Mr and Mrs Smith (Complete)


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"Over the next few months, we met regularly and she gave me updates. Yes, it seemed that H was not averse to employing and appreciating pretty women, but there was not a scrap of evidence that he did any more than look. She said she'd even checked his expenses receipts from when he went away on business, and had found nothing untoward."

I'd noticed something strange. "Karen, you call him 'H', like everyone at work did. Didn't even you call him by his full name?"

She laughed. "He was christened Horatio. He hated the name, so everyone called him H - even me. Anyway, one evening when H was down in Bristol, I invited Pauline around for a meal. We drank an entire bottle of wine, had a good laugh about Jarrett's and the people who worked there, and she suddenly said 'I can see why the Boss is faithful to you, Karen. Even though there are women at work who must find him attractive, you're much more beautiful than any of them'. I thanked her for the compliment, and told her that I was surprised that H hadn't tried it on with her. She said 'well, I'm not as good-looking as you, and anyway, he'd be wasting his time.'

"I said 'Don't put yourself down. You're really very pretty. And don't you find him attractive? I certainly did - and obviously I still do.' She replied 'No, not really. And not any man. Beautiful women like you, on the other hand...' I stared at her as the penny dropped. She looked at me and licked her lips in a very erotic way. 'You see, you're gorgeous, and I've been watching you since you joined the company. Have you ever been attracted to other women?'

"I was speechless for a moment. She suddenly got up, came around to my side of the table, bent down and kissed me. It was a very soft, erotic kiss. She said 'I've wanted to do that since you joined the company. And now I have. I guess it's time for me to call a cab and go home.' And to my surprise I found myself saying 'No. No, please...' and I stood up and put my arms around her and kissed her back. My heart was pounding. I felt very nervous. I said 'I've never done this before; I mean, with a woman.' She said "don't worry, I have. Lots of times. If this is what you want...' I could only say 'yes...' and then I kissed her again.

"I don't know why, but I didn't feel guilty - well, not much. I wasn't being unfaithful to H with another man. I wasn't taking anything he could've given me. But it still felt odd. We went into the bedroom and undressed each other, and I felt awkward but excited. Pauline is very sexy when she's undressed. She doesn't dress to impress, but underneath she has a good body and some very hot moves. I had a great time with her. She taught me most of the things I did for you tonight."

"I really enjoyed it. I've never had a woman do - well, anything that you did tonight. If someone had asked me what my pussy-licking abilities were, I'd have looked at them in surprise. Was I any good?"

"You were excellent, my dear. And I love your breasts. I'm rather flat-chested by comparison. But H didn't seem to mind. God, I miss that man in so many ways, not least in bed. He was a wonderful husband and father; and a great fuck."

I thought I'd better not agree, at least with that last point. "He was a great boss, and a really good friend. I miss him very much."

"You know, I had Pauline keep an eye on you. I felt sure that H would try it on. Pauline thought that he'd employed you mostly because of your looks, and she was suspicious at first. But it soon became clear that you were happily married and you'd built a good, non-sexual working relationship with him. I was still a bit worried when you went to the North together, but Pauline was sure that you'd booked separate rooms and it would all be fine."

"Yes, and it was," I said. It had been fine. The sex had been particularly fine, but that's not the message I wanted to convey. "I think that I was able to help him build good relationships with the people in Edinburgh. One of the girls at Newcastle seemed to think that, because he was my Boss, we were having sex. I was very quick to disabuse her of that idea. I explained that we were both happily married and wouldn't do anything to jeopardise our relationships." This was dangerous territory, so I only told Karen things that I knew to be true, so she wouldn't suspect. She seemed happy with what I'd said.

"Yeah. And I guess it made me feel ever guiltier when Pauline and I resumed - or, perhaps, continued - our relationship while you were away. It wasn't easy with the girls asleep down the hall, but we certainly had fun. Anyway, when he got home, H was as randy as anything. There was something different. He seemed almost aggressive."

"That last day in Edinburgh was a bit of a trial. I think it almost came to physical violence. I know he was quite angry about what McIlwaine and his clan had been up to. I guess there was a lot of pent-up emotion after that. But I would suppose that you didn't mind that he wanted to channel that into your first sex for a week."

"I guess not. But it was the first time in months that he'd wanted to fuck my arse. I didn't always enjoy that."

"He wanted to what?" I pretended to be shocked, but actually I was jealous of the fact that he'd done it with Karen and I'd never had that experience with him.

"Oh yes. With H, nothing was off the menu. The first time, it hurt - rather a lot. You see, he was quite big, and I don't just mean his body. I'm quite petite and skinny, so my bum wasn't built for that kind of abuse. I reluctantly allowed him to try it a second time, and it was a lot better. After that, we used to do it every now and again, and most of the time I enjoyed it. It was easy to be submissive with H, and sometimes I liked to do that and let him use me. I found that, if I allowed myself to be his sexual plaything, he could give me some incredible orgasms."

I remembered the orgasms the Boss had given me in Edinburgh and felt a pang of regret. He'd left we wanting more, and now there wasn't any more. So I turned to the Boss's widow and said "can I give you another orgasm?"

And I did. We kissed and hugged and caressed, exploring all of the erogenous zones that men typically ignore, and we took a lot of time over it. After some delightful kissing, stroking, licking and sucking, we both came in what I understood is the 'scissors' position, with Karen enthusiastically rubbing her pussy against mine.

Kevin arrived next morning with the girls, and a change of clothes for me; all I had was the rather fancy dress I'd worn for the wedding. Harriet beamed when she saw me, toddled up to me and gave me a hug. Abi and Ellie hugged their mum and, after coffee, we took them all to the park so they could play on the equipment there. We took Karen and the girls home, and Harriet had a bit of a paddy when she had to leave her two playmates.

But after she'd been put to bed, after I'd showered and eaten the meal Kevin had prepared for us, I got down on my knees and sucked his cock until he was good and hard. Then I pulled up my skirt, slipped my panties off and invited him to eat me as I sat on the dining room table. Just before I felt I was about to come, I pulled his head up, slipped off the table, turned around and got enthusiastically and very enjoyably fucked, bent over with Kevin rubbing my clit in a most delightful way. And all the while, my mind was filled with memories of my late Boss, hammering my pussy in a way that should've hurt but felt thrilling. And of my Boss's widow, rubbing her pussy hard against mine until we both had shuddering orgasms. And of my husband, fucking my tight arse that first time. And just as I was coming, I realised just how much the last few years had improved my sex-life.

Chapter 10. And So It Goes

When Ellie graduated from university, we threw a big party. Harriet had just finished her A-levels, and we were expecting straight As or A*s. She'd taken her Cambridge entrance exam and seemed to have done well. Abi flew back from New York where she'd been working for a major management consultancy and, of course, Kevin and I were joined by Karen and Matt, Karen's 'new' partner - they'd been together for nearly eight years - to celebrate Ellie's first-class honours degree from Durham. Although separated by thousands of miles, the three girls were still in daily contact through WhatsApp, FaceTime, Facebook and some social media platforms I'd never heard of. Physical distance meant nothing - they were still inseparable.

By now, Kevin had graduated to headmaster, and then to 'super-head', in charge of several schools. Meanwhile, I'd developed the bid unit to a point where it became a sales and marketing department. Frank had retired, and we now had Justin as sales manager with me as head of marketing. (I'd done a day-release MBA at the Open University, which was very hard work but helped me develop the marketing skills I'd picked up over my first few years with Jarrett's). Despite recessions and other ups and downs, the firm was still doing well, and in addition to now having nine plants throughout the UK, we'd bought two in Europe; one in France and another in Germany. David Jarrett had also retired, but retained a significant stock holding. All of the directors - including me - had quite valuable holdings in the company, and we'd continued the Boss's strategy of promotion from within wherever possible, so staff retention and loyalty was excellent. Sam was now Head of Admin, and was planning to marry Pauline the next year, once the law on same-sex marriages was passed.

We'd planned a marquee event in our back garden. In line with our income and status, Kevin and I had moved to a much-larger house with around a half-acre garden. On the big day, Harriet was looking a little serious, and she went into a huddle with her best friends quite early on. After the lunch, the champagne, the speeches of congratulations from Karen and Matt and Ellie's emotional speech of thanks, Harriet came up to me and asked if we could have a word in private. We went into the house and she produced a piece of paper.

"Mum, Abi, Ellie and me - we did this DNA thing. We decided that we all wanted to know about our ancestry. It was a bit of fun..."

I suddenly felt a stab of cold dread.

"When the results came back, it was interesting. We all have some DNA from different bits of Europe. Ellie and Abi have German DNA, which we guessed is from their mum. But we all have Scandinavian DNA. And here's the weird bit. We'd agreed to put our details on their database to see if it matched us with anyone else. It came back and said we all shared fifty-percent of our DNA. We're half-sisters. Like, I knew we were close, but not, like, that close." She looked at me with a very serious expression. "So Mum, how is that possible?"

"Harriet, I..." I really didn't know how to respond. "Have you - have you told anyone else about this?"

"Not yet. Obviously Abi and Ellie know, and we have an idea of what might've happened, but I wanted to hear it from you first. See, I don't think Dad could've had a long-running affair with Auntie Karen; it's not likely that he could've fathered two daughters without Auntie Karen's husband finding out. I can only think of one answer. Who's my real dad, Mum?"

"Harriet, baby, you have to realise. It was a long time ago..."

"Around nineteen years, I guess," she responded tartly.

"Look, sweetie, there are some things you need to understand..."

"Oh, I understand, Mum. You had an affair behind Dad's back with Abi and Ellie's dad, and you made the mistake of getting pregnant. All my life, I've thought of Dad as my father, and now I realise it's all been a lie." She was virtually in tears.

"Harriet, darling, please let me explain..."

"What's to explain? You fucked your boss, the father of my best friends, and I never realised that we were really sisters until now. Were you ever going to tell me?" There were tears rolling down her cheeks.

I reached out to hug her but she pushed me away. "So why shouldn't I go out there and announce to the world that I'm actually not my dad's real daughter? That you were cheating on him and Auntie Karen all along?"

I finally pulled myself together and decided I had to act, fast.

"Harriet, darling, please listen to me. Have I been a good mother to you?"

"Well, yes, but..."

"And has your dad been a good and loving father?"

"Yes, but he's not..."

"Stop! You need to hear this. Your dad and I couldn't have kids. I thought it was me, but it turns out it was him. By a complete accident, I ended up having sex with my Boss, who was the second most wonderful man I've ever met, after your dad."

"Accidental sex? I don't think so..." She was sounding angry.

"Look, Harriet, our fling lasted less than three days. Three days! We decided it had been a mistake and we stopped."

"Only because he died!" she spat back at me.

"No! We stopped around a month before he was killed. Neither of us wanted to damage our marriages. But I didn't realise that I was even fertile, which is how I got pregnant. The result was you, and the Boss would've been so proud of you. Kevin and I had tried IVF and it had failed. We'd talked about going to a sperm bank - we really wanted a child - but decided we didn't want a baby from a random stranger."

"So you had a baby with a married man! Mum, how could you?"

I tried to gather my thoughts. "Well, Harriet my love, if I hadn't, you wouldn't be here now. We would have had no children at all. And you wouldn't be the brilliant, beautiful young woman we love so dearly and of whom we're so proud. But what do you propose to do about it?"

"I - I'm going to tell Dad. And Auntie Karen."

"You could. And you'd hurt both of them, as well as me. And who knows; your dad might be so angry that he'll want to divorce me. In which case, we'd need to sell this house, divide up the proceeds and move to smaller places. You'll have split up your parents, lost your home and hurt Karen. For what?"


"Think it through, Harriet. That's what your father - your biological father, not the guy who brought you up and loved you and cared for you - would have said. You have his genes, and you have all the common sense and love that your dad and I poured into you, as well as the private education that we bought for you, so you're well equipped to make sensible decisions. Yes, you would be justified in screeching your outrage at everyone, and in the process, you'd probably destroy the lives of everyone who's loved and nurtured you and made you the person you are today. Or you can calm down, and maybe you and I can have a sensible talk about what happened around nineteen years ago."

"Oh, Mum, I..."

I got up and put my arms around her, and she sobbed into my shoulder.

"Look, Harriet, just take your time on this. If, in due course, you decide you want to let everyone know about your strange parentage, I can't stop you, but be aware of the consequences. And if you're interested to know more, I'll tell you what happened back then and you can decide how you process that information. But if you want to avoid hurting people, and you really love your mum and dad, then you have to understand how to keep a secret."


"How is she?" Kevin asked as I returned to the kitchen. He was with Karen, emptying the dishwasher and putting things away. Matt had taken Abi and Ellie, with a couple of their friends, to a club. They'd wanted to take Harriet, but she wasn't feeling well enough.

"She's asleep. I've put her on her side, but I don't think she'll bring anything else up tonight." Harriet had drunk several glasses of champagne and thrown up in the flower bed. Then again on the way back into the house, and then into a bucket as I'd guided her upstairs. I'd undressed her, given her some water to drink and put her to bed.

Earlier, we'd sat in her room and I'd explained to her about her biological father and how she'd been conceived. I of course left out the details of what had happened. I just told her about the mix-up with the rooms, the fact that it'd been a difficult time at work and that we were both feeling rather stressed, and that our mutual attraction had led to an affair that lasted for just three nights.

"I really wish that he'd lived to see you now. He'd have been so proud of you, and you'd really have liked him. He was a remarkable man. But your dad is also a remarkable man, because he's risen to the challenge of bringing you up all these years, and I think he's done a great job, don't you?"

"I suppose so. And you really think he doesn't know?"

"If he does, he's never mentioned it. I've never seen any sign of jealousy or resentment, so if he's guessed, he's hidden it well. Do you think Abi and Ellie will tell their mum?"

I was concerned about the effect the news might have on Karen. She was a dear friend; actually, much more than a friend. Our lesbian affair, which had started on the evening of Neil and Tina's wedding, didn't end there. It had continued, sporadically, for years. Even after she met Matt, we would still find opportunities to spend a few hours between one another's legs.

"God, it's so good to have a cock inside me again," she'd said as we sipped wine in her bed, about six months after Matt had moved in with her. He and Kevin had taken the girls to a school netball match. Abi was playing, and Ellie and Harriet wanted to go to support her, so the two 'boys' had taken their daughters - and a few bottles of beer - and given Karen and I a 'night off'.

And we'd taken advantage of it. Their car was barely out of sight before we were ripping one another's clothes off. I loved the way Karen sucked my nipples, the way she expertly finger-fucked my arse while tongue-lashing my clit until I screamed. And I felt a great sense of pride when I made her squirt as I sucked her large clit while using two vibrators to double-penetrate her.

"So you're bored with scissoring me," I'd said, jokingly.

"Of course not!" She kissed me. "It's just that having a real flesh and blood cock inside me is such a change from plastic. And I like to feel Matt... no, I shouldn't say..."

"C'mon, babes. I want to know all the dirty facts. Fair's fair," I replied.

As our relationship had progressed, she and I had increasingly discussed what we enjoyed about sex. She'd asked me about what I liked doing with Kevin, and I felt I should tell her about some of our wilder adventures. After all, she'd told me what the Boss was like in bed, though I clearly couldn't let on that I'd enjoyed some of his bedroom skills myself. When she'd felt ready to start dating again, I'd tried to help her, acting almost like a chaperone. She'd arrange to meet a guy in a pub, and I'd sit at a nearby table and be on hand in case she felt uneasy. On one occasion, I'd actually had to step in when a guy tried to get too familiar, too fast, in his car outside one establishment. I helped her get away and drove her home, rather shaken. A gentle session of lovemaking helped her recover from the experience. On a few rare occasions, she did allow a guy to take her home, and if the lucky man had the privilege of fucking her, she would tell me all about it later. And we'd have quite a lot of hot and very enjoyable sex ourselves. While our sexual adventures had become a little less frequent after the start of Karen's relationship with Matt, we hadn't stopped.

She'd told me, with just a little embarrassment, about how she'd offered her pert little arse to Matt, after they'd been 'a couple' for a few months. "He's actually pretty good at fucking me. He isn't as big or as powerful as H, but he's not without skill in the fucking department, if you see what I mean. He has some good moves and he usually makes me come, sometimes just from fucking me. When he offered to take me out for my birthday, I decided to give him a treat. I prepared, wore a plug all evening - it was one of those vibrating ones with a remote control, and I kept turning it on at intervals to juice myself up. And we finished off a bottle of good champagne between us, so I was in a pretty relaxed but sexed-up state by the time we got home, and I was absolutely gagging for it."