Mr and Mrs Smith (Complete)


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"You think that McIlwaine impersonated this Andrew Laurie and used a hire car to force the Boss off the road?" My heart was pounding with anger and indignation.

"Think? I know that's what happened. See, Mags had noticed Claire looking very strange when I broke the news to the group. Now remember that Claire was McIlwaine's secretary, and she was none too happy when the Boss fired the whole Board. We kept her on, because we didn't think she'd done anything wrong. But when Mags told me that Claire was trying to leave the pub, clearly in some distress, I smelt a rat and confronted her. It didn't take long for her to admit that she'd stolen Andrew's stuff and passed it to McIlwaine. Worse still, she'd phoned him to tell him when the Boss was leaving. When I said that she was an accessory to murder, she broke down completely. I don't think she'd guessed what her arsehole ex-manager was going to do."

I realised I was shaking. "So - so what happens now?"

"I went to the police station and took Claire and Mags with me. We provided our evidence and Claire made a statement - and was formally charged. I believe they collected evidence from the scene, checked the paint on both cars and sent samples off to the lab for testing over the weekend. At seven this morning, they raided McIlwaine's house, arrested him and found Andrew's documents. They even had a witness statement from a guy who'd been cycling the other way, saw the Boss's car being forced off the road and went to see if the driver was still alive. Apparently, he'd then cycled to a phone box and called it in. Presented with the evidence, McIlwaine confessed. I hope they lock the bastard up for the rest of his fucking life - excuse my French."

"Alastair, thanks so much for all you did. It won't bring the Boss back, but at least McIlwaine won't get away with his murder. We have a management team meeting at eleven. Can I call you from there on speakerphone so you can tell the team what you've just told me?"

"Sure. Oh, and I have his briefcase here. They're sending his suitcase back to his wife, but I asked for the briefcase as it has company confidential documents in it. They checked with his wife and she agreed. If it's OK with you, I'll get it couriered down."

"Thanks. That would be - very kind." I let out a sob. I would have to deal with his work-related possessions. Poor Karen would have to unpack his suitcase. When I thought about that, I was distraught. On the Boss's desk, in the office next to mine, there was a picture of Karen and the girls. I was feeling wretched, but how must they be feeling?

"There are a couple of things he'd drafted which he'd marked as urgent. Would you like me to fax them?"

Nothing seemed important any more, but I said "Yes. Yes, please. But if it's alright with you, I really need to - to get on - now." I sobbed again, and put the phone down. And then I cried for quite a while.

Finally, I pulled myself together and went into the Boss's office. I looked through his desk for any personal items that I'd need to return to Karen. I'd already decided I should visit her in person, even though, in some ways, it would be in bad taste and hypocritical. I felt that, as someone who'd also loved - and fucked - her husband, I owed her at least my condolences. I got a Banker's Box and started collecting his things together. Apart from a few photos, there wasn't much; he seemed to want to keep work and home carefully separated.

Then, in the back of one of the drawers I discovered, to my surprise and dismay, my torn panties from our last night in Edinburgh. It was a shock; I thought I'd consigned them to the bin, together with any hopes of reviving our sexual relationship. But clearly the Boss had been as affected as I had by our forbidden tryst, and had decided to keep a souvenir. I quickly went and hid the ruined garment in my handbag; it wouldn't do for anyone else to find my stained and torn panties in my Boss's desk.

Meanwhile, several pages had arrived from Alastair. I almost didn't bother; everything else now seemed trivial alongside the loss that I, the company and Karen had suffered. But when I'd finished clearing the Boss's desk, I picked them up and scanned them. One had a list of agenda items for the next management meeting. Item three was "Promote Julie to management team; head of admin & proposals unit. Outline duties." I decided that I'd type up a revised agenda, with Item 1 being "Report from Alastair Munroe," Item 2 being "What to do in the wake of the Boss's death," and Item 3 "How to replace the Boss." Items 4 and 5 were matters arising from his visits to Edinburgh and Newcastle. Item 6 was going to be about me.

We were all in a sombre mood as Alastair's voice came over the rather tinny speakerphone.

"What an absolute bastard!" Neil said. "I knew that bloody McIlwaine had committed fraud on a pretty major scale, but I never thought he'd stoop to murder. They have to lock him up for a very long time."

"If they don't, there are several guys up here who will be waiting to cut the arsehole into small pieces when he gets out. And they're clever enough not to leave any evidence. We're all completely gutted. This is a very heavy blow for all of us."

After the call, we discussed what we should do next. I volunteered to take the Boss's belongings around to his home, together with flowers and condolences from the company. Pauline offered to come with me, which surprised me.

"She's a friend, and anyway, I think I need to let her know that our pension scheme gives a very generous death-in-service payment to dependents, so I'm hoping that Karen won't have any financial worries. But the Boss has left a huge hole in all our lives. God knows how it must feel for poor Karen."

We concluded that David Jarrett, Pauline and I would visit Karen that evening, once I'd checked that she was ready to receive us. I didn't want three of us turning up on her doorstep while she was still beside herself with grief. And we also decided that David would visit all of Jarrett's facilities around the country - six sites, apart from our own - and speak to the staff directly. In the meantime, I would prepare a statement to go to the general manager of each site, that they could pass on to the staff.

Next, we discussed how to find the Boss's replacement. Again, David mentioned going to agencies, and again I said that we should first try to promote from within.

"I'm not sure that I can think of any worthy candidates," David said. I thought 'you really don't know your people like the Boss did, do you?'

"Sir, I can think of at least one candidate; Doug Campbell from Edinburgh. The Boss really warmed to him when we went up there, and several times since then they had phone calls and meetings. I could tell by the tone that the Boss rated Doug, and they were very much on the same wavelength. He doesn't have the same charisma as the Boss, but then I don't think I've ever met anyone else who has. The Boss was one of a kind - irreplaceable - but if you want a really capable production guy, I'd certainly give Doug a shot at the job. There are others I met at Newcastle that might also be worth a try. And I don't know the people at the other plants, but I'm pretty sure there will be a few sound candidates there, as there will be here. If you like, I'm sure that Pauline and I could put together a list of those who might be eligible."

"Sounds like a good idea. We'll need to get a job spec together."

"I have a draft already," Pauline interjected. "Julie and I can work it up and get it to you and the other Board members by the end of the day."

We moved on, until we got to Item 6.

"What's this about, Julie?" Frank asked.

"When I was driving the Boss to the airport that - that last time, he told me he was going to recommend that I joined the management team. He wanted to expand the admin function, and put me in charge, and he also wanted me to create a dedicated bids and proposals unit. What do you think of the idea?"

"I'm not sure," Frank started. I'd rather thought that Julie could do the bids and proposals work under my supervision. In fact, I thought she could become my PA."

The idea of being Frank's PA was really not appealing, and it felt like a demotion. Before I could say anything, David Jarrett added "And I'm not sure that Julie is ready for a role on the management team. All that cut and thrust, it can be quite intimidating."

To my surprise, it was Pauline who spoke up next. "It may have escaped your notice, gentlemen, but in the entire time we've sat here, Julie has steered and, if I may say so, dominated this meeting, much as the Boss would have done. I don't think she'd be at all intimidated by that 'cut and thrust' you talk about. She's been in every management meeting since she joined, and I think she's learned a lot from the Boss, especially how to hold her own against you lot."

I was surprised by her unexpected support, but before I could add anything, Neil spoke up.

"You know the Boss was really keen on metrics? Well, I set up and maintained our scorecards, and I can tell you that our bid-to-win ratio has improved by fifty percent since Julie has been putting together and reviewing our sales proposals. She did that largely on her own; I asked the Boss about it one day because I was so amazed at the improvement, and he said it was down to Julie, which is why I suppose he made today's proposal. If we take Julie's role back under Frank, with all due respect, I think she's going to lose the independence and creativity she had when she was in charge of it herself. So, for what it's worth, I agree with the Boss; let Julie take on those roles. If it doesn't work out - and I can't see why it wouldn't - we can always restructure the way we do things. But frankly, if we don't make use of Julie's talents, I think we're missing a major opportunity."

What astonished me more than Neil's support was when Marie, the Head of Finance, and George, the production manager both backed me up.

"I've watched this lass since she arrived," George said in his friendly Lancashire accent, "and she's impressed me from day one. It's almost like she's absorbed a lot of the Boss's ways through osmosis. Sure, she can't do the technical stuff like he did, but she understands the need to get things done, she's tightly focused and she has his drive for results and quality. I for one would welcome her onto the team. And she's a damn sight better looking than you crusty old buggers."

They all laughed. So, as I seemed to be driving the agenda, I called for a vote. The action was passed. I was to set up the two departments, reporting to Pauline on Admin matters and David on the bids front. Frank didn't look at all pleased, but he seemed to be in a minority of around one.


When Karen opened the door, it was clear she'd been crying. She tried a half-smile as I handed her the large bouquet, and we went inside. The two pretty little girls we then met seemed polite but very subdued; understandable as they'd just lost their dad. Pauline hugged Karen, and then we sat as she explained about the insurance and the pension benefits, and David offered whatever assistance he could, including helping with the arrangements for the funeral. (I knew that, in the event, I would be doing the majority of that). After a fairly short, awkward session, David and Pauline offered their condolences and left. I asked if it would be OK for me to stay on for a few minutes, and Karen said that yes, she'd like that.

"He always spoke so highly of you," Karen said. "We'd got used to his commitment to work, and I was almost jealous of you, seeing more of him than I did. But now I've met you, I can see just how much he meant to you. I have no idea how I'll cope, now he's gone. The girls are just lost without him."

"The Boss was such a good friend to me. He spoke so lovingly about you and the girls, I feel I know you, even though we've only just met. I know David Jarrett has said we'll help you in any way we can, but I'd like to be a bit more constructive than that. It'll be me, co-ordinating the funeral, and my guess is that all of Jarrett's will want to be there, so perhaps we can plan it so you get to say goodbye without being overwhelmed by his colleagues. And after the funeral, it's really easy for a widow to feel isolated." I could see her flinch at the word 'widow'. "So, would you like to maybe go out with my husband Kevin and me? We could take the girls somewhere nice. Kevin's a teacher and he loves kids, but so far, we haven't been able to have any of our own, and I know he'd do his best to try to entertain and help your two lovely girls. Would that help, do you think?"

She smiled. Tears ran down her cheeks. And then she hugged me. And I felt a pang of guilt. This woman's late husband had fucked me, repeatedly and very enjoyably, and here I was trying to be her friend. But I knew it was the right thing to do, and that, above all, the Boss would've wanted me to do it.

Chapter 9. Life is Full of Surprises

I was face down on the bed, my wrists tied above my head, my legs forced wide apart. And then he whispered in my ear "I'm going to fuck your tight little arse, you dirty slut."

I gasped. "No, not my arse, please! You're too big!"

"Yes, I'm big. And I'm going to shove my big, thick cock right up your dirty arse, all the way in. And you're going to love it. And then you're going to come, Julie."

"No. Please no. Fuck - fuck my cunt, please..."

He moved on top of me, and I could feel the head of my Boss's cock pressing against my arsehole. And then - and then...

And then I woke up. Kevin was still asleep - fortunately, because I was afraid that he might have heard what I'd probably been muttering in my dream.

I got up and showered. It was the weekend after the funeral, and Kevin and I had had no sex at all since the Boss had died. As the water ran over my body, I thought how it was weird and a little tasteless to be dreaming about a dead man fucking me, but clearly our brief affair in Edinburgh had burned itself onto my consciousness. I started to feel horny for the first time in weeks.

When I entered the bedroom, I think Kevin was gobsmacked. I was wearing the same lingerie as I had for the Boss, minus the panties, and I had fitted the nipple chain and inserted a vibrating butt-plug into my well-lubed arse. After an extended period of mourning, I realised I needed our sex life to be rekindled - with a bang.

"Wow, baby. You look amazing," he said, wide-eyed.

"Get yourself into the bathroom, clean up and get back here pronto."

When he returned, he was even more surprised. After Edinburgh and before the Boss's death, I'd visited the sex shop several times. The vibrating plug had been one of my purchases. Another was a set of restraints. Remembering how the Boss had tied me up and used me in Edinburgh still made me wet, but our bed was a standard divan with a headboard, so I'd bought some straps that could be attached to the legs of the bed. While Kevin was in the bathroom, I'd fitted them in place, and then lay down spreadeagled, my arse pushed high by two pillows under my tummy, and having propped a vibrator against my clit and put on a sleep mask. The combined vibrations of the butt-plug and clit vibrator, plus the thought of what was going to happen - and what had happened in my dream - were getting me very wet.

"Jeeeesus!" Kevin exclaimed when he saw me. "What..."

"Kevin, please fasten the restraints, and when you've done that, use me."


"You heard. Use me. Use all my holes. Fuck my brains out. Fuck me 'til I scream - and then fuck me some more. I need this so badly. Just do it."

As I felt him tightening the straps around my ankles and wrists, I lifted my head, opened my mouth and made an "Ah, ah, ah..." sound. He took the hint, climbed onto the bed beside me and stuck his cock into my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down the shaft. Somehow, since Edinburgh, sucking cock was now more of a turn-on than it had been before. With the sleep mask on, I could fantasise about whose cock I was sucking and, to my shame, it wasn't my husband's.

The sensations from the vibrator on my clit and the plug in my arse were getting more insistent, so I made a few noises and Kevin pulled out of my mouth.

"Fuck me now, Kevin. My pussy - my cunt - is drooling. Fuck me hard, please! Oh, and use a condom. I need you to last until I've been thoroughly fucked."

"Shit!" he breathed. And then I felt him climbing between my legs. His cock-head nudged the entrance to my vagina - and then teased. A little in, then out, then just a little in again.

"Fuck, Kevin. Stick it in! Shove it in hard! Go on, use my cunt! I'm gagging for it. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuuuuuu..."

He finally did as I asked. That first thrust took my breath away. We weren't making love, like we used to. He was invading my body, forcefully, and though the initial few thrusts were a little uncomfortable, as he suddenly stretched a hole that had been closed up for weeks, I felt I needed it. And soon the thrusts got better, rubbing hard on my G-spot. The vibrator that had been buzzing my clit fell away, and I begged him to put it back, but instead, for a minute or so he just fucked me, before managing to get his hand under me. The finger contact on my clit was intense, and within a minute I was close to coming.

But I needed more. "Talk - talk dirty to me. Tell me - tell me what you're doing, what - what you want to do to me."

"I - I'm - I'm fucking your - your tight - your tight - pussy..."

"My cunt, Kevin. You're fucking my cunt..."

Then he has thrusting really hard. "Have it your own way, you dirty slut. I'm fucking your - your wet cunt. I'm fucking it hard. Do you - do you like that, slut?"

"Oh God yes - er, sir! Oh, use me. Fucking use my holes."

He was rubbing my clit, shoving his cock in hard, and tugging on the nipple chain underneath me. Meanwhile, the plug in my arse was giving me some weird but delicious sensations. I was going to come. I was - I was coming!

He kept thrusting, and I kept coming, for maybe a minute more before I finally heard and felt Kevin reach his own orgasm. And after he'd pulled out, he kissed me and reached to unfasten the straps, but I said "No. Please leave me tied. Put the vibrator back against my clit and, when you're hard again, pull the plug out of my arse and bugger me."

Ten minutes later, with the two vibrators making me fizz again like crazy, I felt Kevin climb between my legs. He tugged gently on the anal plug, slowly, tantalisingly withdrawing it. But there was nothing tantalising about the way he sodomised me. He just lined up and pushed, this time going slowly but irresistibly all the way in, burying his cock fully in my arse. I don't know what I moaned or screamed, but it was both shocking and incredibly erotic. And then he pulled back, tugging back on the inside of my ring until I almost screamed again with the erotic stimulation, before plunging back in.

Honestly, I would never have thought that my Kevin could fuck my arse in such a forceful, almost brutal manner. But he did, and about a minute in I was shrieking with my first anal orgasm, which rapidly blurred into a second and a third, before Kevin moaned "Oh fuck!" and I felt him coming as he thrust deep into my arse.

Later, he held me close and kissed me gently.

"I don't know what's happened since you came back from Edinburgh, but it's certainly given our sex-life quite a boost."

"I guess that the porn video set me thinking. And then Bex at the sex shop helped fuel some fantasies that I'd never really thought about before. I hope you're enjoying the result." I kissed him.

"Absolutely. I always thought you were sexy, but lately you've been incredibly hot."

"Yeah. Let's see what else we can do."