all the other kids altered my DNA. I don't think I'm a Were, but I have enough in my genetic makeup that my baby is."

Bo was silent. "Tia and Margaret want me to let them bite Lexi. They think changing her will cure her." Bo added.

Alexia waited. "Daddy, I know you never wanted to change, but Momma is getting sicker. Think about it, ok. It might help.

Bo stood and walked away. "What if it doesn't? She'll be a sick were at risk of going rogue. They'll have to kill her before she attacks someone. As a human, I can keep her safe; I can't protect her if she is still sick as a Were."

Alexia nodded. She understood his reticence. He had a valid point, but most people that were turned were cured of their human ailments,. She believed this was what her mom needed. "Daddy, you can change first , then help her through it. I just want Momma back. I can't make you do anything, but think about it ok."

Bo hugged his daughter. Lexi walked in. She heard everything that was said. "I wanna be changed Bo. If it will help me be better, then let's do it. You gotta change too if it don't work, I want you to stop me. Alexia will need us here, and this is as good a chance as any."

"Lexi, let me think, ok." Bo promised. "Let me think." He pulled Lexi into his arms. She was asking for something he was afraid he could not agree to.

"Alexia, when is the baby due? Is the father a part of your life? Will we meet him?" Lexi asked.

"Momma, one question at a time." Alexia laughed. "The baby is due in a few months. The father is here actually. Apparently Alpha Lakota found him and..." she paused. Bo was leaving.

"Daddy, wait." Alexia called. Bo halted.

"This man is here. After what he did to you, need to get my hands on him." He hissed.

Lexi became nervous. She did not like to see Bo upset. "Momma, it's Ok. Daddy, Momma needs you."

Bo looked at his wife. Lexi needed him, but as a father it was his job to protect her and he failed.

Bo stopped. "I want words with him. You hear me, Alexia. Let the alphas know. I need to see this man."

Alexia smiled and hurried to embrace her father. "Daddy, it will be OK."

"Where am I? Who are you? What is this place? Where are Momma and Daddy?" Lexi asked, once again confused.

Bo released his daughter. "Go, I'll call you when she's comes back to herself again."

Alexia blew her Mom a kiss and left. She went for a run. She was not alone, several of her friends joined her. Alexia realized that here she was safe and nothing was more important than


Kwame was at the alpha home after breakfast ready to face the gauntlet. He was concerned , because she had not returned. "Gentlemen, lets' get this out here. Kwame, you raped Alexia. Tell me son, what happened." Lakota demanded. Before Kwame could speak, two more gentlemen entered. Dermic Valdemore was imposing and anger flowed from him in waves.

Kwame had never been close to a blood sucker, and his wolf became agitated. Lakota took charge immediately. "Dermic, Garrick, this gentlemen are my guest. You will not harm them."

Garrick nodded. "Which one is the rapist?" Dermic demanded.

Ryelle stood, "My pack member was not himself. True, he committed a heinous act but it was not all his fault."

Thomas stood with his alpha. They would not stand here and allow these men to come against their pack member.

Dermic faced the angry alpha. "He was influenced by a demon. I need to find that demon. Your pack member can tell me what I need to know."

"Sit down, Valdemore, or you can leave." Lakota ordered.

For a moment, it seemed as if the vampire would be challenging the alpha, however, after a few deep breathes, the vampires sat.

Lakota faced Kwame, "Explain."

Kwame retold what happened that night.

"The creature that bought the drinks, what did he look like?" Dermic asked.

Kwame described an average looking guy. Then he described an insignia tattoo. Garrick and Dermic sat up.

"He had a strange tattoo?" Garrick asked. "Can you tell us what it looked like?"

Ryelle was silent. When Kwame talked to him, he did not mention a tattoo. However, this marking had to be significant. The vampires were practically levitating at the mention of it.

"It was curved like an infinity sign, but it had thorns with dry leaves running through it. It was on the side of his face, beside his left eye. It was mesmerizing and I could not stop staring at it. Then my friend passed me a beer and that's when I began to feel strange. He spoke to the girls and they dismissed him but he became upset. He looked at me and smiled. He said something and I followed him, and that's when we took the girls. He grabbed the vampire and left me with Alexia. My wolf wanted her and I had no more control over him. I heard the other girl screaming, but I was so lost in my lust that I did not try to stop him." Kwame dropped his head.

Dermic was ticked. Whoever this demon was, he was hidden in plain sight. He also knew that this wolf was as much a victim as Lacy and Alexia. He and Garrick shared a look. They knew. And by the morning, someone would be destroyed.

"Thank you, Alpha Lakota, Alpha Ryelle. We know what we are looking for now." Dermic stated solemnly, Then he faced Kwame. "Young wolf, you need to talk with Alexia. I'm sure everyone understands that you were not in control of your actions, but that changes nothing. There is still a child and he will need two parents. Explain to her and pray she forgives you. But even if she doesn't don't abandon your son."

Alpha Levin joined them and soon, Kwame was dismissed. Thomas told him to stay out of trouble, and soon returned to his room to rest. Kwame was waiting for Alexia to return. He had no idea of where she had gone, but he needed her here with him now. As he stood watching, she walked in. He smiled and approached her quickly.

Alexia arrived at the alpha home rubbing her stomach trying to calm her overly active son. This baby moved around so much that she often wondered how many sports he would play when he was born.

As soon as she entered, Kwame met her at the door. "You're back. Come on, you need to rest."

Alexia rolled her eyes. "Look, Kwame, I know you mean well, but you need to calm down."

Kwame stopped. He realized they were not alone. Several members of Gaines had joined them. The males were agitated and stalked the young couple. Alexia glared at her friends and stated, "I'm fine. Y'all need to back off."

"We will, as soon as Alpha Lakota and Alpha Levin let us have some time alone with this guy, we'll be glad to back off." Declan stated.

Kwame swallowed. Who was this guy? Was he her mate? Kwame's wolf growled. It didn't matter; he'd keep her and his son safe.

He started to speak when Deacon, one of Alexis's best friends from childhood, spoke next. "What he did won't be forgotten Alexia. No one hurts a member of our pack, and gets away with it."

Slowly, members of Gaines began to surround Kwame. Kwame ordered his wolf to remain calm. Alexia realized that the situation was becoming volatile. "Deacon, Declan, stop!" Alexia yelled. Kwame moved, positioning his body between Alexia and the aggressive males.

Levin entered, Stop, all of you. My office now!

All four wolves faced their Alpha, even Kwame. He heard him. He was not a member of this pack, but he had to obey the Alpha command. Levin looked at Alexia. "You too, young lady, I know you heard me."

Alexia nodded and followed the males into Levin's office.

The end of Chapter 3

I hope you enjoyed chapter 3. I'm writing the story as it comes to me, so I can't wait to see where this goes. Please feel free to share your thoughts. I look forward to reading them.

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SensitiveHandsSensitiveHandsover 6 years ago
Thank you again for another wonderful chapter!

Every time you put pen to paper or words on a screen, your husbands support and encouragement flows from your hands. Thank you again for sharing your story with us. One page or dozens, keep writing as long as you feel the desire and will to do so.

Fefe1969Fefe1969over 6 years ago
Ch. 4

Please post ch. 4 soon.

RheamistressRheamistressover 6 years ago

Damn... you left me hanging.... again!!!... LOL... Get chapter 4 ready... :)

Iread2relaxIread2relaxover 6 years agoAuthor

No promises, but I will say I finished chapter 4. It'll be submitted soon.

jazz1190jazz1190over 6 years ago

first of all I want to say you are a great writer. Next I want to say please write more than two pages cuz you get me all into the store and then you put me on pause. I can't wait to read the next chapter I have been reading all your stories from the beginning. Keep it going and I hope once she realizes that he wasn't himself and that he did not have control over his body at that time that she can learn to forgive him. But the baby already know how my daddy wouldn't do that on purpose. So I'm loving this weird kind of relationship that you got going on.

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