Mrs Jones' Party


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"Claire, go and re-heat the food and we'll be down shortly. Don't bother finding fresh knickers, you can give them to Simon, I want these girls to know I'm not wearing panties, our little secret, eh girls!" They nodded, and Claire left the room.

"So where were we? Ah! Yes, you have to take off your clothes and I'll find you something to wear." Were they really up for this? In their present state they were too horny to care. They stood up started to take their shoes off.

"I'm sorry, girls, first things first, Lisa, I want you to strip Jenny naked."


"I hope you're the type of people who respect the truth and keep promises. And you promised me anything if I bared all, and I kept my side of the bargain, in fact I went one step further. And if you want to come around here anytime and demand my nudity then I think the least you could do is give me this do you think?"

"Yes, Mrs Jones." They said without hesitation. Wow were they really going to be allowed to see this woman nude anytime they desired. Then Lisa said.

"Perhaps we'll move in and demand that you're naked all the time and we'll just use you as our sex toy, licking you and touching you, keeping you in a constant state of arousal. Maybe we'll get Bill and Paul 'round and you can watch while we fuck them then you can eat their cum from our pussies." Mrs Jones had sat down and spread her legs over each arm of the chair, she had one hand in her dress tweaking a nipple and the other gently stroking her twat. "Do you like the sound of that Mrs Jones?"

"Mmmmmm, Lisa, I could think of nothing more lovely. Promise me you'll do it, please."

"Ok, Mrs Jones, I promise."

"And so do I, but we'll have to convince Bill and Paul first." Said Jenny, watching the woman pleasure herself over them as they had done so many times over her.

"They'd be fools to turn you two down. Now please Lisa everyone is waiting for us."

"Yes, Mrs Jones. And for the record I'd love to taste your pussy." Jenny purred.

"Mmmmmnnnngggg. Lets see what the evening has in store. Please take off Jenny's shirt, oh my, what nice breasts you have Jenny. And her trousers. Ooooo, a lovely wet patch. I'm glad you're as turned on as I am. Lisa, can you face me and,Jenny, will you remove Lisa's t-shirt. Oooooo, what a lovely jiggle they have Lisa, and no bra, and are they rings in your nipples? You naughty little girl. Perhaps you should be spanked."

"Mmm, oh yes, Mrs Jones, I think I've been a very naughty girl."

"Now her skirt, Miss Ball. My, my, Miss Worth no knickers either and you shave, just like mine. Were you expecting something from tonight, Miss Worth?" Jenny couldn't believe her friend had no underwear on but she did have when they changed at Lisa's house.

"When did you take your underwear off, you filthy minx!"

"I took the bra off at Bill's house, when I went to the toilet."

"I thought Mr Matthews was more keen to take us, but I thought it was because his program had finished. Now I know it's because of those headlights." She pinched her friend's nipples which instantly hardened in Jenny's fingers.

"Uuunn, god those piercings make them sensitive."

"And the knickers, you didn't? LISA!" Jenny squeaked and laughed.

"Well, I new he was staring at my tits in the house. Then in the car he moved the mirror to watch them bounce as we drove so I put on a little show for him. You were looking out of the window and I don't think he saw anything but I slipped my knickers in his chest pocket when I kissed him goodnight."

"LISA!!!" Mrs Jones and Jenny said together. Jenny spanked her bottom, hard, 'OW!' making it jiggle and leaving a juicy red hand print.

"I was hoping Paul might, well, you know, erm.... fuck me tonight." She offered as an excuse.

"Lisa Worth, such a foul mouth and brazenness. What shall we do with you?" She bent over in front of Mrs Jones, proffering her cute little tush and the puffy lips of her very excited pussy, her young female body so lithe and firm irresistible to the woman. She spanked her hard leaving a red hand print on the other cheek, she squealed, then nearly fell over as Mrs Jones slipped two fingers along the crack of her very wet perfect cunt. Then pushed her away.

"Later. Now Jenny could you face me and, Lisa, I want you to take Jenny's bra off." They were sublime, virtually no movement from the large round orbs as the bra dropped to the floor, perfect little bud like nipples. "Now her panties, if you please. Gosh, Jenny, a full head of hair, I think it may be the only one in the house. But why shave when it's as good as that. Now you're naked, mmmmmm, just stand next to each other." And the stood there for what seemed like an hour as they watched Mrs Jones gently stroke her pussy absorbing the perfection that stood before her.

"Would you like us to turn 'round, Mrs Jones?"

"No thank you, Jenny. I think I would be happy to die here looking at you two. But....... Please could you masturbate for me?" The girls looked at each other wildly but Mrs Jones took this for fear, perhaps she'd over stepped the mark.

"I'm sorry, girls, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do." Then Jenny started to relate their story,

"It's just we've been masturbating over you for years and now we have a chance to actually to do it for real and it's all a bit surreal. We'd like to make it really special for you. With that they look into each others eyes then back at Mrs Jones and step right up to her so their legs are touching hers. Then they each put a hand onto Mrs Jones' leg and a hand on the others breast and slowly draw all four hands together. Closer and closer they get to their goal and all three women start moaning. It is like electricity surging through them. This is the story we told to each other the first time we masturbated together, exactly this Mrs Jones, we found you wanking and had to join in. The feel of your thigh the look of your sweet pussy the touch of our young flesh. As the hands moved closer and closer the heat building between them the sparks flying from hands to pussy. More and more intense as the hands get closer then...... they touch pussy and explode fingers exploring, playing and FFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKIIIIINNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!! Uuunnnnggg they fuck U U U they........can't............take..............any..................... mmmmmmmooooooorrrrreeeee!" And the two girls collapse onto Mrs Jones. After a couple of minutes they all come to their senses.

"You naughty wicked young girls. That was amazing, utterly, utterly beautiful. But you are bad, bad girls and I know now what you shall wear to the party. Quick there are guests waiting." She dived into the cupboard and pulled out a box of old clothes. She took out two blue shirts, two school ties, two short pleated skirts and two pairs of long blue socks. Once they were dressed with no underwear and their own trainers they looked like something from a wet dream. Both girls hair was in high bunches, the shirts were way too large but tucked into their short gym slips and undone to the middle of their chests. Their ties were very loose indeed, and the skirts did an adequate job of hiding them, even if they bent over they were still decent. Then something caught Mrs Jones eye. There in the bottom of her cupboard were two large pairs of frilly knickers. The frills just visible as they walked and the front of the skirt kicked up.

"Perfect, let's go and eat!"

Chapter Three

Diane entered first to jeers and heckles from the hungry group. But the wine had obviously loosened them up a bit.

"I'm sorry I've been so long but it took me ages to get rid of those madams." Bill and Paul breathed a sigh of relief, "but I did find some very, very, naughty schoolgirls!"

"hhhhhoooorrrraaahhhh!!!!" Everyone cheered including Bill and Paul as they thought they must be somebody else.

In skipped the girls licking huge lollipops Mrs Jones had found in the kitchen. Glad to see more woman than man which relaxed them. Bouncing from bunches to boobs, another huge cheer went up. They skipped around Mrs Jones slapping her bottom with the lollipops each time they went behind her they struck and another cheer went up from the table.

"Jennifer, Lisa! Stop it now!" Oh my god, it was them, but do they know what's going on? They stopped by Mrs Jones side.

"Everyone, this is Jenny."

"Hello." She curtsied.

"Everyone, this is Lisa."

"Hello." She curtsied.

"Now sit down, please." Jenny sit next to Bill, and Lisa next to Paul. The girls look around the table and are shocked by the amount of cleavage on show but are comforted by their two friends sat next to them. Jenny leans in to Bill, he sees inside her shirt at it falls forward and can't help but stare at her lovely breast and nipple. His cock strains against his shorts, she casually closes the shirt and whispers.

"How did you come by this lot?" Lisa is obviously asking Paul the same question. The boys glance at each other and Bill starts to speak to the table.

"Well, we were stood by the bus stop and met Jane over there,"


"And then Rose, over there,"

"Hello," Her breasts burst from the confines of her basque as she leant to say hello to Jenny, and everyone laughed. "This bloody thing." Lisa couldn't help but stare at the woman's amazing breasts on full show. The girls are even more stunned when she turns to Bill for assistance.

"Would you be a love and help me put these back?"

"C..c..certainly." He grabs her breasts and starts to push them back in her nipples visibly hardening to his touch as eventually they disappear from view.

"Thank you, and you can do that again anytime." The girls scowl at Bill but he just shrugs Lisa looks at Jenny as if to say 'well are you going to tell him what just happened upstairs!' (little did they know) and Bill carries on with the story.

"So as I was saying, Rose over there, no! Don't move!" everyone giggled, "invites us into this garden, where we meet Mr Jacobs." Who stands and bows.

"Hello, you heartbreakers." And kisses Jenny's hand, whose mouth nearly hits the floor when she sees the bulge in his trousers. The girls grin back at him and look to each other pulling the 'did you see the size of that' face, bringing a laugh from the table.

"Most people have that reaction the first time they see Jonathon's package." Diane said noticing the look on the girls' faces as they blush crimson from having been caught.

"And then Mrs Jones comes down the path and invites to the house for a meal. Where we met Phillipa, Claire and Simon."

"But your Mum said you met Mrs Jones in town." Lisa said.

"Oh no, that's how it happened, mind you that was hours ago and there's been a lot of water under the bridge since then." Said Jane, and everyone laughed, except the girls who didn't get the joke but they didn't feel too bad as everyone seemed really nice.

"Now for the first game of the night. Simon will come around with a bowl of cards, pick one and do whatever the card says, it's a sort of icebreaker. Phillipa to go first and then clockwise around the table. Simon!" Simon came from the kitchen with a bowl of cards. He stood and leant, offering the bowl to Phillipa. Lisa could clearly see the first curve of his bottom and quickly looked away.

"Oh, you seem to have dropped one." Lisa said to him. He turned and bent from the waist. Lisa couldn't believe what she saw, nor could Jenny. His tiny mini exposed his bottom straight away, covered in switch marks, like Claire. as he bent further a tiny g-sting came into view, further, the tiny piece of material obviously a woman's did nothing to contain his balls as they spilt around the gusset. The material was sodden and she then remembered Mrs Jones asking Claire to give him her knickers. The damp panties were now shear and the big bulbous head of his cock was clearly in view about a foot from her face she could also see something stuck in his bottom too.

"Oooo, Simon you're not leaving much too poor Lisa's imagination, bend your knees next time." And another laugh went around the table. Except Lisa who was blushing again!

"Sorry, Madam, just ask anything of me?" He said to Lisa. Lisa only meant to think what she blurted out, and she was still aroused from recent events upstairs.

"Are those Mrs Jones panties?"

"Yes, Madam, they are."

"Can I see them please?" She wanted to check as Mrs Jones had a red flash on the front.

"On or off, Madam?" A giggle went around the table.

"Off, please." As she thought this would cause the least amount of embarrassment for everyone. With that he lifted up his tiny mini which stayed up showing off his swelling member encased in the no longer white, but shear material and whipped them off and passed them to her. She just gawped at his rapidly growing tool. A nudge in the side from Paul brought her back to the table and she took the panties from him. He lowered his mini his semi-hard cock pushing out the font of the skirt. He picked up the bowl again and offered it to Phillipa. Lisa didn't know what to do with the panties so she just sat on them. Out of the corner of her eye she was aware that Simon had not moved and he just stood there with his hardening cock throbbing, making the front of the mini twitch. Phillipa swished her hands in the bowl and picked a card out.

"Ask the person on your right when was the last time they had any form of sex, where and who with. So Diane, let's start with, when was the last time you had any form of sex?" The girls flashed a look at each other, was Mrs Jones going to tell them about what had just happened upstairs? The boys were also worried because they thought that Mrs Jones was going to relate the story from the garden! They all waited with baited breath.

"Well that's easy, it was about fifteen minutes ago." The boys breathed a sigh of relief, then, they looked open mouthed at the girls. What had happened upstairs? The girls wanted the ground to open up and swallow them.


"In my bedroom."

"Who with?"

"Two lovely, very sexy, young women." Everyone in the room looked at the girls. They just stared into their laps, blushing profusely. Were the boys going to be disgusted and walk out?

"Oh well done." Mr Jacobs said and started to applaud as did everyone else. Phillipa put her hand on Lisa's thigh and gave her a reassuring squeeze. Lisa looked up to see the woman's kind face oozing sympathy.

"It's ok, we're all quite open minded. Don't feel too embarrassed"

"Thank you."

She suddenly felt a lot better and Paul put his arm around her.

Now it was Lisa's turn, she swished the cards around and picked one.

"I can't do this!" She exclaimed.

"Now, Lisa, I would really like you to do this, though you don't have to, but I would like to remind you of our little agreement, and your reward. But you can always just leave, though, and I think I say this for everybody I really don't want you to."

"Stay!!" chorused everyone.

"Oh, Mrs Jones, I really want to stay. Please, I'll do anything else,"

"Anything? I'll remind you the other options are a lot harder."

"I really can't do it Mrs Jones, I really can't."

"Ok, Simon, bring the other cards." He got the other cards from the kitchen and offered her the hat.

"Oh my god!" Lisa was regretting her decision.

"Well, my girl, what do you think?"

"I wish I'd kept the other one."

"What does it say?"

"It 'Spank everybody on both cheeks making sure you leave a red mark on both. Also pick someone to prepare everyone for you. It must be done behind the chair they are sat on. You have to return everyone to how they were dressed before with no help and the preparer gets four'." She gulped "Erm...I pick Phillipa." As she'd been kind to her and thinking that Paul wouldn't have the first idea what to do.

Paul got up and stood behind his chair, which was covered, as all the chairs were, giving a modicum of discretion for the receiver, Phillipa came around behind him. She knew that Lisa fancied him so decided to prepare him well. She fiddled for ages with his flies pretending they were being awkward causing a bulge to form in his shorts. When she thought he'd grown enough she pulled them down to his knees his cock looked great, she hadn't had a play with it yet but now was not the time. Lisa was trying to peek but Paul was also a bit shy and covered it as best he could. 'Whack' 'Whack' on his tight young bottom "Ooow!" Claire was to be the referee as she wasn't in the room at the time.


Now she had to get his shorts back on. She knelt on the floor in front of him his cock at nearly full mast, swaying before her eyes she was enthralled as she absentmindedly pulled them up pressing it up against his shirt, he had a very nice cock but it was never going to go in like that, she did up his shorts and left it poking out of the waistband. He stood there with his cock on view over the top of his shorts. Claire stroked it and it dribbled a bit of cum. She dabbed her finger in it and sucked it clean.

"Mmmmm, Pass," Lisa couldn't believe what she had seen.

"Next." Cried Mrs Jones.

Phillipa had already prepared Jane had she looked amazing her tits were spilling over the front of the chair for the rest of the table to see and her fine arse was on view for Lisa, with her cunt poking out between her thighs and her rubber knickers around her ankles. Lisa couldn't believe the brazenness of the woman but she did look really good. How could she stand there like that in front of a complete stranger?

'Whack' and 'Whack' she watched the young woman's arse wiggle and everyone else watched her tits wiggle.

"Fail." Declared Claire.

'Whack' and 'Whack' "Oooooo! Harder still I think my sweet." Said Jane to Lisa. " At least I hope so."

"Fail! Her bottom is red but no hand print."

'Whack' and 'Whack' Uuuunnnggg! Oh yes that's it." Lisa's fingers had also made contact with Jane's pussy. Jane turned to Lisa to have her panties replaced. Lisa was now face to face with this beautiful woman looking great in her rubber nurses uniform. The skirt had fallen back into place and Lisa had to get under it to replace the rubber panties. Jane's smell was intoxicating in the confines of her skirt, that and the smell of the rubber, was making Lisa feel very horny. The woman's pussy only inches from her face. She felt the urge to lick it, but didn't have the guts to taste her first pussy in front of all these strangers. The knickers were now up in place. Claire just lifted Jane's skirt and had a good feel to make sure she was all tucked away, much to Jane's enjoyment.

"Fail! It's a right mess in there." Lisa got down on all fours back under Jane's skirt, she pushed a finger in either side at the top of the rubber panties an slid all the way round to Jane's bum. Fingers sliding over pussy all the way.

"Oooooh! Ooooooh! Mmmmm! You can do that again if you want, sweetie." Claire had another grope. "Mmmmm."

"Pass!" Mr Jacobs arse was ready for her and Phillipa had been kind, making sure the old man's cock stayed in his trousers because she knew Lisa would never get it back in without an accident and she didn't think the poor girl was ready for that.

'Whack' and 'Whack' "Mmmmm! I agree with Jane, that is good." And two red hand marks appeared on his cheeks.

"Pass!" He trousers came back into place with ease, but as she was doing the buttons up on the front of his trousers.

"Is that your penis, Mr Jacobs?" He loved it even more when a gorgeous young woman called it a penis and it grew a little more.

"May I touch it?" What had come over her this evening? She was wanton, what with Mr Matthews, upstairs and now all this.

"Yes, but only through the trousers and do the buttons up first." The fiddling with the buttons had the desired affect. When she came to touch it she had watched it grown halfway down his leg. Lisa traced its length with her fingers, she could feel every ridge and bump through the thin material and the huge bulbous end throbbed to her feathery touch. She wanted to see it and touch it kiss it as it swelled before her eyes. But could she fuck it? Would it fit?
